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farmers” suwwki The Sale of the Goods \ 9 Season! fl if Fresh. Come and share in HH 2 dayshav ' CI * the many wonderful <* |K%~W ML * Bargains. OS||MV A ~ .WWW BBU But Come Early. B 'g ReU commenced ~ f r^psr^^^^*sr^^**^*^>****-* rrfffrrr-**^— —•’Pi»rrcf [|fl ~ PDAriZC i 1 FUJI PRINCESS SLIP & KNICK- MILANESE SILK HOSE in nigger ' CELANESE SATIN—WiII not split. BOYS’ TWEED OR WORSTED MANCHESTER II luWllu, vVmIUITIIjw, ERS COMBINED. Large Size only. Regular price 13/6 I 39/40” wide. Colours, sky, pink, 1 SUITS, all sizes from, ato 18. fAATQ UTf only. Sale Prices: Sale Price 3/11 pair wisteria, nile, also white. All Heavily Reduced MF"'T LVAIiJ, Elt>. p lajn Hemstitched. 7/11 MORLEY’S PURE SILK HOSE, full! Regular price 7/11 A Few Pairs Only, YOUTHS’ ODD u/IIRTM ’ ’ OUR GARMENTS ARE EXCLUSIVE Crocheted Edge, 8/11 fashioned; colours cream, flesh, Sale Price 6/6 yard KNICKERS. Assorted sizes. WUWI THE LOW PRICES WILL ABOVE TWO NUM- «**•£ >*J i sJ'prta. mSsA* w£* 5 'J™, *’ - ASTONISH VOU. IW *° BEOS ARE SPECIAL £ «,. Pink, '37 GENTS’ SPORTS COATS. ■ >W . LINES AND LAhNUi ot * j „i Regular Price 5/11 Sizes. Superior Quality Tweeds. -i i.' . LADIES WHITE ART SILK TEN- REPEATED. < lox > assorted s^°^ce |O / 6 pair Sale Price. 3/11 per yard Sale Prices, from 15/- to 39/6 *>' x2o; MS I- RO(K> , . niarth .nmuied f Al)[| , ;S . p L AIN HEMSTITCHED; ' P ; 4 ONLY, MOTOR CYCLING SUITS Salt Pn contrasting colours. | ppT jj EIGHTS, with round, square I —»—<•—•i .>~o— Regular Price 37/6 • lz, ‘ •->- x 22 . Sale Price, 311’27/6 each « ' Sale Price, 9/6 each I S „ bslmlia| Reducllons Mve I Our Whole Sleek of Plain and j Sale Price 25/-each ~ Dlam „ -17 s.fv V..11.E FROCKS, sorted been made in our Fancy De- j Hgj f re P e J' 1 j ‘q/ujtv GABERDINE TROCS- S ”/ |M < '«' 1 ” styles and colours, short sleeves j I rw-r.rirv I I partment. Ladies’ Handbags, ! | printea biiKS, bUK coalings, l P — Pl ,ti„mllv school use. Sale Pfe Sale Price, all 7/11 each I | FRESH SUPPLY I Sunshades, Umbrellas, Col- | W " l R J* s j D /“ s £ ‘™ nels ’ ln „ R ,- U i„ pri ,.,. 4 7/f> ™- ”1 i l/Y" T uYl»r S ' Of our Reliable Make of Ete ai ha. All Ma ed a? Special Prices Sale Price 29/6 pair. 1 ™ « Myles and (olours. j I | Requisites, Etc., tic.,nave | £ ? 25 GENTS’ GABERDINE RAIN- t»> use.Q Usual Prices 39/6 to 84/- j FUII BLOOMERS j | been greatly reduced for the j | tor the bale. | COATS in such wo „. known mnltes SalePrian Sale Prices, 29/6 to 69/6 / r DLiVViULillo. , = Sale. j as «Bii ZZ ardeen » “Mattamac ” I ‘ l! " (l SIZP: 1 > COAT FROCKS in Repp, Charm- Well Cut. Gusset, and Fitted =. ninPAIAT ‘•Burberry," etc. ’ Sale *'«>' elaine, Wool Crepe, etc., in all I Best Quality Washing Elastic. uENIJIINE dAKuAIN Regular price- up to £B/17/6 ' 10 , L '- All this Season’s Garments at sale prices: j COTTON DRESS DEPT. OFFERS IN FOOTWEAR. " ’*S&l Bargain Prices. • SWos.