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A meeting of St. Patrick's Day Sports Committee is to be held in the Technical School building at 8 o'clock this evening.

The barking of a dog on the earth can be distinctly heard by a balloonist four miles up in the air.

Our weekly complete short story, entitled •' Two Blacks Make a While," wili be found on page 7.

It is said that Mrs Humphry Ward has made £30,000 on royalties from the sale of " The Marriage of William Ashe " in America.

" I never carried a watch in my life. I never wanted to know what lime it was," was a remark once made by Thomas A. Edison, the wizard of electricity.

The total cost of the Wellington tramways to date, including street-widening works, wood-blocking, and all legitimate charges, is set down by the City Council at £321,785.

Sales of dairying land in New Zealand at £30 to £10 per acre, and of flax land at £15 to £26 an acre, are reported now and again. First class land in Argentina sells at about £5 an acre.

It is said that there are several persons looking out for farm properties in this dis trict, and that sales would be completed but for a disposition to hold off for a time until the price of stock has receded to some extent.

The countess of Westmoreland is a firstrate fisherwoman, especially with trout and salmon. She favors the Spey and the Tweed, and her biggest capture was a salmon weighing 221b. She also pursues the fireside occupation of needlework, and is a most skilful embroideress.

A meeting of the Finance Committee of Wairarapa Amateur Athletic Club was held last evening. A financial statement presented by the Secretary on the result of the late spot ts gathering showed a credit of £6 after meeting all expenses and providing for prizes. The result is regarded by the Committee as very satisfactory for the initial sports promoted by the Club.

The Ashburton Acclimatisation Society intend sending three trout caught on New Year's Day to Dunedin to be stuffed, so that they may be shown at the International Exhibition next November. They are two salmon measuring respectively 3-lin in length and lGlin in girth, and 32in in length and 19in in girth, and one trout measuring 28Un in length and 1.9-|iu in girth.

The next best mail despatch for Continent of Europe and United Kingdom will be via San Francisco, closing at Masterton on Wednesday, 7th February, at 4.45 o'clock, due London, 10th March Money orders for despatch by this mail must be.procured before 4 p.m. on Tuesday, 6th February. The inward' Frisco mail steamer " Sierra " is due in Auckland on Monday, 12th February.

The Divorce Court returns for last year show that in Wellington there were 60 petitions for dissolution of marriage, 14 for restitution of conjugal rights, one petition for judicial separation, and one petition for nullity of marriage. The number of decrees made during the year were .:—Dismissing petitions, 3 : dissolution- of marriage, 33 : restitution of-conjugal rights, \9.. The numbei*'of'petitions filed last'y'-_i* : fj6) was 18 in excess of those fifed in 1904.

The Hbfel : Arca_i_, the hW private hotel recently erected in Wellington, is no.w com-; plete and"'ready to receive patrons from the Wairarapa: This hotel, which is one of the largest and best-furnished in Australasia, is thoroughly comfortable and replete with every modern convenience. The building itself is of extremely handsome design, containing several airy balconies from which splendid views of the City, harbour and shipping can be obtained, and is situated on the corner of Lambton-quay and Stout-street, only a few minutes' walk from the Railway Stations and wharves. The hotel, which is under the experienced management of Mr John Paterson, maintains an excellent chef, and provides a liberal cuisine. Those desirous of high-class, yet quiet and comfortable, residence whilst in Wellington, should certainly not overlook the Hotel Arcadia.

Mr John D. Rockefeller's annual ineorjjji is said to work out at about £200 an houtw The Government has granted £3500 for the erection of a Technical School in brick in New Plymouth. From the 18th to the 22nd inst., over five hundred trout were caught in Lake Rotorua, the aggregate weight being 17471b5. Latest dredging returns are:-Hessey, 140/ iS lldwt for a short week; Masterton, 40o_s lldwt for one hundred hours. Dr Binney, a lady graduate of the Sydney University, has been appointed surgeon to the United Friendly Societies at Longreach, Queensland,. , Work at the, Masterton High -School, and also at St. Patrick's, will be-resumed on Monday. St. Bride's Convent will re-open on February 2nd. , .. The electric light was Voff" iv Hawera on Wednesday night, and was the cause of much inconvenience in view of the fact that so many people were about. It is stated that the fusing of a wire was the cause of no light being available. ~, Arrested for the theft of a diamond ringfj a negro at Davenport, lowa, U.S.A., denieci all knowledge of the jewel, but the police took' a Rontgen Ray photograph, says the " New York Medical Journal," and discovered that he had swallowed it. The Law Society of Dunedin proposes to tender a banquet to his Honor Mr Justice Williams on the occasion of the commencement of his twelve months' holiday. It is generally believed in legal circles that hi Honor has decided to retire from the Bench The Secretary of the Masterton A. and P. Association yesterday received an application from a lady resident in Sydney for a programme of the Show to be held next month. She signified her intention of exhibiting if certain classes were provided in the programme.

