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—^——■——__■aa______«^ ll—__wem_M—■—■—^—————— fi.^_f%lf !,J i B _f q &#» l_*i I _L_J_. S3 _! Miiii.iiii__i i|| _?■ tl H ii PMciivr iticiii I " ; HA VVI Wy!.-._-• _ g -— " ' IJi Angier's Emulsion is better than Cod-liver Oil, because it is pleasant to take, agrees wiih the most delicate stomach, *_aer and aids digestion instead cf disturbing it. Il ir, better, too, because it has healing and curative virtues which codtf;i!r" |I ,FJ!-.*"" ! I liver oi! does not possess, and which make it of far greater p—-j_____2_tß | efficacy in lung affections and wasting diseases. JWfilfißfiS'l 1% • t- ""- 7- ti-t-V- I. B e_ ■«_. _____ __■ _■_. __f __. _r _M_l I— _*_fcg__i_fl»-s- ll Km I***Hti _r«. Tb _T% i___ ' _n*» £ .ft »ilß_j _ 1 &____. HE_ _fi _f H1 * (Si ___! flaaj!MjaO I jspa _\ H &Ji _| 11 I A ____&. M. 7 IJ^s^/w"I*.1 '*. ll (PETROLEUM WITH HYP OFHOSP HITES) f I IS is made with our specially purified pelioleum, and has a is I «•"»__ b-F\a il wonderfully soothing effect upon the throat, lungs and &• ■_ . 'w-ita. DiK' 5 *''11 air-passages, relieving troublesome coughs, and heal- j& I IE nl B an y inflamed or catanhal condition. At the same j|j v A P tim e 't promotes appetite, ai.'s digestion, and builds up |S I i\' weight and strength. Angier's Emulsion is prescribed by (| i il the mct 'ical profession throughout the entire English- & 3 IS '-H.„!!i-ll;S-.'a-Il - speaking world, and is largely used in hospitals. E' I A FREE SAMPLE 1 a i i L on receipt of 4d. postage. Mention this paper, X il CAUIBOS'..-Do not fl.kdisappc-intmentor worse by tifying cheap imita. ■ J tions made with ordinary petroleum, but insist upon having Angler's. ■ 3 In three sizes; of all chemists. B I THE ANGIER CHEMICAL CO., Ltd., 7 Barrack Street, Sydney, N.S.W.; ■ Ik London, England; Boston, U.S.A. M FOR 11 TAKE INDIGESTION, nyLI-OW ||| \siCK HEADACHE, ■ lli li__!% andall _k 4k_U_UK# LIVER COMPLAINTS. _lanuf_etarea only at 78, New Oxford Street, Loudon; sold by aU C_e___tn and _le_ict_o Vendom All Who Desire to " BEE THAM'Syf ~ Have Soft Velvety Skin can obtain it ~W£jf/fJL/^AASj KEEPS THE SKIN COOL AND REFRESHED IN HOT WEATHER, and entirely removes AH Roughness, Redness, Tan, Chaps, Irritation, etc. BOTTLES, 6d, ls, and 2s 6d. Sole Makers—M. BEETHAM A SON, Cheltenham, England. SHARLAND & CO., Auckland; PELTON, GRIMWADE A CO., Wellington; G. BONNINGTON, Christehuroh. "STEEL QUEEN" DISC HAKROW. OUR NEW DIRT-PROOF FORCE-FEED GBEASE LUBRICATORS are a great success, and put us further ahead than ever. BOOTH, MACDONALD & CO., CHRISTCHURCH. the FREEMAN & WALLACE ELECTRO-MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Nine Diplomas and Certificates of Qualification \ ) and Registration open for inspection by the S HAVE YD 11 TRIFI) IT 9 D, Dr. Wallace, from the Medical < unVL. lUU iniCU II ( J Boards of Hew South Wales, Victoria, South Aus- i _-__■_— c tralia, England and America. Sir Dominic Cob- t C ElQAlf, Bart, Physician to the late Queen, says:— / V "I entertain a iiish opinion of Dr. Waliack in I ci__iS / regard to his professional qualifications." Lite J S Homoeopathic Hospital. Melbourne, and British \ 5 Imperial Army Medical Stuff. \ (_S9 S ) £ancs . Q ••••••w w9 y IKmm- €ra " ,sion . Tlie w Ll 2 ) \ and Body Builder. \ WORTH CONSIDERING. ) S ANTONJi; reading theso lines suffering from pro S \ tracted cases of Insomnia, Dyspepsia, C A medicine-food that strengthens S tndlaestlon, Palpitation, or any form of ) ~.. , " / Heart Disorders, Sciatica, Nervous- / ana ounas. V moss, Mental Impairment, Disordered That makes strength wl]ere weak . 5 Functions, Degenerated or Enfeebled \ PV [o ipr \ S Constitution, or any Nerve Deranyc- C nebs exisceu. J ments arising from lack of natural nerve force, C Muscular strpnr/th and vital J which results in a bypher-sen-itiveuess of the ncr- C MUS^ r .. stren ß tn ana vlta V tous system with often times disistrous effects in / strengtn. I the shape of Papalysis, Epilepsy, Hysteria > M cul r strenet h enables you to / or St. Vitus' Dance, should write to the J "J-us-.iar .naui-b yuu iv r FREEMAN & WALLACE institute o» \ perform feats of endurance. * Snecialists'mßloodan&NerveDlsorders. \ .... ... .. , .