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The Wairarapa Daily. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1884.

Mews Graves & Fleming, «f the cornm liousb, Cuba und Manners si rents, Welliuiiton, are now selling 53 cases of bankrupt stock of drapery and clotbiny. To-niglit Donald Diunio, ihu " Scutch giant," will appear in llio Theatre Royal, Masterton, under the auspices of the Wairarapa Caledonian Society, and exhibit some of the feats of strength which have procured for him a world wide reputation, The programme will he assisted by the Masterton String Band, who will provide tho necessary musical accompaniments, In spite of the unfavorable weather we anticipate a full house. We direct attention to Messrs Gardener and Sons advertisement in another column. Masterton cricketers will be ploasod to learn, that Mr W. D'Arcy is still keeping up his reputation as a bowler in Auckland. In a_ rccont match there Jio got fourleen wickots for about tlio same number of runs. •] t Mr W.Bell, of D'eniio'h House, 1 Masterton, announces that lie is now opening up Autumn and; Winter goods ex s,b,

We hear that Hie members of the Wesleyaii Church ara already making active preparations for their Annual Good Friday tea meeting,

i Mr Stone, of the Waipoua Nursery, has shown ua a plan designed by himself of a model hop garden, He claims to have had a Bpocial experience in growing hops, and states that in this distriot tho wrong sort of hop is planted, and it is grown in wrung methods, We may now regard the Salvation Army as a permanent institution in Mas* torton. Its local agents are willing to lake tho old sohool buildings for a fixed term uf two years, and the Town Lands Trust aro willing to let them for this period, Our weather correspondent writes :- The past week has been one of extremes -heat v cold, dry v wet, In the early part of tho week it was fine and hot; afterwards it waa cold and wet. The total rainfall for the weok was ,970 parts of an inph. The barometer gradually rose from 29*62 inohes to 3012 inches, allowing for correction to sea level the maximum reading would bo 3048 inohes, The mean for the thermometer is 61 Fah, Tho wind has been light and jrom ft north or south direction, A happy father in St, Albans telegraphed to a dear friend: "Rejoico with us. Twins arrived laat night. More by post," " Hobson," said Muggings," they tell mo you've taken your boy away from the graded school. What is that for!" "Cause," said Hobaon, "the master ain't fit to leach "im." " Oh," said Muggings, "I've heard he's « very good master." ""Well," replied Hobaon, apologetically, " all I know is he wanted to teach my boy to spell 'laters with a 'p.'" Tho following letter from Rajshahai wan recently received by the authorities at the Calcutta Exhibition :-" Sir, —I have the honor lo inform you that I have a man from whose forehead has sprung a regular horn, I intend taking down this man to the Calcutta Exhibition; pleaso let mo know what remuneration can I expeot from you if I hand the man over to you." Mr Joiibert deoided that this gentleman comes under the head of "horned cattle," so oannot be exhibited. The Mormons, or Latter Day Saints of JeßUs Christ, as they term themselves, are still making converts among the Maoris. Wo (Wairarapa Standard) hear that seven wore baptised last Sunday, and there are about fifty adherents to the faith among the natives in the Wairarapa at tho presont time. In one or two instances, adds our contemporary, there is a marked chango in those who have ombraced the faiih, low and drunken lives having givon place to quite the roverse. An earthquake indicator has recently been placed in position at the Colonial Museum. It consists of a circular glass plate, rovolving by means of clockwork, is covered with lampblack, on which two needles, kept in position by delicately - balanced weights rest on agate points, immediately trace tho slightest shock communicated to them. The instrument ia a modification by Dr Hector of a machine usod by professor Milne at tho Seismoloijical College of Japan. A curious circumstance is mentioned in the Sydney Mail, viz,, tho explosion of fruit on a bonnet. The beautiful red cherries with which a servant maid's head gear fresh from the shop of a well known and fashionable artist in the city had been adorned exploded. The heat of the atmosphere had expanded the air within (ho hollow artificial fruit. Colouel Rathbone, the aide de-cainrj'in attendance on president Lincoln the night of his murder, shot his wife in a fit of madness lust Christmas Eve, and then stabbed himself five times with a dagger. His recovery, however, is possible. Colonel Eathbono was wounded by Booth at theaseassinaiion of President Lincoln, and had since shown symptoms of insanity, The American woman is shrewder than her English sister, Slio knows how to educe good out of evil. Recently at a meeting of temperancj women an old lady said.-" I know something of the evils of rum, I have buried three husbands, and all were hard drinkers. But I am glad to say that I didn't fight with them. As soon as I found they would drink I got them to insure their lives heavily aid let thorn go ahead, A h me I each one of them died from the effects of liquor, but thanks be to a kind Providence each dea'h netted me a clear §10,000."

