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The fortnightly meeting of the Mastertou Borough Couucil was held iv the Council Chambers last eveuiug. Present—His Worship the Mayor (Mr J. M. Coradiue) aud Crs J. Yarr, J. Prentice, W. Praguell, W. Morris, A. Haughey, F. W, Temple, J. Elliott aud J. H. Pauling. Au apology for absence was received on behalf of Or J. C. Ewiugton. WORKS AND ABATTOIR. The reports of tho Works aud Abattoir Committees were read aud adopted, ou tho motion of Cr Pauling, seeoudod by Or Morris. At au adjourned meetiug of the Works Committee, held during the afternoon, there wero present—Ors Morris (chairman), Haughey, Praguell and Prentice. The tender of W. Dowliug for sewer oxteusiou work in Colo-street, at £12 10s for glazed stone pipes aud £10 for manholes, was accepted. As the tender for forming chains of Bft footpath in Corn-wall-street was iv oxcess of the amouut provided for the work, it was decided that day labour be utilised. No tenders were received for the supply of horse fodder. Accouuts amounting to £131 12s 5d were passed for payment.

Or Temple considered that the plans of the Corporation stable might have been prepared by tho Council staff. Cr Pauling stated that there had been insufficient r.ime to allow of the preparation of the plaus in the office. Cr Morris advocated the purchase of oats from the Southern market. He knew of local people who were securing oats landed at Masterton at 2s 9d aud 2s 10d per bushel. While the Council was willing to assist local enterprise, they would not be justified iv paying 3s 3d a bushel for oats grown in the district. The Mayor expressed his doubts on the matter by reason of the erratic state of the market at tne present time. GAS AND FINANCE. The reports of the Gas aud Finance Committee wero read aud adopted, on the motion of Cr Temple, seconded by Cr Prentice. Cr Temple stated that there was likely to be a union of Gasworks employees in Wellington, aud 10s per shift would be asked for as wages. He was of the opinion that die Masfcercou employees were doing competent and intelligent work, aud should be paid for it. Cr Prentico expressed his pleasure afc the Gas Committee's action in recommending au increase in the men's, wages, for which the Committee deserved praise. CORRESPONDENCE. The Labour Department notified the Council of the proposed sitting of the Conciliation Board at Masterton to deal with the claims of the General Labourers 1 Uuiou, and citing the Mastertou Borough Council as a witness. The Mayor reported that the Masterton County Council had extended an invitation to the Borough Couucil to be represented afc a conference of local bodies (to-day) to consider the claims, and that he had been asked to act on behalf of the Cartertou municipality. Cr Elliott moved aud Or Temple seconded, that the Mayor represent the Mastertou Borough Council at the conference. —Carried. J. W. Blackmau. gas engineer, asked for permission to act as consulting engineer iv the erection of gasworks at Levin.—Granted.

James Gavauagii notified that he would take action against the Council if they still refused to drain Michaelstreet in the vicinity of his property. —The letter was received ou tho motion of the Mayor, seconded by Cr Temple.

H. Cole wrote stating that he had had difficulty In securing the return of his deposit of £5 in the contract for cartage of coal.—Ou the motion of Cr Prentice, seconded by Or Temple, tho lettor was referred to the Gas Committee, with power to act,

Mr O. A. Potvuall, On behalf of Staples and Co., applied for permission to open a right-of-way, adjacent to the Empire Hotel, from Chapel-street to Queen-street. Or Prentice stated that the Licensing Committee was opposed to such rights-of-way, aud the matter was one for their consideration. Or Temple moved that the request be not granted; Or Pragnoll seconded.—Carried. PREFERENCE TO RATEPAYERS. John Stewart, engine driver, applied for employment aud waited ou the Council iv support of the application. The Mayor stated that the application was one for the engineer or the Works Committee to deal with. Qr Pauliug stated that the applicant claimed preference as a ratepayer. This the speaker considered proper. Or Elliott said that a man in such a position was euticled to the privileges of a uuiouist. Or Temple mentioned the probability of work being available iv the Park.

Or Morris endorsed tho remarks of previous speakers iv reference to the advisability of giving preference to ratepayers.

Tlio Mayor said that the proper course for the applieaut was fco seek work through the Borough office. He promised that if the Oonucil could put work iv his way they would do so. THE HALF-HOLIDAY. The Wairarapa Employers' Association sought information as to when the poll would be takou to decide the half-holiday for shops and factories iv accordance with the Factories Act Amendment Act, 1907. The Mayor stated that it was not mandatory for the Council to take a poll ou the matter. Or Morris moved anil Or Pauling seconded that a poll be taken at the time of the Mayoral election, aud that the Employers' Association be notified to that effect. Or Pauling stated that the cost to take a poll separately from and prior to the Mayoral election would mean an expenditure of about £80. The motion was carried. OR TEMPLE RESIGNS. Or Temple handed in his resignation as a Councillor, ou account of bis approaching departure for the Old Country.

