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A trout weighing' one aud three quarter pouudshas been taken iu the Makuri Itivcr,

Tlio liev J. Dukes, of Masterton, is to occupy 'the pulpit, in the Paliiatua Methodist Church next Sunday morning and eveniug, when special auniversary services will be held,

TJio rainfall in Woodvillcfor November was <l/85 inches, Itain fell on 15 days. This is about an inch more thau for the same period of last year, says tkcJUjuwiHer,

The rabbit inspectors havo laid informationa against a property owner at Makuri for failing to.dcstroy the rabbits ou his property. - The cases will come on, on.tlio 7th January.before the S.M;, Mr Hutchison. This will betlio -first case in tlio _ Pahiatua County, says: the Herald, in connection with the liabbit Act-' i'W

Tlio pay of an admiral in tile -navy is £1825 liyear. ;

German dentists areiiow using glass .for stopping teeth in/some instances.,' Over 1000 varieties of post cards Lave been issued in the world within 35 years, A leading throat specialist says that the best chest protector is worn on the solo of tlio foot.

Au" elephant load" is estimated at twotoas. How many gallons can lie carry before his head begins to go round ? Captain Kussell is to bo entertained at Hastings at the end of tlio month. Excellent swimming baths have been opened at Palmerston North.

t The Westport Tines says:—Mr iieddon will probably remove -his homo ito tlio beginning of tbo I year.

The Hawaiian alphabet has only twelvo letters, while the Tartarian is made up of 202 oliaraeters. Forty per cent, of the clergy in England aro.said to be smokers. A man named Thomas Hensman, a I resident of Shannon, was driving a 4in nail into a piece of matai when tlio nail rebounded and wont through the pupil of his loft eye, Mr O. Fragucll invites inspection of novelties just received for tho holiday season.

Mr J. Carpenter of the Central Boot Warehouse, Queen Street, advertises some very special Christmas inducements to customers; His advertisement in another column shouklbe read by all.

Masterton Town Lands Trustees meet this evening.

_Mr F.H. Wood mates additions to his entries for next Taratahi stock sale, A swagger called on a well-known Clareville resident a day or so ago (says the Observer) and asked for work which he gotiu the sliapo of cleaning two buggies, Alter getting well paid for his work he disappeared, taking with him a very valuable buggy nig. The owner says he will never give another swagger a job.

A unicycle has been invented which runs by its own momentum after it Ims been set going by the usual pe'lalliiig method. A forward inclination of the rider's body ketys the wheel revolving, a backward iuclmation stops it, aud in turning a corner the rider leans as he wants the machine to go. The wheel lias no stearing gear, is six feet in diameter, and weighs 1851 bs. A boundary rider on a Queensland station has collected 1123 emu eggs, and sent tliem to Sydney,where tlicy realised 12s per dozcn-£SG 3s totnl—or more than his year's wages. He is not likely to kill tlio birds which lay for him the golden eggs. Great consternation wasoccasioucd by a mad bull-terrier at Birmingham. Having savagely Litton a mule and a pony in tlio streets the dog caught hold of a horse by the nose. The horse bolted but the torricr held on, ■ brought the runaway to the ground, and then literally tore it to pieces. After making repeated attempts to bite people, the dog was captured and destroyed,

The art of Photography is advancing by great strides and there is no establislimentwhichkeeps more abreast of the times iu this respect than Herrmann's, Cuba Street, Wellington, The photographs turned out troiu this studio, are truly pictures of tlio highest artistic • excellence, and numerous as arc the people engaged in the profession, and good as is the work done by many, yet it can be confidently asserted that Mrs Herrmann is easily able to keep amongst the foremost. The reason for this is that Mrs Herrmann only employs the most skilled operators aud also takes especial care to keep up to date in photographic material. The greatest amount of time, patience, and skill, is is always put into Mrs Hcrrmaun's work, hence it is that to-day this studio is one of tlio most sought after in Wellington. All these excellent qualities together with the cheapest possible prices should combine in tlio future, us they have done in the past, to recommend Mrs Herrmann to the I favourable notice of all in this district,

. Starting racehorses is a fine art (says the New York Sun), aud the man who fancies itis not will never be convinced until he stands Hag iu hand, facing 10,000 persons, aud with a dozen or so thoroughbreds, ridden by anxious jockeys upon the track, each rider doing his best to get an advantage over his fellows, In It) cases out of 20 it is not the thoroughbred that is to blame for the trouble at tlio post, nor is it the jockey directly, but it is the owner, trainer, or some speculator in the back ground who lias tola the jockey to get oit iu front, no niattenvhat happens, aud who has promised to pay his fine, or reimburse him for any penalty he may incur in carrying out instructions It is all very well to sit on the grandstand and criticise the work of the starter. One must try the business himself to appreciate its difficulties and its trials,