A Russian medical man has decided that electric light is least injuiious to the eyes. He says that the oftener the lids are closed the greater the fatigueand consequent injury. By experiments he finds that the lids would close in candle light 6.3 times per minute, gas 2.8 times, sun 2.2 times, electric light 1.8 times.

The Masterton Bowling Club is trying t( arrange for the first test with the Cartertor Club, in connection with the Booth Cup, tc be played at Carterton on Thursday week Next week an endeavour is to be made bj the local Club to play oil! a number of CM matches which are temporarily " hanging fire." "The Housekeeper,"—Domestic Hint; and Economies, and Some Tried Recipesand Health Notes appear on page 2. Tur; Notes and a short story for children are t< be found on page 3, and the report of c special Borough Council meeting to discuss the Lansdowne water supply scheme oi page 0. Some noted sheep and cattle breeders an expected to visit Masterton on the occasioi of the Masterton Show in February, to the fact that meetings of the Councils oi the Sheep Breeders' Association, Romnej Sheep Breeders' Association and the Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association have beei arranged. For throwing a stone at a constable ir Auckland, the accused was fined £10 wit! the alternative of a month's imprisonment Counsel for accused: " Will your Worshi*: give the accused time to pay ? " The Magis trate : " Until twelve o'clock to-day. The constables must be protected, and it is a good thing for the accused that the stoni did not hit the constable." The pupils of the Matahiwi State ant Sunday Schools amalgamated in holding . picnic inthe Matahiwi bush (the property o Messrs Holmes Bros) yesterday. There wa: an attendance of about one hundred people Amusements in various forms were providec for the children, and the outing was votec a most enjoyable one by all who partici paled. A remarkable funeral has been given t< Mrs Josephine Garome, who was celebrate, in New York's " Little Italy " for her excep tional beauty. For two nights policemei had to guard the house where her remain: lay enclosed in a casket which had plate anc handles of gold. The dead woman wai richly gowned, and jewels worth £200( were buried with the body. The Rev James Dunham and his wife charged with ill-treating a servant, wer each sentenced to a month's imprisonmen in the second division at Eastbourne. Tin girl bore traces of heavy blows on her arms face, back and legs. She stated that M Dunham had broken a stick over her back and that his wife had struck her at variou times with a saucepan, a toasting-fork an< a poker. Notice of appeal was given. It is expected that the Government quar ries at Mount Egmont will very shortly b< in a position to supply broken road mete and rough stone to local bodies, but thi prices cannot yet be stated. The New Plymouth Borough Council, has informed th< Railway Department that provided the quality and the price are satisfactory tin Council's probable requirements of metal fo the ensuing year will be approxinately si: thousand cubic yards. Two draught horses, dray, etc., are ad vertised for sale. Miss V. Hampton, A.M.1.C.L., resume: teaching on Monday, February sth. Miss Dupre notifies that she will resume teaching on Monday next, and has vacancies for a few pupils.' A sale of Indian goods will be held in Mj McGregor's cottage, Church-street, nex Wednesday afternoon, commencing at 2.2 C o'clock. Afternoon .tea, will be provided. On January 31st .and.. February Ist th< dates of the Pahiatua' races, holiday excursion tickets available for return until 17th February, will be obtainable. Particulars appear els where. Mrs Kendall requests that all those holding books for the poker work art unior should return same to her private address, Cole-street, before end February. The art union will be drawn some time in March. Messrs Kirkcaldie and Stains, Ltd., oi Wellington, issue through our paper to-day their sale circular, containing full particulars of the bargaiss offered in all departments. A perusal of this will, no doubt, mean a saving of money. All, goods offered are oi best quality, fresh and, up-to-date. -Special attention is called to the extreme care with which all lette.r-orders are. executed. A special staff'is, engaged, .solely, for .this, purpose, and'every order is given just same careful attention as..though, the purchasing were,being done personally. . As the sale prices are _% cash' a remittance must accompany each'order. , V o ■ ;. - ;;<;' Every put your finger on on a McCormick Binder shows points superior in harvester construction. Agents : Farmers' Implement Co., Masterton.—Advt, The well known Japanese Mats, which may be used either as Hearth Rugs or Bedroom Mats, are now being sold for 2/6 each at the W.F.CA., Ltd., Furnishing Depart-ment.-—Advt. ■■■■:■.■■''.'.* Medicated Sugar, a certain remedy foi worms, so troublesome with children. Thej are tasteless, and children like them Is, Is 6d. H. T. Wood, Chemist and Pharmacist (by exam.), Masterton —Advt. The Zealandia woolpress is the simplest and most durable press in the Colony. Testimonials from all , parts. Masterton Farmers' Implement Company, Manufacturers.—Advt.

