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A settler in the Staveley district, Ashburton County, lost 420 out of a flock ol 600 sheep, by the recent snowstorm. Miss Lorraine Tansloy has been engaged to sing tho contralto solos at the Wellington Musical Society's festival, next month. Colonel Gorton is now en route for the Argentine. His two sons have taken up land there, and are much delighted with their prospects. Tenders are invited by the Masterton Borough Council for the formation of about 60 chains of footpath in Johnstonstroet. A mirage, at time taking the form of an island with palms and sandy beaches, was scon from tho Marine-parade, Napier, just after midday on Sunday, and was visiblo for about an hour. A cable message states that during a base ball match at Philadelphia an elevated plank walk.crowded with spectators, collapsed. Four were killed and 150 injured—l 2 fatally. Mr Joseph Tidswell, an old and respected resident of Featherston, died on Sunday last. The deceased was 80 years of age at tho time of his death. He was undo to the Messrs Buick of Masterton. The funeral will take place ta-morrow. There were 102 applications for the clerkship of the Pohangina County Council. Mr John Wheeler, clerk of the Petone Borough Council, who was appointed, has had four years experience of County work in tbe office of the Wairarapa N. County Council. A man named Richard Brassington, 46 years of age, unmarried, employed as an accountant by Messrs T. and A. Young, ruanufactiuring chemists, committed suicide in Wellington yosterday, by taking arsenic. It is stated that deceased had been financially embarrassed. The goods recovered from Hughes, tho second officer, and McCallum, the third engineer of the Corinna (who aro under arrest at Dunedin on charges of stealing luggage) total close on They consist of a large variety of travellers' samples. Some of the things have been found at Westport.

The New Zealand representative of the Bile Beans and Zam-Buk Ointment Manufacturing Company ia at present engaged distributing throughout the Masterton district a pamphlet which sets forth the benefits to be derived from the use of Bile Beans, and is also the means of introducing to tho public ZamBuk Ointment.

A recent visitor to Waikareinoaua states that six inches of snow fell there recently, and the sight was magnificent. The bush was one mass of pure white, and the trees shone like huge pinnacles of frosted silver. Panikiri, sombre and grand, with hugh snow wreaths encircling its hoary head, made np a picture of loveliness not to be excelled.

Eechabites are reminded of the social gathering to bo held in the Town Hall, this (Tuesday) evening. Eefreshments will be supplied in the same manner as on pound nights, and each member is invited to bring a lady or gentleman friend. An excellent programme has been prepared.

A huge granite dam is now in course of construction at Spier Falls, on the Hudson river. It is 1800 feet long and 156 feet high. Ten street tubes, having a diameter of 12 feet will lead the water to 54 in-turbines, each coupled to a 5000 horse-power generator. This will bo the greatest dam ever build for the production of power, and the cost is estimated at over half a million sterling.

It may not be generally known that the Chinese pf this colony have a society for the purpose of arranging and paying for tho shipment of their dead countrymen to their native land. Every Chinaman has to make annua! contributions, ranging from 0 s to £50, according to his financial position. It is stated that the funds of the society now amount to over £8000.

The agreement between tho Masterton Dairy Company and tho Mangamaire settlers is to be ratified this week. The settlers interested in tho Mangamaire district haye taken up a large number of shares in the Mastorton Company, and have promised some four hundred cows. It is anticipated that by next season the produce from about eignt hundred cows will be available.

A parado of the Masterton Biflo Cadet Corps was held last evening, when Captain Hughes inspected the company. The Captain congratulated the officers on the improvement manifested by the Cadets since he last inspected them. He further mentioned that the Cadet movement is to receive every encouragement at the hands of the Department and an effort is be made to form new companies and to increase the membership of the existing ones.

On the fourth page, to-day, will bo found a report of tho proceedings at the last meeting of the Eketahuna County Council; also Directors' Eeport to be submitted to the nest annual meeting of tho Taratahi Dairy Company (Limited); an interesting ' budget of news from Hastwell; an extract from a contemporary referring to the dissatisfaction alleged to exist with the appointment of a Danish expert, also. Gladstone notes and Wellington produce quotations.