i A laboring man named Robert Taylor 1 died suddenly at Alberton, South Aus r tralia, on February 13. He had lately come from New Zealand with his wife, ', but had had litile work to do, and the pair seemed to have been living in a stat-j , of great destitution. Thoy occupied a ' Email two roomed structure, but could not obtain the most trivial comforts of life beyond just sufficient to keep them I from starving. There was not a stick of furniture nor an nrticlo of clothing in the house and when the police went to remove the body, all that was to be seen ; was a billy-can and a tin pannikin. An inquest was held, the jury finding that Taylor's death was caused by "angina pectoris." On the western border of our island { continent hays " Jlgles" in the Australasian) there is a railway, and of course a 1 railway platform, At this place there waß an occurrence which has been 1 described to mo in the manner of the late lamented, but never to be forgotton Mr. Jingle, The scene as I havo said, is a 1 railway station, Train about to start, Portly lady in carriage looks anxiously through closed doors for clerical husband Bell rings. Clerical husbund rushes to the carriage, Door fast, Clerical husband, endeavors to get through window. Six-' foot guard on platform observes gaitered' legs promding from carriage window. Seizes them, Guard pulls, Lady pulls. Tug of war. Parson stretched visibly and—well asseverates audibly, Brace button gives. Guard does not. That guard never surrenders, "As the unwilling iguana is slowly drawn from tho hollow treo s>i doth—" "fls done. Sis-font guard lauds five-foot puson on the platform. Five foot passenger with hands n la Tom Crib, dances round six-foot guard expresses anxious desire to have '• just five, minutes at him " Guard explains soothingly. Parson explodes with something that seems to rhyme with ham. Guard (.pons door. Parson enters. Recording angel covers clerical ejaculations with brace-buttons. Train starts Seven new hotels, four with 1000 rooms each, aro being built in London. Mother S wan's worm syrup, -Infallible, tastless, harmlsss, catharthic; for feverishBess, restlessness, worms, constipation. Is. i at druggists, Moses Moss & Co., Sydney ] General Agents, After sovcral years' experience in supplying i watches for the colonial market, Littlejolm and Son, of Lambton Quay, Wellington, havo observed the need for a thoroughly ' sound English Lever Watch at a lower price \ than that usually paid for such watches. It ( is only bj the judicious division of labor and by tho manufacture of large quantities on a l uniform plan, that wo are enabled to meet c this want We have now the pleasure of S introducing our Six Gmnea.Hunting Silver Lever, This watch, being siniple in design, durable, highly finished; and ao'eurate, fulfils all tho requirements of a pookeii timekeeper]: ■! A written guarantee for two years will beHf] given with each watch, Sent by, Becurelv packed, on w. fl intnf.P/»Vnffi n .l: n .

Mr R. H. Ohinchen, of Maaterton, haa filed a declaration of insolvency. Mr Daniel Knight, of the Camp, near Featheraton, has filed a declaration of insolvency, Complaints are made ih»t flowers are stolen from the graves in the Masterton Cemetery, and the custodian ia looking out for the delinquents. Lowes and lonia report the salo by private treaty, on account of Messrs Maunseli, of Tinui, of 1400 merino ewes and wethers, The price was from 5s to 6s.

Constable Flemings steady officer, who for several years past has done duty in this town is likely, we hear, to bo promoted to the charge of a district in another part of the province, Mr A. Johnston, of Mnsterton, has just shorn 170 Lincoln lambs whioh have realised the excellent average of six pounds of wool per lamb. The Orioket match, Maaterton v, Grey, town, which was arranged for to-day, has been postponed, owing to tho Greytown Club being unable to get a team together, Messrs J. fl, Bethuno & Co. advertise another Wairarapa station, known as Wildfell, the property of Mr John Moore, and containing 2531 acres of superior land, The sale is fixed for Tuesday the 18th inst,

The" fourth" ot the month has gone off very well. Town bills were met all round, and, as lar as is known, also in the country districts, For several months the "fourth" has not been anticipated with bo much dread, Now, merchants and traders alike regard it without anxiety, All classes are buying very cautiously, and almost no one in excess of his demands, There is scarcely any bad paper in tho markot, and the pastime of " kite flying" has died out. Most merchants can scan their discount lists with snug complacency. Drapers still want assistance.—N.Z. Times.

