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The Wairarapa Daily. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1881.

_, .J, , rWk understand that it lias been decided to remove tho refreshment iMom ou tlio Wellington unci Mustorton railway from Kaitoke to tho Upper llutt, Wo searcoly (liink that the change will bs regarded with favor by tho travelling public, and yet it is surely their convenience. which ought to bo considered, Their interests nro tho interests of. the department, anil if the arc matlofor them to travel comfortably tlio line will reap the advantage. Tho -"present oasis on the trip is situated-half-way between b>ai).ierstoa and the iiuipi're'Oity, It is nearly a two • hours' journey, from Wellington, and nearly ?. three flours'one from' Masterton, While it, does not exactly divide iu half a sonjowhat wearisome trip,, it is the nearest point at which tho jotirnoy- can be conveniently broken, and passenger.-! fully appreciate tho tivo minutes' interval and tho cup of tea which they are wont to get at this. halting place. The Fpper Hutfc will be a poor substitute. for it. It is only one hour's, ritla from Wellington, and jwigerg from tlio Empire Oityaro .very.nnliki'iy to he either hungry' or thirsty within so short a space of'timo.- Coining from jjastarton, travellers .will have to journey tln'ee hours anil a half before they can obtain refres|iinent. Tho now tliTaugemeiit is'bjy,«» .iiiconyonient ohe for tho'jmblic, 'mid \v« are ata loss to see any advantage which can result from it- If a refreshment ;<tatimi is required at the Upper Hutfc no on" will object to ono being op-'iicd there, but why deprive travellers of the mi > they are accustomed to at Kaitoko ] h the department to decide arbitrarily when people are hungry or thirsty, or to meet t)ie wishes of its customers I We aro not awara that a single representation has been made to, it from traveller in favor of changing tlio refreshment, station from Kaitoke to the Upper Hurt. Apparently, south of .this latter station the utmost solicitude is displayed ftr- tl/o ojmforfc of- passengers, whereas north of tho Upper Hutfc is a sort of out district which requires loss consideration. If the traffic manager had his ollico in the Wairarapa inst ail of in the Govern tnent Buildings, he might, perhaps, divest himself of tho idea that the Wellington and Mjisfcerfcon line terminates at the Upper Hutfc,

It is stated that there is likely to bo some opposition to the re-election of the present Trustees of the' Masterton Babbit District. Tho Babbit Act is a severe remedy for a serious evil, and it is impossible that the administrators of it should carry out their duties faithfully without a certain of friction. As far as we havo been ablo to judge, the present Trustees have beon fairly impartial iu dis-harging the- trustreposed in th'sm. t The fear of giving offence has not deterred them from taking the proceedings which were necessary to 3uppra.33 rabbits. Nor, on.the other hand,

in their undertaking did they seek to make it unduly oppressive or tyranousto those who had iaot yielded n,ready obodieucoto'tho. requirements .of.;the.Aot. We believe .the -.built jof the. satttefc-m«l 6 Masterton' district have confidence in the present Trustees, and that as a body they will bo reelected.

The celebrated Haselmayer opens in the Town Hall, Masterton, to-night. Mr George Thomas notifies that he is prepared Uniinke cash advances on grain and other farm produce. ..... . Tho Masterton Highway Board and the Masterton Babbit Trustees met on Saturday. Our reports will appear to-morrow. We are sorry to heat that Mr George, H.Sliuie sustained a compound fracture of (ins of his legs on Saturday night last. ■ He was. unloading a dray, when a piece'of timber slipped and struck him. Tlifli I sull'erer is receiving every iittention from ] Dr Husking.

