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■■■ '■• .ti.:i.'.'.'. :i<: .' it. is delinituly W u -I'l 0; in :a. inehuliiig two »■':'' c:.v,.n;., : ,.. ~ ~. a rui'titorium - ' ■>. IJid iltry \*J* : ■■■'"uw\ ii, ~t. the ifr'-'jeet "'?■'"■; oti? r ' r '. if i: wabn't illegal 1 !.";;'•■ lr ''Hi i•■ ■!!,■-- o.i iP-imt in '■;''' : '' !;! ' l''"'in. a', any rate. ."■ -''"■!iiie-ic!: ', ~a would he f;--:■. I tienk. ■!' ''" s '*-"M".! iinl. the Sanitary ,';~ l::, -° '.'Oai'i.r ailh the lusp-.'O Hi'- iii i';.■:•. Jly the time ~ ' ,/;l li!;ii- '- 1 ' '-ioM 'd the pesition •,' i ' j ;:: - H"' 1 '.' iP..--111-.- [.lojeef wtuid 1 ';"' 1 ' Syndicate wine ii I''"' I '--'- 1 is !0 i'liip'eiy a hellnian j. ';'' !, on Saturday nights. a,i;i '' u ° : vc "i that, hell-ringing i,if; '"' sen.'-: i v t.he 1 Town ;,'"' 1 11 ' 1 ' !•'-'(( t • ell' -iTs if. a])j.ilicd :^ Ax -MV|;i;,s.\|;v, HOPIDAY. :■./';■''.'/'-iii".. tinii.s a11--I lU'Diiri- >,;. J ''" 1!!i »-'.';M t- have .Monday, ... - ,;Hl|i '■■ •■;.«■ arcl U.o Annil.'.lM.y instead of lUlh tl u' i[ \ ''i ; l°"'-'■'• '- 11 the grounds V„ '" ; ;' sr.iiMav v,i.n:d not .Uitery .i'' 1 ' ;il '' ■'. .■! I; Of lioj sclioois, wenai enahle Mr(r,'},."' -"' <»■'"'■ 't. i jii l^' s v-ii'l that, the, '' : .il,v iiiai'king time. They t;> iiaj exaininat.'oiis all !^w fc " 1 - of Wfi i,7 of 80. , ■i.^ s.f £v. AtwiJl, ee-;-:i!iv.';' r -'''. Maachcster, tin; ]j3.- ! :;• i'l'aiihiri. It -was held that H ll; ive ti lo goodwill Of til': i V'nt (; '" ,!Jli '' aI " 1 a PV a ' V(ilit] y UIC ,( -4i.t Vas oin - t" ''- ,: ' 3 .w»'- ral •' !t »eari' alM,u «sk;e;d permise- ■ Vol t, ,;ld " IY ' wood from lhe v Be sorvo.--Granliei'ci. fe tlwfetwrl i%»ilfiilOe .-. .. -■,■•■

hit ions, s'tiPmiliing a copy ef the. Jnvwca.rgUl Mnni<;i|.:ial Tliearre regaihe lions. The. r.ositi'Ti in Waimale Avns. imsali.sfaelory. The,, firemen wenV no ameer willing 1.0 continue performin.u' duty at, theatres without payment Kf'ferVed ta tin? Fir.'." Brigade Commute'. Meal's W. Clodded and E J'ifchej waited en the. iPo.meii r r >, drainage eon liedjon lor property limy are tnist.- 's il'. Tin' nialt'-r was taken In ■ ■< 'liinjiii'"■ ■. --It- was ro-oX'ed tjhai ■lh:' (.'D.inei: deal only with iim frusta 's. 'I in l ; : ak Id j r'epaie, a. fist id (ii 111.-.-■ i i ns made and not- made. This wduM ha\e I ecu alnaady if tie Sanitary Ins].enter had. ro! Ir, >n si t nsry o 'eupied - ver Hr> llleis-es ej.idaui.'. Me-l'.-i COlleeand I'i-in ; ;o I e ijiT nned that their ajjeieatiea is nderred t<> Hi" Sanitary ,;e inni 11: " ' lo.' a re[:-n. •<• A I,K I JON lAX PATRIOTIC' ' :' A 11 XT V A l.i. A i i-j niaiii-ii I'l ■.'.]