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JL Wonderful IMEe^iclne. fbr.Bfllone »nd NeiTona Disorders, such aa Wind »nd Pain in » h lStom»oh, Skk Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Diznnera and Drownneei, UoM Cbilk, Flushings of Heat, Loes of Appetite, Shortueee of Breath, Ooetivenw«,Blotch«« m the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nerrong »nd Ambling Sensations, &o. Thb nasi Dos« wiu. erv» bkjjef in twimtt hutotm. ThM i» bo ftetioa. Bvery sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of thtt* Pdk, Md they will be acknowledged to be "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. They promptly lemove any obstruction or irregularity of the rjrrtem. Fot a "Weak Stomach; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver; they act like magic A few doees will work wonder. J*J Macular Syßten?: restoring the long lost Complexion; bringta* back the, keen «d^»W»*!£«"* »TOUBtaK Witt the ROSKBTO OF HKAI.TH the WHOLB PHTSIOAI. B«MT Of ti» humjnJ*""" J">«*« «• «facto ■'admitted by thoueands in all classes of society, and onii of the best*™» n k«*•*• Kcrvoua and debilitated is that BuduwCs PUU have tU largat Salt iftmy PaiaU JitUatu nlbiNrU. BBBOHAM. St. BtigitlgHMhta* ****** Sold OTeiywhMO, in Boxes, Iβ. ljd., and to. »d. wck. All Who Desire to « jm BEETH AM'Syf #» Have soft Velvety %>ji&L*'/W^%flt¥ Skin can obtain it , by using . . . . 4^!^mmmm^mmmmßmmo^^^ KEEPS THE SKIN COOL AND REFRESHED IN HOT WEATHER, and entirely removes All Roughness, Redness, Tan, Chaps, Irritation, etc. BOTTLES, 6d, Is, and 2a 6d. Solo Makers—M. BEETHAM & SON, Cheltenham, England. SHARLAND & CO., Auckland; FELTON, GRIMWADE & CO., Wellington; G. BONNINGTON, Christohuroh. j§f| I j.jjJß^ Edison's Chemical Essence Cures Lameness in Horses. From AUCKLAND TRAMWAYS, ii^iMrß^'iflli Queen-street, Auckland. lii^'^iil!^ July 25th, 1900. \Ji :: 'l^^lil^i) To J. Edson, Esq., chemist, Queen-st. / __ nf f» wy jr{ \ Dear Sir—Kindly forward me ano- / LI V \' V v ther dozen of your Chemical Essence. / JLLJkJUiU £J \. During my many years' experience /' ' ' with numerous preparations, applied CHEMICAL on various lamenesses of horses, I /{/ X don't think I know of anything that|f ~TJ\ Ql kj |VT / 1 Ij i gives better results, and so simple in ife P;Clkli>J [\ \J Pj administration as your Essence.— ji; v_^_«— Your3faithfuUy j. s . KlDD , Manager. || For Lameness in Horses. From AMBURYiINGLISH & CO.Ji .SEwS^Sil Farmers, Dairymen and Butter > one of the most etticacious Horse Blisters extant. Mnniif«r>t,nrprs 'i It is ml, in its operation, but at the same time v Man " tacture "' XnMn -n II permanent in its eftects.- Whilst strong enough to Office: Karangahape-road, Auckland. % ; lliswer the purpose required by the severest July 11th, 1900. |!|! blister, it. has the rare excellency of doing no flj!: injury to the hair, and cannot blemish, however To Mb J. Edson, chemist, Auckland, hi often applied. ..,_,. v v> h- m Sf The numerous testimonials -which have been reDear Sir,—We have had your ChBMI- ce^"f ; ora trainers> stud grooms, and private OAL Essence in use for the past ten ||l rentlemen) an d the fact that it is entirely free from years and have great pleasure in testi- {! corrosive acids and all preparations of Mercury, lying'to its effectiveness We have proved its value as a remedy for strained { or ' Join £ CaUou3ed ?r Hard Swellings sinews, splints, and other ailments j o f i on g standing, and all other diseases requiring a common to horses working on rnacad- s^^%^^^&ccotiinetothe amised roads. In one case we had an di on the b o ttle be a i 3o found one of the animal so badly strained in its lore-leg I be3t applications possible to Sprains, Braises, that it was looked upon as useless, but § stiffness of the Joints, and other injuries of a slight after being properly dressed twice vithfH nature, where actual blistering is not required Edson's clemicalEssence, and In Bottles, at 25., 3s. 6d.. and 6s. each. out, was restored to soundness in a >■ —"-"• short time. We look upon this preparation as being the best and most effective remedy for lameness m horses we have over U3ed. We would advise those who need such a remedy, and have not tried it, to test it by using it, and, if properly applied, wo are confident the result will be satisfactory.