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(By " Wrong Bias.")

If anything were required to couviuce anyone of the popularity of the game of bowls, one has ouly to pay an occasioual visit to the local greeu, where one would fiud men of all ages, creeds aud conditions indulging in tlie pastime. Meu who differ widely iv politics, religion and other matters are found enjoying themselves to their hearts' content, aud not a word is said concerning business, politics or religion. The tired business man— some business meu make themselves tired with playing bowls—comes on the green determined on relaxation; the politician eschews his opinions aud for the nonce thinks of nothing else but the game, whilst the parson enjoys his sport and looks kindly on all and advertises his religion by the way he mingles with his fellows. As far as the Masterton bowling parsons are concerned, they have earned an estimable name as being jolly good fellows. They don't make people feel they are in Church .by their presence. A splendid spirit is encouraged amongst bowlers, aud it is not too much to say that the enjoyment of the game is intensified by the intermingling of all sorts and conditions of men. Iv one sense to be playing on the Bowliug Green is like beiug in church, for there, as ou the green sward, "all men are equal."

The Featherstou Bowling Club will open its seasou's play on Thursday next. All the Wairarapa Clubs have received invitations to be represented at the opaniug aud it is anticipated that there will be a big attendance from outside Clubs.

Pahiatua, likewise, will have its official openiug on the King's Birthday. I am informed that the Pahiatua Club's green is in splendid order. Given a fine day, the opeuing shou'd prove a great success.

It is worthy of record that the three Wairarapa Clubs have been favoured with fine weather ou their opening days. I r.fer to Mastertou. Cartartou aud Greytown Clubs. May the same good luck attend the opening days of the Pahiatua aud Featherston Clubs.

The "centre" of which I wrote in my last notes is likely to become an accomplished fact. A meetiug, representing all the Clubs iv the Wairarapa, has been held at Greytown North, where it was uuauimously decided to form a ceutre, to be known as "The Wairarapa Ceutre." Draft rules were adopted, copies of which have been scut to all the Wairarapa Clubs, togother with requests to appoint three permanent delegates to represent the respective clubs. The first moetiug of delegates will be held in the Commercial Hotel, Greytown, ou Thursday eveuing, 4th inst., when officers will be elected, aud matters pertaining to the good of bowling will The Masterton Club holds a commitee meetiug to-night, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of appointing its representatives.

The Northern Bowling Association's annual "Rinks" aud "Pairs" tournament opens iv Wellington on Monday, January 10th, 1910. The riuk matches will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10th, 11th" aud 12tli .Tauuary. Niue games of 21 heads each will be plyed by each team, thus ensuring a full three days' play for each rink. The wiuuers of the sectious will play off on Thursday. The pairs tournament will commence on the same day, when five games of 21 heads each" will be played. A condition of a businesslike, character and one to be commended, is, that eutries close ou 20th December instead of, as in former years, only a day or two prior to the commencement of the tournament. The capable secretary of the Association, Mr J. H. Mentiplay, will thus be relieved from the onerous task of makiug arraugemeuts for the Tournament iv au incredibly short space of time. Furthermore, it is conceived that by the new arrangement, clubs will be iv possessiou of the drawiugs some days previous to the beginning of "the aunual bowling


Now for some "notes" concerning the Mastertou Club. A dead set on obtaining possessiou of the "McEweu Ferns" has been made by aspirants for the coveted trophy. The holders, Messrs S. Inder and O. Pragnell, were first challenged by Messrs Haughey aud Cochrane, but after a most hotly contested game, the holders succeeded in staving off defeat by one point. Messrs J. Morris aud C. Peny were the next to do battle, but they were easily defeated by 20 to 8 points. A game is now in progress between the holders and Messrs Ewington and Cochrane. It was commenced last eveuiug, aud after 12 heads had been played the game was adjourued, the score reading—Holders 12 poiuts, challengers 10 points.

