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■ Ordinary Meeting,'' The regular fortnightly meeting of the Maßterton Borough Cqunoil was held last evening, there being present -Councillors .Feist (in the oliair), Heron, Dixon, Ihtrie, Yates, Culleri, and Chamberlain. MINUTES. : The mipmes of the last meeting,and aspecial meeting,ywetereadnnd cojnfiinied. Wb -X/ i? pl\ >!:()'■[ was received from Dr Beard, reporting five casea of measles. Janet Feliz applied to have her name placed on the Burgesß Roll, as the owner of certain property in Ban-nister-street, now In tlio iiabie of W, |O. Cargill. !.;' ■ hates. ; ; The Palmerston North' Borough., Council wrote, asking ton Couuoil to co-operate in juTeSE'var to get a olanse ine'erted in the'lWng i Act Amendment Act, providing for a oliarge of ten per cent, per annum, | being made on; all rates overdue more than three months. ■< - ' From Mr F. G. Moore, notifying 'hat his lease of tho Union Boarding House had expired, and asking.that his name be struck off the rate roll in respect to the same. ' THIS WAIPOUA OVERFLOW. • From Mr AV. G, Board,;,pointing out that at the last floods the overflow from the Waipoua had considerably damaged the property of his client, Mr J. L. Murray, ami itiat such damage was caused, through the Council blocking up a natural Watercourse in forming Churoh Street, and claiming £lodamages, . BOOSES OF ILL-FAME,' From the iiev, Robert Wood, ask* ing if there, was any By-law of the Masteiton Borough, dealitj)s»vT<ift houses,of ill-fame, ; The: Clerk explained that he had replied to Mr Wood, directing his attention to By-law 88. " A QUESTION, :. The Rev. R, W, Wood wrote as follows" l'o the Town Clerk, Mn3terton. Sir—The following advertisement appears in the Waiiatapa Star; —'.Madame Le Brand, Palmist, begs to intimate to the public'thai she haß removed to far property, Bannister street. Hotus-2 to 6 and 7 to 10.80.' lii your memorandum lo toy last letter you informed tne that Mr Cargill Was the owner of the property in Banuistor street, May I troublo you to say whether the Boiough Councl still recognises Mr Cargill sb the owner ? I am asking tin/question simply on publio grounds, as there is reason to believe, that the ocobpaut of tho house is pursuing an unlawful calling." ' The Town dork explained that lie had informed Mr Wood that no notice of the sale of the property had- been received by the Council a,t the date of the letter. ; 1 • PETITIONS, The following petitions weve then read:-; .

To tho Mayor and Borough Councillors. Masterton, Juiy 8/st, 1893. Gestwmes,—We the underrigned residents ol Bannißter Street' and neighbourhood, have cause to believo that a house of ill-fame is established in our midst, dtivrbwg Ik peace of w home*, as wei} nstfljto' a sourco of temptation and beg most rcspeciful'y to request your issuing instructions for the piompt suppression o» thesamo, by enforcing.' clause 88 of the Borough Si3neil :-Jno; Graham, A, P, Fielding, James Broadbont, B. Fielding, Ada Fielding, Lnura Foreman, Eosa, Dixon, 0. Curson, Jane Graham, C. S. Graham, Maggie. Hussel',- Harriett Baker, JuliiMinitte, M. J. Le Boutellier, M. E. Robins, Annie Evemden, Georgina Iggulden,Mury Juno, M. Leeks, M. J, Belly, Margaret J. Lingion, Edward Jack, ' ' ' _ ' No. 2, Tho undersigned res ; Ocnts of Masterton, respectfully call ihe attention of the Boiough Council to-the fact that a person known as Madame Le Brand, keeps an immo;athousein Bannister Street, and asks tho Coiuoil to enfo:co tboir by-law against that person. Mgucd;-W. E. Paigo, J. Payton, Itobert Wood, John Dukes, Jameß McGregor, Itobert.Bnrton, Chas.E. Daniell, Wm.M.Easthcpe, Charles Hiijhcß, Jacob Baumber, Charles Holdaway, Jno. Graham, Jas,Elliott, W.H. Jackson, John Watt.

