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The Wairarapa Daily. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1881.

The Hon. Colouel Whitmore, in on article coirohbnted to the columns, of our contemporary at Greytown,- e:;presseuu opinion that "the present subdivision of ilie Colony into Counties reqiiii'es alteration : ; for as • a- rule they are too small. Probably twenty Counties in all would be sufficient at present, and it is a question whether there is any wisdom shewn in fh:iii« a "hard and fast" number of Eidirms. At all events '.each .Hiding should be coincident'in its boundaries with a Road .Board. In the arrangement of Hidings the large Eoad Board system of Wellington and Canterbury would at first be a difficulty; but as the wards might be converted'Bidin'vs ■ or Road Boards, it would not prove iusuperable. '.Co popularise the composition of tho County Councils, and ensure between thorn and the Road Boards, it would be desirable to'leave io the Beards the election of a'Councilor from each to represent it, and as there! is no real reason why the Municipalities should be excised from tho Counties they also should have a representation fairly proportionate to their importance, and elected by tho Municipal Councils. The Chairmen of'tho several Eoad Boards might en officio bo the delegates, if election was deemed iuadv'is- j able." We quite agree with the views'' expressed by the writer as to there being too many Counties, and would welcome a change in ' the direction which he advocates. His proposal that a Eoad' Board should bo constituted a Eiding is a far more convenient one than what he terms the present hard and fast' number. • Highway Districts are more familiar and si°niiicant units than the fancy ones now in. operation. We do not, however, see that the large Eoad TJoard system of tho Wellington -districts would present any obstacle. Our Highway Districts in the Wairarapa are large, but if each one-were a Eiding they would make up four; and a fifth might be constituted - iu the Forty-Mile Bush settle-, monts. Five Ridings, such as we have indicated, returning' from one to two members, .each, according to their extent and population, would make a far better representative Council than the two bodies now in existence, The suggestion that Municipal bodies should be represented at the County Boards is a bold one, but it would be an ezmriment almost worth trying. Minor difficulties would doubtless present themselves, but if the great end of securing harmonious action between all local bodies eould'be obtained by linking small Boroughs into the County system the result might justify tbe trial, The colony is now so cut up by Acts ofilie .Legislature into numberless segment's that country settlers are very much at the mercy of the Government. , '.there are no organised country interests. Counties are too weak to influence tile-destinies .of'the '. Eoad Boards are equally powerless. We have no' real system of local government, though we possess a considerable number '6l expensive local govern;

ments Svliicli are move-or'fes .antagonistic. If the -Liberal party, of which •Colonel Whitmore is one of tlie.;mosfc ! : respected.'leaders,-could onfy offer us.a i simple aiid harmonious system.,, oF: internal government" it would do"'far more good for the colony than it lias" ihithertoTdoim- programme. which it has put before us?" '

'.; its balance sheet in another column.

Messrs J. lorns & 00. will have a big catalogue of furniture,, watches, and jewelry, for their sale to-morrow afternoon, ..'-•.■. -

We remind speculators that Messrs F..H, Wood & Co, sell at 2 p.m. to-morrow, tho privileges of the Grey town Sports, The Loyal Masterton Lodge advertises its anniversary with a ball, .AYe call attention to Mr A, L, Whyte's prograinmefor Anniversary day, advertised in another column, A volunteer soiree is announced in the Town Hall, Carterton, for Thursday the 20th inst.

The Wairarapa West County has very sensibly shelved the dog tax by refusing lo appoint registration officers except in Local Board Districts, when, if asked to do so by the Boards, it will make the necessary appointment,

The usual quarterly meeting of St Luke's Vestry was held at Grey town on Wednesday last, but beyond some routine business nothing of any importance transpired. Owing to several of the Masterton team having to play in the match Opaki v, Featherstou on Saturday next, the match between the Carterton and Masterton Cricket C!ubs"lias been postponed to a future date-probably the 29th, On Tuesday morning, a boy of about 11 years, son of Mr Toogood, storekeeper, Featherstou, |was thrown from a horse and received a compound fracture of the arm, both bones' being broken. Dr Smith who was telegraphed for, quickly arrived, and under his care the sufferer is progressing very favorably. .

An idea exists that tho Aloe only blooms once every hundred years, but this is not carried out in Greytown, there being a plant in the Harden of Dr Spratt's old residence, wliich is at the point of blooming, and has only been there for ten years, It will bo an event in Groytown in Horticulture.