Mr Jamea Tyson, tho Australian milI lionaire, is paying a visit to Now Zealand. He was at Maaterton yestesday and left, there for Woodville the same afternoon, Tho New Zealand Times states that Sir William Clarke, Sir James Elder, Sir Samuel Wilson, are all Australians noted for their wealth, and justly so, for they are wool kings n U'oil. Cut all these and other landowners must bow their heads to My Tyson. Throe years ago the London World ranked him among the wealthiest men in the world. He is more solidly wealthy then several of the so-called wealthiest mon, for he has no liabilities. He is the greatest sheep owner in the world, and his many herds of cattle have a groat reputation. It is said he owna 11,000,000 cattle. In addition ho londs more monoy on mortgage than any man in this hemisphere. It is understood that Mr Tyson in looking out for some properties worthy his attention, and is inspecting this island, and is now in the Wairarapa. An enterprising restaurant keeper named Jonas, at Ballarat, who disposes of meals at Cd, 'has, the Courier alleges, determined to increase the attractiveness of hi- eslablisemout by giving his customers music while they are enjoying their meals. Ho has purchased a large orchestrion, an instrument with as varied a set of sounds as a full brass band and is having it set up whero the musio can be best heard by the diners, The instrument cost altogether about £4OO. We would remind the public of Masterton and country settlers especially, that the Hall of Commerce, opposite the Club Hotel, is the cheapest and most reliable drapery establishment at presont in Masterton, Messrs Owen, Schroder, and Co,, aro now Stocktaking, and selling off at English cost price, the wholo of their larue and magnificent stock of general drapery, so as to male o room for their New Winter Goods. We can confidently recommend cash customers to visit tin Hall of Commerce,—Advt.

Easily Pr.oviw.-it is easily proven (hat malarial fevers, constipation, torpidity of the liver and kidneys, general debility, nervousness, an 1 neuralgia ailments yield readily to this disjjiso-couquciur, Hop Bitters, It repairs the ravages o! disease bv converting Ihefoo lint" rich blood, aud itgives new life and vigour to (ho ugeland infirm always, See, Special Cheap Hosiery at Te An House, -Girls' \vhito cotton host) reduced from Is, Is 3.1, Is GJ, to 21, 3d, i 1 per pair ; white cotton pucks, superior ;jiulity, some with laee antics reduced from te Gd (o Gel par pair; ladies' striped citk'in hose at 7sd and Is reduced to aud GJ pji pair. —Advt, •Bargains is Hareriusiieky at Te Aro House—Umm braids,(i 1 per piece, of 36 yards; linen thread on 2jz reels, the b?st made, reduced from Is Gd to 6.1 per reel; Alsatian thread, a substitute for silk, on GOO yard reels, reduced fi om Is Gd to Gd; colored sewing silks, in bundles of 21 skeius, 3d per bundle.—Advt. Fvhtuek bargains at Te An House.— Metal brnoa buttons, 3d per packet of 12 dozen; black clolli vosfc buttons, Gd per packet of 12 dozen; silk twist, suitable for crewel work, 2s Gd per dozen skeins; blanket pins reduced from Gd to 2d pur packet. —Advt. Rare Bargains at Te Aro Mouse.— Girls white gloves, reduced from Is and IsGdto 2d per pair (all sizes); ladies' best quality, but slightly spotted Jozophiao kid gloves at 9d, Is, and Is Gd per pair; G pairs paper culls for Id; ilower and truit baskets, 2d,'' ■ld, aud Gd each; fruit trays, Is; and the balance of our stock of dolls at 4Jd each, or 3 for Is.—At Te Aro House, Cub street, We'linGton—Advt.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 6, Issue 1628, 8 March 1884, Page 2

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The Wairarapa Daily. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1884. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 6, Issue 1628, 8 March 1884, Page 2

The Wairarapa Daily. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1884. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 6, Issue 1628, 8 March 1884, Page 2