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President, W. 0. Buchanan; VicePresident, W. 0. Williams ; Treas~ urer, W. Booth ; Secretary, E. W. Dorset; General Committee: Messrs A. Anderson, H. Baithwaite, Jus Donald, F. Gray, Alex. McKenzie, A. G Pilmer, T. Ray, J. Moncrieff, J. Drew, T. Weston, D. McMaster, A. Matthews, N. ,: irace, J. Rayner, J. Reynolds, J. Strang, M. H. Wolters, J. Martin, H. R. Bunny, \V. B. Allen. Show (Jommittee : Messrs A. Anderson, H. Braithwaite, J as. Donald, F. Gray, Alex. McKenzie, A. G. Pilmer, T. l'ay, H. Drew, J. Moncrieff, T. D. McMaster, W. Mckenzie, A. Matthews, N. Grace. .John Rayner, J. Reynolds, J. Strang, H. H. Wolters, J. Martin, H. R. Bunnv, W. B. Allen, J. W. Perry, A. Walker. Finance Committee : Messn W. Booth, H. Braithwaite, H. R. Bunny. THE ANNUAL SHOW.

The fourteenth annual show in connection with the Wairarapa and East Coast Pastoral and Agricultural Society was opened at Carterton yesterday under circumstances which must be considered highly favourable. The weather, although threatening, was fine throughout the day, and the judges in sheep and cattle were enabled to get through their work with despatch. As this was the first day of the show, and sheep, cattle and implements were the only classes exhibited, the attendance of the public was only meagre, not more than a hundred persons being present. There was an entire absence of policemen, musicians and Ihe gaining fraternity, and for those who were not directly interested in the show, the proceedings became rather monotonous. The publican's booth, run by Mr C. Giles, did as good a business as could 1)0 expected, whilst Mr A. L. Whyte attended to the alimenlivo requirements of those present in his usual first-class style. Mr G. W. Deller catered for the stewards anil other officials of the Association in a manner which left nothing to be desired, his jovial disposition and good-natured style being fully appreciated, ns were also the viands lie dispensed. The Secretary (Mr E. VV. Dorset), and President (Mr W. C. Buchanan, M JLR-), were assiduous in their efforts, and with the virious Stewards lent valuable assistance to the Judges. Th" Assis-tant-Secretary, Mr Moncrieff, was also very courteous to exhibitors and representatives of the press, whilst his work was not by any means light. With regard to the exhibits themselves, they were both in quantity and quality quite up to the usual standard. In Shorthorn cattle the principal exhibitors wero Messrs W C Buchanan and D. McMaster. Mr J. Strang carried off the gold medal for the host Shorthorn Bull, with a capital beast, whilst Mr A. Moody took similar honours for Shorthorn cows. There were thirty-six exhibits of Grade Shorthorn, the champion prizes for bull and cow beiug taken by Messrs W. McKenzie and J. P. Russell respectively. In Herefords, Ayrshires, Jerseys or Alderneys there were very few entries. The judging of fat cattle was left over till the following day. The entries in sheep were not by any means above the average, and in some, of the classes there was no competition »hatever. Fifry-two Lincolns were shown, some of which were very fair specimens of this class of sheep. The champion piize for ram was taken by Messrs Perry Bros,, and for ewe by Mr John Rayner. Of Romney Marsh sheep there were fifty-nine exhildts, the principal prize-takers beiug Messrs A. Matthews, W. B. Allen, E. W. Dorset and F. Gray, the former carrying off both champion prizes. There were only t«o exhibitors in Cots wolds, Messrs J. Reynolds and E. W. Dorset, the former being awarded champion prize. In Shropshire Downs there were only two entries, whilst in Soutbdowns Mr W. C. Buchanan wae the only exhibitor. There was a good show of fat vheep, some of the specimens exhibited being really a credit to the district. For the heaviest and fattest ewe, Mr John Rayner took first prize, with a sheep weighing 235flbs. Mr A. Daysh took a similar award for a fat wether weighing Although the implements were upon the ground, the judging was, for obvious reasons, held over till next day. The largest exhibitors in this class were the Masterton Blacksmith and Wheelwright Manufacturing Company, by whom nearly every description of agricultural implements re quired in the district were shown. Messrs Wilkins and Field,of Wellington, were also large exhibitors. The reapers and binders exhibited were the Hornsby, Walter A. Wood, Buckeye, Massey, and Morrow, Basset and Co.'s. The greatest attraction on the field was undoubtedly the Wolseley sheep-shearing machine, shown by Mr Cruickshank for MessisLevin and Co., and worked by,Mr John M'Cormick, sheep farmers heing greatly interested in ic. The stump extractors of Messrs Q. S, W. Dalrymple and G. Sayers were also shown, practical tests of which are to be made to-day. Altogether the first day of the show was quite up to the expectation of the pronioteeß. The following is the

