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The London Bank rate cabled to-day is four per cent.

Vickers Company constructs ten battleships for Portugal.

A cargo of Australian wheat was sold in London for per quarter.

Severe fighting is . going on in Mexico between tho Government troops ana tho insurgents.

The London County Council is supplying 9,500,000 meals per annum to destitute children at 2d each.

The Kiug iuvites oversea Ministers to attend the Royal Agricultural Show at Norwich.

A life-buoy bearing the word "Duco" has been picked up at D'Urville Island by a party of surveyors.

The Bwede crops in the Masterton district are stated to have taken exceedingly well this season, and the prospects are promising.

Wisconsin Legislature will prohibit hobble skirts for women, but permit the use of trousers of Turkish pattern.

The N.Z. Institute, meeting yesterday at Auckland presented to Professor Banham the Hutton medal in recognition of scientific work done by him since I'JO6, and for his contribution to zoology.

Charles Fineran, caretaker of the Waltham Sohool, Christcharch, attempted suicide ou Wednesday at Greymouth by cutting his throat in four places with a razor.- He is now in the Hospital, in a critical condition.

The Governor visitod Taranaki yesterday for the first time, and was interested in the oil fields, unveiled the troopers' .j_o.nnm.ent, had a civic reception, and was the guest of the Liedertafel and Liedervfcrauz societies.

The Japanese expedition it waß officially stated was to reach the South Polo on Jaunary 28th to-mor-row) and to start on the return journey on February Ist Wednesday next. This is rather precise for a polar expedition I

Angry, protests have been made at Paris, Barcelona and other European cities against the execution of Anarchists in ToKio. The Japaueso Embassies have been specially protected in consequence.

Wir -Joseph Ward spoke last night in he Town Hall, Stratford, defending the Government' actiou iv the five million loan and deprecatiug unfair criticism. The revenue lor the past nine months had beeu £7,149,000 and the expenditure £-1.034 000—a record. Eleven and a-half milliou had been snent during the past five years on railways, roads and bridges. He praised the work of the session. A vote of thanks and confidence was carried unanimously by acclamation.2 "Li_S3ed Compound" for Coughs and Colds. Loosens phlegm, allays irritation.*

Cyclists complain of the bad state of the deoking on Warden's bridge.

Wellington City Council will import a dozen cremation urns.

Reports of welcomo rain have been received from Danuevirke, Gisborrie and other places.

A freak in the shape of a boy eighteen years old and weighing 42st Blb, also a chimpanzee that smokes a pipe and winds a watch, aro now on tour in New Zealand.

Among other exhibits of interest at the Masterton A. and P. Association's forthcoming Show will be samplos of the solid straw wheat that was grown in the Masterton district for tho first time last year.

John Leahy was charged at the Magistrate's Court, before Mr L. G. Reid, S.M., this morning, with having procured liquor during the currency of a prohibition order, aud was fined 40s and costs.

Th 3 heavy rain that fell last night is stated to have oaused the Waipoua river to rise four feet. The County engineer states that so far as he has been able to serious damage has been done to the Northern Approach works.

At the Magistrate's Court, before Mr L. G. Reid. S.M., this morning, Edward Richards was lined 5s and costs 7s for riding a bicycle without a light between the hours of sunset and sunrise. For driving a vehicle without a light, William Iggulden was also fined 5s and costs 7s.

"Now, what on earth would be plaintiff's object in coming off the footpath, aud riding his bicycle iuto the centre of the road on top of you?" a3ked counsel of plaintiff in a case for damages at the S.M. Court yesterday afternoon. "That's just what I want to know." naively replied plaintiff, amid laughter.

Splendid entries have heen received for the running aud swimming events at the Floral Fete to be held on Thursday. 2nd February. In the running events entries are to hand from Carterton and Wellington, in addition to the local competitors.

At a meeting of the Wairarapa Swimming Club, held last evening, ie was decided that Messrs Miller, Caruiine, Winchester, McLaren and Phililps be sent to Wellington to comnete at tho champiouship meetings on the 4th, Bth and 11th Of February. Nominations for the first day's sports close with Mr Georgeson. secretary of the W.A 5.0., on Saturday, 28th JDSt.