Captain Woodworth, of the American ship Eureka, shot himself on board his vessel in the Yarra on Sunday morning, He was imwell on arrival,und the malady —an internal one-continued, ami the captain suffered excessive pain. Saturday night was a particularly distressing oue, and after a few sleepless hours iu bed, he rose aud went on deck. Addressing the nightwatchman, he said : "If I suffer again as much pain as I have endured during tlio last three or four hours I shall jump into the Yarra. Life is not worth, living at' the price. Should any thing happen to mo, take no notice of it beyond what is necessary. Should you tind mc dead, dig a hole,put me in it, and inako no fuss." Two hours later a pistoi shot was heard in the stateroom, aud when the watchman ran there lie fouud the captain lying dead on the floor, Captain Woodworth was about oo years of age,part owner of the vessel, and one of his sons served as second mate.

Sorno uueasmcss was caused the other evening, says the Napier News, to frequenters of the Parade for the safety of a daring swimincr who could be seen about three-quarters of a mile out. Owiug to the slight swell on lie was at times lost to sight, aud the spectacle being a noveloueqiiiteaiiumbercongregated. Uu his return the fearless oue I turned out to be a wcll-kuown wrestler of foreign extraction, who stands about six feet two inches in his stockings. When the giant came in he was still unrefreshed, aud proceeded on another cruise, Wo arc informed that he has no fear of sharks, and frequently swims on lo thc vessels iu tlio oiling, and after meting the sailors goes on a voyage of discovery round tlio bay. At any rate lie has silenced all local pretenders by offering to swim anyone from the breakwater to the Kidnappers and back for a modest sum.

Mr W. A. Harding, of Cullciisvillc, mites to a Wellington paper as follows: —" I notice m your issue of tlio 29th that the Museum authorities were unable to lintl any poison in tho stomachs of tho fowls that recently died atLyell's Bay, I would liavo imagined there too hundreds of fowl-owners in your neigh, bourhood who couldhave instautly suggested tlie causo of death, namely a sting in tho throat from the insect called by .the Maoris "tanguta kino," and known to settlers as the flying ant, This creature is about an inch long, brightly coloured—scarlet, yellow; and black (or dark brown), and I should imagine, in spito of its appearance, is more nearly related to tho wasp than tho ant, When, as frequently occurs,' the fowl swallows one, it receives a sting in the throat, aud dies of suffocation'within a minute or two. I have never previously heard of so many as forty fowls boingdestroyod at once,'but some years ago nt ; Cashpoint, a number of fowls came across a swarm of tho Insects, and"liftcoii died. It would bo interesting If one of your Wellington scientists would glvo sonio information as to tho correct designation of tho sorcalled'ant. Persons who havo been stung by it doseribe the,. sensation as that of a severe scald,, while I may add in its favour jhait it is'a deadly enemyto tho blighton roses,", z. v

A Temperanco Club has been started at Napier. . ■

Humour Ims it tlmt a' Picton wharf baud got a div. of £45 in a recent Australian sweep. The very " newest" thing from Paris is, it scorns, the divorce card. Tlio form of this uew social announcement is, according to the Figure, as follows "11. P—and MadamoP —-havotho honour to inform you of the dissolution of theimiarriago pronounced to-day by the Tribunal. Madame P —resumes her maiden name, Jenny M—, and 31. P— resumes his independence." In the Feild, the well-known English sporting paper, appears this' advertisement:—" New Zealand Fishing;—A party, limited to eight rods, will start for flow Zealand early in October, returning to England in March, which will allow three months' iishingoumaay of (ho rivers of the colony. Tho whole of the expenses can be ascertained of, and the management of the tour undertaken by, an experienced gentleman.— | Apply to'Timaru,' The Old House, Chepstow, Hon.".

: The licv. Goo. Pratt, pioneer mission l ary at Samoa, and, with the excoption ot the licv J, B, Thair, of St Arnaiid, the only survivor of tho early'band of Sanioan missionaries, died on November 24th, after a long and painful illness. Ho went to Samoa in 1838 under the auspices of the London Missionary Society, with the liev Wm. Hope. He died at the ripe age of 77, leaving a widow and eleven children. !'

