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BOH IiEOHB. L. J. HOOPER 100. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF DRAPERY AND CLOTHING, HAVE now opened up the bulk of their season's shipments for tho Spring and Summer Trade, comprising all the Lotost Novelties and styles of British and Foreign Manufacture. #L. J. HOOPER and Co., BON MARCHE, The Ladies' Millinery Department is under the Supervision of Experienced Modestes. Ladies can rely upon having their orders executed in a style unsurpassed in the colony. J, HOOPER and Co,, BUN MARCHE. The Show Room is, as usual, stocked Swith all the latest novelties and newest , designs. Ladies and Children's trimmed Hiita and iionnets, untrimmed Straws, and Leghorn Hats in the following new shapesGarmoyle, Bassano, Hypatio, Robinson Crusoe, Gladys, Stratinnore, Grafton, Madras, Princess George, Bopeep, Wesden, Dagrnar, Diana, Montrose, Josephine, Ac., Ac. New Fruit nnd Flowers, Feathers, Millinery, Ornaments, Ac., Broche and Ottoman Silk Mantles and Visifces, Ladies' and children's Costumes, Pinafores, Dust Cloaks. | Underclothing;, Ac. L. J, HOOPER and Co., BON MARCHE. Spring and Summor Dress Goods, Black and Cold Shot Merveilleux Silks, Broelie Silks and Satins, China Silks, Lawn Tennis Cloths, Monks' Cloths, Nuns' Veilings, Nun's Cloth, Jersey Cloths, Beige Cloth, and other materials in the following new colors Moss, Tabae, Myrtle, Beige,, Chartreuse, Ponceau, Coquelicot, Fawn, Ciel, Cardinal, L. J HOOPEK. and Co., RON MARCHE. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery in all makes and prices, and Dyes is? fast colors, Spun Silk Lisle Thread, Cotton, Merino, Cashmere, Ac., Ac. L. J. HOOPER and Co., Ladies' and Children's Gloves, French Kid Gloves in Josephine,, Geraldine, Florence, 2, 4, (i, and 8 buttons, Ladies' and Children's Jersey Silk and Taffeta Gloves, also 2 and 4 buttons to match different shades in dress goods. A magnificent assortment of laces of every make, flouncing laces, yak laces in black, white, and all the leading colors, also Torchon, Honiton, Oriental, Maltese, Edelweiss, Spanish, Ac., Ac. L. -T. HOOPEK and Co., Ladies' Shot Silk Parasols and Sunshades, black aiid colored Silk and Satin Parasols, Umbrellas, and Children's parasols. . ■■■ • ■ ■ ■ Tj.BOOm and Co., BON MARCHE. Prints, Sateen, and Cotton Dress Goods. We hold a tremendous stock fit for any Retail House in the Colony. The designs are all new, and the goods imported by ourselves direct from the leading houses in England and Scotland. L. J. HOOP lilt AiND CO., BON MARCHE. Wo keep a full stock of Manchester goods, new designs in Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Ac., Linoleums, Cortisene, Floor Cloths, Carpets, Coir Mattings, Ac., Ac. Don't mistake the shop, look for the name before entering. L. J. HOOPER & CO., BON MARCHE, DIRECT IMPORTERS OF DRAPERY & CLOTHING, QUEEN-STREET, MASTERTON. 2115

FIRE FIRE I! FIB!!!! THE HARDEN PATENT "Star hand gkenape, (Patented August b, 1871, and August Ist, 1883.) original anil only practical and reliable Firo Extinguishing Hand Grenade known; when thrown upon or into fire, Carbonic Aciil Gas is developed; its effect is instantaneous and complete in Are quenching; no deluging of goods by water; no goods permanently spoiled ; harlmess to persons or clothing j has no explosive caps or fuses; is always ready and powerful ; cannot get out of order; a lady can use it without fear or embarrassment; there is no poisonous vapour, if it is broken accidentally, FIRE EXTINGUISHER, SOME OF THE MERITS OF THE GRENADES. _ 1. They are small and convenient for handling, can be hung up around every floor of your office, store, factory oi house, accessible at an instant's notice. Night watchmen can carry them while making their regular rounds. 2, They are always ready for immediate use. Any mail, woman or child can use them efficiently. 3. They are hermetically sealed, and will keep for vcars in any climate. Unlike other extinguishers, they do not require to be kept in order by frequent re-charging, and having no motal explosive caps or fuses, are subject to corrosion. j. They prevent th n„triou3 damage of water, a. The price place m within the reach of all. Every man who has a home, office, store, or factory can afford te protect his property with them. G. They operate instantaneously, and the fiercest firccanbc extinguished by them as if by magic. 