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There are 1188 gas cookers in use in Masterton. During the past month the Masterlon Gas Department sold 2890 bags of coke. Five claims for temporary assistance were dealt with at yesterday ’s meeting in Masterton of the Claims Board of the Wairarapa Patriotic. .Association., Tho cookers sold by the Masterton Gas Department during the past month totalled seven, making the number sold for the current year sixteen.

A Press Association .telegram from Christchurch states that the head of ji.-e of the New Zealand Shipping Com-, pany has been transferred to Wellington. The board of directors, bowcvct, will continue to in Christchurch.

•The Empire . Theatre, in Hast ings Street Napier,., owned for a number of. years l by Mi; J. 1 igor Brown, M.P., has changed hands, the purchasers being Messrs Frank Lowndes and Son, shipping and general carriers, of Gisborne. °The purchase price was in the vicinity of £7OOO. . The Wellington Education Board has just taken out a policy in .the amount of £SOO covering the whole of the school children under its jurisdiction against accidents occurring. .within the precincts' of the. schools, or whilst being conveyed to and from their homes. It is stated that a local resident Carefully locked away a portmanteau containing a number of bottles ot whisky in an outhouse, and aj. short time later, ;ou going to “bronchi a bottle, discovered that the shed' had been broken into and the and its contents removed.

In answer to a question asked'.at. the meeting held yesterday afternoon to discuss the question of establishing a irirls ’ hostel in Masterton, the Mayor (Mr W. H. Jackson) stated that the hostel was not primarily for the purpose of ousting girls at, present in the' town by immigrants. Probably the immigrants would only stay at the hostel for a day or so. The institution was primarily for local girls. Oorproal Francis Pcgalimagabow, a Redskin Indian, of Parry Sound, Onrnriq, is officially credited by the Canadian army with having shot •■>7B Dolmans during the war. The corporal who was a hunter and trapper m Canada before he enlisted) served as a sharpshootey with the Canadian .Expeditionary Force, and is said that he never missed. He was awarded the Military Medal with two bars.Someairmen' who were engaged iip bombing raids over the German lines claim to have killed thousands of men,,but i it is considered' likely that CofporaJ, Peghhmagabow' holds the rocord amongst infantrymen.

In.consequence of a refusal on the part, of mine-owners to grant art increase in wtages (sates -. the Christchurch Sun’s (Greymouth (correspondent), the deputies of the VYest Coast mines have given the companies u fortnight’s notice, which will expire this week. The demand of the deputies was for £7 a week for -day shift, £7 10s for. afternoon, and £7 15s for night. The owners at Westport, lately offered £6, £6 10s, .and £(%. 15s.respectively for the three shirts/ which would equal an increase of 621 per cent upon the pre-war rate for day shift' and G 8? per cent on the other two. The offer, however, was declined, though it is understood that a further conference on the matter 'will be held.

In the ease of Christina Saville, the woman who was found wandering about at Thorndon on Thursday night with her two young children, she was j charged at the Wellington Magistrate's I Court, ysoterday with having insufficient lawful visible means of support. The evidence showed that the woman hail been suffering from great' mental distress. She , came from New Plymouth about a. month ago in the hope Viof work, but with two young cliitilre'h—-one an infant in arms—the handicap whs too great. Mr Page, S.M., said he would not enter a conviction, but ho advised the > accused to stay .with, the Salvation Army, which P would, look after her until she was able ;to get work. The two children had : been sent to a receiving home.)

What is stated to be the first case in Queensland heard under the Profit - eering Act of 1020, came before the Police Court at Maryborough, when the Commissioner of Priest*, proceeded against: Denhams, Ltd., Maryborough, charging them with having committed a breach of the Act, in that they sold a quantity of sugar at the rate of 4 23-28 d per lb. such [vice being higher thrin the declared price, namely hid.. The defendant firm pleaded guilty. Mr Moreton stated the breach had occurred through the absence of information, the proclamation with reference to the price fixed having been published in the Government Gazette, and Brisbane Press on Saturday,. March 27, but not in the local Press. It was on that day. that the sugar had been sold. The police magistrate imposed a line of £IOO.