&Wos.4 9 jWE OFFER SOME WONDERFUL . r p . . T < nrFS PTA( . K T 7 I’m l> -W BTI 5 ONLY ENGLISH PLEATED j O.S. - -5/- = BARGAINS HERE. GLACE DERBY You can purchase a Burberry NIRSF.RY FLAXY2 SKIRTS in assorted pleats and 3 — 30” GOOD QUALITY JAP. CREPE SHOES. Sizes 3 and 4. Coat at 75/- during the j ’JJJJ ’ Sale Prices J 9 '6 to 29/6 j LADIES’ WOVEN COTTON CAMI- in 20 colours B . ld ya rd ciSlv P3 ' r I n tM' Th** n ’tv I SHI ™: ten 1 ''ciVr E r' T S \h BLA ’ Cl \ S ri Tl k B ° d C F ERS ’ ° l pcra jai’’ Price JUe TU^'EKS ’ 36” ENGLTSH CEEPE, 6 PAIRS LADIES’ TAN & CROC- j ° n ' SS ® PP ° r Unl j ( '■ 8 i and Cream only Sale Pnce 3/6 1 extra [ine quality . colours O DILE CHARLESTON SHOES. Moral C.D. Chine 19 PAIRS SPECIAL LINE CORSEL- skv> helio saxe , apricot, We. Regular Price 22/6 MEN’S PALMER NAP OR BUCK-. j pl! .. ( ,| a ®J Regular Pnce £/ 7s. ETTES. Suitable for Maids or - Sa|e price |/6 y3rd Sa|g p rice , , 3/n pe| . pai| . SKIN TROUSE r S , all sizes. rnTH ' I hatvpiut sttk COAT £ Sl ± K °7TpKi’i nt’nl 56” GIRTON CLOTHS, Laneast- 15 pairs LADIES’ COLOURED Sale Prices 7/11, 9/6, 10/6 pair Toc|ot<| 1 , J .? Ly J >LA v k . E,LK C ?f T ’ 38 • Sale Price 3/11 per pair er „ rints and printed cambrics; SHOES. Assorted sizes, Cuban MEN’S BUCKSKIN COATS, all \A os. Size Neat design, with =mall BARGAIN TABLE OF ODDMENTS gnai . Ul;tc ed fadeless. and Louis Heels. . sizes. Sale Price 15/- each CAFT rUDYM rucked Collar. Regular Price £3 3s JX ELASTIC WRAP-AROUND Remilar price 1/11 vard Regular Prices 27/6 to 37/6 I MEN’S SUPER QUALITY SPORTS dUF 1 njON 2ONTV wnq WRtP POn’S in CORSETS. Sa | e Pr .j ce | /6 yard Sale Price, All 19/1! per pair TROUSERS, in Cream, Fawn or RARf.m P -ONLY, MOS WRAP COATS, in Regular Prices 13/6 to 25/6 f pl?r?p PRINT q f as t eol- 1 8 PAIRS ONLY, LADIES’ BOOTS, Grey. Well Cut and Finished. DHllUrtiJ Mauve and Green Chenille Sale Prices 3/11 to 7/11 R ';‘ uliir pr ice 2/ 3 . ‘ in sizes 3,4, 5. Sale Prices 15/- to 28/6 per pair 5 PIECES PrieVw/! ODD LINES IN BRASSIERES ° s a | e p r j ce |/9 yard Sale Price, 12/5 per pair — TONNE, all ?uod«a 1 ONLY WOS. TWEED COSTUME. 38 ’ ? EFFR0 ’’ GINGHAMS, in 50 14 f LA?E S O nt j Gents ’ Suits in “Lynx,” “Sin- j Regular Price £4 Os Od. LADIES’ APRONS in Cretonne or designs. Sale Price I/- yard rh / dT ‘ ■ H . ’ ' j cerity,” “Kaiapoi,” “Petone,” i . 9 C - sT iapg Sale Price 35/- Sateen. Assorted Styles. “AZLIN” FADELESS CLOTH, 36” Cuban and Louis Heels. | * reriiireri fnr the sale ‘ 4 1 1K( k 3 , 2 ONLY WOS. FAWN mixture Sale Prices from l/l I each wide . ; colours rose, saxe, helio; safePriM I AH ?8/9 per Mir • We offer an exceptionally J ' ‘Tn’ '' ' TWEED COSTUMES. SAMPLE RANGE of Very Dainty pink, scarlet, maroon, sage, nile, »»» PriM AIIIB/S perpair j Co(onja| | bluc ’^' ,4 ' Regular Price £3 9s 6d UNDERWEAR, in S.W. Size only; aprieot, biscuit navy, also white GDIL. WHITE