The "gold star" has at last been wrested from Mr J. Carpeuter, the victor being Mr J. Robiesou, who defeated his oppouent by a majority of three points. Mr F. Staples has already challenged the winner. A good game should result.

The "feather" Holders, Messrs E. McEwen, R. Rigg, J. C. Ewingtou and O. Praguell, wero challenged by Messrs luder, Fowler, Reed and Cochrane. The match was played last Saturday, aud resulted in oue of the finest contests ever played ou the local green, First one team would be a point or two ahead, and several times during the game the scores were level, the game being ultimately won by the challengers with one point to spare, the score reading—Holders 19, challengers 20. The viotory is all the more creditable for the winners in that the "feathers" had been in the hands of the holders for over two years.

* *

The Club competition entries have closed, and the drawings are as follows :—

Haudicap Pairs.—Thursday playersFirst round: A. W. Cave, aud J. Blinkhorne, 6, v. Wingate aud Rose, 4; Reynolds and Chamberlain, 6, v. Chapman and Cociirane, scr; Feist and

Perry, scr, v. Mutrie and Carpenter, 3. Secoud round : Cole and Oresswell, 3, v. Morris and Richards, 6; Finlayson and Dupre, scr, play winner of Carpenter v. Perry; Wood and Smith, 6, v. Harrison and J. Hunter. 5. Saturday players—First round : Beale and McEwen, 6, v. Wilkes and W. Pragnell, scr. Second rouud : Haughey and O. Pragnell. scr, ; v. E....Pragnell and J. Prentice, 6; Robieson and P. L. Holliugs, 4, v. Fowler and Ewington, 2; Staples aud Rigg, 3, play winner of McEweu v. W. Pragnell; Ashton and Lawrence, 5, v. Inder and Reed, 2.

Championship Singles.—Thursday players—First rouud: Henderson v. Blinkhorne, Cave v. Chamberlain, Harrison v. Cole, Reynolds v. Mutrie, Wood v. Oresswell. Second round: Feist v. Wingate, Dupre v. C. Perry, Richards v. Carpenter, Chapman v. the winner of Wood v. Oresswell, Rose v. Cochrane, Finlayson v. Smith. Saturday players—First round: E. Praguell v. Ewington, Reed v. J. Hunter, Beale v. Robiesou. Second rouud: Lawrence plays the winner of Beale v. Robieson, Staples v. Rigg, W. Praguell v. J. Prentice, W. Wilkes v. P. L. Holliugs, Inder v. Ashton, McEweu v. Haughey, O. Praguell v. Fowler.

Handicap Singles (First Round):— Thursday players—Cochrane, scr, v. Mutrie, 4; Wood, 5, v. Towuseud, per; Richards, 2, v. Chamberlain, 5; Wiugate, 6, v. Feist, 4; Reynolds, 6, v. Finlayson, 5; Blinkhorne. scr, v. Cole, (.. Secoud Round—Dupre, scr, v. Perry, scr; Chapman, 5, v. Morris, 8; Creswell, scr, v. Rose, 3; Carpenter, 2. v. Smith, 5; Cave, 10, v. Harrison. 6. Saturday players—First Round—Staples, 8, v. Robieson, 5; Rigg, scr, v. Prentice, 2; O. Praguell, scr, v. Ewingtou, scr. Second Round—Beale, 7. plays winner of O. Praguell v. Ewington; McEweu, scr, v. Fowler, 5; Wilkes, 3, v. E. Piagnell, 8; P. L. Holliugs. scr, v. Haughey, 3; Reed, scr, v. Hunter, 2; Ashtou. 6, v. Lawrence, 2 ; W. Pragnell, scr, v. Inder, 5.

The first round in each of the above competitions must be completed by 13th iust. I understaud that under no circumstances an extension of time will be allowed. It thus behoves competitors to get off the mark as quickly as possible.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXI, Issue 9699, 2 November 1909, Page 5

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BOWLING NOTES. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXI, Issue 9699, 2 November 1909, Page 5

BOWLING NOTES. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXI, Issue 9699, 2 November 1909, Page 5