A meeting of those interested in the establishment of a branch of the Y.W.C.A. in Masterton and a Girls’ - Hostel under its auspices, was held in the • Y.M.C.A, yesterday afternoon. The Mayor (Mr W. IT. Jackson) presided, and there were also present the Mayoress and Mosdames 11. 11. Beetliam, Collie, Cocker, Page, Drummond, Archer Hosking, and Miss Darnell, Rev G. T. Brown and Mr W. J. Tennent. The guarantee canvassing ciommittee reported that £350 had been obtained towards the project, besides a certain sum of money in cash donations. Deports on the various properties were made bv the visiting committee. It was unanimously decided to continue with the canvassing, and to hold another meetong in a fortnight’s time, fallen a definite offer had been received in connection with a certain property. Messrs W. 11. Jackson, W. .1 .Tennent, and Rev. G. T. Brown were appointed a sub-committee to act in connection with the financial proposals of the scheme, and to negotiate for a certain property. Black and Blue Cosy Slippers, in all sizes, at Wairarapa’s Leading Footwear Store, next Post Office, Masterton* No cold can grip when ‘NAZOL’ is used. A powerful and penetrating germicide, it gives instant relief and wards off influenza.*

One Auckland fivrn has announced a reduction in the price of all brands of teh of sixpence per pound. Last year the number of bodies cremated in- London exceeded 2000, an increase of LI per cent on the figures of 1018.

It is rumoured that the Taueru Hotel has changed hands, and that .an erstwhile Mastertonian \will take charge shortly. At its meeting last night, the Petone Borough Council decided to place all private school property on the valuation roll for voting purposes.

The petition in connection with the formation of a new street opposite’ the Fire Station will be presented to the Hastorton Borough Coimejl to-night. A local milk vendor informed a “Daily Times" reporter yesterday 1 hat there is-at present a plentiful supple, and he can obtain more milk than ii (_■ requires.

It is stated that a raid was made a ,l ;1 y or two ago on the promises of an aliened slv-grog seller in Alastertou, and that 'the matter will shortly be given further publicity in the S.M. Court.

Geologists have found that Africa contains less coal than any other continent, and that of the 57,000,000,000 tons estimated to exist there, the bnion of South Africa has about 07 per cent.

Mr D. 11. Rutherford, of - Masterton was most, successful at the Christchurch Poultry Show, held last week. A silver'Wyandotte pullet belonging to Mr Rutherford won nine prizes, including tiyc specials, a cup and two gold medals. Some 101,440 acres d’f land are to be opened for selection this month. An additional area of 45006 acres will be opened in -duly. The “Crown Lands Guide” contains particulars of over 571,000 acres already open for selection.

The Prime Minister advised the Pc-, tone Borough Council last, night that the proposal'to make Saturday afternoon a universal half-holiday throughout the Dominion would be considered when the legislative programme was being reviewed. There is'an outbreak of diphtheria in several j towns in the Wairarapa. Yesterday a case was. reported, in Musteytoii, and another at Pahiatua. Oii Suudav two eases were admitted to the Masterton Hospital, and. another again ; yesterday. There are six ca«o. of diphtheria under treatment at the •Masterton Hospital. . The.'-e was a good congregation last night at the Yal Trigge Mission. The subject, was “The Yew Birth, and Some Mcn-made Substitutes.” The sermon was full of apt illustrations taken from ancient and modem literature. and the preacher, by his earnestness and graphic fervour of description, secured a firm grip of the congregation; ■;

