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The Town Lands Trust Technical Ims appointed a ComEducation, mittee to formulate a scheme for technical education, It should, ivo think, in the first instance, have stated what sum of money it was prepared to allocate annually in this direction. The annual grant is the key-note of any project which may be recommended, and it is almost impossible for any Committee to bring up a satisfactory report without having some definite guidance on this essential point. Mb Riley suggests techFakm nical education, in agriAnd culture and pomology j Knurr and we regard this as the Gardkk. most valuable branch of study for a country district. But wo feel curtain that the Trust will not find ways and means to enter upon so important an undertaking. It might, however, vote ten pounds a year for the best flower garden, ten pounds for the best fruit garden, and ten pounds for the best vegetable garden, the competition being restricted to workingmen. This, at a small cost, well within the msans of the Trust, would stimulate a valuable home industry. Lesser awards might also be offered to boys and girls. Tub Mechanic's School, Tun proposed by Mr Danicll, Mechanic's should be an adjunct to Scnooi,. the public school, so that it could be used by school-boys in the day-time, as well as by the older lads in the evening. There would also be this advantage that the Education Board might be expected, if the work-shop were erectod on the School site, to contribute largely towards its cost. It would probably take less than one hundred pounds to lit up a suitable work-shop, and less than fifty pounds a year to maintain it,

Mi! Lowks was quite right Tun in asking for a notice' Town of motion on the Hah,. T'jwn Hull question. We assume that lie will desire to give effect to the expressed wish of the majority of the public in this matter, but any direct proposal requires to be very carefully thought out. Indeed, Mr Lowes himself, from his business experience and capacity, is better fitted to think out the essential conditions and safeguards of such a project than any other mombor of the Trust. We do not regard Mr Lowes as hostile lo the undertaking; on the contrary, we rather look to him to formulate a modus operandi, which will induce many of tho opponents of tho scheme to at least tolerate it, ■ The Mastcrton School Committee meets this evening. The Masterton Hospital Trustees meet to-morrow afternoon. An improvement in the health of the Minister for Lands is reported, The weekly mectiug of (he North Wairarapa Liberal Association takes place this evening. Dctlhg.exccpt through the totalisater, will not be allowed at the Steeplechase Mectiug at Taralahi ou Thursday. Mr A. W. Hogg, M.JUi., addresses l]ic electors at Pahiatua ou Friday next, June 14th. There were -J-9,9-10 sheep carried on Hie Wellington scelion of the railways during the month of May, The Bcv, S. H.D. Poryman preaches at (he Masterton Presbylciian Church next Sunday. Some of the tops with which the Chin- , esc amuse themselves are as big as barrels. It takes three men to spin one, and it gives on" a sound that may be heard several hundred yards away, Mr K. A. Davys, late of the Mastcrton liaihvay Station, underwent ut pain- ( ful operation at Wellington last Friday. ' lie is, we hear, progressing favourably. A man recently floated for three days on . a cake of ice in Lake Michigan. To keep i awake he pricked himself frcqucutly i with a knife, | Mrs Ccradine, agent for the Columbia ' litter, and costumier, of Perry street, ' Masterton, has an .announcement iu ' another column of particular interest to ' the ladies of this district, i The children who recently took part ' in the Maypole Dance at St. Matthew's Schoolroom, were photographed by Mr ' D. Wilton on Saturday? : Mr If. A. Scott/of Masterton, left for ' Auckland on Saturday, where he will be ' married to Miss Alice Galloway, late of ] Masterton, ' The Grand National Hurdles at Auckland on Saturday were won by Liberator ] by two lengths, Time Jmin 7sec. Div. (inside) £2 15s. MessrsSiniins&Mowlemannounecthat \ their next