PRIZE LIST I CATTLE. Purebred Shorthorns

I Judges —Messrs J Boss (Patea), and R. Hay (Akaroa;. Bull calved prior to July 1, 1888, J Strang's Gunsterton's Florist 2nd, by Duke of Gunsterton 1 and gold medal, T Walker's 2, a Moody's Wealth 3 ; Bull calved since July 1, 1898, VV C Buchanan's Icelander 1, do Brunswick 2 ; Bull calved since July 1, 1839, J Strang's Royal Crocus 1, W C Buchanan's Yando 2 ; Bull calved since July 1, 1890, D Monaster's Musician 1, do Emperor 2 ; Cow any age, in calf or calf at foot, D McMaster's 1, W C Buchanan's 2 and 3 : Cow calved prior to July 1, 1898, D McMaster's Mildura 1, do Miss Underley 2 ; Heifer oabed since July 1, 1889, A Moody's 1 and gold medal. D McMaster's 2 ; Heifer calved since July 1, 1890, D McMauter's 1, W C Buchanan's 2. Grade Shorthorns.

B.ill calved since July 1, 1890, W McKenzie's Butterfly 1 and silver medal, F Gray's 2 ; Cow any age, in calf, or calf at foot, J P Ruaaell's 1 and silver medal, Jfcxecutors late A MoMaster 2. Duncan McMaster's h.o and c ; Cow calyed prior to July 1, 1888, dry, J P Russell's 1 and 2 ; Heifer calved since July 1, 1888, A Moody's Wealth 1, J P Russell's 2 and h.c ; Heifer calved since July 1, 1889. Executors late A McMaster 1, J P Russell's 2 and h.c ; Heifer calved since July 1, 1890, Executors late A McMaster 1 ; A Moody's 2.

PpKEBRED Hereford*. Bull calved prior to July 1,1888, J Rayner's Prince of Beauties 1 and gold medal: Bull calved since July, 1, 1889, A McKenzie's }.

Pure Ayrshire. Bui! calved prior to July 1,1888, A Diiysh's 1 ; Bull calved since July 1, J.SB3, G H Scales' Uncle Tom 1 and gold

mpdal, E Eagle junr's Sir Watkin 2 ; Cow any age, in calf, orcJf nt foot, G H Scales' Countess 1, A McKenzie's 2. Jersey or Alderne r.

Bull, 3 years and * upwards, P C Anderson's Sailor Pr ; nce 1 and champion. Bull under 3 years, Fred Hiley's Jersey Prince 1 ; Cow or heifer, 3 years and upwards, K Eagle junr's Jersey Darkiel and champion. Any other Breed.

Cow calved prior to July 1, 1888, J P Russell's Darling 1, do Grace 2 ; SHEEP. LINCOLNS.

Judges : Messrs H Campbell and A Turnbull.

, Two ratus under 18 months, Perry Bros 1, J Rayner 2 and c, J Maitin janr h.c. ; Qno ram upder 18 months, J Rayner 1, A McKenzie 2, Perry Bros h.c.; Two rams over 18 months, J Strang 1 and h.c., WC Buchanan 2 ; One ram over 18 months, Perry Bros 1 and gold medal, J Kay tier 3 and h.c, J Strang 2; j.wo ewes under 18 months. Perry Bros 1, J Rayner 2, J Martin junr h.c, W 0 Buchanan h.c. ; One ewe under 18 months, J Rayner 1 and h c, Perry Bros 2 and c , Two ewes over 18 months, J Rayner 1 ; One ewe over 18 months, J Rayner 1 and Champion and 2; Two ewes with Lincoln lambs at foot, J Rayner 1, W C Buchanan 2 ) One ewe with Lincoln lamb at foot, J Strang 1, J Rayner 2, Perry llros h.c. ; Five rams under 18 moiitlw, J Strang 1; -Five eweß under 18 months, Perry Bros 1, J Strang 2. Romsey Marsh.