Speaking at- tile sitting of the Arbitration Court at Christchurch yesterday* in the ;boot operatives’ dispute, Mr t\V. I’. M.appleback,. for the employers, said: prices in the boot and shoo 1 trade • were falling, and retailers Avere abstaining from buying. This was going to affect employment, and lie was afraid they were going to face a period of depression. Speaking at the meeting held in Masterton yesterday, to discuss the question of establishing a girls’ hostel, My W. H. Jackin (Mayor) stated that already the '''canvass for -guarntees- and donations I\4<l been most successful* it was'most’encouraging to find that the matter, jjvhieh ' was . really a most deserving object, Was receiving so much support-. _ . •

“The question of removing the duty on children's footwear as advocated bv -flic Tlawera Council and supported by the Pc tone Council, is to receive due consideration by the, Government,” stated the Prime Minister in reply to a communication from the council read at the meeting of the Petone Borough Council last night. The fortnightly meeting of the Claims Board mf ' the Wairarapa Patriotic Association was held iu Masterton' yesterday afternoon, with Mr J. M. Cora dine iii the chair. Five loans of £3W) for the purchase of stock were granted.; An advance of £l5O for the erection, of a dwelling was approved. Two applications for grants to.complete the purchase of dwellings were held over until the next meeting of the Board to enable further information to be obtained. An unusual incident occurred iu the Hamilton Supreme Court when the jury was 'being empanelled. When handed the: Bible, a juryman said lie objected to swear, and whey the Judge asked why, ho said: “Because the Word of God forbids mo.” . The Judge said that the juryman could make an affirmation. The. man replide that. the Bible told him not "to sweny, “neither on earth or in heaven.” Thereupon His Honour said that the man was not lit to be a. jury,man, and excused him from service:

A well-attended meeting of the Masterton Amateur Theatrical! Society, held last, evening, decided to resume operations again, after a lapse of four years. The funds of the Society are iii a healthy condition, and negotiations are being opened up with the Wellington Opoyatie Co. with a view to hiring the ’ properties for the forthcoming production. The following provisional 'committee has been elected: — Messrs Jago, Travers, Nieol, Francis, Miller, Igguldeu, Vaughan, with Mr Aston as lion, secretary and Mr Spencer Compton musical director. The Society will commence active practice at an •■early date.

The usual meeting of the Loyal Masterton Lodge of Oddfellows was held last night. Bro. J. O. Pinhey, N.G., presided over a good attendance One friend was admitted a member of the Order, eight friends proposed, and one brother admitted by clearance. The reports fib the Friendly Societies’" Dispensary, also of the Friendly Societies’ Council .for the past ■ month, were received. The Dodge decided to enter teams for the F.S. Football Tourney. The fbllowing brothers were nominated for office:—rßro. A. Burton, .NG.; Bros. A. P. D. Reid, T. Doherty. J. Wass for V.G.; Bros. V. C. Bradley anl B. V. Livingston for E.S. The election of officers takes place at the next meeting. The sick visitors’ reports were received. It was decided to play the Foresters in the euchre tourney on Wednesday night next in the Foresters’ Hall.

.Tust. arrived —Ladies’ Cosy and Quilted Slippers, in black, blue, and pale blue, at —Carpenter anl Evans, Masterton.*

“There’s no nlaee like Home,” when ■no can do the washing in half the “-me with “NO RUBBING LAUNDRY HELP.” and have plenty of time left for enjoyable leisure.”

(The cable news in this issue hcct« .ited to “The Times” ha? appeared U that journal, hut onH where n!TrTe*«lT dated is such news the editorial oplp : on of * * The Times

The Fern ridge School has now 3L pupils on its roll. A London cable states that the hempmarket is inactive. There are at present 17 inmates in the Renall Solway Home. Air J. Crew has purchased Air Percy Oates’ farm at Kaituna. The total number of consumers eon- t needed with the Alastertou gasworks is 1886. Under present conditions the production of attar of roses in Bulgaria has ceased to pay, and the rose gardens are being planted with tobacco. During the month of Alav five new Consumers were connected with the Masterton gas supply, making the total since March s.lst last- ton.