Mr H. A. Wheleh, draper, Queen-street, reminds his patrons that there are plenty of bargains left at his sale, which is still running; and points out a reason why he is enabled to sell cheaply, the very best goods procurable. The dressmaking department at Mr Whelcb 's establishment has boen a great success, and with prices right, and fit and style 'guaranteed, it is likely to remain so. a large staif is engaged in this branch, and ladies who havo patronised the department speak in glowing terms of the quality of tho work turned out.

At tho Christchurch Magistrate's Court, last week, Charles' and Alice Hankins wero charged with wilfully neglecting a seven-year-old child in their custody, named Charles Leaman. BubInspector Dwyer stated tho child had been found by the police sleeping, on a bitterly cold night, in an outhouse belonging to the accused at St. Martin. The boy was an illegitimate child of Mrs Hankins, and when found \ii the outhouse was covered with some (lax and three dirty corn sacks. He had no singlet on, while his shirt was all torn. His feet wero cvyollen with chilblains. He had for a pillow two bricks and was stiff with cold when found. The boy had slept there for a fortnight. The mothor had told tho constable sbo was tired of the child and it would be a good job if ho were dead. Instructions havo been given to lay an information as for an indictable offence.

MORE GREAT CURES OF TORTURING, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood hujnours are daily made by Cuticura remedies than by all other skin and blood remedies combined. Warm hatha v/jth Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the skin, gentle anointings with Cuticura Ointment, to instantly allay itching, inflammation, and heal, and mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent Pills, to cool tho blood, is often sullioient to cure the severest cases when all else fails.

The stock case at New Plymouth has been proved to bo anthrax, beyond question.

During last month 4666 bales of hemp, equal to 896 tons, were graded in Wellington by the Government expert.

Mr Joseph lorns, who left Masterton somo months ago, has now settled in Eltham (Taranaki).

We have received a parcel of magazines and other literature, kindly sent by Mr 0. Pragncll, for tho Halcombe invalid.

Sergeant Gordon, who is relieving Sergeant O'Mailey, while the latter is in the Bush district for a week, arrived in Masterton last night.

It is estimated that the repairs to the Spit post oflico necessitated by tho gas explosion on Friday will cost about £100.

The Mangaweka Settler has been sold to Mr M. J. Beardon, who was a candidate for tho llangitikei seat at tho last election.

So beautifully clear was the atmosphere at Napier on Sunday, that the outline of Portland Island was plainly visible from the Marine-parade.

Tho Messrs Cleave, of Auckland, arrived in Napier by automobilo from Auckland, by way of Rotovua and Taupo, en route to Wellington.

The Secretary of the Masterton Fire Police has received a flag with " M.F.P," inscribed tbeveou, from Mr C. Dahl, of Palmorston North.

The British Board of Trade returns for July shows that imports increased by £1,569,860, and exports decreased by £158,625.

Mr John King, an old resident of this town, and who for tho past six years has been engineer to the Gisborne Harbour Board, is now on a visit to Masterton.

A cable received by the Massey-Harris Co., reports that Morton, riding one of that firm's machines, won every amateur championship at the Canadian Wheelmen's Association meeting at Vancouver.

Tho Directors of Public Prosecutions at Home is considering tho question of prosecuting E. T. Hooley, as two Judges in recent cases had described hi 3 action as fraudulent.

Ashburton is now undergoing an epidemic of burglaries, from which it has hitherto been immune. Five daring entrances were effected in tho southern town in ono night recently.

Mr Sladden, of the firm of Seaton and Sladden, Civil Engineers and authorised surveyors, has arrived in Masterton, and has secured offices above the Masterton Building Society.

The motor car to be run in connection with the H.B. Motor Company's service, between Napier and Taradaie, was put through a very Buceossful trial at Wellington, travelling at a speed of sixteen miles an hour.

The death is announced in the Wellington papers of Mr Edwin J. King, senr., lather of the well-known musical family. He was in his sixtysecond year. All the family have made musio their profession.

A cable message states that while proceeding to a banquet at Marseilles a man threw a tomato at M. Combes, the Premier. When pursued his companion fired two rovolver shots at the police, who subsequently arrested both.

Dr. Mason, Chief Health Officer, and Dr. Valintino, assistant Health Officer, who arrived in Masterton on Saturday night, inspected the Borough septic tank yesterday. They returned to Wellington yesterday afternoon.

