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The Old Age Pensions Act was passed Ist November. 181)8.

In Eketahuna last month, there were eight births, oue marriage aud two deaths.

To-day was Guy Fawke's Day, aud W!is also the anniversary of the Battle of lukermau, Crimean War, 1854.

The Hainua creamery of the Ballauce Dairy Compauy is at the preseut stage of the seasou receiving two thousand gallons of milk daily.

Mr N. Cbisholm has reported to the Mastertou Police that 40 bead of cattle are missing from his property at Mount Bruce. Enquiries are being instituted.

In reply to a correspondent, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated ou 14th April, 18(55, President James A. Garfield ou lilth September, 1881, aud President William McKiuley on 14th September, 1901.

In the House of Commons Mr John Burns, President of the Local Government Board, stated that the aggregate local government debt of the couutry was 4504,645,200, compared with a National Debt of £788,000,000.

An Auculand Association message states that a man named Harley, who was employed as steward ou the stermer Atua.while bathing ac Tonga, struck a floating stage with his head aud sustained injuries from which he died. .

The "Ten Commandments " for factory milk suppliers, Stranger Thau Fiction, and Significant Warning ou page 2 ; Commercial News on page 3 ; Sporting, The Daily Press, Torpedo in the Air, and Eketahuua News on page 6; Our Yorkshire Letter on page 7.

A private cable message, received iv Mastertou, states that youug Mr McMaster, of Matawhero, who went Home to get treated for attacks of epilepsy, lias undergone an operation, aud is 'making very satisfactory progress.

Amongst out-of-work meu charged at.Edgware, a village ou the outskirts of Loudon, with haviug stoleu a shillingsworth of apples from au orchard, Joseph Zeeman, a labourer, aged twenty-two, was sejt on to Middlesex sessions. Sir Ralph Littler seutenced him to three years' penal servitude and two years' public supervision !

Tweu.y-five head of cattle, which are some" of those coucerued in the alleged cattle stealing case, in which Gilbert Langdou, Frauk Carr, aud Clifford Jackson are now under remand, arrived in Masterton from Orrnoud ville by the late train last night. They belong to Messrs R. Beetharn,. J. Mcßae aud J. Garrett, and will be detained in custody until charges agaiust the three accused have beeu judicially dealt with.

Five birds, representing three lofts of the Masterton Homing Pigeon Club were sent away to Nelsou yesterday for the oversea race to Masterton today. They were due to arrive at tlie starting point early this morning. The birds were to have been liberated at 10 a.m. to-day and should tbe conditions be favourable tbe distauce to Masterton—l3o miles by air—should be covered by about 2 p.m. The competitors in to-day's race are the same as competed in "the r Picton race last week.

A challenge to Mr Massey was delivered by the Prime Minister at Carterton last night. Dealing with the exaggerated estimates by the leader of the Opposition of the cost of the new Parliamentary Buildiugs aud Governor's residence, Sir Joseph Ward said that the latter building would' be erected on a public reserve, and would cost not more than £25,000, aud he would undertake to go out of public life upon its completion if it cost more. It would be completed within twelve months, so that tlie, public would soon be able to judge between fiction and fact. Let Mr Massey give a similar undertaking if he dared, added Sir Joseph. ..

A special meeting of members of the Y.M.O.A. Tenuis Club was hold in the rooms last night. "Mr E. R. .''"Wilson was iv the chair, it was decided tliat the name of the courts be called the Y.M.O.A. Tenuis Courts. Mr E. R. Wilson was elected Captain, aud a special Club Committee, consisting of Messrs Allpass, Thomson, Hebenton, Kemp, Truscott, Wilson, R. Burgess and Rue was appointed. A strong committee of ladies, consisting of Misses Bnokeridge,' Micheil, Fiisher, Hodge, Miller (2), and Mrs Feasey was also set up, with power to add to its number. The subscription was fixed at £1 for gentlemen and 10s for ladies, names to be handed in to the general secretary. The. courts are to be opened,on November 9th by the Mayor (Mr P. L. Holliugs).