CAN! AS SHOES, j gQ/ _ ywf|| r SPttia Salt Sale Price, 59/6 comprising Vests, Knickers, Pnn- Sale Price I/7J yard J p “■ I buy. I ’ ■ I j 13 only BLACK SATEEN BLOUSES, cess Slips, Nights, etc. “SYLTEX” 38” FADELESS COT- I.J 11(>a 'V U Suitable for Elderly Ladies. Good Marked at Bargain Prices to clear ton FUGI; co’ours puilc, sky, ; Sale Price, All at 3/LI per pa H 0« Quality Sateen. Regular Priee 8/6 TAFFETA RIBBONS from 3in to helio;. Semon, nile, apricot, tus- CHILDREN S BLACK AND lAN MEN’S Strong Working SHIRTS. 36 1 AI,E ! J ~J 1 Sale Price,” only 4/6 each 6in. wide, and SILK VEILINGS, in sore, eream. Regular priee 2/3 SHOES, m Patent and> Glaee. 1 W ire Twists, Drills, Black Italian CASEMENT 14 WHITE JAP SILK BLOUSES Brown, Navy and Black. j Sale Price l/l I yard Bas. Sizes 3to 6. Cloth, etc. rose > P TefD ' Suitable for Maids’ Wear under All to go at 6d per yard | 38” PRINTED VOILES, all new Regular Prices 5/6 to 7/- Sa | e p riceS! 5/ || f 0) 8/6 also white. Gvm Froeks Regular Price 23/- season’s designs and colourings. Sale Price, AH 4/ I I per pair MEN’S ALL WOOL SOX. ialt Sale Price 9/11 (WIN! & WKIFRV We offer the full stock at GIRLS BLACK & TAN 1-BAR Sale Prices. 1/3, I/9, l/l I per pr, 24 ALL-WOOL ■ 43 JUMPERS i„w.o '" “ 7„ r . ’ 2/3 |mr yard for the Sale. SIWES SAVY BLA i ERS in tor ri.oon Smart Dressy Goods. EVERY LINE HERE A MONEY- NEW SEASON’S RANGE OF ART Sizes 7to 9— BoyS; Girls and Me n. Sale Price R At Verv Lnw Prices SAVER SILKS, in large and small floral Regular Prices 10/6 to 12/6 g a | e prices— At very Low Prices. T ‘ OTnT , l?£! and cheeked designs. Sale Price, All 8/1.1 per pair 8/6< 10 / 6 , | 3 /ff. 17/6 7 LADIr.b GREY KID GLOVES, Regular p P i ees 3/6, 3/11, 4/6, 4/11 Sizes 10 to 13— MEN’S & BOYS' SUN HELMETS, j I ONLY TAPES 9" j Our Whole Stock of Millinery ““ 6 '"sye Prii's/eTw iialr Sale Price all at 2/11 yard 8. g u1..' p™.» 14/s .» ls/6 All sl! „. . smjABE, »>' i Models, Ready-to-Wears. Etc.. LtDIES . mf T E Kt ’Quotes DE / ILMA in d "” ,y Sale Prrne, All 10/9 per pair Sale Prices, 2/9, 2/11 to 3/H ea. nwipwO' ; .... I u . • LA.UIU.. umir. Me UI.UVI , shades flor underwear. Sizes 1 and 2— HARVEST HATS, Bound Edges 5 m k Rnses I Will be marked at prices that Sizes 6to 7L Regular prices 6/11, Sa | e p rice 2/| I yard Regular Prices 16/- to 18/6 and llead st I wn * " oi ’ j I will ensure a speedy clearance. 10/6, 13 6. SILKS.- Sale Price ’ AII 12 ® P er P air Sale Price. 2/11' each I SALL rn I GET YOURS EARLY. Sa,e Price a,i 211 P air 36/38” CR’EPE DE CHINE, in 25 - a; EN'S BOX CALF OXFORD AND j ‘ i 1 FAWN SUEDE GLOVES ’ I shades. Regular price 4/11 DERBY SHOES. r sizes 6J to 7. Regular priee 12/6 1 g a | e p r j ce 2/11 yard Usual Prices 28/6 to 32/6 | \ Order by mail if you cannot j 22 aXMIN T | TTMDE'DU/17 AR Price 7/6 pair .