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Mr AY. Yilo's now coach service from Maurieeville to Masterton and return, started yesterday and was well patronised. Tho coach will run every Wednesday and Saturday and will no doubt prove a boon to tho travelling public. Tho Masterton Volunteer Piro Brigado at a meeting held last decided to hold their annual ball at the end of August. A strong Committeo was formed to makeul! necessary arrangements and canvass the town for suppoit. Tlie result of tho poll for the proposed loan of £3OO on tho Ihuraua Valley road is published in another column There were nine ratepayers 011 tho roll,amongst them being several absentees and tho necessary majority of 0110 half tho votes exercisable could not be obtained, although no yuto was recorded against the proposed loan.

An inventory of the personal estato of the 140 Sir Thomas Gladstone. Bart,, ot Fasqno, has just boen given in the record booh of Kincardineshire. The gross amount rf the personal estate in Scotland and England is stated to be J2?54,079 5s sd. J'lie bulk of the estate lias been left to Lady Gladstone and family, viz,, Sir John R, Gladstone and Miss Mary Selnia Gladstone. On dit that the beauty of tho noxt season is to bo an Italian debutante, a daughter of the princely house of the Orsinis. The young lady is said to be as rich as she is lovely, and that, by all accounts, is saying a great deal. At all events, it is somo relief to the monotony of affairs to find that there are Borne pretty girls other tlwr Americana.

In a Divisional Court of Queen's Bench on May 2Jrd, Justices Mathew and Grantham heard arguments on a mution for a writ of attachment against Dr Barnado for disobedience to a writ of luikai corpus, directing him to give up a girl named Martha Ann Tye to her mother. The Uourt held that he had been guilty of contempt, but directed that ho Bliould not be sent to prison on entering into recognisances to answor interrogatories, and ordered liini to pay the costs.

The Whitehall Review says"Thero is nothing, fortunately for the world, ao difficult to kill as religious enthusiasm and sacrifico. A lady who has had fivo years' experience ot Salvation Army life as captain of a country corps, tolls us of nine black eyes in live weeks, and of literal atone blindness for a month from a well-directed missilo. During a London campaign she was tied to a railing for two hours with her hands behind her, her War Crys pinned all over lier, and her face decorated with a moustache in burnt cork,"

Last evening- news vas received in Maaterton that Mr Charles Bunny hud succumbed to the illness which prostrated him early in the week. Tho deatli ot a promising young legal practitioner on tho ovo of a first professional triumph, is almost an unprecedented occurrence. Wo say professional triumph, because Mr Charles BntiL'y, though ho failed to secure a verdict for his client, received from the bench a testimony as to tho ability he lmd displayed in tho caso which was almost a guarantee of future distinction. The late Mr Charles Bunny possessed brilliant and amiable qualities which made him a host of friends and his sad and sudden demiso willhesincerely regretted. The Presbyterian Church was crowded last evening by youn» and old, standing room beinp scarcely obtainable by lato comers, The attraction was an illustrated lecture by the Hot Alexandor Thomson, of Ma, a gonUenian who possesses a considerable fund of humor, ancl whose efforts to amuso the audieuce wero eminently successful, Evon his astronomical delineations wero nmdc amusing as well as instructive to his youthful hearers, and his scenic slides, with his explanatory references wero thoroughly enjoyed. Our youngsters who were present expressed a decided opinion on their return that they liked lectures. This is tho first admission (if this kind they have over made, and their surprising conversion proves that tho Itev Alexander Thomson i 3 no ordinary lecturer,

Tlio silver wedding fetes of the Comtease de Paris at the Star and Garter, which wore to havo brought all the world to Richmond at the end of the month, have, says Ihe World, boon suddenly countermanded. The French Government seems to have mado it slearly understood that the projected gathering would bo regarded in the light of an antt-llep'iblican demonstration, and tliat the penalty of oxilo Might very possibly be visited on all thnso participating in it. Under these circumstances, and especially with a view to the approaching olcctions, it was deemed prudent to abandon tho idea. Tile celebration will therefore be of a purely domestic character. A will case, which has beon decided by tho Civil Tribunal at Rainbouillet, reveals the fact that the well-known writer, Aupusto Maquet, who died at tho beginning of last year, was tho cliiet author of "Montis Ohrjstq,' l "Tho Three Musketeers," and other world-renowned works of the elder Dumas. The matter has ofton formed tho subject of nn?ry discussion, but the administrators of the Maquat estate now declare that they have the handwriting of Alexandre Dumas to prove that the deceased writer did tho lion's share of the work, wliilo Dumas took all the glory and emolument. Augusts Maqnet was certainly tho most honourable of men, and his modesty in leaving the question unanswered until his death certainly militate'! in his favour.