The Mayor thought that Or Temple, uuder the exceptional circumstances obtaining in this case, should be granted six months' leave of absence. He would like to see Or Temple reconsider the resignation. It had happened that the speaker aud Or Temple had usually been on opposite sidos on many questions, but as a result, good had always come about. Or Temple had been an exceptioual councillor, and a sterliug member of the Gas Committee. He moved that Or Temple be granted six monht's leave of absence.

Or Prentice seconded the motion, and referred to his pleasant associations with the councillor for many years past. Or Pauling stated that he had respected, Cr Temple, who had thrown body and soul iuto the work of the Council, and his services in connection with the Gasworks had been invahiable. He hoped Or Temple would accept the leave offered. < Or Morris felt that the Councillors had the interests of the Borough to

conserve. Oould they afford to have Or Temple's soafc vacant for about eight mouths? The time was not now opportune to have any chair vacant iv the Council. He also paid his tribute of esteem to Or Temple, aud moved that the resignation be accepted.

Or Praguell was iv favour of leave of absence being granted. Or Temple aud himself had not agreed ou all points, but they had kept frieudfy throughout. The speaker thought highly of him.

Or Yarr thought it advisable to grant Or Temple leave. ■ He valued Or Temple's services.

Or Elliott meutioued that tiis regret at losing Or Temple was the more keen, as witli him lie had not differed, as had the other councillors. He thought Or Temple should be allowed to discriminate ou the leave of ahseuce aud rosiguatiou alternatives.

Or Haughey supported the motion that the departing councillor be granted leave. Ho wished him a pleasant voyage.

Or Temple expressed his appreciation of the kindly sentiments expressed. If his stay away from the colony would uot last over six mouths the speaker might be iucliued feo accept leave of .absence. Under the present conditions, however, he hoped that his resignation would be accepted.

The Mayor stated that lie would not press the matter further. No resolution would be required iv the matter. Or Temple had decided for himself. The speaker wished him a pleasant trip aud happy fciniß. aud hoped that lie would recuperate his health araoug the sceues of his youth. He believed Or Temple would return much better iv health. In conclusion lie conveyed to him the best wishes of the Council for an enjoyable toui

Cr Prentice moved a hearty vote of thanks to Cr Temple for his valuable services, both as a councillor and as a member of the Gas Committee. Cr Morris seconded.— Carried. Or Temple, iv returuiug thanks, stated that ou his return he would be pleased to again place his services at the disposal of the ratepayers. bathing facilities. Or Prentice moved, iir pursuance of notice given at a previous meeting: That this Council take immediate steps to build another bath alongside the present one in Dixou-street for the use of the women and girls of Mastertou, and to extend the present one right back to the boundary for the convenience of the nialo portion of the population." He stated that the Baths were not large enough for the requirements of the school children, let alone those of the adult population. The upkeep of the improvements would not be a burden yu fhe ratepayers, but the sinking fund would be provided by the swimmers.

Cr Pauiiiig, iv seconding, endorsed tho mover's statements as to the iusufficieucy of the present bathing accommodation.

Cr Morris opposed the motion. During the past few mouths the population had been furnished not only with anew Bath, but with a Lake. He thought that in v this late period of the year the Council would not be justified in spending the ratepayers' money in such a project.

Cr Praguell moved an amendment that when proceeds from the bathing admit, the present Bath be extended twenty or twenty-five feet for the use of children.

Cr Elliott thought that botli the motion aud'the amendment were premature. Had there been au ordinary and not such a dry season there would have been more bathing in tho Lake, and less congestion at the Baths.

Cr Haughey supported the proposal. The attendance at the Baths last year justified' au extension. He thought aii opportunity would be given the ratepayers shortly to say whether or not they wautod an additional Bath.

The Mayor said the best suggestion he could offer to Or Prentice would be that the Works Committee take iuto consideration the question of extending tho present Bath between the seasons. The proposal for au additional Bath might be considered, with next year's fluaucbS.

Or Pauling suggested that the motion be altered to provide for au inquiry into ways and moaus. Th 3 amendment lapsed for waut of a seconder. The motion was lost. Crs Pauling, Prentice, Haughey aud the Mayor voted for, and Crs Morris, Temple, Pragnell, Elliott and Yarr against, the motion. Cr Prentice intimated that he would again bring up the matter. ERECTION OF A DESTRUCTOR. Cr Haughey gave uotice to move at next meeting, That, iv the interests of the health of the ratepayers, the Couucil erect a destructor, to deal witli the garbage of tho town; the said destructor to form part ot the new Gasworks buildings, to be erected on the site near the railway statiou, aud the following roasous are set forth in support of the proposal: (1) That the scheme will improve the geueial health; (2) that it will prove more economical than the. present system of disposal; aud (o) that the saving effected by tho productiou of energy will pay tho interest aud other charges on the mouey expended.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 9018, 18 March 1908, Page 5

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MASTERTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 9018, 18 March 1908, Page 5

MASTERTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 9018, 18 March 1908, Page 5