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The dsath is announced by cable of Mr Dan Godfrey, bandmaster, at Home.

Friday is the anniversary of the inauguration of the telegraph system in New Zealand, forty-one years ago.

" Sports and Pastimes " by our contributor " Topnotcher" will bo found on the fourth page , , to-day. Four thousand live sheep left by the steamer Cornwall yesterday for South Africa. ISo tenders were received in New Zealand for the supply of bread and groceries for British troops in South Africa.

The vital statistics for the past month in Masterton arc as follows: births, twelve ; marriages, six ; deaths, two.

By cablo we learn that the boiler of the cruiser Good-hope which exploded was a Belleville, and not a Balcoeks

There has been a decided increase in tho birth-rate in Wellington during tho half-year ended yesterday.

The Yen. Archdeacon S. Williams, of Hawko's Bay, has given £100 to the fund which is being raised to replace the churches in North Queensland destroyed by a cyclone.

According to Mr Justice Edwards, " The average carpenter is quite capable of taking care of himself—particularly in the matter of making out accounts against his employer."

There were no bankruptcies in Wellington during the last month. Sinco the beginning of tho year only five persons in Wellington have filled declarations of solvency.

There is nothing fresh in regard to the small pox scare at Launceston, except that the supply of lymph is totally inadequate to vaccinate those seeking protection.

Mr Skerrett stated before the Wellington Licensing Committee that nearly _250,000 was being spent in Wollington by ono firm alono in rebuilding licensed premises.

Settlers of Hastwell are erecting a creamery in their district, in connection with the Mauriceville Dairy Company. The work is being carried out by Messrs Holben and Kirk, of Palmerston North.

It is stated that Sir (j. M. O'Rorke will not be nominated to tho Legislative Council, because the Government has laid down the rule that recently-defeated candidates are not to be appointed.

The shareholders of ihe Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association, Ltd., Masterton, are requested to return coupons on or before July 31st, to enable them to participate in tho annual bonus.

The Masterton Municipal Band are arranging an elaborate programme for tho concert to bo given in the Wesloyan Schoolroom, on Tuesday next. Every itnn will bo contributed by members of the Band.

Mr A. Norman, draper and fancy goods importer, opposite tbe Occidental Hotel, notifies that he is still continuing in business in Masterton, and is selling at sale prices, and that reductions have been made in every lino.

Some interesting particulars of the Kentucky Vendetta, being a narrative of the feud and murders, and the over-awed jury, will be found on the fourth page, today. It is a graphic description of some phrases of life in America. *

The other day tho Auckland coroner in asking a jury if they had all answered to their proper names, stated that it had been found that gentlemen sometimes sent substitutes, who answered in the names of tho persons summoned.

News has beon received from Adelaide that Mr Percy Coward, tho alto singer of the Westminster Abbey Glee and Concert Party, recently in New Zealand, has had to have the middle finger of his left band amputated because of blood-poisoning.

"Puzzled " writes toaDjnedin paper: —If I send 5s to " Tattersall," in the hope of winning a prize, is that a moral act ? And if I buy 5s worth oi a big cheese at tho Show, in the hope of winning somo of tho coins lodged therein, is that also a moral act ?

Messrs J. O'Mcara and S. Bartlett were to-day taking round a subscription list for the benefit of Mr G. Davies who has been seriously ill for some timo past, and is at present an inmate of the Masterton Hospital. Mr Davies has a wife and a family of five young children.

A Frenchman named Canno, who died recently at Buenos Ayres seems to havo pus up a record as a miser. For eleven years he has lived in one of tho worst slums in the city, his destitution exceeding that of ordinary beggars. His dwelling was never cleaned, and in the refuse and filth, bonds were found to the value of £40,000.

A portrait of Lady Ranfurly is given in The Sketch, and the wife of our present Governor is described as " the most popular of vice-Queens." She " has closely identified herself with the Colony, and Government House has been, under her gentle rule, the centre of many good works, as well as of social gaiety,"

As Dr. Teare, (defendant in the recent case Sansbury v. Teare) who leaves for England shortly, will be absent from the Colony for a long period, ho has resigned the positions of surgeon to the police, Permanent Militia, and prisons in Wellington.

During last month two bankruptcies were dealt with by Mr W. B. Chennells, D.0.A., as against one for the same month last year. Since January the number of insolvencies is four, and for the corresponding period last year the number was seven.

