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Mouse ejcSSeOT THE "TEKOA " Has brought us a lar«e quantity of NEW GOODS for the SPBING SEASON, most cf which haye been and still are in considerable demand. These comprwe in all About 100 Packages, which are enumerated below, and which are now ready for inspection at the Wholesale Family Drapery Warehouse, TE ARO HOUSE. 5 PACKAGES FLOOII CLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS, in specially selected designs and colouring, made to our owh PACKAGES order, and exclusively confined to Te Aro House. /» PACKAGES BEST BRUSSELS CARPETS, from one of the foremost British Manufacturers, and.hke tnoFJoor Cloths " PACKAGES and Linoleums, the designs and col'jrinjjs are really superb, and only to bo obtained at Te Aro House. 4 PACKAGES Cretoncs. in Twilled, Crepe, Art, German, and Patchwork effects, Cotton Damasks, Oatmeal Cloth, PACKAGES Grecian, Honeycomb. Patent Satin, Terry and Gordon Quilts and Toilet Covers. 9 PACKAGES Plain and Printed Selecias, Lappet, and Madras Muslins, Book Muslins, Embroidery Cambria, PACKAGES Mair.sooks. Bishops Lawn, India Linens and Muslins. Lace and Tapestry Curtains. - 8 Harvard, Oxford, Satin, Stripe and Regatta Shirtings, Men's, Youths' ; and Boys' White, Oxford, Regatta, PACKAGES and Flannelette Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Insertion Cuffs, Fronts and Neckbands. 3 PACKAGES Fancy Tweeds, Trouserings, Suitings, Coatings, Summer Vestings, and a larye assortment of firrt PACKAGES quality Tailoring requisites. The Wholesale .Family Drapery Warehouse,^ TE AEO HOUSE, WELLINGTONEWEN'S Patent Self - Locking Fencing 1 Strainer. "THE very thing." Cease straining and the locking is automatic- No pins ! £<o keys! Nf.thin? to shake out,! Nothing to lose 1 One piece ouly, A Perfect Marvel of Simplicity, Strength, and Durability. Pronounced by Fencers, Farmers, and Kunholdeis as " THE VERY THING." "THE MOST SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC." iBI iPSftiSIP WK3 Jiwen's Patent Self-locking Fencing Strninnr, with the levers inserted ready to strain the wire, DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—Hold the Strainer, «'i Hi tho wirp-hole to the left, towards the atrainin" post Place the end of the wire in the who hole, then insert the levers in the g holes in tlie°eiid of the strainer, and strain till the required tension is obtained. Work the wire to the top of the hole in the straining post, then remove the levers, and Ewkn's Patent Self Lockino Fencing Strainer immediately and automatically locks itself. THE EWEN STRAINER is to be seen at Messrs Lowes and lorns Auction Room, Masterton. That firm are agents for its sale. , roMn . , r „„, , Whoiksalf Agents for Wellington ami Hawkes Rat. MESSRS LEVIN & CO., >v HOl.hhALh A(,tM» jt« Acents-MESHRS LOWES k lORNS. Masterton (BROOKS' LIME. BROOKS' I~" I thoroughbred Imported Stallion PRAIUIE BIISX>. Prairie Bird was bred by Mr Dixon Carnes, of Bathurst, Prairie Bird, vide New Zealand Stud Book, Grcyskin, dam, Lady Emily. Lady Emily by William Tell, imported, dam Speck by Speculation, imp, dam Mi s Whisker, by Whisker, imp, Greyskin by Yatterdon, by Sir Hercules, imp, dam Esperence by Glaucus', Arab, imp, dam Blue Bell by Gehenna 6(in q? Rouse HmUrant, imp, d> m Quadroon, by AluUtto, imp., mare, As will be seen from the ahove pedigree Prairie Bird has a gra'lid nurture of the famous Touohstoue, 1 Whalebone, Waxy, and Philo-da-ruta bloods Prairie Bird will travel Teuui, Whakataki, and surrounding districts. Terms—£3 per mare, all fees to be payable on first service, by P.N.. due 6th January, 1891; eyery oare ef marea will be taken, but no responsibility ; two er more mares as per agreement; groomage fee as, to be paid at first service; good paddocks free of charge until mares are stinted, of which due notice will be given j 2s, will be charged for paddocking after.. For further particulars npply to P, aOANLAN, Qwner and Groom, Grassendale. mO Stand this Season, the well known I Draught Stallion STANLEY, Also the celebrated Trotting