stock sale will be held in J the yards, Masterton, on Wednesday 19th June, at 1 o'clock, for which they 1 advertise 30 fat, ewes aud 2C3 good l young ewes in lamb, and i springing c heifers, well forward, I Souimerville, (lie man who shot Mr *■ Arthur Herbert, was taken to Welling. v ton on Saturday afternoon, a large crowd assembling to witness his departure. He S was taken away as quietly as possible, » by the Courthouse entrance to tho 1 Police Station, t: At tho recent Temperance meeting t< lield here by Mr H. Field, the following 1 resolutions were passed, Moved by Mr I W, M, Easthope, and seconded by Mr n L'. A. Bitc :—" That this meeting np- " iiroves the principles of the proposed C lew Licensing Bill, and strongly urges h lnon the Government the necessity of ai Kissing the measure into law during the "' mining session of Parliament, and that C lopies of this resolution ho forwarded to I>--hc Hon, tho Premier, and to Mr A. W. S iogg, M.HJi, for this electorate," and m imposed by Mr J". Bigg, and seconded d< iy theßcv J, Dukes that:—"This meet- aj ng rejoices to hear that at flic recent iiaoii Parliament held at Eotorua a fl, ictition largely signed by tho natives jj iraying that a clause be added to the o iicensing Act that no intoxicating liquor S(1 ic sold or given to any person of the Jatiyc. race, and thnt no license here- !0 owed or fresh license bo granted within jj mile of Maori land, and earnestly j) opes that the Government will give a It'ect to the same. That a copy of this s0 ssolutionbesentto tho Premier and m rrA,W.Hogg,M.H,E," J Amongst the list of names of' New M lealand students appearing in the prize "< st of Edinburgh University, for tho to •inter session is:—Materia raodica, sec- oh ad class, Ernest E. Porritt; anatomy, M vst class, Ernest E.PorrK't, H

Thirteen trucks ot sheep were despatched from Masterlon on Saturday mormug, , The ashes of coal from certain mines m bouth Africa have been analysed recently, and found to contain over nine penny-weights of gold to the ton. Although the British South African Company was not formed until 1889, it is already master of a territory larger than the Cape Colony. A few nights ago six fowls were killed by a weasel on premises in the business part ot Bangiora. It is considered lawful for any person 1 tok 'ha grave robber in China the in- ; stant ho is caught in the act. England has 1,000,000 persons who :. «» , cither paupers in workhouses, , criminals in prisons, homeless of great cities, or wanderers. ■ A Sioux City (Iowa) gambler, Jack ; Kerry who ran away from his home in 1 ffi^V 8 ? 1 a « 0 ' lms MkM AbO.CJO by the deatli of liis father. A hotel for women only is about (o he . started in New York. A site has been ' chosen, and a Committee of ladies is • carrying through the plans. The prosi pectus promises those who patronise it • all the comforts of home, cheap prices ! and no iron-bound regulations." I A . A valuable remedy entitled "Bee" 1 Ointment, was introduced to the public i notice some time ago by Mr John i Llewellyn, of Paluierslon North, and i has been found to he a most useful j specific for many obstinate complaints, . so_ much so that the proprietor has re- , ceived a great number of Haltering , testimonials from all parts of the colony. ' llic ointment has been found equally applicable to man or beast, many people liii'hng it invaluable for- horses' . shoulders, girth and saddle galls. The . proprietor, Mr John Llewellyn, has an , announcement elsewhere in this issue in , which he cautious the public against ' being misled with a spurious article ami also intimates that the agency of Mr E. ' Gallichan has been cancelled, the latter having now nothing to do with the "Bee" 1 Ointment. We understand that Mi l Llewellyn has applied to the Supreme , Court for an injunction to restrain Mi I Gallichan from making use of the Mine , " Bee " Ointment, which has been regis- ' tercd by him. . A street musician iu Yiennajor many , years regarded as a poor old man, on j being arrested for drunkenness turned out to bo a woman. She confessed hav--1 ing dressed as a man for 30 years, hav--3 ing