7. These Grenades are made to stand a temperature of twenty degrees below zero, by actual test. This fact alone renders them invaluable. While every other Fire Extinguisher apparatus ever known or tried may be frozen solid or become perfectly useless, and the owners left to the mercy of devouring flames, TiieHaiiden'HanrGbenade Finn Extinguisher stands alone and supreme, unaffected by age, deterioration, or climate as the unapproachable and irresistible conqueror of fire. 8, We guarantee these grenades to be perfectly uniform in quality and efficiency. Every grenade is subjected' to a thorough chemical test to assure absolute certainty as to its quality. ROBT.GARDNERACo, IRONMONGERS, sole agents for Wellington:, 2043 RAIL W AY HOUSE, Thorndon Quay, WELLIN U T 0 N . THE above House is now completed, and offers superior accomodation to Permanentßoarders and Private Families. The premises are immediately opposite the old Railway Station, Thorndon Quay, and command a magnificent view of the city and harbor. The bath-room, drawingroom, and sitting-room, will be found replete in every respect. All the necessary comforts of a good home will be found at the Railway House, Thorndon Quay, Good beds containing new spring mattrasses,willbefoun<]inallthebedrooms. Civility combined with every attention. JOHN MURPHY, PnoritiEioit, Late of the Albion and Cricketers' Arms Hotels. 2080 HIS LORDSHIP'S LARDER. THREE DOORS ABOVE GEAR GO'S SHOP. Lambton Quay, Wellington. VISITORS to Wellington will find the above first-class Restaurant very convenient, owing to itsclose proximity to the Railway Station. An excellent shilling dinner is served from 12 to 2, while visitors may at any time obtain a nice fresh-cooked meal of anything they desire, for which a special tariff is charged. Country visitors aro respectfully invited to give our rooms a trial. WALKER & FARRANT, 2110 Proprietors. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CIGARETTE SMOKERS. The finest Turkish Cigarettes are Spiller'i N- England, H.R.H. the " Prince ol _ Wales and all the leading membert of fashionable society smoke no'one else's The. Egyptian Cigarette Co. hag jusl received a large consignment of all the diH'6rent' sizes and qualities. Sahiples anci prices can be obtained, post free, on send--18 two-penny stamps to - EGYPTIAN; CIGARETTE CO., '■ , i,: N.Z., InsuranceiCo.'s Building's, •: Wellington. 2081!

blacksmith, wheelwright, and HORSE-SHOEING SMITH, Desires to inform his patrons and the public of the Wairarapa generally, that he has taken over the old-established business, so Ions; efficiently conducted by M FAKQUHAR GRAY, In Queen-Stiieei, Masterton, And he solicits a continuance of the patronage that has hitherto been so liberally extended. J.R. would remind customers that his experience and long connection with Mr Gray's business is a guarantee that the ■atisfaction given by this establishment iu the past will be continued, Every kind of horse-shooing wheelwright engineering, and blaoksmithing work, executed with despatch and on the most reasonable terms, lo^ MASTERTON;" ~ - 5 Richard Evernden, Proprietor. BEGS to notify that he has • JLji purchased from Mr John Graiiam the above plant and business, and is prepared to cut and deliver timber, to order, any size, and at the LOWEST TRADE RATES, In connection with the above, John Graham thanks his numerous customers for past favors, and trusts a continuance of the same may be extended to his SUCCESSOR. Any orders left at the Opaki Mill, or <it J. G kaham's Store (late Rapp & Hare), Emporium, Masterton, will rc«i\ e prompt attention. GPviTE til OinTcoa c if Factory, Vivian-steet, (Midwmj between Tory and Tumnithi Stmts, Wellington.) \T. T. JLEEVERS, Late of W. Black's. QPECIAL.—The New Zealand Dog )!j Cart, fitted with lamps and cushions, delivered at any Railway Station in the Wairarapa for L2O. All orders punctually attended to. .. 2103 " A, HENDERSON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, Queen-street, Masterton, (Opposite Borouqh Council Chambers.) A TT '° ' n^orm ie 11.. Jtl, lie of Masterton that he lias taken the centrally situated shop opposite the Borough Council Chambers, where any work entrusted to him to Repair or Make, Will be executed with Despatch, and at the Lowest Trade Charges. Watches and Clocks Repaired'and Reflated. ■'All kinds of Jewellery made to order, JF Wairarapa people wish to have full satisfaction with their visit to Wellington, they are invited to call in at the GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, where they will see a show of China, Crockery, and Fancy Goods of ;all descriptions, which cannot be beaten in this Colony. No one will be content to remain without a Dinner and Tea Service, when they have seen our qualities and prices, ALL DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. GUN JULE BAZAAR, Opposite ■ Government Buildings j Wellington.,':..!' '.' ' 2054 "tal!atahi iidra." 11. BODOIM-S,-. (late T.Ray); Proprietor. THE above first-class Hotel '.offers special accommodation to travellers, -being furnished-with the- best 6f everything. " - ; ii ;. ... ' Convenient Stable and'lMe 'boxes, and' Sixteen good grass "padddeks. ' Special convenience for horees -trAS'elling the seas'dn' 1 " ■-■'jquy-:-- ■:.! "Wines, Spiritb,"fth J d-^Mdlfc'" of the finest brands only kept.

