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At the V M.O.A. Boys' Meetiug tonight, Mr W. Toomatii, Scout Master of the Carterton Scouts, will give au interesting address ou scout work. Every boy i" Mastertou Is invited to attend at 7. .50.

At the ordinary meeting of the Masterton Fire Police, last evening, the corps resolved to take part in the Hospital Suuday Damoustration ou May 2ud. One new member was elected.

Yesterday morning a load of precious metal, nearly all silver, nicely stowed iv bags, was taken to the Union Bank from the Tramways Receiving Office, Welliugtou. The cart load was worth £2200, the electric cars' 'harvest for five days—Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, aud Tuesday.

A special meetiug of members of Court Loyal Enterprise, A.O. F., will be Jield in the room at the rear of the Foresters' Hall at 7.80 o'clock this evening. The business of the meetiug is to make arraugements for the social aud dance, which is to be held on Thursday, (sth May.

It has now been definitely arranged that Miss Ada Ward will give a lecture in the Masterton Town Hall on May 12th.

The Goverumeut offices throughout New Zealaud will be closed on St. George's Day (23rd April).

The latest return from the Masterton Dredge is 30ozs 3dwts for the past week.

A meeting of the third grade of the Mastertou Football Olub will be held in the Y. M.O. A. Rooms at eight o'clock this evening.

Four destitute Euglish immigrants, who had nowhere to go, were giveu quarters at the Welliugtou Salvation Army Shelter duriug the Easter Holidays" The Benevolent Institution paid the bill.

Harold Ritchie was yesterday committed for trial, at Sydney, ou a charge of forging the signature of John Holmes ou a cheque for oue pound. Accused, it was stated, had occupied important positions in New Zealaud, aud had been master of a High School in Dunedm.

The increase of £1 per ton in the price of flour at Welliugtou does not necessitates a rise in price of bread in Masterton. A local baker informed a Daily Times reporter this morning that bread would go up if flour rose auother 20s, aud he expected this would be the case.

Our Yorkshire Letter aud Various Handshakes on page 2 ; Fighting Resolutions, and Persian Earthquakes ou page 3; Commercial, Mastertou Horticultural Society, Accidents aud Fatalities, The Passing of the Pioneers, aud Rougokokako aud South Wairarapa News on page (5; Here and There ou page 7.

A meeting called by Mrs Hislop, Mayoress of Wellington, to discuss the petition, organised iv Canterbury, that the Goverumeut sliould offer assistance to domestic workers to induce them to emigrate to New Zealaud, was so poorly attended that no action was taken iv the matter.

"There is nothing suitable for au old mau," said au applicant for relief at tho Wellington Benevolent Institution. "I applied at the Labour Bureau," he added, "but there was nothing for me. They do not waut old meu nowadays. Aud yet I can do a good day's work now." Relief was granted pro tern.

The Masterton Horticultural Society has now a membership of about 70. This fact was reported to the annual meetiug of the Society last evening, and the general opiniou was that the number of members sliould be at least 150. Oue member considered that between 200 aud HOO members would be nearer tho mark for a town the size of Mastertou.

The members of the Masterton Fire Brigade aud Fire Police were enrolled hist evouiug uuder the Mastertou Fire Board by-laws by the Secretary of the Board, Mr R. Brown. Mr Brown addressed a few remarks to the members (.luring which he complimented them ou their excellout past work. Fie felt sure they would acquit themselves equally as creditably uuder the new regime.

Some discussion took place at the auuual meeting of Mastertou Horticultural Society last evening, as to whether oue or two shows should be held this year. A diversity of opiniou found expressiou, but no definite result was achieved. Aocordiug to the rules of tho Society the question is one to be decided by the Geueral Committee, and judging by the opiuious expressed last evening that body will not come to a decision without a good deal of consideration.

A seven-roomed house in Johustonestreet, owned by Mr A. Petersen, of Albert-street, audoccupiei by Mr J. Cooper, was totally destroyed by fire, at about 12. o0 o'clock this morning. The Fire Brigade turned out, but could do little as the scene of the fire is outside the high-pressure water area. Mr Cooper is absent at Palmerstou North, and there was no person iv the'house at the time of the outbreak. The building was insured for £400 iv the Suu office. The insurances ou the furniture, if auy, are as yet uukuowu.

The monthly meeting of the North Wairarapa Benevolent Trustees was held yesterday afteruoou, there beiug present Messrs R. T. Holmes (chairman), W. Morris, J. Miller, and Mesdames Cairns aud Keen. Two applications were received from persons in iudigeut circumstances asking for assistance. Oue was grauted 5s per week aud iv the case of the other 5s was added to the weekly allowance of 10s already being paid to her. Other routine business was transacted, aud the pay-sheet, amounting to £31 (is Id on accouut of the Reuall-Solway Home, aud £32 14s (id for ordinary maintenance was passed for payment.

Among the many "star" items of the programme to bo presented by the Taylor-Carriugton management at the Town Hall to-morrow evening is a war film entitled "To be Shot at Sunrise." This picture has a powerful plot aud coutaius a number of seusatioual war episodes, while the sceuo effects are varied and beautiful. A five picture is that styled "Christmas iv Many Lands," which is a spectacular ciuematograni of most gorgeous description. The scenic films include excellent pictures of "China To-day," "Life ou au African River," and a number of other star ciuemarograms. Seats may be reserved at Miss Rive's.