The increased accommodation that has ao long been required at the Carterton School, owing to tho very largo average attendance of pupils, is likely to be shortly provided, Mr, the architect to the Educational Board of the Wellington district, attended in Carterton on Wednesday last, and, accompanied by'Mr Samuel, made a thorough inspection of (.lie present building, with a .view of preparing plans and specifications 'that are to be made. The' school re-' assembles on Monday next, the 17th hist.; and we trust to see the youngsters muster in as strong force as they have done during the .past year, The staff of teachers, for efficiency, stands pre-emi-nent amongst those in the district, and it behoves parents to see that their children derive tho full -benefit of the advantages thus laid open to them,'

We are requested by the Manager of the. New Zealand Clothing Factory to draw the attention or our numerous renders to his advertisement, which appears in another column. The principle of tho firm in marking all their goods in plain figures', and selling for nett cash, must of necessity commenditself to everyone, Wo also notice that they have received another consignment of the celebrated Wertheim sewing machines. We cannot do better than advise everyone to call on the New Zealand Clothing Factory, and-we have do doubt they will be received in the usual courteous manner that distinguishes this eminent fiira,

Youatf says-" If you value the safety of yourself mid your family do not make use of a horse subject to epilepsy." That this celebrated authority on horseflesh was not far wrong was very nearly exemplified on.Thursday in Carterton/ 'Mrs Gaskyn liad'drivelilnto the town with some of her. children, and left the mare (who will be well-known as" Minnie," so long driven by Mr E. S..' Richards while acting as storekeeper) standing atMrE, Crawford's to be sliol), It was soon after taken' with severe purging rolled over, and shortly died. Ha.d the epileptic' fit come on while the family were driving in it is moro than probable beyond' the death of tlia horse we might have had to chronicle the death of. or at any rale severe injury to some of the occupants of the car. The Soiree under the auspices of the Carterton Bifle Volunteers will bo. held on.the 21st inst,, jnstoadpf the preceding day, as previously reported. The alteration has been made owing to the Corps having been erroneously informed as to the days on which the- Public Hall had been engaged for the Burford-Olinton Dramatic Company. The committee appointed did not allow the grass to tow under their feet, as they'met on Tuesday, uvening —the night succeeding their appoinlment-and arranged their preliminaries. We think they have 'acted wisely in altering the old prices for. tickets, afc will bo seen by our advertising columns, The Hail will he decorated as on former occasions, and there is every prospect of the present being fully up to the standard of former soirees given by i the Corps, •'•-."."

At the sale of stock, &c, at the Rising Sun yards, Greytown, by F. H. Wood & Co., there was a very large attendance, tho buyers and sellers being well represented j tho bidding was spirited, and tho prices very satisfactory; It wa3 refreshins to see such a sale after thp long'period of depression wo have had, Mid' from the prices realised, wo" have'rib doubt that' there will shortly bo another of these sales. _ There were some steers in good condition sold at prices ranging from £6 to £7-Mr Norman, of Greytown, and Mr Vamham being tho purchasers, Cow and calf were bought by Mr McMaster for £6. Mr Yule purchased 4 yearlings, in fair condition, at. £2 12s 6d, and a lot cf 92 sheep, in only average condition, were bought by Mr Anderson at 5s .4d. There was a brisk demand for horses, draught and hack, at price's ranging from £8 to £l. A spring trap was bought by Mr Warrington for #O, and a dog cart found an owner in Mr McMaster for £lB 10s; a set of second-hand harness was sold for. £4; there wore also some pigs, but found no purchasers, Altogether the sale was most successful.

.Strangers paying a visit to and upcountry settlers arriving in Masterton are often at a loss tp know which is the cheapest an<j best house to .purchase'all kinds of General Drapery, Millinery, Clothing, &c. Schroder, Hooper & Co., Hall of Commerce, offer special advantages in this line'which cannot be met with elsewhere, their stock being the largest and best assorted in tho. Waira-' rapa. Their prices are lower then any house in Wellington, their goods are all new and of the mast durable class, and they sell cheap and for cash, This establishment' is situated directly opposite the Club Hotel. Remember the addressSchroder," Hooper & Co., directly opposite' the Club Hotel. Read their advertiseliient on the front page of-tlis paper.— (Advt). ' : ■■

Mrs Birrel, Munster House, Cubastreet, has an announcement to; ladies in our columns,

•. The'quartetly meeting of the Masterton Union Club takes place this evening.

I"; •Mr.A'.'G. Bayliss notifies that books in his' Sweep must be returned to-day.

An editor- out >West-was • in-prison for libellinfFJustice^f'tliFPeaceTandwhen he departed the jailor asked him to Rive th.eJpr.Kon-a-puff, •;_ y •■ "•'""". , A slow-poke of a lover asked a young lady, to whom he was feebly paying- his dilatory attentions'what form of marriage she thought the most beautiful "oh bother tho form !''"she exclaimed, "the substanca is what I care for." The cards tire now issued forthatjvedding.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 3, Issue 667, 14 January 1881, Page 2

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The Wairarapa Daily. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1881. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 3, Issue 667, 14 January 1881, Page 2

The Wairarapa Daily. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1881. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 3, Issue 667, 14 January 1881, Page 2