There was a brief flash of legal witto break the monotony uf a case at the S.M. Court yesterday. The wituess under examination was a well-known firewood merchant, aud counsel asked the usual formal question: "You are an old resident of Mastorton, are you not'?' "Yes. aud he will be of heaven some day." interjected opposing counsel. "Well, it is to be hoped he hasn't got to follow his usual occupation in the Great Hereafter," replied the first counsel, amid laughter.

Entries for the Masterton A. and P. Association's Show, that is to be held on February 14th aud 15th. are coming in very freely, aud there is every reason to believe that they will quite eclipse any previous records. Prominent among them will, in all probability, be representatives of the famous Te Aute Shorthorn herds. Other entries are also coming to hand from Hawke's Bay, and local exhibitors will need to look well to their laurels.

Mr de Baylis, supsrvisor of field ex* periinents, paid a visit of inspection recently to the experimental wheat plots that were giown under the auspices of the Masterton A. and P. Association. According to departmental instructions, he was eloquently silent as to the success or otherwise of the experiments About six months hence, wheu all interest has died out. we will no doubt get a report.

Iv referring to the Osborne judgment, the British Labour Party's report complains of the growing habit of Judges to display political bias ou the Bench. If the Bench is to be occupied by pohtcal partisans, who had neither self-control nor common decency, they should act as Judges should. If the responsible authorities decline to remove Judges abusing their position, the Law Courts will cease to enjoy deference and respect, and their judgemuts will fail to carry acquiescence.

Great interest is being takeu in the competition section of the programme for Park Fete day ou Thursday next. Ladies' aud gents' decorated bicycles, tandem an<i four in hand, are sure to be well represented., while from the number of motor cycles and motor cars iv the town sufficient interest should be takeu to make an interesting display. Mr Lamb, tho secretary, is iv attendance at the Borough Chambers aud will be pleasen to accept entries for any of the eveuts.

If the facts as given are correct, the chamnion mean man has been discovered in the Wairarapa It is stated that he had a man working for him for 15s per week. When the bulk of the work was done, he told him that he could only give 10s per week, and reduced his wages accordingly. Then his neighbour happened to want a man for a few days, and the srnployer of the man in question, it is alleged, generously allowea him to go for 9* per day, which was paid to the aforesaid employer, who was only paying 10s per week.

An application was made at the Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr jj. G. Reid, S.M., for a change of venue in a case T. R. Power v. the South British lusurauce Company, Ltd. Dr Trimble appeared in support of the application, which was made by defendant Company, and Mr D. K. Logan opposed. The Compay's registered office is at Auckland, and Mr Logan stated he would ba agreeable to a change of veuve to that city, but to nowhere else. After hearing both counsel, Mr Reid declined to grant the application, allowing costs amounting to £1 Is against the lusurauce Company.

In the case in which A. X Greenfield, Masterton. Is suing J. O. Gal bally, now of Wanganui, for £34 14s, being purchase money alleged to be due in couuection with an exchange of land, Mr 0. A. Pownall, for the defendant, applied at the Magistrate's Court this morning for a change of venue to Wellington on the ground that that was the proper Court in which the case should be-heard. Mr D. K. Logan, for the plaiutiff, opposed the application. After hearing argument, his Worship, Mr L. G. Reid, S. M.. granted the application, with £1 7s to be costs in the case.

Mr L. G. Reid, S.M., remarked on the discrepancies of statements made by witnesses in. a case at the Magistrate's Court, yesterday afternoon, as to tho time when a bicycle collision occurred. He stated that witnesses were of en known to be a little out in their calculations as to time, but it was a peculiar thing iv the present case that two witnesses should give the time as 12.20 p.m., another 2.20 p.m., a fourth between 2 p.m. and 5 p m., while a fifth witness was positive it was between 5 p.m. aud 7 p.m. "Some of them must have witnessed another acoideuc altogether, your Worship," remarked Mr G. H. Culleu, one of the counsel engaged m the case

; V, „Beed Compound " of 40 years'proven efficacy, for Coughs, Colds Bronchitis, etc.*

Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes are to be made dearer by increased duty in' Austria. Snuff is exempted. The following officials have been appointed by the Amateur Swimming Club in connection with the Fete:—Starter, Mr Gillies; starter Mr Clayson; judges, Messrs Orosbie aud Eddie; timekeeper, Mr J. A. MoEwen; costume stewards, Messrs Georgesou aud Rosson.