— Yours, etc., Ambury, English & Co. Sold by Chemists and Storekeepers everywhere. fKEMPTHORNE PROSSER & Co. WHOLESALE AGENTS: {gHARLAND & CO. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PKOYIDENT SOCIETY, HOLDS THE WORLD'S RECORD FOR LARGEST BONUSES. Results Taken From the Fifty-Fourth Report. NEW POLICIES—IS,S9I completed, assuring £3,702,576 POLICIES IN FORCE-17G.815 assuring $?HSq££ Exclusive of Bonus Additions, amounting to nJi^Azl ANNUAL INCOME FBOM PBEMIUMS and INTEREST is now .. £2,523,650 THE FUNDS OF THE SOCIETY now amount to £18,779,113 DEATH AND MATURED CLAIMS paid since establishment .. .. £13,289,835 CASH PROFIT The amount of Profit available for Division amongst the members, after making exceptional Reserves, is £558,868 An amount greater than that distributed by the Society in any previous year and over 34* per cent, of the Premiums received during the year. IT WILL PROVIDE REVERSIONARY BONUSES, amounting to over £1,000,000 EXPENSES—The percentage of expenses to total receipts was about B|. VALUATION The standard of valuation are more severe than those employed by any other Mutual Office transacting business in New Zealand. EXISTING BUSINESS ON .THE NEW ZEALAND BRANCH REGISTER, 29,544 policies, assuring £8,015,240 INCREASE IN THE ACCUMULATED FUNDS (one year) .. .. £914,599 INCREASE IN ANNUAL INCOME (one year) i! 91,168 INCREASE IN CASH BONUS (one year) £20,143 NET GAIM IN BUSINESS IN FORCE, 7503 Policies, assuring.. .. £1,397,025 INTEREST RECEIPI'S exceeiei amount paid in DEATH CLAIMS by .. £184,908 DIRECTORS OF THE NEW ZEALAND BR INCH;—The Hon. Chas. John Jobnston, M.L.C., Chairman; A. Dβ B, Brandon, Esq. (Deputy Chairman); the Hon. E. Richardson, C.M.G.; John Duncan, Esq., and Joseph Joseph, Esq. EDWARD W. LOWE, RESIDENT SECRETARY. NEW ZEALAND BRANCHCUSTOMHOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. COLONISTS SEND HOME FOB SENT FREE TO YOU. The largest Illustrated Book and Buyer's Guide of Lace Goods issued at Maker's prices. Direct from the Looms. Peach's Registered Artistic DeLACE n CURTAINS, | ROLLER BLINDS, LACES ALL MAKES, ■rwat <aWT<3«S CAPES Ladies' & Gents , Hosieb?, GUIPURE dART BLOUSES, HOUSEHOLD LINENS. maSSas Susllns; collarettes. write to-day. „ , r. i ~~ie ro««inrvfl p«aa Lot 364, contains 1 pair Popular Parcel 23/6 Carriage rree. Bloh Lace 7 Drawing room Curtains, 4yds long, about 2yds wide; 2 pairs alike handsome Dining-room Curias, choice old lace design, 3*yds long, 60in wide; 1 pair floral and scroll Bed-room Curtain*, 3yds long, §oin wide; 1 pair fashionable Brise Bise Curtains; 1 Guipure Table Centre Renaissance deraen • 1 set Ducbesse Toilet Table Covers, 1 45in long and 5 smaller. EC™ ired On'receTptofPostOfijce Order for 23/6, the lot sent per Parcel Post direct o your address in New Zealand well packed in oi cloth Customers throughout the Empire testify to the marvellous value and durability. Fjrst Prize Medals, Toronto 1892, Chicago 1893. „ ,„. Price Lists can P c obtained at the Office of this papeb. Est. 1857. S# PEACH & SON§, Curtain Manufacturers, Nottingham, England. _ . .„ KEEBLE, S. J. BEST & CO., 1 CAB PROPRIETOR, . MASTERTON. VARNISH AND PAINT WORKS, -»= ~ Auckland -TfeRDERS left at T. W. MILLER'S %J CLUB STABLES will receive prompt "— and careful attention. Telephone 49. MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of O# and Spirit Vabnishes for Cabinetmakers, Painters, Decorators, and Coach- ry fa e new No- g builders. at '%>. A vet ¥ s uOoloobs—Dry, in Pasta, in Gold Siae — Tmj ,-p T w» perior quality.—J. in Turps. TlttiiK v QRkU J & ' Oo>) [Established 1885. ABeDtS '

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7534, 10 August 1903, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7534, 10 August 1903, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7534, 10 August 1903, Page 4