Thus a Wellington modico giving, evideuce iv rcforeuoo to a civil olaim . for damages for assault: It was a fairly decent black eye. Tho direct liner Coriuthic, which arrived at Wellington yesterday from Loudou, via Capetown and Hobart, brought 678 passengers. Tho Eov. Mr Whitehouse, of Aj4h burton, will give an address iv £W Towu Hall thin eveuiug on "The Truth About No-License iv Ashburton." News of a tragedy at Managaweka last night, was received to-day at Taihape. A mau named Cribb out his wifo's throat aud theu committed suicide by jumping over a cliff.—Association. Many in Masterton will regret lo learn that tlie popular stationmaster, Mr C.F. Hill, will be leaving Masterton, being under notice of transfer to'Hawera, where he was be- ■ fore for a period of thirteen years. The steamer Yeddo, which left Sau Francisco-on September 23rd for Auckland aud Sydney, has oue of the biggest cargoes yet brought to. this part of the world from Sail Francisco. It comprises a million feet of timber and 2800 tons of general merchandise. In Eketahuua duriug the mouth of October, 5.58 inches of rain fell on twenty days. Tbe total fall for tto corresponding month of last year _■■ 10.49 iuches, spread over eighteof/ days. The maximum fall last mouth occurred on the 3rd, aud was 70/ points. According to an Associatiou message heavy rain fell last night at Palmerston. " Though it is fine now the weather is still most uusettlod. The special trains from all parts of the couutry havo landed large numbers of excursionists at the Show. The total attendance this afternoon, if rain keeps off, promises to be well up to the standard of former years.

The following nominations have been received for seats on the MauricevilleCouutyOouncil -.—West Riding: Charles Forsherg, J. F. Heckler, O. Isakson, C. C. Jacksou, O. A. Wall. East Ridiug—H. ,J. Dagg, J. J. Kennedy, F. W. H. Kummer, J. E. Perry. Au election is necessary as only' three councillors are required for each riding. The election will take place on Wednesday, November llth.

During the course of his speech at Carterton, ou Tuesday night, Mr W. F. Massey, Leader of the Opposition, in referring to the importance of tijft Dominion's dairyiug industry, tliat New Zealaud butter was a very good second to the Danish product, aud he had heard that this season's output of oue of the Taranaki factories had been purchased to be scut to Normaudy, in France, where it would be made up into "fresh Normandy rolls."

A short while ago we heard a lot

about Wairarapa farmers migrating to the Darling "Downs (Queensland). Now it is reported tliat, provided suitable areas are available at a reasonable figure, a party of Vicitorian farmers, possessiug £40,000 in hard cash will settle in the Waikato. A ropreseutative ot the party was in the Domiuiou some mouths ago, aud formed a favourable impression of the capabilities of tbe Waikato for dairying purposes.

About 2700 cases of Americian apples were landed in Wellington yesterday from the Ulimaroa from Syduey. The bulk of the consignment was found to be affected with codliu moth, and consequently condemned by the Agricultural' Department's inspector. Apples are very scarce just now, aud the bad condition of yesterday's shipment will cause considerable disappointment to the local fruit merchants and retailers. *v A good deal of interest was eviuc-W in Oamaru yesterday concerning the Harbour Board's proposal to borrow £50,000. A poll was held on Tuesday, and late that night the figures made it appear that the proposal had been lost by 45 votes. Another count yesterday morning redudced the margin to 15, while at present it would appear that the proposal had been carried by one vote. The result cauuot be known positively uutil the papers have been checked aud finally scrutinised, which will occupy several days.