sire YOXJIS'G BEBLIIM, Apply to £ALLOOK BROS., Taratahi._ TO stand this season, at the Iron Stables near Featherston Sale Yards, the high cast Arab KALIPHA, Imported from Calcutta. "Kalipha" is a I beautiful dark bay with black points, in shane and make he canno.t he surpassed, having a splendid head well set on to a good neck, oblique shoulders, beautiful short baok and good loins, and well hooped ribs, grand legs and feet, with very superior action. Good constitution and splendid temper, quiet to ride or handle. Travels to Carterton on Tuesdays, calling at Greytown, weather permitting, TERMS-£4 pec mare, to be paid l«.t January, 1892. G, FREETH, Featherston. Owner's Farm, Opaki, the purebred Clydesdale Horse the Marquis of Salisbury. Sire Lord Salighmy, dam Princess of Wales. Fu,rfcher particulars in future i*J««k W. B. BUICK, Proprietor. F.W.COTTRELL&Co /IUSTOMS, SHIPPING AND \J FO3WARDING AGENTS. ! AND 1 GENERAL CAKRIERb. Cottreli'B Parcel's Post Express. Pamela *r>A Panlaraa trtr«, a r-A a A anil Great Britain, Europe and Australia by every steamer. Furnituro and Goods carefully stored at moderate cost. Queen's Chambers Wki ujwton. Walter Chisholm, GEJNERAL STOREKEEPER, MAURICEVILLE IT is very amusing the way some people advertise their wares for the purpose of Retting sale, but no amount of advertising will make an article wholly what it is not. You may call black white, but it will tike all your persuasive powers to make people black is white. Hence it is with D. M. BROOK S'Lime. Buyers of Lime always send to D. M. BROOKS for his Lime. They know they get what they ask for. When they send to him for Lime *hey get Lime, pure and simple. D. M. BIvOOKS is often asked how it is he does not advertise his Lime Well, the tact is, his Lime advertises itself, and his Kilns are kept constantly qoiNq pay, and nibht, to keep up with the orders. Crders, are continually arriving by wire :—*'Bend another truck same as last." D, M, BROOKS does not guarantee his lime. The highest authorities in the land guarantees BROOKS' Lime. See analysis at office of this paper and buy your Lime of— I>. ML BROOKS, HametyiUe Lime Kilns, Mauriceville. IMPORTANT to BUILDERS AND FARMERS. The CHALLENGE LIME KILNS, A RE not only producing the best Lime J\ in Mauriceville, but the best in New Zealand. The following is the result of the analysis : NEW ZEALAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LABORATORY. Class Result of analysis of specimen No. 4928 forwarded byMrT. F. Bhenouley, locality Ma.uriQeville, received Bth Juue, 1888, reported on 13th June, 1888. TWO SAMPLES OF LIMESTONE No.l. Thelighter colored one. contains 93 - 14 per cent, of Carbonate of Lime. bo. 2. The darker one, contains 91*96 per c rit. of Carbp.nate of Lime. Both excellent for Lime. They cp.-npure with former samples examined hen from the same locality. (Signed) W. SKdY, The original has been deposirsd with Messrs Lowes and lorns, where ii may be set.i. BISHOP & CO., CHALLENGE LIME KILNS, Bi'AURICEVILLE Lowes & lorns, Masterton agent* MANURE! ' MANUUE. FOR TURNIPS, VEGETABLES, VINES, GRAIN, &c. Turnip Manure, Bono Dust. Blood PRICES ON TRUCKS AT TETONE: Turnip Manure... £5 10 Opertou Bone Dust; ... GlO 0 „ Blood Manure ... 7JO 0 ~ Puro Pried Bloua 710 0 „ Tho Gear Meat Co *s MANURES hive been proved the best in the Colonial market, having elicited the rnoit satisfactory Testimonials from all parts of the Colony. Samples of the MANURES may be se?n at the oflico of Messrs LOWES & lORNS who have been iippuiuted agonts for the Masterton District. W. F. MILLWaRD, Secretary. KOW KEE, GROCER AND FRUITERER, (Adjoining W. Dougall, Watchmaker, Masterton,) KEEPS only goods of the Best Qua! Lowest Prices. A Visit of Inspectitt is invited, which may be made without your being asked to buy. CHINESE FANCY GOODS. . GENERAL miCK LIST. . Sugar No 1 lis, No 210s 6d, No 39s 6d nor 40lb bag Sugar No I 3Jd, No 2 3Jd, No 3 3d per lb Flour 1001bsl3s; 601b 6s 9d; 251b 3d od, 2d per lb Oatmeal 251b 8s 3d, 2d per lb Tea, black 2s lb, Nelson Moato's 2s, green tea 2e Gd, Oriont Is