We are glad to find anotherlocal industry has been, established not far from Masiei'tmi. Wo are informed for some tune past n quantity of, clothes lilies, tether lines, At;., havo been occasionally sent by uiil to Wellington, and on making enquiries, wo have bwi iufoinirtl a rope walk has been established nil tho Opaki. For some time I lie linn got materials in sli.i|Q of New Zealand and Manilla hemp from Wellington, and in making liner ropes, Manilla will still have t> be got from Wellington; but with regard to Now Zealand 11 >x, ihilt-fill bo obtained on fie spot, The linn have been busy lately ill putting a ongiuo in order, and auttiii" a mulching, machine erected, which, in a few days, will be in working order, and,' as there- is a , rge quawity of fl ix ar hand, no time will oc lost in cou veiling it into all sorts of uses—such as halters, clothes lines, tether mpes, and any other size rope required. (Possibly if Iho las! adminisiraior of (he law requires it, the firiil can accommodate him iviih an insiruiiient to suit his purpose.) We hear there is very little in.the shape of rope but what the linn will be able io supply ; in fact, when we say a live inch Manilla hawu'r has been turned out in the owner of a Wellington firm, weighing close upon 3 cwt, it is sufficient guarantee that any order can be executed in the rope line. We heir the linn w.ll le glad to execut; any local orders,-and, asa proof of i his, a parson hearing of a rope mauu factory in the district, went over to see if ho could get a rope he was in need of, having given his measurement, ho was told to waitaliule, and in a short time ho had the satisfaction of getting the precise article he was in need of, when he ex claimed, " A weul mm inu'n, that is buniiio," aim hume'hu wont and put the rope to tho use he requited it for—but most, if no' all, the ropu made well be sent to ' Wellington, as wo hear the linn have orders in advance, which will keep them going for sonic tiine Wo are very glad to welcome ihis new industry, as,' when all is in workini: oidor there will bo'employment for several hands about the establishment.' Wo are also glad In notice that two now saw mills are at work in the the di.i'ricf, one ia Alciiim, Mosim Burnett mid Yules',' and one at Matahiwi, near Pirau, by Messrs Howry & King—tho latter sending down two wagons nearly every day j but a good deal is being cut in advance, wo boliavo, nrdeis not being so plentiful, We havo been (old that the former liavo -offered' to deliver good timber in Ton'ui'at a reasonable rale, so "or friends iii that neighborhood had huttortuke.advantage of the oiler, and. make. I heir alterations and erceiioiiß lii'fnroihoMungapakeha becomes closed for a few 1118111113 fur its winter holiday, . ' : " ' ~,.

Tlio Stewards of t!io Wairarapa Jockey Clnl) mot at Qura's Hotel, Greytown, on Saturday a-ftornbdn at 3 p.m.', for tha imriioso of witling over (ho late raoatin". Mr' K. Grace was in tlio chair. The minuted of the previous meeting were road and ebnferibd, and- tho inward and outward correspondence road and passed.

A letter was received from Mr G. Colter, the losseo of the course.sate, conmlaininc of the iiullserrninnte isoiie of" \mm" to people not enlitlod to than, and giving as liis omorionco of the two days' Rate-keen-in? that tlio number of jockeys and trainers who passed through free would avarago three jockeys, thveo trainers, and tlivoo owners' for every horse mnniug. .Mr Coker also drew attention to other unauthorised " free" .admission'', facetiously iaqmrin? if tlio wife of a certain emnlovce or contractor to tlio Club was entitled to 1W35 m a member, or otherwise? The Rime writer suggested --how the abuse of the free passes privilege could; I)9.avoided. Tlio SeerelaiT was iaatnxr-ted to acknowledge Mr CoteY communication, to thank him for his suggestion,'aud to state that his letter will be laid before the half-, yearly meeting of members, to be held in Mnyjili nert, -.A refund of 30/- was made •to Mr A, L. Whyto. -beiugamount ho paid in excess of Iris bid for refreshment booth ■No. 2. HXpfferto" bg.ll tho stands to tho Club was not entertained, fclie Club not requiring it, Tlio charge of

US made by the Trustees of the race

course to the Joekev Club for tho use of tlio course was exnlainod by Mr Wardoll to bo to meet tho interest on loan raised, and snenfc for protective works and reclamation on the river hanks. In accordance with this explanation the £3O was voted, A donation of £25 from tho Club to tho epmmittoe who earned out the nrolectlve works was. handed .-to Mr Wardel),.to bo by him naid ovor upon .all., the parties interested signing a receipt for the sumo, A vote of thanks, was.nassqcUo Mr' W. 0. Williams for liia services as time-' kcoycr, and to Mr W. lom's, as clerk of tliecpurse at tho mooting,' It'was re-' solved that MvHenvvEedwo'od bo applied to by the Secretary for .payment of money divs bv him to tho Glub for subscription find entrance monies now owing since Stirabout won the Maiden at Tauherenikau. The following monies were paid over-: MrW. 0. Williams, 1100; Mr W.Walters (to'bosentto Auckland), £72 10s, P, Butler, £oO, paid at courso-j N. Grace,.■250; J. Drummond, £10; John Macnra, £10; T.Hill, £25; R.'W. Mclvor, £2O. Mr E. Homo's cheque'for-the District Produce, £SO awaits his demand. Contrjhution towards reclamation, £25; Trustees of goitrse for ront, £35 ; and other claims as'per schedule for ■printing and advertising, improvements, and repairs at course, gatokeepovj, do,, bringing up a total of, in round numbers, £uMO. The stewards wove enabled to 'pay every account due and will cany forward a substantial balance .of nearly a hundred pounds to commence operations with next year. It was resolved that nominations for the phamnagno Stakes of 1832 and the' District Produce Pace of 1884 oloso on 25th March next; tho added raonev to the Champagne. Stakes is £SO, second horso £lO, and the third savos his stakes; the. added money to tho District Produce, is' 1100, second horse to receive £lO and the third £5. Tho payments to second and third horse iu each event to bo paidfvom the entrances and not deducted from tha advertised amount' of prize. Messrs P. F. Taucred and W. 0. Williams having offered a sum of '£lo each towards a Sires' Produce