A. the Magistrate's Court, Wellington, yesterday, Edwin Bennett pleaded guilty to charges of being drunk aud disorderly aud resisting the police. For , the first offence he was .convicted and fined 40s, in default seven days' imprisonment. On the second charge a sentence of twentyone days' imprisonment was inflicted. In connection with the arrest of Bennett, a youug man named Alfred Brickell, a driver, was charged with inciting a prisoner to resist the police. The accused was fined £5 and 5s costs, with the option of twentyoue days' imprisonment. Jfc The following hours of attendant will be observed by Mastertou Post aud Telegraph Office ou Mouday, November 9th :—Post Office : A close holiday will be observed. All mails usually despatched on that day will be closed to connect with early trains and coaches departing up to 8 a.m. Mails for Hawke's Bay will be closed at 7 a. m., aud forwarded by express train at noon. A couuter delivery of all correspoudeuce (iucludiug registered) will be made between 7 and S.p.m. on Saturday, the 7th, aud a further delivery over the Post Office counter between 9.30 aud 10 p.m. on the same eveuiug. Telegraph Office: Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., aud 7 p.m. to midnight. Telephone Exchange: Open as usual—i.e., coutiuuously.

To-morrow morning the Prime Miuister (Sir Joseph Ward) will drive the last spike of the North Island Main Truuk railway. The Main Trunk railway proper starts at Marton Junction and ends at Te Awamutu in the Waikato, 210 miles distant. It has cost, approximately, two and a half millions sterliug, and "gives access to so large an area of farmiug aud timber country that a good revenue from local traffic alone is certain. But even more important is the value of this arterial route to tne Dominion sH whole. Aucklaud, iv the north, ts brought within nineteen hours' journey of the capital" city, and a through journey almost from end to end of the Dominion can be performed in forty-nine hours. A halt of half an*hour is allowed for the ceremony of driving a silver-plated spike by the Prime Minister, at the request of the Hon. W. Hall-Jones, whose {administrative courage and ability have done so much to accelerate the construction of the line during the last few years.