- c .fofessfonal opinions are free. The Postal System 3 Vitality is a question of COUStI- S >t the Institute is perfect, nnd patients can be \ tution. J treated as well in their homes aa if in Sydney, f .J These famous Specialists treat sncco«fiilly S Your constitution can be strong in C ill Disorders of Men-General Debility, C every way. v md Weakness. S,. , .. . ... ~. / A TESTIMONY C v can m:i ' <q strong with this \ Mr.JesephMoason.ChamplonCyellmi \ great medicino food. ) at New South Wales, i ajs:— S J "I Buffered from nervousness for some time. l_oi IF9D* \ wag on the point of a constitutional break' C __-_llf_ £ i?__-f-i-_!__S_ C ip more than once. The merits of your Electric > y«lilB 9 ggl!-t!-d-Uia S Invlgorator' and your system are beyond > \ iUeStl ° n '" (Signed). JOSEPH MECSON. < Supplies the human system with ( \ the elements needed for health ) Onr Electric " Invigorators" are Klectrically \ an( j stren „ tn . S Perfect. The prices are~-Copper-plate,£l; Silver- > ° f plate, £1 10a j Solid Silver, £3; Solid Qold, £10 i _ medicinal vitalized emuh.on of 5 This instrument contains 2o£ 18-carat gold. We \ cd Liver Oil, Fresh Eggs, \ specially recommend our £1 IJelt f < o_ • \ If you suffer write at once, your health may be I I_ime, boda « (_reasote. p regained ia a few weeks mat is life to you if JR „ th n ,i |h _ r p.,,,].;,,,,, ( health is no longer yours? The Specialists bare \ cettet man au otn.r emulsions. 1 been more s..ecessful in ths^ treatimwt of Chrome. I M health-giving, more strength- < Diseases of Men than any association of meajca] jf . . ,•.,•• ° J men in Australia. Medicines posted free to aU parts h giving, and more vitalizing. f of Australia. c jj as properties not possessed by any \ HOME TREATMENT. S other medicine or food. V The Specialists' system of parcels poit and 1 Lane's Emulsion improves the appe- ( correspondence is perfect. You can be treated C - ./ n h \j- ] medically in your own homo by them as well as l \ "te, anu puis llesn on tllin ) yo» bad visited tbem. Write a full description o/ J folks; it builds up weak lungs; p your ailment, describe your symptoms, and in a S jt stops the couj>h of consump- f < tion, and kills the consumptive > cure. It will only cost you the price of one letter ( germ. \ : orA b u.4to opiniOUßoftUetWOleadin StS \ ll wonderfully helps weak people, ( ] C puts fresh blood into their \ A MEDICAL VOLUME FOB ONE SHILLING, i veins, fresh vitality and joy ot \ j "CLINICAL EXPERIENCES," a handsomely \ living into their tissues. \ I bound, profusely illustrated, instructive volume, / ~,.,... > will be forwarded to any Australian address on 1 It changes Sick, frail, delicate people \ receipt of ONE SHILLING IU STAMPS. It con- \ j nto s t ro n., robust, and vig- V taina 550 pages, with 150 illustrntlbns of the humar r „•;■„_ „_--,?_ / .unctions: ItisaWHOLELIBRAETOf PACTS \ orous people. f So one Bhould be without a copy. Cj t ma^es wea ] i babies grow into ) TIipFREEIV3__EI& WALLACE S strong ts ' j iner it__b.ihmw « ww«b.%»?w_ o Doctorsprescribcit regu | ariy . Thß \ ELECTRO-MEDICALAKO SURGICAL INSTITUTE, \ k £, w its c 6mpo-hi.n, and \ Car. Elizabeth & Bathurst Streets, 5 jjnow ft as a certain lun<*- \ SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA S healer and body builder. ( TPleaso mention ,th.ia paper when writing.] r j WHY PAY RENT? ) . . I BY the payment of a small amount in \ BIJL| it and fi"3 it ]Vo a !J' \ advance of a rent you can become £ } your own landlord. i Chemists and Stores will supply you. C To securo a property for yourself you can t i borrow up to two-thirds of it- value, repay- C jyyo SIZES : ing the loan by Monthly Instalments which p S will only amount to slightly more than your \ gm± c* i I I6ai ' ■ > A W% & fill/ft. S Loans repayable at any time upon six \ _&__ / '•_-» / f months' notice being given. f 'J For full information apply to the agents f Take nouo but Lau.'s. \ WALTER A. TATE, Manager. / " It's Famous because it's Good," S Mastorton Agent—Mb G.S.W.DALitYMPLK. \ . .., ~ C Alfredton and Ekctahuna-F. H. Wood & f *~* '^g° 0(1 ? Sons, Ltd. / Men ' Wolne ". «nd Child rco. S thk PERMANENT INVESTMENT _nd / R q \ LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WAIRARAPA ? M-IN-SXB2ET, GBE-lOWf. ' \>~\SSrS *V***-VW/V*"\

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7533, 8 August 1903, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7533, 8 August 1903, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7533, 8 August 1903, Page 4