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. Dunedin, January 18, The Hon E, J. Seddon, Minister of Public Works, reached Lawrence tonight, ond wm present at a meeting which was addressed by the Minister of Lands, and nU banquet tendered afterwards to Mr MoKenzie, Doath. Through swallowing ShoopDlp. CiuiisTOHUKon, January 18. On Saturday a little girl named Rose Irene Wilson, aged 15 months, daughtor of a farmer at Southbridge, got hold of some of Cooper's'sheep dip powders and swallowed them, and died from the effects, AcoiAoats ana Fatalities, . Ohristohowh, January 17, Enoch Barker, gardener and store* keeper, 02 year old, residing at New Brighton, was found drowned in the Fiver Avon, close to his house, about 7 this morning,' His hat and stick were found on the bank. He was in the habit of getting up and going out about 5 o'clock, and it is supposed he slipped into the water accidentally, as nothing is known to make suicide probable, At the inquest on the girl Jane Blackmore, who died from injuries sustained in the Raphael fire, the verdict was" Met her death burns," The jury commended the! conduct of McLean and Walkley for"' their endeavours to save the girl's lite at the risk of their own lives, There is no clue to the origin of the fire,

This aiteruoon the body of & man who had shot himself was found on Mr Boag's f.irm at Fendalton, A revolver was by his Bide, two chambers of which were discharged. He had in his pookets a pawn tfoket and a passage ticket from Lyttelton to Wellington bearing the name of H, E. Horton, He appears about 30 years of age,

January 18. At the inquest this morning on the body of tho young man found shot at Fendalton, the evidence showed he had been a pattern maker not long out from Homo, and had lately come down from Wellington, He was out of work, and had had none pince his arrival in the colony. No further evidence of identification waa tecderod beyond the fact that he gave the name of A. Horton to the pawnbroker, with whom he pawned his watch. A verdict'was returned that he shot himself,

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XIII, Issue 4016, 19 January 1892, Page 2

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TELEGRAPHIC. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XIII, Issue 4016, 19 January 1892, Page 2

TELEGRAPHIC. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XIII, Issue 4016, 19 January 1892, Page 2