A novel point was raisea at the Magistrate's Court this morning hy John Ooradine, who was charged with riding his motor bike without a light within the Borough,between the hours of sunset and sunrise. as to the offence was given by Coustable Bird. Defendant stated that the bylaw did not apply to motor bicycles but only to bicycles driven by hand or foot power. His machine was driven by motor aud the information had therefore been wrongly laid. His Worbip stated that there was no reason why the information should be amended, whereupon d3fendant pleaded guilty. A finp of 2s 61 with costs 7s was imposed.

A very pleasant evening was spent at Mr H. D. MacKeuzie's, Fuketoi, on Friday last, when the settlers of the Range-road met to wish Mr and Mrs MacKenzie good-bye. Singing and dancing were kept up until an early hour in the morning. During tho evening Mr D. Fraser. on behalf of the settlers, presented Mr and Mrs MacKenzie with a travelling fug, and in a few well chosen words, expressed regret at their leaving, after fourteen years residence on the road, and wishing them success in their new home in the Northern Wairoa District. Auckland. Mr MacKenzie and family left on Saturday for DannevirKe, where they intend to reside for some time. Mr MacKenzie has sold his 300-acre farm at Puketoi to Mr T. A. Moriue, and has taken up a larger area north of Auckland.

The funeral of the late Mr Wm. Donaldson leaves Mr Hoar's house, Chapel-street, next Sunday at 4 p.m.

A pair of Plnce-Nez glasses have been found.

Messrs Chennells and Co. have the Club Cafe, Queen-street, to let or lease.

The Featherstou County Council are calling for tenders for road metalling.

Mrs William Hood, who makes special concessions to young pupils, resumes piano teachiug on Monday next.

Owing to the inclemency of the weather last night, the lecture on India aud its People was postponed until Jauuary 31st.

Miss Eva W. Hood, A.T.C.L. announces that she will resume teaching on Tuesday next, and will be at home next Monday to enrol new pupil?. Her pupils recital will be given early in the year.

The choicest of wedding gifts js the subject of Mr A. Henderson's change advertisement this week, and amongst his. special lines for the weddiug season is a fine lot of real tortoiseshell back hair combs, made from the real shell, which, along with the latest in brushes and mirrors, with a host of other goods mentioned, afford no end of choice to thope who desire to be generous when seeking out the kind of present suitable for their lady or gentlemen friends.

Messrs Baldwin and Rayward, Patent Agent 3, Wellington, report that amongst the many applications lor Patents they have just filed, are: —W. Lewis, Sydney, Improvements in the Warmins, Drying or Lasting of Footwear ; Odlin, Johnston and Glover, Wellington, Improved Flushing Apparatus ; A. H, Hansen, Maoaia, Pasteurisation of Liquids; R Murie, Invercargiil, Aeronautical Machine*

Women's 21s costumes for 10s 6d. Ten shillings and sixpence saving on a single costume is quite extraordinary, particularly at the beginning of the season, wheu the suits offered are of the most desirable light weight summer styles. We have planned to clear out a large number of new summer dresses during our great clearance sale and to make a quick clean up of various lines we are offering these goods at much below cost price. That is the reason for this opportunity and the great saving which is offered at Hooper's gigantic clearance sale.*

Effervescent Saline, purifying, refreshing, invigorating to all who suffer from sickness, headache, sluggish liver, etc. Price, 2/6. H. T. Wood. Chemist and Pharmacist (by exam.). Masterton.

The All-brass Kerb Suites, and Fenders now on view at the Furnishing Dept., W.F.C.A.. are really worth inspecting.*

" Coaguline," " Klinx, -■ Tenasitine " — Cement for breakages, manufacturing purposes, etc.*

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 9895, 27 January 1911, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 9895, 27 January 1911, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 9895, 27 January 1911, Page 4