found it easier to get an houcsl i living so than in woman's clothing. Sixty years ago Mr Joseph Gillolt was a working jeweller in Birmingham. > One day he accidentally split one of his i line steel tools, and being suddenly ) required to sign a receipt, and not findt mg a quill pen at hand, he used the . split tool as a substitute. This happy | accident led to the idea of milking pens of metal. It was carried out in secret, ; and now the name of Gillolt is found on ' almost every pen you use. , The Pahiatua County Council have declared all their roads and bridges unsafe for traffic. , A great temperance convent ion is to , be held in Wellington on Wednesday '. and Thursday, July 3rd and 4lh. An American chemist has succeeded in making artilical milk, said lo be indistinguishable from cow's milk. If '. allowed to stand cream rises upon it, ' which can be converted into butter, or il 1 may be converted into cheese. At ! present tho cost is above that of real i milk, but he hopss he will scon be enabled to sell it at the ordinary price of natural milk. We hear that Mr W.H. Fletcher, llic i Masterlon contractor who was badly assaulted at Wellington some days ago, by a man named llobert Wikliam, is not improving at all, erysipelas having set in. 'His assailant has been remanded (ill Friday next. The regular monthly meeting of tho Masterlon Masonic Lodge, takes plane on Wednesday evening next. Air W. C. Buchanan speaks at Carterton, this evening, A cat in Duudeo had a surprising experience recently. She made a spring for a canary, which hung in a cage by a four-storey window. She missed the bird and went clean through the window A cat, however, is prepared for all emergencies. By a series of renal gymnastics she lighted on her fed, and walked oil as if nothing had happened. A man against whom a warrant was out, walked right into the railway carriago where Constables May and Lawlor were sitting, on the WellingtonMasterlon train, ou Saturday night. He was arrested. Queen Street was enlivened ou Saturday creniiig last by the Maslerton Municipal Fire Brigade Band, under the direction of Bandmaster Candy, playing an excellent programme The annual musical examinations held under Trinity College, London, took place at the Maslerton Public School, on Saturday last, There were live candidates for Intermediate and Junior Pass, and mon for Intermediate and Junior Honours. Two Of the candidates were Miss Pearson's pupils, the remainder Mr A. von Keisenberg's, Mr Foist kindly acted as supervisor. The Bcv. .1. Dukes preached a powerfill Kcrmou at the Maslerton Wesloynn Church last night, in which he strongly opposed the doctrine of the extinction of being, after death. MrT.W.Kirk, of Hie Agriculture' Department visiled Masterlon on Saturday. Hc.lcaves for Carterton this afternoon, _ When being lakon to Wellington on Saturday afternoon, Sommervillo asked the police iu (he train, how long they would gtTe him to live after sentence was pronounced. One of the constables replied "About a month," Souimerville remarking •' Oh, that's not so bad!" A neat memorial board, has just been erected in the Masterton Municipal Fire Brigade Station. It was made by Mr J. Prentice and lettered by Mr D. S. Papworth. The only name it bears at present is that of the Brigade's late Treasurer, Mr J, Baumber, Messrs Bright and Morrison's slarliug machine will bo used at the Wairarapa Hunt Club's Steoplcchase on Thursday. Mr T. D. Thompson, invites lenders for painting the front of the Empire Hotel, Masterton, A petition is in circulation and has been largely signed by Masterton tradespeople, in favour of closing their places of bitsinoss at 11 a.m. on Thursday next,the occasion of tho Wairarapa Hunt Club's Steeplechase Meeting at Clareville. During his journey to Wellington on Saturday, Sommerville chatted pleasantly with the Constables in charge of him, on many subjects. Alluding to tho tragedy ho said he was indeed happy to i think that he had hurt no one else but i Herbert. He also reminded Constable j Lawlor that ho had met him years ago, ; when in tho yoar 1879 they wero work- ! ing together on.a large