Jtk. To-day is the Kaiser's birthday, his age being forty-live.

Yesterday was the New Year Day of the Chinese calendar.

The Dunedin City Council has declared elderberry to be a noxious weed.

Monday will be the anniversary of the arrival of the first settlers at Auckland in 1840.

There aro at present in the Colony 498 nurses registered under the Nurses Registration Act, "1901.

The R.M.S. Sierra, with British mails of 13th January, left San Francisco on the 25th inst., at 3 p.m., due date.

The sum of £3000 voted by Parliament for distribution to public libraries will be allocated on February 6th.

The Premier will visit Auckland for the purpose of welcoming home the New Zealand football team on its arrival there on March sth.

" A scientific man in New Zealand is buried alive " was the statement made by a well-known doctor, at Thursday's meeting of the New Zealand Institute.

The name of Miss Eva Jaques was inadvertently omitted from the list of those who lent valuable assistance in connection with the recent Te Ore Ore School picnic.

The amount paid by the Government for for the Mudgway Estate, Lower Hutt, acquired under the Land for Settlements Act, was £30,240, together with £125 for incidental expenses.

James M. Miller was formally brought before Mr W. P. James, S.M., this morning, on the charge, laid by E. Hecksher, of the theft of £2 15s 3d, and the case was remanded till Wednesday, 31st inst.

The property purchased by the Redemptoiist Fathers at Oriental Bay, Wellington, is to be called " Mount Saint Gerard." The house was on Wednesday blessed by His Grace Archbishop Redwood, who also celebrated Mass there for the first time.

The prisoner, named Crook, who escaped from the prison works, at Mount Cook on Thursday, was captured yesterday, wearing civilian clothes. It is alleged that they are the proceeds of a burglary committed during his brief period of liberty.

It has remained for a lady, Miss Simpson, to secure rights from the Wellington City Council to publish an official time-table of the tramway service. Tho sum of £50 was offered by Miss Simpson ancl accepted for the sole right of publication.

At the annual district meeting of the Ancient Order of Foresters, a resolution was unanimously carried heartily approving the suggestion made by the Premier to hold a colonial conference of Friendly Societies in Wellington during the sitting of Parlialiament.

A rumour that Mr A. Macintosh, general manager of the Bank of New Zealand, who is at present on leave of absence, " is severing his connection with the bank, owing to some difference of opinion with' respect to the Government banking account," is given publicity by the Christchurch Press.

Mr Frederick Sutton, one of Napier's very earliest settlers, and formerly M.H.R. for Napier, died yesterday. He was in business as a storekeeper in the very early days, and afterwards removed to Clive, where he had carried on sheep-farming for a number of years. Latterly he has had a commission agency business in Napier. He has left a widow, one son, and five daughters.

From a Canterbury paper we learn that Messrs Dalgety and Co. have just forwarded to Wairarapa clients a collection of stud and flock rams from registered flocks, comprising six Southdowns from Johns' executors (Belfast), ten from Mr J. Stevenson (Flaxton), ancl ten from Mr G. Gould (Tai Tapu); three stud Lincolns from Mr C. Withell (Brook-side), and 150 Corriedales from Mr James Little (Hawarden).

A circular letter in regard to the method of dealing with juvenile offenders has been addressed by the Justice Department to the Stipendiary Magistrates of the Colony, the object being to prevent association of youth ful offenders with criminals. In this connection it is suggested that such offenders should be dealt with at special sittings, ancl no child should remain in a gaol or lock-up, pending trial. It is thought that experience gained in this way will be of value of framing any legislation that may be required.

We (Pnxt) published on Wednesday a complaint from " Fairplay," stating that Chinese fruiterers were in the habit of supplying customers with decayed and inferior fruit, instead of the better quality fruit displayed in their shop-windows. John Chinaman finds a defender in " Justice," who writes stating, first, that Europeans act exactly as the Chinese are said to do ; secondly, that if a customer insists, he can usually be served from the window; and lastly, that he himself has been served with what he asked for.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXX, Issue 8357, 27 January 1906, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXX, Issue 8357, 27 January 1906, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXX, Issue 8357, 27 January 1906, Page 4