! the C'iii 1 - ni'.a. ''i niniiun ■ wailed ii| on tills :"i anee. asking tin! dra ; na.i;e, l.» in-staid-I at I:,--•>;i11 -■ Day. Mr W. Ce-fdes introiiiii.e i the liejailali n i>\ a ,ui-sin- |nr Ihe a! -enee , r Mr 1). ITrlun. wh hail ana ) 111 ■'nt ni- ait lesewlna'a. He. said that|- anils had t e>n made i n |-i e\ a.eis l: xinr Days, at t'.he S| C'i'ts. O l ' ll.e '.M'k I' Di)ll\'elliene"s ■ii the sin i 1. i ark. Next. Pexiny Day • ihe-v wi aid I e a Sari;.- 1 !' eiowd than i .ver. and il was desirahe' that wdiik;,i and i-lii.dren slnalld: ].<>'. !■;.' e 1 m- | a led le lea'v ■ I h ' Li'le.llnP f- r .aek i 1' < ■: IV. llieliee-.. Mr llas<a.l. .Mi-| Orl e, . ;\|r Pite.aith y and Mr 'l. rh'-se al-r> .-[• ke. Tl,■■ ast-nienli. lied said that. . the draina-e had lei u earri-d t the .■.■ai.' i i the 1 irk and Hieiv a'ov al I s|.j, . 'I he , e liM-nieili-.'S at. tilPark u •■•.■ en. th-'ii/ hid ■■• m-c ..'ss than a e. la ;• the sake <P adverti" 1])-- ll.e t' '«\ nin 111'' i''. v, .' s o!" Visit' v<, the lllst.e.ltti, II sl UIM P> 'I ll''. V'mli: i's iniKt- lo away imp e titit'avi ural y when ihey m' ' what a a, k <d U| -te date, e lucniene-s tliele are ai Ihe I'.ark. Mr J. 11. W-hite. sj-eke as repiv- ■ntinu - tl ... n ■n-raiei'.ayins.' l'-n' k'. () i' the i;ivand o'' nr ra'.it.v alolie the tliimj- sin aid I e alteli'l«.''l 10. Mr Ci-ani eaiidnsised thai r\\ tierand eKidalders (k |i' L >" r! . v W '" l<L ' r ;n| e led !<1; <' ■■till ' 't' wl'l.h th" lirain-a-e/'s-Yhy. then, saiel .1 ih ' '.'Gill dl 111 ! i . line d lis -W|| | ropeidies. in inter"<is id' the -• nna < ommnnily A| p.a.l-e ) ■y\i<- De| al> Mayer -aid that lae" ' l>a I > ti >' 1 een i'.u )'■ in Hi ' diie 'ti. :i u: the Park 1' r l«'dv, imnth-■, '1 here woaei ,'id i e nil)" i, jit in up-'.o;.' e-, re;eni.'nee-llie-e . n a sea; • that, wnald l\e- a I linn. 1 ; >0 he siigire-t"! i;'mrcrary eon\ eniemvs f r th> woman and ehi dien in (he nvantinna IP' -I ,ke ,-.:' the > rdraft. -Hi'l Hi'-' (-'.itsiandin- ra;e,. Mr eeines thank.'d ih- P-Tdty-\|,r,: -■ and i ■;n -id is, ami tnt.-.P'd ■t j,,.\ \w ail |! . I.ld the e lIV. lii 'Hi v. ; u'-lled. The DemiiN-May r: W'e hav '' • i 5i,.,, v.,1 tin' rate| i.v 'i's' [" mn ■' than tl.e'.r fDn>'eiii |V ni'". Mr Pe hies: NYe !, .1 always I'. and lhal I w. rk ■ 1 1 .'iter when 1 had .in ij.crilra'u than when 1 had'nt. 1 v, as the I ett-T man tin n. 'l'he Dei iiiy-M-ayvr: I'tit we hae,. "■u; all O.erdral'i Jinit. t" That i's tie tr, ,tl .e. 'L'jJ-C dejattatl' 11. Wi'' l I ' l ' l> / '-'"': ) - tiDii Ol' .-e'el) eenli.'lim,, wh a.-ko I ~ ,ve to list'-n" 10 tie disea- - : n li.ea left tin' ''hand -v. ■r. Cu'l.c.\: f v.! ild il-a- i ■ ,i>k He i,,a llafi m a i|tlest;eli. D '•!i i '> wa'nl -L.ti.e.hi'iu- sl 0 l-l.v r -"met ,!aiUi'P ':' .i r . Dasii s; •ke with spirit and e.ariiy i a tie" wi dV mut -r. ,\s t IPian'e he i inte'l. 0 U that- 'th"!'