drain contract at Christclmrch. Sommorville gave no ! trouble in any way to his guardians, ' and on being handed over to the Wei- I ingfon policemon at the Summit, he bado Constables May and Lawlor good-bye s pleasantly. At tho Masterton liailway A Station he sho.ok hands with the cab- j nan who drove him up, remarking, "I lon't suppose you will crcr see me -. igain. •" The following is tho programme for his evening's sixpenny concert at the } Masterton Wcslcyan Schoolroom:— *■ Drcrture, "Genevieve," Orchestra; song, n elected, MrC. Gindcrs; recitation, "The n iYcalth of England," Master B. Donald; v ;ong," Eosos Underneath the Snow," r HissPragnell; violin solo, Miss Nellie f )anioll; song, "In Old Madrid," Mr » 1. H. Light; piano solo, Miss Dukes; • ong, selected, Miss Crann; violin solo, " diss Ethel Whitt; Beading, Bcv J. Mes; duct, "Life's Dream is O'er," r disses Prentice and Cran; solcctio'u, 'Osmunda," Orchostra; song, "Best ' otheWeiry,"MrJ. F.Lilly; organ bligato, Mr Meadows; trombone solo, Ir T. Gray; song, "Queen of my e: leart," Mr Siinnis. ■ a-

i—_—_———Binm • Meußrs Lowes and lorns add to their ! safe list for June 12th, 50 ewes in lamb, 10 springing heifers, 6 hand-reared j heifers and 3 stoers, 100 forward owes, 1 and 100 forward rrethcrs. 5 MrA. W-Hogg, M.H.R.will address liis constituents at Eketahuna, on Sati urday next, at 8 p.m. t At a general committee meeting of the r Wamrapa Pastoral and Agricultural Society, held on Saturday, a resolution I passed urging the Government to s retain the services of Mr J. ]]. McEwan as dairy instructor, together with Mr n bawers, one for each Island. . There are now two male and two femalo patients under treatment in the 0 Mastorton Hospital, i, A start has been made on the work of t replacing another length of the Queen Street gutters with concrete, It Last night, the woman Louie Smith, ii who was taken to the Wellington HosA nital on Thursday night sttfforing from burns received at'a houso in Haining street, suddenly becamo unconcious, and died about a quarter of an hour afterward. s ;. Tho sale of drapery and clothing anII nounced in another column, will comenoe , s on HU\rhy June Ist, at the Bon Marche, Messrs L, j. Hooper anil Co., have decided to dispose of tne whole of their new season's " stock of drapery, millinery, olotlnng, housec hold tarnishing, woollens, blankets, etc, n This is a chance tint very seldom occurs 1 and buyers would do well to visit the sale , early as there is to doubt the Roods will be ' sold independent of cost prices aud at great s > sacrifioo.-ADvr, • ' One of the sights of Wellington, at auy " time is undoubtedly the magnificent eslab--1; lislnnent.known as Te Aro House, and now )' that every department within its walls is •c filled to overflowing, with a bewildering 5 variety of tho season's novelties in milie lincry, mantles, dre?sos, etc, it is more than n ever a pleasure and profiljo visit the wholeu sale family drapery warehouse, Te Aro it House. j Particular attention has been paid tbit ;> year to the requirements of country custom. 1 era, and tho result is to be seen in tl: „ immense and varied stock of calicoes, ' shirtings, flannels, flannellettcs, star: lr wearing dress materials, men's andboji > c o'othing. tfc. The choice in each dopar' If nient, is almost unlimited, as may b< ie imagined, when it is stated t'haj; of flanne' s- otte alone, over 50,000 yards linvo tin: season been imported at Te Aro House Wellington. J A specially organised department, ha; 111 been cstab'isbed to deal with country orders '« Patterns of any materials in stock, will hi r- forwarded to any address, post free ,•■ Country residents arc invited to write foi st prices, or any information regarding goodi wanted. It is confidently asserted tha nowhete can such a wide selection, or sucl It' sterling value bo obtained, us at Te Arc ii- House Wellington.-ADVT. s _______ __

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5047, 10 June 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5047, 10 June 1895, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5047, 10 June 1895, Page 2