Accordiug to the Mauawatu Times, Rev. W. Thomson, formerly of St. Andrew's Church at Palmerston, but who has beeu for some years in the employ of the Licensed Victuallers' Association of Otago aud Southland, received a preseutatiou from that body ou the occasion of his leaviug its employ. He contemplates euteriug politics.

Bishop Williams, of Waiapu, is making a farewell tour of his diocese. From Rotorua he has travelled by coach to Whakataue, aud theuce will journey to Ruatoki through the Urewera Couutry to Te Puke aud Taurauga. Ou the 29th April, advises the Poverty Bay Herald, he has arranged to preach in St. Paul's Church, Auckland. He will hold a coufirmatiou service iv Gisborne before his fiual retirement.

The Town_Ulerk reported to the Palmerston .borough Council at its last meetiug that the year just expired has be'jn very successful as to the collection of ratos aud rents, the outstanding rates for the 31st ultimo amounting to £73 13s Od, owiug by thirteen ratepayers. The whole of the rates available should be collected duriug the curreut mouth. The total ratos collectable were £17,782 7s 2d. Of the rents, which amounted to £165 9s 4d, the sum of £14 17s 5d is outstanding.

The provisiou list for the Easter Volunteer Eucampent at Oriugi, near Dauuevirke, was as follows :—ISOOIbs of butter, 60 dozeu tins of preserved milk, 19cwt of sugar, 3001bs coffee, 4301bs tea, 2501bs salt, 201bs pepper, 96cwt potatoes, 22401bs jam, 4101bs cheese, lOOOlbs biscuits, ISOOlbs preserved meat, 2481bs caudles, 3000 21b loaves bread, 10,0001bs meat, over 12 tous straw, 30 bushels oats, 10 tons chaff and 5 tous hay. This amount served to supply the encampment, which contained well over two thousand men, duriug the three or four days they were uuder canvas. Besides tho ordinary volunteers, there were fifty cooks, thirty-two transport men and forty orderlies conuected with the oamp.

Dr Findlay expects by the closing of the Hokitika aud Waugauui prisons to save £4000 per annum. Out of a mob of bullocks iv the Bathurst (N.S.W.) district, 35 died from eating young thistles. Fifty-one estates of deceased persons were placed under the charge of the Public Trustee during the mouth of March. Whilst a party were returning from Napier to Wanganui iv a motor car on Sunday, the car capsized and Mr T. Bastell Williams had his leg broken, but the others escaped serious injury. Among the literary treasures, which number 10,000, which Dr Hockeu has presented to the people of the Dominion, are the first book printed in the colony, Tasman's JV.ry, and Captain Cook's di ry aud log of his voyages. To receive a first dividend of £80,000 ou au outlay of something like £140,000 is good goiug. This piece of good fortune, reports a contemporary, was experienced by a syndicate of eight South islanders, who four .years ago purchased the Moa Flat Estate, Otago. The Auckland millers have raised the price of flour by 10s per ton, winch makes the wholesale rate £12 10s per ton, less the usual discount. This rise is the outcome of the steady advance that has taken place in the wheat markets of the world. We have seen at the Borough office a sample of very clear water. It was not taken from the reservoir because occasionally this particular beverage is slightly coloured ; it was brought from the outlet of the sewage works, where the efliueut passes out into the Ruamahauga river. Mr J. L. Murray advertises for a parcel boy. Mr H. A. Whelch quotes some special bargains in drapery on page 1 to-day. A youug man requires good board aud residence. An advertiser wishes to purchase a horse suitable for packing rabbit traps about. Mr W. H. Oruickshauk advertises for straight-out lease 40(5 acres of flat aud ploughable land close to Masterton. Mr J. Georgesou, the local Inspector of Factories, inserts a notice to occupiers of shops and factories iv reference to the registration of their premises. Messrs Warnock aud Adkin are making a special display of the very latest importations of millinery, jackI ets, furs, ready-to-wear costumes and I blouses; also a five lot of wool blousiugs, newest designs. A glance at the | windows will give an idea of the bargains being offered. A perusal of the iuset published with this issue will show that the bargains in drapery to be offered by Messrs Cole aud Westerman during the next few days are genuine. The sale will commence at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, aud those desirous of getting the pick of the bargains should shop early, as this firm's sales always attract a large crowd of buyers. Most of tho stock is absolutely uew, liaviug just been lauded ex Ruapehu, and forwarded direct from the Welliugtou store to Masterton. Lamb's Tararua wines have been pronounced by connoisseurs to be quite equal in quality to many of the highpriced imported brands. They are delightful in flavour and possess remarkable health-giving properties. Orders are now being taken for Xrnas hampers to be delivered to any part of the town or district. Orders may be left at W.F.C.A. (town agents) or at the Tararua Vineyard, High-street. * The best and cheapest furniture obtainable in the Wairarapa is procured from the Furnishing Dept, W.F.C.A.* Men's Clothing ! When a man comes into our store every courtesy is shown him. Our salesmen do more than simply put the first garment they may find on a man and try to sell it to him. No matter how many other customers they may have waiting, they take their time to show the customer the attention necessary to fit him according to lis individual requirement. We are now showing a splendid stock of Men's Suits, Men's Underclothing, Shirts, Ties, etc. Hooper's. Wood's Blood Purifier and Tonic —A powerful nerve and blood tonic. Price 2/6. H. T. Wood, Pharmacist and Chemist (by exam.), Masterton*

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LX, Issue 9344, 15 April 1909, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LX, Issue 9344, 15 April 1909, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LX, Issue 9344, 15 April 1909, Page 4