It may bo interesting to the public to know (says the Taranaki News) ; that after all the trouble and expense which the Government have forced upon tho farmers in connection with tho grading of butter it will be rendered useless. We aro aware that a shipper of butter in New Plymouth has received a.tender] from London to deface all tho Govern-! mot brauds on the butter boxes. It is reckoned that a man with a plane can very easily " shave off " the brands at the rate or 100 per diem. So that ono man, paid at tho rate of " five bob " a da)', can undo in London all the work of tlic inspectors and graders who arc paid salaries in the Colony, A married woman named Margaret Lambert, 35 years ot age, met her death last week in an extraordinary manner at her home, Surrry Hills, near Sydney. She had gone out to the yard to chop wood, and being abjimt a long timo her daughter went out jifter her, and found her lying insensible. A few moments later tho unfortunato woman died. There was no wound visible, but a slight abrasion on the front of thonoso. From this circumstance, and the appearance of the body,, it seems certain that the skull had been fractured, and it is supposed that Mrs Lambert, when she had the axe raised for a blow, caught the clothes lino which ran across tho yard abovo her, with, the result that the mo rebounded and stack her on the head, inflicting the fatal injury. Thus a facetious contemporary:— Among China's many difficulties it lias been discovered that a lot of the brass fittings belonging to the big guns of her licet have been pawned or sold to marine stores by various officers. Before two of the vessels ougnged in the last naval battle could put to sea a whole quantity of munitions had to be hunted out of various adjacent three-ball establishments. Even such things as shells and steam pumps wero discovered to be at the local uncle's- This ought to take the prize in the maltcrof, corruption.

Captain Edwin wires at noon to-day: ; —North-cast io north and west galo, after 12 hours from now, glass fall again within that time.

The Committee of the Masterton Horticultural Society meet this (Friday) ovening.

_ The increase of population at Wellington lust month was 804 The increase for the whole Colony is given at 1011),

_ The long Vacation begins in Weilington on the 20th December and tcr minnles on January 31st, 1895,

Messrs Lowes and lorns add to llicir next Wednesday's sale list 'IOO hoggots, mixed ewes, and two bulls.

_ Howling, a pleasant and popular pastime, may shortly be started in Masterton. A strong club will probably be formed.

The purse ef sovereigns presented to Mr A. W. Hogg last evening amounted to £56, The proceed of the social will be iucludcd in the supplementary purse which should bring tlio total sum up to about £IOO.

On Monday afternoon Mr Wright was giving his trotter May a sea bath near Kaiwarra when the horse gave a startling plunge. On getting back to the shore it was found, says the Post, that one o£ the animal's hind legs had boon severely bitten, and it is supposed that an attack had been made upon it by a shark. The Committee of the llasterlon Amateur Operatic Society met Inst night to decide upon the winding up of their first season, which is to take the form of a social (plain and fancy dress) to' be held in the Temperance Hall on Thursday evening, December 27. A Committee, consisting of Messrs J. Simms, W. Scllar, and K, A. Davys, was appointed to bring the social to a successful issue, each mcmbcr.bcing allowed two tickets, including his own. The gathering should be a very pleasant finish to the successful season of the Society.

Messrs Lowes.and lorns hold a sale of Japnaese fancy goods and art objects from the Nippon 'Hakubukukwau, Japan, at their rooms to-morrow, commencing at 1 o'clock, The line comprises a direct consignment of rare and beautiful articles, both useful and ornamental, and will bo sold entirely without reserve, Tho Auction Mart will bo illuminated this evening, in order to give intending purchasers an opportunity of inspecting the goods,