There was an agreeable change in the weather conditions, in Masterton, today, after a period of continuous rain and muddy streets. To-day, the sun shone out, with a cloudless sky and pleasant breeze, the sumcaits of the Tararuas being, however, still enveloped in haze,

Good progress is being made with the Karaka (Gisborne) railway. First pile of a bridge over the Kaiteretaka was driven on Saturday, and the initial piercing of tho hill for the tunnel at Karaka has been completed. It is expected that the section will be completed by March next and a considerable timber trade is already developing.

Arrangements aro being make by the Agricultural Department for the importation of some good strains of dairy cattle from Great Britain, in order to ascertain what cross will give the best results in milk and buttor-fat. It is also intended te purchase, from the leading breeders in England, some Clydesdale mares, some of them in foal.

A list of rules under which the football match, Cabmen v. Carriers, is to be played, has been drawn up by Mr C. A. Pownall, and can safely be accepted as quite appropriate for the occasion. One rule reads;— *'Anyone wearing a red belt shall be deemed to be a barmaid in disguise, and shall be referred to Mr A. W. Hogg, M.H.8." etc.

The sale of the Bunny estate situate in Worksop-road and Dixon-street is notified by Mr W. H. Cruickshank, the sole agent for the disposal of the property. The land is so well-known, and is so centrally situated, that the sections, which are quoted at £70 and upwards should be speedily disposed of. Plans and full particulars may bo obtained upon application to Mr Cruickshank, Perry-street.

We take the following from the Manawatu Daily Times : —The spectacle of an unfortunate sufferer from a contagious disease being hawked about town after being refused admittance to tho hospital has been witnessed in Palmerston. A kindly medico intervened and rescued tho patient just as his friends were despairing as to what was to become of him. Tho hospital is noplace for such cases. Why is no proper provision being made by the local authority ?

A first offending inebriate was, this morning, convicted and discharged. An intoxicated person was ' arrested this morning, and will be brought before the Court, to-morrow. The man David Douglas, who was, yesterday, remanded to Wanganui on a charge of tendering a falo document, was taken, in the custody of Constable Liermouth, as far as Pahiatua, where the local Constable will be met by a Constable from Wangi.Qui.

An entertainment is to be given pn Thursday, August 20th, in tho Masterton Town Hall, in aid of St. Matthew's Sunday School, which should be well patronised, The first part will bo a vocal and instrumental concert, contributed to by the leading musicians of tho town; and an excellent programme has been drawn up. The second part will be devoted to the operotta " lied Biding Hood" to bo given by sixty juveniles, who have been assiduously practising for some time past, under tho tuition of Misses Pearson and Peterson. Popular prices, 2s and Is, will be charged, and the box plan is now open at McLeod's. Scenic effects will be supplied by Mr A. Pickering. Cheapness i=i not regulated by what you pay, but by what you get for what you pay. Therefore get the best binder—!;he famous " Gold Medal" McCormack—Aim. Anyone that has soro throat Must know ho's caught a cold ; Our good advice ho then should note, And do what ha ia told ; Which is—if he has got the seiase— To hasten to prooure The thing that sells for eighteenpence— Some Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. INVENTION AS A ROAD TO WEALTH, "At no time in history has the demand for useful inventions been so great as at present, and never has there been such activity displayed in invention and such astonishing results produced."—Extract from pamphlet giving information upon patents','obtainable free from Baldwin atd Eayward, National Chambers, Wellin7toj, How is your liver ? If it is troublesome, just spend 1/- and get a box of Book's Liveb Powder, a purely herbal compound, guaranteed to cure all liver disorders. Local agents, W.F.C.A., Ltd.,-and J. Jones &Co., Eketahuna. Btaeumatism and its cure! To effeci a pennanqnfi quro, the urid acid poison must be expelled from the blood; Bock's Rheumatic Powubu (an internal remedy) is guaranteed to do this. Prico, 3/6 per tin. Local agents, W.F.C.A., Ltd., and J. Jones & Co., Eketahuna.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7535, 11 August 1903, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7535, 11 August 1903, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7535, 11 August 1903, Page 2