During the past month Mastorton, from the police point of view, has been particularly quiet. Thirty-two offences were reported, and out of this number thirty persons were summoned or apprehended. The number of offences dealt with during the same month last year totalled forty.

Tho appeal, in yesterday's issue, for the unfortunate cripple at Halcombe, is not without response. Master Patrick Leahy, of Wrigley-strcet, Masterton, left at the Daily Times office, this morning, a box ot used stamps, which will he forwarded with other gifts from kindlydisposed townspeople.

Mr A. R. Bunny has admitted Mr B. J. Dolan into partnership, and in future tho firm will be conducted under tho stylo " Bunny and Dolan." Mr Bunny has conducted a very successful legal practice in Masterton for over a quarter of a century, whilst Mr Dola_'s ten years' residence in Masterton has been ono of literary and business activity.

At a special meeting of the Masterton Borough Council, held last evening, the special order required in reference to tho £2000 loan for widening Bannister-street was made. Another meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday, July 30th. Tho loan was somo timo ago sanctioned by the ratepayers, and the money is to be obtained from the Wellington Harbour Board.

Later reports show that by the railway accident in Spain 110 wero killed, and 100 injured. The engine and twenty cars fell. A number were drowned l'ko rats'in traps. Tho injured were hours among the wreckage before adequate help arrived, and'several' wont insane, J A later message states that ono hundred bodies have been recovered, and it is estimated that soventy aro still unrecovered.'!

The attention of our readers, and more particularly the farming community, is directed to an announcement appearing elsewhere from Mr Donald Donald, who has just returned from a business tour through America. Whilst in that country Mr Donald secured the agency for many excellent lines, which he is placing on the market here.. ; Fcr tho coining season Mr Donald will havo ready 100 wool presses, 1000 wire strainers and 500 jacks of his own invention.

The ideas of equity in Mangaia, ono of tho islands of the South Pacific, aj.'e evidently very primitive. Jn his lecture on the recent Parliamentary excursion, Mr Major, M.H.R.. said that if a maiden had, or hadn't, reason to think that a man had been imbibing spirituous liquors, sho could lay an information against him, and on conviction (which invariably followed, because the accused could not gjvc evidence on his own behalf) he !:a_ In work for a certain time in tho girl's garden. It is a tlio custom does not hold good in New Zealand, or a considerable portion of tho male population would be all the time engaged in gardening pursuits.

WOMEN, ESPECIALLY MQTHEIIS, aro competent to appreciate the purity; sweetness, and delicacy of Cuticura Soap, and to discover new use for It daily. Its remarkable emollient, cleansing, and purify, ing properties warrant its use in the form of vhklr's or wjlutions for annoying irritations, iiiflaiiii*;auoi,s, and chiiline's, for ulcerative weaknesses mid for irian\ sanati'.c prrpr.-e-; which readily .su„».\*;t t'hemse'v..**. Guile anointings of Cuticur,*. Ointment, tin: j/rcal skin cure, and mild doses of Cuticuia Resolvent Pi ls, to cool and cleanse the blood, will prove of astonishing benefit--.

The Finance Bill has passed tho House of Lords.

A meeting of tho Boxing Association is to be held this evening, at S.oO, in the Foresters' llall.

A " meet " of the Masterton Hunt Cl;*b is to take place at Greytown, tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon.

A meeting of the Committee of the Poultry and Dog Association will take placo this evening.

The Mastorton Borough Council last night decided to fix the Mayor's honorarium at £'50 per annum.

We are glad to learn that Mr Burton Boys, who had a rather serious seizure on Sunday afternoon,is now almost convalescent again, and is able to attend to business.

During the last six months forty-one persons havo been charged at the Wellington Police Court with having stowed away on vcssols from various ports to Wellington.

The French Chamber of Deputies has authorised the construction of a cable between Madagascar and Reunion (Mauritius), and another cable between Brest and Dakar (French Senegal).

Sir James Hector yesterday relinquisheds the position of Director of the Geological Survey, manager of the New Zealand Institute, etc., which he has held for so many years.

Residents arc reminded of the opening of the Collie Club trials, on Lansdowne, to morrow. Everything is in readiness for tho meeting ; tho entries are good, and the admission free. An interesting day can be spent there.

The predominant feature in the Governor's speech is its redundant verbosity. Several people arc asking was it composed by ex-King Mahuta—or by the new Minister of Education ? The general opinion seems to bo that the latter was tho compiler.