; Noi 3. ' , To tho Mayor amlßoroujh Councillors . oi Masierton. Gentlemen, i The Masterton Women's Christian Terni perance Crusade, numbering 50 rncnibcrs, ; rogpeotfaUy calls your altentlna to the following statement :-Wo bolievo that a housa is established in ourmidst, which is devoted to intamous prrposes, and this ment cannot fail to corrupt the morals of many in our community. Wo, therefore, pray that you wiil vigorously ooforco olauso 38 of the Mas\;rton By-Laws, Pinned on . behalf of the atovo Crusade-S.A. Dukes. M. Gillespie, Grace Lydia Wood, Ann M Russell Fannin, Maria Burton, M. Fielding, Maty Sher.pard.—Exeoutive Committee. • VMTKD D.C.A. BOARD, ' Mr Robert Hare wrote offering to act as the Council's representative on the United Distriot Charitable Aid 1 Board, . T be Mayor at this stage took thfc chair. Resolutions. Or Peißt moved and Or Heron seconded that Mr R. tiare aot as representative of the Masterton Borough Counoil, and that the other Boroughs be communicated with on the matter.—Carried. With reference to the complaint of • of Mr Murray, Cr Hercn sti&fciid ' visited the place and did not roßwfc • • much damage could be attributed to the Council.—The matter was referred to the Works Committee, to be reported on at next meeting, It was decided to ask the member for Masterton to assist in getting the , amendment re charging interest on overdue rates, passed in the Rating Act Amendment, leaving out the stipulation re percentage. MIRIAM-STBEET.. , " J r ?' K D ™? a pefiiion on behalf of the residents of the east Bide of Mina'n-Btreet, asking that a footpath be made and expressing willingnoss to pay half the cost. He thought the work verynecesam,, an d wuld movj t!w request be grantSaf'v Cr Heron seoouiled the motion, but, Bnggeated that the half cost be col, ■ ieoted in advance.r-Carried.: BSfOBIS. The Works and Finance : Commit, tee's Report was .adopted .as ? read, ' Accounts amounting to £174; 8s 4d were passed for payment. Cr Feist reported that Cr, Dixon ana himself were favorably impressed - With the Yost typewriter, but on the .suggestion of the Clerk thought the ! matter Should bo left in nbeyanoa for •' the present; . _ THE BOROUGH ROH,. of Janet Felia to b'ave her ifame'kserted on the Borough Boll'be not ' acceded to. ... . n Mvpraeked on what grounds; Or Feist objected.' Cr Feiat said be was not preparedi ' to state bis reasons.i-:He believed he.' " was m:order in making objection with--" out pqtong forward r hia reasons at tha present time-