The Prince pf Wales opened, oil Way 18, the Prince's Club,' Knightsbridge, built on the sito of tlio late Japanese Village. The club, which is fitted up in a most luxurious fashion hasnotonjy the usual characteristics of a social resort for its members, but provides for fencing boxinp, aud tennis. Tho plungo bath, which is of a uniform depth of 6ft 2in,, and contains 7,000 gallons of wator, is jnjaid with mosaic, upon which theartists in tlio work laboured for four months. Everywhere the visitor walks jvithqut creating the slightest noise, as all the carpets are placed upon cork matting. Tho Prince was received by Sir W, Hart Dyke, M.P., president of the club. Among those'present, including a number of ladiesj were Mr A. J. Balfour, MP,, Marquis of prapby, M,P.,andMr Cowley Lambert, M.P.' We hear that Messrs Gordon and Gotch have purchased two years' rjglitß, from tho beginning of next year, of all the novels which may be produced by Mr Eider Haggard during that timo. Tho idea is to issue in tho colonies a weekly instalment of the novel at the prico of ono ponny, or sixpence a month. Tho publishers ate, jyitli a vengeance, nursing tlio colonies. So they ore going to havo another sale ol drapery at Te Aro House, Wellington. Yes that is easily seen from an announcement 01} tlje 3rd page and there is no mistake about It,' Tliojo will be some womlor. fill bargains'to ho picked up, and all the goods ore new, fresh' iiifd seo'spn'able'o'l this salo of Winter goods at To Aro House', Wellington." Eyen go. they are described as wonderful Jjargairni, llrst-ijlass goods, which may bo depended on as absolutely trije, yj'hnt is still better there is no rubbish, no soiled goods, n? damaged articles. All are fresh jr ( (| c),eon at this sale qf Winter goods at Ie Arfl Hpuse ; '.W<!)li)igtoii. ' pi there is to lie a'pripo list issued pi) Saturday am) thej) we s!;all knpy further particulars, but pne thing lias always feej fiertain that if the Te Arp fijijo folks advertise a thing it is boijnd to be' strictly carried out, no bounce, no puff, but aolijjl veritable truth with tho "mint mark" ot Te Aro House voracity on it. It is agood thijig that wo country residents have such timely, notice in this instancejiwj it ivjll give us a chance as good as the gily'/oijti ijt bohm pt the opening ol thisWinter .'on Thursday ilia first gf August

Tho Billiard Room at the Prince of Wales Hotel Musterton, is advertised tu be lei. .

Emilo Collotte, settler, Hastwell has tiled a declaration of insolvency.

Messrs Lowes and lorns add to nex Saturday's salo list, 24 pairs bouts am slices and 10 sacks oats,

The ordinary monthly meeting of the School Committee takes place this evening'.

As long us a man can assign tlie property of his nioditors over to his wife, marriage is nut wholly a failure. —Detroit Free Press.

The Wellington Agricultural and Pastoral Association Committee held a meeting yesterday when it was stated that £ 125 had been collected for private prizes, The catalogue was gone through prizes allotted, and judges appointed. It will be seen tliat Professor Wyburd, the'champion acrobatic skater, makes his appearance this evening at the Theatre Royal ltink, and will perform a number of extraordinary feats while on the skates. As tho management are making no extra charge for admission tliero will doubtless be a largo tittendance, Wairarapa residents are requested to rcservo their purchases for the winter sale of iirst-oliisa drapery at tho "Wholesale Family Drapery Warehouse, Te Aro House, Wellington This sale commences at one o'clock on Thursday, August Ist. Wonderful bargains will be offered of really first-class seasonable goods, all fresh and nono damaged or soiled. The sale will last fourteen days nud the price list will bo published in our Saturday's issue. Mr James Smith, of Te Aro House, has no branch stores, nor any connection with anyone hawkinp inferior goods, A notice appears on our third page. " Turning into Mr J. P. Mendoza's Art Gallery in St. James' tho other day, I saw a remarkable oil-painting now on view—that painted by Mr Struit, of Victoria and New Zealand, which possesses some remarkable points of unusuel excellence. It' is called "Stocks Closed Firmly, with an Upward Tendency." The centro shows the bole of-an onorinous oak, under tho shade of which are the pnrinh stocks, wherein an early Georgian soldier has been confined. Tho beadlo is sleeping against the tree, his pipe broken, on tho ground and an ompty beer jug indicating his fuddled state. Tho soldier's sweetheart lias stolen the keys from the unconscious Bumblo, and is unlocking the padlock to releaso her lover. Tho technical merit of the work lies in tho exceedingly clover foreshorteniii" of tho figures. That of the ?irl with her eager face—remarkably pretty, too—is in all ways excellent, and the arrangement of bur drapery is distinctly severe, There is a barking dog to intensify the .situation, and tho excited soldier is shaking his fist at him from an evident fear that he will wake tho beadle, The finish of the work is remarkable, and it is in its way, as well told a little story as one could wish to see on canvas,—Anglo-Australian, Good news from Wellington', and quite true, you can get a splendid harmonium from L 5, piano or organ from LIS, organ with divided bctave couplars all in solid black walnut cases from Ll7i This beats all the cheapest houses in town. Piauos tuned for 7s, or by tho year four visits LI, travelling exponses added, All kinds of musical instruments timed, cleaned, and repaired new rveds put in accordeons, etneertinas, harmoniums, and organs; also liberal exchanges made. Any instrument, may be purchased on the time payment system from 2s Gd per week. Call and exchange your old piano for a now one atF, J. Pinny's Musical Instrument Depot, Manners-street, Wellington, (Solo njont of tho colobrated Worcester organs.)—a dvi. In Melbourne the other day gas had to bo lighted in many city establishments at midday; and sand had to be plentifully strewn 011 roadways to prevent horses slipping.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 3259, 18 July 1889, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 3259, 18 July 1889, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 3259, 18 July 1889, Page 2