- 1 w,,s el hi , : -al -idy ir.n .ey n d ii.-u i. ■, ijp,.,|. v. hieh uas aea'dal e. and was 1 einir aipded fr. T'ii. >' tl'"' ' was ila"' iJi'l'" wlii'-ii ri'iii'iineil eti e\!,'.;,,led ial ef t.he streat impr \<y iniMits .ajan, and wld'eh .Pio l-0 ieit- i's „,,w oi in'''l '* ''i'' l ' ■'' n -' 1 lor l ''i" dre-sin- the a-paaitin-. timrel y r'eein- Dther SPJUd. Th.ts. llif-r" wimiil 1 e o/er .CoOO whP'h le': (.'■ tui,.j. had in r eal ■uhitr.' I on al. the !■■'- „innlmr el' the year. IP' tl.oimat. ,l lit| j|- ,; ~ wi d !en slraetures a:i-,.. ,dy in tin- iriv-iM w'.-iv shil'Pnt ahiim 10 wiihin a entnn ■ i the niain eate Diie on vaeli siil" in tli'' (1,, -' : '- ... thov eeanl Pe mad,. je-.-eiihaPlc ''• U( „ lg h to f"i' tl.' 1 "''*' I' Vl ' . Yi -' al> ' He "moved that t»t • th-nTal and PmtiUifviiie- P'enimiH*' 1 - liaVt l'Owev Id take lite niatt,.r in kiiiul, and jt -Uif-v* I'dial tut. lio'd i liio Sanitary j ll> j, i .. t ,, ;r Det the wo'k dri" ri^iii. away. /Ts, Matiehwlcf Kvitlt. sii'i'puried, and the moU'.n whs '".-it, OIOXKIIAP POMM.ITTEK-S i " PvKPOIPp. The pi'in'rai .CViinnitl":- lC'.OrP'd having coiniclleil Mf Johnstrmo t<> h'liiil (Idwii his wodf.'ti workshop at |l:lie rear <f in Street tobt. ""'r, (a/ jjiiiif t.liat ii. wa,s a. wo;-,'' matiiT Hum VY'lute'*. and liioy tod him to pnli. d.O'ivn. ,Cr Pollock said that; were dtingi'i',fm>. with jo many aPout.--I'hc reperi was adopted, ,Cr Evans askin- tliat. it ho recorded that lie did not vo a, as 1.-ein- inteivsted m thp i l'Dperty. TENDERS. Tenders Wi* fur e io ht, (lie w" accepted in. each caso, and Pick•Gs° and Freeman getting fiVO of ili-cin and Hunt and Currie three. V'ACK.S AND HOLIDAYS. T ne iCliairinan ef tlio Works Comniittc i.tPi". Evans) ln'ought W lui ' (question' of the Fon-man's wages, Mr Eathorr.c liaving asked to !•« „r, P i an increase i" ]:rupOi'twn to tliat recently granted Hie Council's sarfaceinen per the Armtp.tioii Court xh., 1. U- Id l'C,r hour more as [r..m Ist August. -It was, Draiit the Foreman a proportionate iin:ic.aso. . , ft was I'tinliw resuivcd that 'iU'reafte." ne ho'iday.s nd. ]:rovided for in ihe award wiM Pe raid for l.y the ;' u.ineii. D (; ..-eoilars !•■ Pe procured from tendenu' for work. ,{'i-. kvans 1.-ought up. a, yue-stion of \ar-l oiler, which was ttol: nr to re piireuieiits.

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Waimate Daily Advertiser, Volume XVIIII, Issue 447, 15 November 1916, Page 3

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UNKNOWN Waimate Daily Advertiser, Volume XVIIII, Issue 447, 15 November 1916, Page 3

UNKNOWN Waimate Daily Advertiser, Volume XVIIII, Issue 447, 15 November 1916, Page 3