- < Cr Dixon seoonded,. From what he could gather, tho person named was going under an assumed name, which was improper. Cr Cullen said tho Borough Council did not requir.) the production of a 1 legiator of births, deaths, and mar- ' riagea when pojple asked to liavo their ;.. names placed on the roll. They conld not tell whether people applied to tbem under assumed names. Cr Heron Baid that assumed names had nothing to do with tho matter, A certificate of application was before them, and like to hear Cr e^ji^A(i ., o Jjj®ki;tion to the re* jST'- qnef»Wheliiaaany. T, Or Feist repeated that he was not J,, P le P®":d to give his reasons at tho present.time, f v Tho Mayor asked who tlioy were I o kiA rate, if the application was refused? pJi The application was in oid'.r; agreed ?- J v to by Mr Cargill, and propeily ceriife' fied. He would move as anaroendjy meat that tlie application be granted, |'b because ho saw nothing i(. f_ Mr tlioiimcndment, 'JJ He did not see how they could refuse. ;'/ Cr Heron said he would support tho si- amendment because no reason was ' adduced why the applicntiui should ■ not be granted. He would say, . advisedly, that there were many people of indifferent clmracU r resident in the Borough and they could not help it, A division was then taken, tho amendment being carried, only Cis .: Feist and Dixon voting against it. THE BANNISTER STHEET SCANDAL, The Mayor then invited discussion on the; petition# re immorul lioufe, now before the Council. Cr Cullen asked how they v.ere to proceed in dicing with tho matter. The Mayor said he lift that io the Council. ' Cr Cullen said it was a serious matter. Could they net merely on assertions, without positive proof of the statements made ? Cr tot said lie did not exactly know'Wlhfl'fiiinio a motion to deal with ihe Jnatt-r, but bs might soy that he certainly did not think thai audi influuniially signed requisitions would have cou<e before ihem without good grounds. He would ilwofore move that the Inspector of Nuisances bo instructed to,enforce Jly-law 38. He believed this ™ tiio proper course, as Inspector Ingram was the ■ Borough officer. Cr Dixon seconded tho motion) renarking that vtsidents had complained that visitor* called at their housesatalldmcsoftheniglit, to make enquiries where this housn was. Ho thought it was the Council's duty, as representing the ratepayers to defend tbem from nuisances of tbis kind. Cc Mutrie asked if the police were not the proper persons to take action if the alleged nuisance existed. The Mayor said that a nuisance to the residents wan a public nuisance, and the police certainly ought to take action if they had any grounds for so doing, Cr Heron hoped that evidence would be placed in the Inspi dor's hands, by tho petitioners when ho did take notion. s Cr Foist said he was quite willjog to substitute the police for thelnspcctor of Nuisances in his motion. He had mentioned tho Inspector thinking him lobe the proper person. In reply to Councillor Heton, ho said he had so doubt that evidence would bo forthcoming at a pioper time. The Mayor said ho would movo as an amendment, that no notice be taken *"fcstitions until evideace was brought forward on which they could go. If the petitioners had sufficient moral strength to make assertions, they should bave sufficient moral strength to come forward and support theui. He would not ho one to hound the woman out on mere assertions. It seemed to him very Strange that this person had resided BO long in Masterton, and that no action had been taken while she lived in the main street next Oxford House. If the petitioners bad come before the Council when theindividual first came to Masterton, there been something in it. But no, never a word was heard, although she had resided in the town twelve or eighteen months, until she removed to Mr Cargill's property. Some of tho persons who had signed the petitions, did not, he was sorry to Bay, come before them with entirely clean hands, aB they were dealing with her in business and Accepting her money, and at Ihe same time hounding her out. Bo (the Mayor) held receipts from some of them to prove tbis, and although ho did not wish to mention names, could do so if ho were asked. If hers was sinful money, they had no business to touch it, and fen attempt to hound her out. He woila also remark that they could not deal with the matter, because the By-law was ultra vim The polios were the only persons to deal with such a nuisance as the petitioners complained of, if auch existed, Cr Chamberlain said he understood that CrFeißt had amended his motion to "that the matter be brought under the notice of the police." • Cr Heron said if the nuisance had existed for twelve months that was no reason why it should be allowed to remain untouched. They were bound to ask the police to look into the matter now it bad been placed beforo them, although lie had very little hopMt' the police being able to Jo anyt)jfc The said if Cr Feist had altered his motion, so that the police be asked to take action, instead of instructing Inspector Ingram, he waa quite willing to withdraw his amend- • ment. Cr Feist said if the nuisanco bad existed for the past twelve months, he only became aware of it quite recently. The Mayor said his remarks were intended for some of the petitioners, who, if aware that the thing they dow complained of existed, should have brought the matter, up beforo. It simply amounted io this: If there was a case the police would take it up, if not they would not tako it upA*^ ' Cr Feist's motion that the request of the petitioners be placed before the police and they bo asked to take action was then put to the meeting and carried, QUEEN STBEET WATER CHANNELS. Cr that some time.ago a motion was passed that the Queen Street gutters be; removed. He thought it useless to wait longer for any decision re water supply. He would move that the formal resolution previously passed be carried out and the gutters be at once removed,. Cr Dixon seconded the motion . which.was carried, IDE OUITEBB. ' : ' The Mayor requested the Clerk to call the attention of the Overseer to txiore irequent oleanibg of the Queon Btre6lgutters.. ' V A BTB3ET SWEEPER. Cr Dixon moved that the coot of a sweeper, bo .aptoinod, Or

Chamberlain seconded! and tiie motion was carried. , ■'{ :■'! 'SALARIES. . .. Tho Council then went into committeo to consider the application for increase of salary made by the Inspector of Nuisances and the Borough .Poundkeeperi ' ' It was finally deoided to grant Inspector Ingram an increase of £loper annum, and to instruct tbo Clerk to write to the County Council and the Masterton Road Board asking those bodies to'snbsidisethnPOundkeeper.; The Council then adjournei

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4492, 2 August 1893, Page 2

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MASTERTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4492, 2 August 1893, Page 2

MASTERTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4492, 2 August 1893, Page 2