Slakes, the secretary .was authorised to

communicate with the other owners of thoroughbred sires in the.district with a view to the establishment of such a'raoe, to be 1£ miles, Derby weights. The usual half-yearly mealing of members will be hold at Elliotfe's White Hart. Hotel, Car-' terton, on Saturday, :.2Ctlv March, at 8

P. H. Wood & Co. advertise for sale a farm of 250 acres on the Taratahi, . .ATmoeling of ratepayers of No, 4 Ward, Ciißtlepoint Highway Board, will be hold atrTmiuuiea' on the 28th iust., for'. nomination of candidates for the vacant office"(if ; 4Vflrd'on, 'caused by the resignation of Mr J. W.^Butters. There will be/a sitting.of;tho.R.M. Court, "also ~oif an Assessment Court, at Feathersion to-day. The latter will be for valuation of local rating Mr Khodes Donald, of Manaia, writes to ua as follows :-Throiigh the medium of your columns, I wish to thank those two gentlemen who so kindly assisted my man .to extinguish the fire in iny top paddock on the evening of the Bth Lilt.: also to the noble fellow who niy nien and I found bravely,.beating out the flames in a paddncleoii Saturday, the 19th. Instead of goiim to the house to tell me the paddock "was on fire, he set to work beating it out I like a true Briton, On Saturday evening.last the lire in the bflslji at Te Ore Ore spread till it threatened the homestead, and Mr T. L. the assistance of tho Masterton Fire Brigade. The engine and about a.dozeu men were ill. once, but fortunately a lull in the wind rendered active operations unnecessary. The logs, sawdust, &c., in' the mill aitoare still burning, and will continue a source of danger' until heavy rain falls. Largo bush fires are reported, at Mntoraira and on the Upper Plain, nud.n general anxiey for bad weather is manifested. . The prospectus'of tho Wellington and MauawaUi Rulwuy Company is published iii another column. When the Governmunt were asked to coustiuct this line we

opposed the application on the gniuinl iliut iheolony was not in n position in und»rt Jte further railway extei.sions. We should lie "lid in gee all the futuiv lines in the colony made like the proposed line, l«y privateenterprise,feelingassure! that they can boih be constructed and worked more elHciently and economically, by. companies than hy the public'works da-' wartnu'iit of the colony. We beg to remind our readers of the appearance of Professor Hasolitiayer this evening. To enuiueraie all the feats of deception lie iicuumpliahea would occupy too much "f our available space this morning. Suffice to say that foraboutacouple of hours lie succeeds in mystifying and thoroughly pleasing his audience. In every place he has visited he appears to have been well received, uiid to have drawn large houses, and we have no

doubt that he will lie'equally successful here. The following letter, addressed to Professor Haselmayer, explains itself : '• Government House, Melbourne, Nov,

0, 1830. Sip,—l am directed hy'the Marquis of Normauby to thank you for the performance you gave at Government fiouso last night, and to express His Excellency's admiration of the wonderful dexterity and sleight of hand which you displayed in performing your tricks, winch he thinks is certainly equal to. if not superior, t" anything of the kind" lie" has over seen.—l have, sc., Flip. Lf, Patoubel, Privato Secretary." Strangers paying a visit to and upcountry sottlora arriving in Mastortmi arc often-at-a loss to know which is thecheapest and best house to purchase all kinds of Goneral Drapery, Millinery, OliiihioL', &c, Schroder, Hooper & Co., Hall of Commerce, offer special advantages in tl)is linn which < cannot hornet wall elsewhere, lljoir qtoujc being Hie largest and best assorted in the Warn- ■ rapii. Their prices are lowor then any house in Wellington, their goods aro all new and of the mast durable class, and they sell cheap and for cash.. This establishment is. situated directly opposite the Club Hotel. .Remember' iho address— S>e!u'»der, Hooper &•&>.; directly opposite the Club Hotel. HpajJ their' advnrtis-j nient on the front page of this .

' " What nro you soins; to do this ovem iiiji, J.ihn T "Nothing particular, dear; why do you ask I" "Because, if ymi havo no'luniiies" to attend t», you might take the children '" seo those wouiuiful ■liiwjsmul njWthnt foreign ueiitlfineii.ia exhibiting in tlio Thyn Bali. Uo only uharL'Cs half-pries for the children; and it will he a treat they donY often yet.". !' All ii.;lu 11|-ivo tlnmi 'kvaa-\ ami rundy -by half-nast 7, so that wo can net there early and secure gnwl s-e;il», us. I am told there will bo an awful craly."--[Ai)Vi.]

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 3, Issue 698, 21 February 1881, Page 2

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The Wairarapa Daily. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1881. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 3, Issue 698, 21 February 1881, Page 2

The Wairarapa Daily. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1881. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 3, Issue 698, 21 February 1881, Page 2