Judge Mt J Little. Two rams under 18 months, A Matthews 1 and Champion, W B Allen 2, h.c. and c. ; One ram under 18 months, W B Allen 1, A Matthews 2 and h.c, A McKenzie c ; Two rams over 18 months, F Gray 1, A Matthews 2 ; One ram over 18 months, A Matthews 1 and h.c, F Gray 2, E W Dorset c ; Two ewes under 18 months, A Matthuws 1 and Champion, E W Dorset 2, W B Allen h.c. and c ; One ewe under 18 months, A Ma'thews 1 and 2, E W Dorset h.c., F Gray c ; Two ewes over 18 menths. W B Allen 1, h.c. and c, F Gray 2 ; One ewe over 18 months, A Matthews 1, W B Allen 2, h.c. and c ; Two ewes with Romney raim at foot —W B Allen 1 2 and he ; One ewe with Romney lamb at foot — W B Allen 1 and 2, E W Dorset he and c.

COTSWOLD. Judges—Messrs H Campbell and A Turtitmll. 1 ram under 18 months—E W Dorset 1; 1 ram over 18 mouths—J Reynolds 1, 2, and champion ; 2 ewe 3 under 18 months—J Reynolds 1; 1 ewe under 18 months—J Reynolds 1; 1 ewe over 18 months—E W Dorset, 1 and 2 ; 2 ewes with Cotswold lambs at foot—J Reynolds 1.

SHROPSHIRE DOWN, Judge—J Little (South Canterbury). 1 ram over 18 months— \ McKenzie 1 and 2.

SOUTHDOWN. 2 rams under 18 months—W C Buchanan 1 : 1 ram under 18 months—W C Buchanan 1; 2 rams over 18 months— VV C Buclnnan 1; 1 ram over 18 months —W C Buchanan 1, 2 ewes under 18 months—W C Buchanan 1 and 2 ; 1 e\?e under 18 months—W C Buchanan 1 and 2; 1 ewe over 18 months—W C Buchanan 1 ; 2 ewes with lambs at foot—W C Buchanan 1; 1 ewe with lamb at foot —W C Buchanan 1.

FAT SHEEP. Judges—Messrs H Campbell and A Turn bull. 5 fat wethers under 18 months—W C Buchanan 1; 5 fat wethers under 30 months—A McKenzie 1, W C Buchanan 2, J Strang 3; 5 fat wethers under 42 months —W C Buchanan 1; 5 fat ewes any age—W C Buchanan 1 ; 5 fat lambs (to be judged to-day); 5 fat wethers under 18 months W McKenzie 1 ; 5 fat wefhers under 30 months—VV McKenzie 1; 5 fat wethers any age—Williams and Beetham 1 ; 5 fat owes any age —VV McKenzie 1, VV B Allen 2 and he ; 5 fat sheep suitable for freezing—Williams and Beetham 1 and 2, W McKenzie o and lie ; 1 fat ewe heaviest and fattestJ Rayner 235|1b J, E W Dorsett 234£1b 2, AV B Allen's 203|1b and 189Jlb c and ho ; 1 fat wether heaviest and fattest— A Daysh 24G|lb 1, G (iaskin 245.i1b 2, J Rayner 220|1b he ; lat ewn under 18 months—R Daysh 154|1b 1, hi Eagle junr 15B£lb 2 : J Rayner 14(ilb he, T lupley 143£1b c.

The Seooad. Say* [By Telegraph.]

(From Our Own Correspondent.)

Carterton, Friday,

The weather is delightfully fine for the second day's show in connection with the Waitarapa and Eait Coast Pastoral and Agricultural Society. There is a large attendance, visitors being present from all parts of the district. A holiday is being observed in the town, which has a very lively appearance. The exhibition of horses is a capital one, particularly in the miscellaneous class. There are thirty four entries in pigs and forly seven in dogs, some fine specimens of each heiag shown. A feature of ILO show is the exhibition of produce of which there are some excellent samples, whilst there is a very good show of vehicles, mostly from Masterton. Judging is now proceeding.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XII, Issue 3957, 6 November 1891, Page 2

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WAIRARAPA AND EAST COAST P. AND A. SOCIETY. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XII, Issue 3957, 6 November 1891, Page 2

WAIRARAPA AND EAST COAST P. AND A. SOCIETY. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XII, Issue 3957, 6 November 1891, Page 2