A cable message states that Madame Melba has been commanded to sing at Buckingham Palace during President Loubet's visit, also at a gala performance in opera. There is an unprecedented influx of French visitors to London.

Mr Charles J. Long, who was known in commercial circles from one end of the colony to tho other, died in Wollington, yesterday. The deceased was a smart man of business, and for many years represented several large English firms in New Zealand.

The gas manager (Mr Dobson) recently suggested to tho Borough Council that the gas works accounts should be kept at the works and altogether apart from the Corporation office. At the special meeting of tho Borough Council, last night, effect was given to the Finance committee's recommendation that the suggestion be not carried out.

Last month Masterton prohibition orders applied for totalled six, while there were three for the same month last year. Only five cases of drunkenness were dealt with last month, but generally the number runs up into double figures. Two prohibited persons were detected and punished for entering upon I: cen d premises.

Cr. 0. Pragnell, at last night's meeting of the Masterton Borough Council, advocated the appointment of a good ratecollector. While there was invarably large outstanding rates in connection with the local Council, in Palmerston North there was none to speak of, duo to to having a good rate-colllector. The outstanding rates of the latter Council last year was _321, and of that _SlB was a contra, so that thero was really speaking only £3 actually in arrears.

The Oamaru Mail says: " A lad named Mowbray, about thirteen years of age, whose parents reside in North Humberstreet, met with a painful accident the other night. The young fellow was playing on the sea beach opposito tho the engine sheds with another lad, at about five o'clock in the evening, and whilo scrambling over the stone 3 put down for protection works, ono of the huge boulders, which had evidently been lightly balanced, toppled over and pinned his two legs. It was impossible to remove tho rock, and the lad asked his companion to run home and tell Mr Mowbray, but this was not done, the other boy apparently considering it possible that he might be held responsible for the accident. Young Mowbray therefore lay crushed between tho rocks until 8 p.m., when a lady and gentleman who wero passing heard a call for assistance, and enlisted the services of several of the hands from the railway sheds, who were unable to extricate the sufferer without bringing into requisition a screw-jack to remove the heavy stones. Dr. Garland was promptly in attendance, and ordered the boy's removal to the hospital, where it was found necessary to perform an operation, the right leg which was smashed at the thigh, being amputated. Wo understand that the boy, who bore the ordeal with fortitude, is progressing as satisfactorily as can be expected."

A new club has just been established in New York, which ha 3 for one of its features an uninterrupted service for 24 hours a day every day in the year. Its founders have been struck by the resemblance of this practice and that of Tennyson's Brook, and have consequently named it the Brook Club.

Fclo de Se, which we've been told, Is meant for suicide, Applies to Jones, who caught a cold, Neglected it, and died ; Carelessness won't make old bones, Nor health to us secure. When you've a cold, don't follow Jones, Take— Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. a dappx mouoni may bring a fortune. Inventions are not always the outcome of long study or experiment. A happy thought, leading to the production of a useful article, has very often turned the tide of life, and yielded the inventor a competency.—Extract from pamphlet giving information on patents, obtainable free, by post, from Baldwin and Rayward National Chambers, Wellington. How is your liver ? If it is troublesome, just spend 1/- and get a box of Bock's Liveii Powder, a purely herbal compound, guaranteed to cure all liver disorders. Local agents, W.F.C.A., Ltd., and J. Jones & Co., Eketahuna. Rheumatism and its cure! To effect a permanent cure, the urid acid poison must be expelled from the blood; Bock's Rheumatic Powder (an internal remedy) is guaranteed to do this. Price, 3/0 per tin. Local agents, W.F.C.A., Ltd., and J. Jones & Co., Eketahuna.

The fashions are at Hooper's. We have opened our first shipment o£ autumn and winter novelties, and have never had a nicsr lots of goods. The trimmed millinery, of which we have over 300 imported hats and bonnets, is charming, and some wonders of art. The jackets and skirts are tailor-made, well-finished, full of style and taste, and latest cut. They are selling quickly, so don't tarry. Our dress goods are the most fashionable and favoured materials, with trimmings and all the little accessories to mat.h. We havo also a splendid selection of fancy drapery, such as collarettes, furs, ribbons, laces, feathers, (lowers, corsets, etc., and should be pleased to show you the stock whc never you have from 5 minutes to a day to s-p v*_. Hooper and Co., Drapers and Importers. —Advi.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7500, 1 July 1903, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7500, 1 July 1903, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7500, 1 July 1903, Page 2