-> p v j{ R AVY WEIGHT FUGI SILK a ' e Pr i ce > AN 24/6 per pair call. We guarantee satisfaction j size w UlWljlinlLAn. LADIES’ WHITE SILK GLOVES, Sale Price l/l I yard MEN’S BLACK & TAN OXFORD ’ or money refunded! ““ )if j AT EASY PRICES. ' Double Tips. Regular price 7'6 I SHOES: “Crown,” rnNDITIDNS OF SALE j >’DN>- Y Bl '\ * i Sale Price 2/6 pair — “Pedigree,” and “Patriata” CUNUIHUNS OF WU-t. | wadded and ,'i LADIES’ COTTON VESTS, Cumfy- LADIES > IMITATION SUEDE i 00/ 40 TUBULAR SILK MIL- 1 Brands. I No goods sent on approval at I Sai ‘ . ■ Cul ’ SaSricc 1/3 each ’a-OVES, I. £.™ m- sr«y- A«- | AItESE. Coleurs, Pink. Sky! « ?'V‘. pri «f ’Vf ? 42 /i! Sale Prices. I 1 jreref T t DTPS’ COTTON Short sorted sizes ’ Re ? ular P rice 5/9 I Helio, Lilac, Peach, Cham- ? Sale Price ' Al! 29/6 per pair No gQO()s p Urc hased: at Sale I ■' „ ...# LADIES COTTON VESTS, Short Sate Price 4/6 pair j pagne, also white. t ' YOl THS’ box hide shoes. j Prices may be returned or I porches, be<Sleeves. Sale Pi ICB I - each .BRENS BROWN KID GLOVES i ’ i Sizes Ito 3 —Regular Price 22/6 pxchanned I pili SAMPLE ODDMENTS IN LADIES’ prices Re 9 ular Pricc ’ 3/H’ | Sale Price 19/6 { exchanged | COTTON & ART SILK VESTS. ’ - j sft LE p R | CEj 2 /6 per yard ! Sizes 4 & 5-Regular Priee 24/6 ’ OLEUM, U»’“ CREAM 1 - Women’sonly SmaU less, in putty, grey, fawn, black, STEPPED FUGI SILK, in 36 differ- CLOTHING & MERCERY Secure Your Working Clothing Now Sal , Regular Price 2/9 Ideal for morning wear in the eß t designs. .q, TAW DPiriTQ and Save Money. ’ c-»Ip Prices Sale Price l/l I perpair House or Garden. Sale Price 2/6 yard Ai LOW iKiLEo. ' n 3ale LADIES’ WOVEN ART SILK ! ... J 3 . 16 C^B E T E h cT^Va -Ab nV OUR QUALITIES ARE THE jWE STOCK ALL THE BEST j ; BLOOMERS, in Sky, Pink, and SHOWERPROOF ART k ILK the British Celanese Coy Absol- BEST. MAKES GF MEN'S AND j * REMEMBER w Cream Sizes Wos and O S HOSE in champagne and flesh. utely Ladderproof. Colours, sky, , R nvS' RNnFRWFAR I ornck IN Cream Sizes \\ os and 0., Sale Price 4/3 pair pink, nile, champagne, also white. 8 ONLY BOYS’ DARK GREY BOYS UNDERWEAR., , STOCK. Sale Prices "2/3 to 2/6 FANCY CHECKED SILK & COT- Regular price 6/11 TWEED SPORTS’ SUITS. Sizes 1 I" various JNCghts j PARTME*'aaie prices, z/o io uncir* ■ a Price r/r vqrri 3to 6 ; These are ad well reduced for - | FUJI PRINCESS SLIPS, Large Size TON HOSE in grey and sunburn Sale Price 5/6 yard 3to 6. the sale > only, with Opera Top. Regular price 10/6 -A vest length Of this beautiful Regular Prices 32/6 o 37/6 I Sale Price, 4/1! each .. Sale Price 6/6 pair j fabric can be had for 3/9— Sale Prices, 15/-t» 27/6;.— — | The Farmers -

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Waimate Daily Advertiser, Volume XXIV, 23 January 1929, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Waimate Daily Advertiser, Volume XXIV, 23 January 1929, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Waimate Daily Advertiser, Volume XXIV, 23 January 1929, Page 2