THE GRAND ANNUAL SHOW, Under the Auspices and Direction of the .TKAIRAKAPAani) EASTCOAST PASTORAL 4ft AND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Will bo held 011 the SOCIETY'S SHOW GROUNDS, AT CARTERTON ON WEDNESDAY, the 4th pay of NOVEMBER, 1885. THE Show will include Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Implements, Farm and Dairy Produce, Vehicles, and Industrial Exhibits. The Society will, as in previous years, offer about forty gold and silver medals, »jell as cash prizes, in each of the above ed sections of exhibits, and in addi- . tioh ihereto a large number of valuable . special prizes in cash and in plate hav& been promised, bringing the total amount, of all prizes fully up to the average of the last, three years. ... A Leaping Match, a Shearing Match, and a trial of Sheep Dogs will take place on the Urounds during the afternoon, • Programmes and Prize Lists giving full information as to conditions of entry, regulations for judging, and all other details are now being prepared, and will .v., .published and circulated shortly. ; 9ffr*goments will be made to run special ..railway trains at reduced rates, also to .'.have the Show Day proclaimed a Bank and General Holiday throughout the VaHey. . Intending Exhibitors are informed that entries close on SATURDAY, the 24th of October, 1885, at noon, either at the Secretary's Office, Carterton,' or the offices of Messrs R. Brown unci Co., Mas- , terton; F. H. Wood and Co., Greytown; and J, D. Oa'tly, Featherston, and thai no entries can be received after that date, . All conunu lications in reference to the Show addressed to the Secretary at Carterton by letter or telegram will be promptly attended to. ■tejnission to Showgrounds.—Members, free; non-members, before noon, 2s lid, after noon, Is ~ jor the purpose of affording more adequate encouragement to certain classes of exhibits, such as Dogs, Poultry, .Pigeons, Produce, Industries, Flowers, , Etc., Etc., the Society has decided to hold a seperate Show for these classes during the early part of December, and full particulars thereof will be published. W. C. BUCHANAN, President. uarterton, 27 th June, 1885, 2031 TRY W. J. LINDOFS 1 VALUABLE and Speedy Remedy for diseases arising from a foul stomach and bad indigestion. • Also— White Worin Powders. Family Aperient Pills. Full directions enclosed with each Packet. 1975 Thuxley: OF TUB ISBN TAILORING ESTABLISH- . MENT, WELLINGTON, BEGS to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Masterton and surrounding . country, that he will open a first-class ' TAILORS SHOP in the centre of the "town, about the2Bth FEBRUARY, where suits can be made in a few days, same price as at Lambton-Quay establishment. Tweed suits, as good as money can buy, £_4loa; good, all wool, Tweeds suits, £3 Riding Habits. £4 to £7 ; ' Good fits and stylish Ladies' Jackets and Ulsters, from £2 to £3los; Gentlemen's own material, mado in first rate style, 40a per suit. I have been established ' TEN i years .in Wellington, and been twenty jets a first-class cutter in London??™, and New York, I know EVERY PART of my trade. There is not to be found, that can excel me . "\ making FIBST-OLASS SUITS, or,any Manufacturer that can make them CHEAPER. I shall have an agent in Masterton in a few days. j& 891 E. JONES, 11 Friend to All Natms." MAIL CARRIER, MASTERTON. KUNS two conveyances to meet every train—one for passengers and one ; for luggage—calling at the Hote and 'Si&i Office. FARES: 6d.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume VII, Issue 2125, 21 October 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume VII, Issue 2125, 21 October 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume VII, Issue 2125, 21 October 1885, Page 1