The usual monthly mooting of the Mastcrton ltechabitc Tent was hold last evening. Bro. J. Carpenter, CJ, presiding, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and contirmcd. Ono new. member was proposed and one initiated. We have been asked what is a specialist ? and to make it as clear as possible to our readers we will givo a practical illustration. In the generally accepted sense of tho term a specialist is one who hift made a study of soma particular thing, aud is therefore best ablo to givo advije or to deal with your re- i quireinents, L. J. Hooper & Co,, ol the Bon Marche, are specialists in drapery and clothing, dovotiug the wholo of their time and attention to this business, and to no other. If you are requiring millinery, dress goods, fanoy drapery, houso furnishings, clothing or mercery put your requirements in their hands, they will serve you woll.and at tho lowest possible prices,—Ajjvt. The unlimited sale our Mortein and Spreaders have met with testify of its success in destroying all species of insects,suoh as fleas, llics, bugs, iice, cockroaches, mosquitoes, silveriish, moth in clothes, leach on trees, etc. The Above and the following can bo obtained at the Fancy Goods JUepartmentol the W.F.C.A.:-Bock's Putz I'aste for cleaning and polishing all metal,cutlery, windows, and paint work, Is; Bock's Waterproof Cement,ls; Non-Mercurial Plating Fluid, Is 63 j Camphylene Ma, Is j Herb : Extract, an infallible care for toothache,h; German Curo, for cords and Wart?, Is. P. Bjck & Co,, Manufacturing Chemists and Importers. . " It's anill wind that blows nobody'good, is tin old saying but none the. less true Whilst the great depression existing, in Sydney at tho present timo has caused a deplorable amount of misery yet the people of Wellington and the surrounding districts will reap a gigantio benefit. During his Sydney recently, Mr James Smith purchased At absurdly low prices-a large stock which 1b now being sold at the Wholesale Family Warehouse! Te Aro House, Wellington. .. With a view to making this sale tho event of the year, two special buyers were despatchedfrom To Aro House to Christohuroh one to attend the great eale of £Twar3sj Bennett and Cq's wholesale stock,' and the other to piok out bargains from the manufacturers of'the well-known Kaiapoi WoollenCo, Both these'.gentlemen- nave returned after & most successful trip, and the total results' of their efforts is to be seen in theastonuhiiig bargains now being sold , -at the Wholesale Family Warehouse, T$ Aiq Bona?, VWliMtofliHtom:

is doing atChristchuKb/ The remains of the late Constable P. J. Leahy are to be interred at Stratford. The Wakatipu yesterday from Australia brought six more Chinamen to Now Zealand. Mangaoneisto have another good settler, in the person of MrltobertSuisted, a popular ex-resident of Karori. Staif-Captaih Annette' Paul has been. giving her experiences during the wreck of tho Wairarapa, to'crowded audiences, at tho Wellington Salvation i Barracks.. • MdSsrs B, E. Homblow and Co. will hold a'cleai'ing salo at their mart tomorrow. Attention is directed to their advertisement, all lines will bo sold absolutely without rcseryo to make room for holiday stock. Young Saundorson mutilated his yictim with aknifo in tho same way as Jack the Hipper did. Mr Of. K. Bond, -architect, invites tenders for tho erection of a two story warehouso for Messrs Lowes and lorns. The annual examination of candidates for Teachers'and Civil Service certificates will beheld in tho principal centres of the colony in January next, beginning on the Bth and ending on the 16th. It is thought thatJfcearly 700 toacliors will present thenpves, and ! that'the number of candidates' at the Ciyil Service examination will be about 490. . Mr W, Simms a Sacred Concert in connection with the 1 Master, ton Presbyterian Church, to t&ko place on Christmas night. Tho majority of those members of the Masterton Operatic Society, takiugpart in the recent production of "The Sorcerer " wero photographed yesterday by Mr T.E. Price. Masterton Foresters hold their regular tncctiug this evening, ■A Presbyterian service will Bideford at 3 o'clock next Sunday afternoon. Tho Bank of New Zealand call up in the course of next year nearly £600,000 from the rcseryo liability of its old issue of shares. This is an oxtrcmo mcasuto which is doubtless essential to its rehabilitation, but it is one that will inflict a heavy peualty on shareholders in New Zcalaud and in tho Mother Country. A copy of the South British Fire and Marino Insurance Company's almanac for 1895, has been handed to us by tho Masterton agent, Mr A. J. Hathaway. The Canadian Pacific Eailway Company have inaugurated a now service, reducing tho time of crossing the Continent by half a day.

The Wellington A. and P. Association has passed for payment cash prizes amouuting to £4OO.

Wellington llacing Club is about to erect three starting machines, to bo used at noxt races,

The Sergeant of Police considers that tlio eleyen o'clock licenses in Masterton aro anything but a success, and that several of the hotelkeopers ore sorry they evor applied for it. ' The police report on the whole of the hotels throughout the Masterton Licensing District is favourable, . The 'Frisco mail Trill arrive at Masterton by to-night's train, and the Post Office will be open for a delivery of correspondence after tlio mail ii sorted, from 8,30 till 9 p.m.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4896, 7 December 1894, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4896, 7 December 1894, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4896, 7 December 1894, Page 2