lOd per !b Tea per 101b box 19s, 81b box 15s 3d, 01b box llsGd Sultanas la per lb. Currants G<l per lb Raisins 7d per lb Starch (id per lb Pyramid Candles Gd, Price's 9d per lb Mixed IVel Is per lb Corn Flour sd, Gd, and 8d °por lb Hops Is 3d per lb Coffee Is 7d per lib tin, loose coffee Is 8d per lb K Jam Gd per tin, Anchor 6Jd tin • Mutches shd per dozen; 2 boxes Id Vinegar 10d per bottle (best) loose fid Cheese 7d per lb Sardines Gdand lOd per tin Red Herrings 8d per tin Mustard 1b 8d per lib tin, lOd J lb tin and Gdjlb Pepper lOd Jib tin 6d lb Cocoa (Van Houtan's) 2s Jib tin, Is Jib tin Epps' 6d per packet, urcnarcd Sauce Gd. lOd and Is 5d pir bottl* Onions Id lb Nuw kind sauce 8.1 per bottle Essence of coffee Is 4d per l>ottte> Salmon lOd per tli Salad Oil Gd per bottle oaa tor Oil Ou nor bottle Currio powder lid per tin Golden Syrup 9d par tin Baking Towder 6d per tin Spice 2d per packet Chocolate Gd per packet 8.-Bt Brooms Is Gd each Cream Tartar 2s pot lb Tartaric Acid 2s 6d per lb Carbonate Soda 4d per lb G.uraway Seeds Is per lb Whole dinger J.s 6a per lb Nutmegs, 4s per lb. Scented soap, 2d a cake Soap. sd, Gd, 7d, 3d, and lid a bar Hudson's cxtraot of soap, 2d per packet Salt, lOd 71b bag, id per lb Clothe* pegs, 2d doz, Clothes lines Gd each Rloe, 3d per lb. Almond nuts, Is 2d per lb Walnuts, Is per lb. Hazel nuts 10dper lb Peanuts' 6d lb. Preserved ginger lOd por lb Ginger, 2a 6d a jar, whole ginger Is 4dper lb Cigarettes, 6d a packet. <"s~~ ■>" -"■' «■' Swiss cigars. 6 for Gd, 2s i Cigarette Tobaooo, Is, ai per packet Cigarette paper, 3d a packet Tobacco—Juno and Derby &e 4d lb, 10J per stick. Nail rod and Twist, 5s 4d per lb, 4d a stick. Navy twist 3d, Small twist 3d. Ruby twist Is s<l a stick, Gs Gd lb. Largetwist lOd New kind of Tobacco 4s lOd per lb, 9d a stick Fi;s 8d box. Washing Bod* ljd alb Piokles lid and 9d a bottle v. Ma . n »inn 7a Riltwrtin.MnnrhnW* at a quart Oysters 8d tin. Milk 9d tin. Blue Is lb Baskets Gd 8d and Is each Pot cleaoers 4d each. Scissors Is pair Tapioca 4d lb Sago 3d lb Soap, big bar, 18s box. Bmall bar 8s box Candles—Prico's 18s box, Pyramid 12s Od box Bacon 6d per lb Fine salt 7s bag. Rice sGlb b»f 12s 6d Whiting Id per lb Pearl Barley 2J lb Loose pepper Is Gd lb. Loosi justfrd la 61 Potatoes 2s 6d per cwt or 361b Is New Potatoes 81u 3 a Butter 7dlb Cash buyer of Fungus, Z:nc, Lead, and Copper Egos for silo 'Jd rozen, 8d a dozen given to sellers KOW KEE. ELLIOTT & Co. HAVE just landed ex *'Elderslio"' and " Tainui," Twonty Cases and Packages of Selected Saddlery, amongst which may bo mentioned : 1 CASS Genta' English Hunting Sadslo«. 1 CASE Of well-selected Ladies' and Gents' Saddles (high quality and finish). Ahsoa few sets of Enahsh Light Harness, together with one set ot West End pat. tern, exceedingly handsome and of superb finish Special attention is directed to a line of the new "Acme" metal Stirrup Irons, jitts, end Spurs, which are as hard as steel and will not rust or corrode. Also ltnded a largo assortment of tho latest patent Buggy, Gip, and Cab furnishings. A competent staff cf Col'ar nnd Har. nessmakers kept nnd satisfaction guaranteed for all work ontruated to oucharge. JAMES ELLIOTT & Co., VV. PERRY, BUTCHER, Queen Street, Masterton. BEGS to inform his customers and the general public that having docided to close No. 1 shop for tho purposo of addin? to his dwelling house, the businoss (us soon as tho nncossary alterations and improvements can bo made) will bo carried out under the supervision of Mr F Hollo way. Hicarts ut ill run as usual and supply the bo3t quality of meat at the lowest possiblo prices for cash. Owin« to tho reminder given him by tho latn dre, lie takes tbu opportunityuf requesting his customers that all over duo accounts must be paid within ouemonth from dsto ■ i

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XII, Issue 3957, 6 November 1891, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XII, Issue 3957, 6 November 1891, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XII, Issue 3957, 6 November 1891, Page 1