As from to-day, the price of bread j iv Woodville will be raised to v 7d cash ; aud 8d booked per 4lb loaf. The rise ! was decided ou by reasou of tlie continued high price of flour. Another serious accident is reported at the Mouut Morgan Mine, Queenslaud. A fall of earth occurred iv the 750 ft level, seriously iujuriug three _ndjkwhile five are stated to bo mis-si-IP No further details are available A fancy poster aud plain carnival will be held in the Elite Skatiug Rink this eveuiug. Special arraugomeuts have been/ made, aud au enjoyable eveuiug is promised. Skates will be supplied free to competitors. Mr Johu Huuter, the Independent caudidato for the Mastertou seat at the forthcoming geueral elections, today lodged his uomiuatiou paper with the Returuiug Officer. Tho uomiuators were Messrs A. C. Major, jouru- ' alist, Mastertou,' J. McGregor, senr., farmer, Kaipo, T. Hi lias, farmer, Mauriceville, aud R. Rigg. builder, Mastertou. A lady iv Woodville has just received a letter from some friends of hers who settled ou laud in tho Darling Downs district within the last twelve mouths. They all wish they were back in the Dominion again, for the drought has been ou fo. some time, feed is very scarce, aud sheep are dying iv hundreds. iflklino coustructiou party who are engirded iv ruuniug the metallic circuit to connect Pahiatua, Eketahuua, Cartertou, Featherstou, aud Martinborough by telephone with Welliugtou. has vow reached Mastertou. The rjarcy is iv charge of Lineman R. Jacksou, aud is working southward. For milk snppliod duriug the four weeks euded October 20th, the Parkvale Dairy Compauy paid out £;>34 Os od, a sum larger thau that for tho corresponding period of auy previous year. 'The Belvedere Company paid out £473 18s 7d, also a record payment for tho particular park of tho season. aud £93 moro thau any previous October payment. An Aucklaud message states that the Rev. W. R. Tuck, who presided at a No-Liceuse meetiug ou Tuesday, referred to the £1000 challenge issued by the other side with regard to Prohibition in Maiue. He said the Prohibitiou Party was prepared to accept the challeugo, provided the mouey was deposited aud timo was allowed to get the figures. Mr T. B. Dwau, who returned to from a flying visit to SyiW»* yesterday, reports that there is keen competitiou for wool in Australia. He states that thero is a shortage of wool iv the Commouweaith, though it has not yet been reported. The American, German aud foreign buyers were prepared to pay good prices for what they wanted, but the Yorkshire buyers were tryiug to bear the market. So far as Mr Dwau could ascertaiu, there is pleuty of money offering iv Australia at 4 to -11.-.:l 1 .-.: per ceut., aud he thinks a good deal will be coming to New Zealaud for iuvestmeut very shortly. The arraugements for the opeuiug of the Maiu Trunk line are now complete It is expected that there will be au atteudauce of about sixty representative public meu—iucludiug the Prime Miuister, the Minister for Railways, aud the Attoruey-Geueral—at the'luucheou to bo giveu by the Welliugtou Chamber of Commerce at the Municipal Coucert Hall to-day. The special train leaves the Mauawatu station at 10 p.m., tbe ceremony at Makatote takes place to-morrow, Auckland will be reached at 0 p.m., and there will be a banquet iv the Northern city in the eveuiug. The return traiu leaves Aucklaud at 10 p.m., to-mor-row, at Wellington at (i p.m. on relay. The Court of Mariue Enquiry at Sydney has concluded its investigation of the circumstances of the wreck of the barque Fifesbire ou oue of the Gilbert Islands on 21st August. Captaiu Nichol, iv the course of further evideuce, said that after the vsesel struck he mustered tbe crew aud cousulted with nis officers. The chief officer agreed with him that the ship was a total wreck. There was 3ft Biu of water iv the hold wheu they left. The wreck was sold for £5, aud the boats for £1. He had uo chauce of submitting them to auction. The Court fouud that the wreck was caused by tbe gross negligence and reckless navigation of the master, John Nichol, in taking the ship into a positiou he kuew to be dangerous. It also fouud that Stephen Rowe, the first officer of the Fifeslnre, was a man who ought uot to be permitted to have charge of a ship, owiug to his druukeu habits. Both were called upou to show cause why their certificates should not be caucelled. The Fifesbire was iusured for £0000 in a Home office. Wheu the vessel had been abandoned, stated a Sy/kiey paper, tbe master of oue of the aimers euga«ed in trading iv the lsfauds boarded the wreck, ancl. so it is said, claimed her as a prize. This was disputed, but subsequently the wrecE was sold to tbe firm of Ou Cliong and Co., of Sydney and the Gilbert Islands, for £5. A cook-lauudress for a station Is advertised for in auother columu. A jobbing gardener advertises for work by the day. A reward is offered for the return of a photo pendant lost last evening. An advertiser wants to purchase for cash a good second-hand sideboard. A cash buyer advertises for one or more single iron bedsteads or wirewoven stretchers. The Methodist Choir will hold their practice to-morrow evening instead, of to-night. Messrs W. B. Chennells and Co., advertise particulars of a. property of 653 acres which they are offering for sale. Mr F. P. Welch requires two competent men for a farm in Taranaki, and also for a client a team of working bullocks. At the Masterton Auction Mart, on Saturday, Mr J. R. Nicol will sell milliuery on account of a Wellington importer, find a good range of furniture of other vendors. Motrrfrs wishful of providing their children with comfortable footwear, able to stand any amount of rough use, should certaiuly examine the lines now being shown by Mr J. Carpenter. A short list of prices is given on page 2 of this issue. The Wellington Meat Export Company has appointed Mr W. B. McFadzeau as buyer of fat stock in the Masterton district in place of Mr T. W. McKeuzie, who has resigned from the Coinpauy's service; Sellers of stock aro requested to address communications to W. B. McFadzean, Mastertou, or Alex. McKeuzie, Featherston. A fine range of Carpets is now being shown at the Furnishing Dept., W.F.C.A. 6 Wonderful Value —Beautiful Weaves. — These four.words tell the whole story of the remarkable success -achieved by our Dress Goods Department during the past season. The prestige and the leadership that is our store's right has been honestly merited ancl we to it and will stand in no danger of forf«fce during the coming season. We are wing our complete stocks of Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, etc., and invite all to inspect them at Hooper's, 127, Queenstreet, Masterton.* Ranulas Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia makes a very valuable medicine and a palateable drink, keeping the blood and system cool. Price Is. 11. T. Wood, Pharmacist and Chemist (by exam.), Masterton.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9214, 5 November 1908, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9214, 5 November 1908, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9214, 5 November 1908, Page 4