The ease of Dennis Gunn, sentenced to death for murder, was before Cabinet yesterday, but the decision will not be made known until to-day.

At Children’s Court, London, Air Clarke Hall, in imposing a line of 8s on a bov. aaed 15, for being drunk, said: “It is scandalous that a child of you* age should be drunk in the street.” Sir Rider Haggard told a Kensington audience that he began to write- “ King Solomon’s Mines” as a joke, and the effect of the book was to rum his career at the Bar.

A man named Brown was fined £- at Grevtown yesterday for going through the "pockets of guests at a local bond and for appropriating whisky. H& was also ordered to restore the stolen moaev, and to submit to a prohibiiioit

order. _ " Air J. W. Blackman, manager of the Alastertou gasworks, is still awaiting: delivery of the* 50 tons of cast iron ililies ordered from Australia. the last advices received stare that these are ready awaiting shipment on the wharf at Newcastle, X.S.W. \ fire occurred early on Saturday morning at Mr H. Rotter’s house on. Moroa Plain, adjoining toe Fruit orchard Company’s property. The bmWlin«r find contents were completely destroyed. There was an insurance ot £IOO on the furniture.

An applicaton for assistance from the dependent of a returned soldier was received, at the meeting of the Claims Board ofi the Wairarapa Patriotic Association in Alastertou yesterdav After some discussion it was <le.•idod to refer the applicant to tbet Atayor’s Local Relief Fund. -The Wairarapa Fanners’ Co-opera-tive Association, Ltd., has donated the sum of £25 towards the fund for establish! n-’ a girls’ hostel 'in’Masterton- un- V dor the auspices of the V.AV.C.A. 1 » the provisional committee has made no direct appeal the gift is much appreciated. ; •

Sir Alfred Booth, head of the Canard Line, testifying before a British industrial court recently, said that -a. steamer which before the war cost £520,000. was, torpedoed, during the war £605,000 insurance being recovered. ' The vessel, he added, was being; replaced at a cost of £950,000. The -as manufactured at the Masterton gasworks during' May -shows a - decrease of 0.22 per cent, and the. gas . sold per meter in April a . 1 4 per cent .compared with the '-j>rre. ponding months of last year. . * With •regard to the decrease, the rationing; _ of gas during th e-faßway. Strike «***?«■ account for the same. Throe applications for loans to purchase stock were refused at yesterday’s meeting in Alastertou oF the Claims Board of the Wairarapa Patriotic Association. The Board considered that, the applicants .would have difficulty in arranging 'Theirfinances elsewhere on the security offered, namely, Hieir personal guarantees. ... The patients’ fees collected during the month "of May V .-Hospital Board were as ’fidklbWs:—Mister ion. £9O 15s 6d; Greytown, £B9 ISs, Pahiatua, £57 16s. As against these amounts the maintenance charges y for the same period totalled £9o» IS? 4d y £505 5s Id, and £226 os- 2d, for .the Masterton, Grevtown and I ainatuas Hospitals respectively-

Seven messenger bojia use automobiles in delivering telegrams iu Cht-ca-i-o and tliev own the cars themselves. ’ Tliev are" paid 3s 10.1 an hour and lime and* a-half for overtime. James Dcnipsev, one of the automobile messengers,' said that the- seven boys bought heir automobiles with money saved from their wages, says the Chicago Tribune.

Reindeer farming* in. Canada is urg ed by -Air Stefanssoin the explorer- as a means of meeting the world's meat Uiorla-e. The flesh of the reindeer •commands a higher price in the American market than beef. It costs os ahoxul per year to herd 1 reindeer, and ne knows of a reindeer- that *cost_ three dollars to rear being sold for 45 dollars.

Dv Mevcher, a member of the French Academy of Medicine, after an extended in\ instigation,- has determined that, duriii'i- a period of live months in 1917, a total of 3,600,000 shell's fell on the front of three Frencli armies. The shells, according to Dr. Mercher, killed 13.627 men and wounded 55,412 Accordion to his .figures it took a total of 305 shells to kill one man and halt as many to, wound one. The Wellington Education Board invite tenders for the erection of a new school at Te Ore Ore. Five geese aye advertised for sale. A 5 or 6-roomed hotiso is required. An advertiser wishes to purchase a piano. See fi-uit advertisement oh poge I of this issue. Shorthorn-Ayrshire dairy cow is advertised for sale. Four tons of first-class O.S. chaff is advertised for sale. A respectable middle-aged man requires work of any kind. Air Jas. Johnson and family, of ML Bruce, insert a thanks notice on page IAir W. E. Newman, motor mechanic, Queen St., inserts a special advertisement on page .1 of this issue.

On receipt of a guinea, Mr Stott, 2 Alexander street, Auckland, will forward two beautiful oil-painted panels of New Zealand scenes.

Anyone w*ho walks through the Wairarapa Farmers’ showroom will be struck with the particularly fine showing of winter costumes and coats. Every garment has been selected with care and is priced to show the superior value always connected with this establishment—The Wairarapa Farmers’ Uo-op. Assn., Ltd., Queen street, Masterton.

Don’t shiver with the cold these, wintry nights< Blankets are a high price, we know, but an eiderdown quilt will supply the warmth of several blankets. We have a good selection of these popular quilts at really reasonaide prices, and would advise you to call and inspect them. —J. Graham and Co., Queen Street, Masterton.

I Canada 's military expedition to Sib- • sria cost £560,000. Jamaica is now issuing its own os currency notes, and half-crown and 10s notes are shortly to be added. An overcharge of Old on a rabbit cost a Handsworth tradesman a fine of iiSt), with £2,2s costs, says the Times, t- For saleswomen and office workers fin adding machine that resembles and is worn as a bracelet has been patent* • ecL Cotton spinners at Ahmedabod lift' o struck work on the refusal of the mill- - owners to grant 30 rupees (£•>) a month for a ten-hour day. Up to the present the Belgian Government has distributed 1,111, 000,000 francs (nominally £4(5,640,000) in paj - ■ anent of war damages. \ company, which appeared a*. OuPS on Friday night, state that they paid £l7 per ton for chaff locally, whereas the cost in Wellington uns ■ £lX—Otaki Mail. The Claims Board of the W airarapa Patriotic Association, at its meeting in Masterton yesterday, decided to pay the first half-year s rent of a rc;'turned soldier, who intends taking up, ' ’Government land. ,c£he Druids 5 annual ball will be held inXthe Municipal Hall on Thursday c\ - cuing next. Music will be supplied by McKenzie 5 s orchestra, and those attending are promised a good night s ■ enjoyment. Double tickets are os, single gent 's os'fid, and extra Indies ~s. A novel way of assisting a prisoner suffering from mental trouble has been adopted by the Recorder at the Old Bailey, England. Ilenry Herbert F rickshaw, a toy maker, admitted a -< ciiArgo of bigamy when before the Sessions last November, and sentence was postponed for a month. During tha " time he was-employed as hospital orderly at Brixton Prison, and the medical officer reported a great improvement in his health, both physically and meutally. Sentence was, therefore, again postponed with the object of continuing and he was described 5 to imo Recorder as quite normal. Hackshaw- was, however, ordered to continue his work at the hospital, and j*e Recorder intimated that, if at the March Sessions a continued • improvement was reported, the prisoner would be released.

Will the person who removed bicycle from front of Krahagen and Chapman's yesterday please return same -ind recover-his awn. —Advt. \

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 46, Issue 14143, 15 June 1920, Page 4

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LOCAL & GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 46, Issue 14143, 15 June 1920, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 46, Issue 14143, 15 June 1920, Page 4