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The details of adininiatration in reoect to public works throughout the County have frequently furnished cause for complaint in the West'snd County Coancif, and have, been a source or recurriDg dissatisfaction to the ratepayers also. The Roadman system which has been in operation for naaDy years has been found to be extra vignnt and iuefficients, and it is not to the credit of the present or past Councils that fieir power of initiative has not been equal to devising a better and more economicial method, one more in keeping with the la est systems carried on by the majority of other Councils throughout New Zealand. The fact is the majority of Councillors have been loch to part with the power of patronage which fch« dispensing of small jobs gives them, and bave preferred frittering away the ratepayers money to purchase their support rather than adopt any more comprehensive or business like scheme which might lose them that power. This is putting the case bluntly but the records of the Council in the past will prove onr statement to be iucoutiStable. For jears past we have pointed out the loss lo the County caused by the existing inadequate system of carrying oat public works by the Council and have u r ged that this department of Coin'y adnjinig! ration should be put un^er the s°' e caatrol of a competeat officer, a properly certificated engineer of fctancing in bis profession might be txptcted to be a fairly libtral one but cv -.n when this is allowtd for there id not the least doubt the saving in expenditure a od in the increased value cf work done wc oM almost cover the entire amouDt. The CoulcJ's engineer, always assuming tuaS the services of a f ully compete^ a , an should be s cu-ed, woul iif he had sole cbarge of Count) wQ.ks be tblq t<*

economise on present wasteful methods in many ways. 3e would not be Bur-ject to the influence of ratepayers being independent or their votes and consequently be would not feel compelled to throw away ten pounds here and twenty pounds there in making useless bits of tracks leading to nowhere or of Bervioe only to individuals. Again competent authori* tea assert that a considerable saving in the expense of Couuty works could be effected by tbe adoption of the contract system id many cases. At present the roadman employ settlers or their son!* or relatives (who it must be remembered bave vot9* a' rntepayers) and it is at Lust open to question, whether tHe work is carried out as competently or as (xpeditiously as it would be if let by contract. Considering the whole position, tbe ratepayers of tbe County will note with satisfaction tbe reh 'lutions in regard to it which Councillor Duff baa tabled to be considered at to-morrow's .meetin, . He is moving alternative resolutions tbut a County Engineer be appointed tj the change of County works, or failing tbe Councils assent to tbis that an Inspecting Overseer be appointed to be in charge of County Roadmen aud all County worki. The first proposal will commend it'elf to anyone who gives the subject the least consideration. For double the salary offered to an Inspecting Over* seer tbe Council would have a man who would be both capable ail responsible, io whose hands they would be justified in leaving the sole ch^r^e of their works. An Inspecting Overseer would be merely a so r fc of Glorified Roadman, aad we fail {.o pee that bis appointment would make much ch&nge in iha jrd-entbid old system. \ Some of the council r's^u^p>rc of the second proportion c n be cuuned ou^a- ag.iiist the first, b cau«e, by i<s adoption, . they wou'd etill be able to retiin the di^ pens<>t'co of largesse or wi a ever it may be called aid with the appointment of a County Engineer of the right stamp, the via see of the funds of the County would be put a stop to. We warn the Conncillorp, bo never, tbat the ratepayers will note to-morrow's dissuasion .on Conn' ci lorDiff's resolutions.' We hope they will rise superior to all personal or paltry consideration", aud will . resolve to put the County's affairs on a proper business footing once and for a'l. The obsrlete methods iv vogue in the Wett'and Cout ty Council at tbe present time would not be tolerat d in any local body inJNew Z alandanditia time that it was changed from the antiquated institution it is, to a real live representative corporation,

A telephone bureau has been opened at Kaiapoi, with seven subscriber.

A party of Wanganui enthusiasts lei

for Sydney by the Maheno on Saturday to witness {the scuil'ng matah between Towns and Webb for the championship of the world on August 3. Oamaru people estimate that, owing to tbe drought, between 4,000 and 5,000 head of rattle have been sent out of tbe district or potted. There is considerable mortality owing to want of feed. Mr T W Bruce, Mayor of Robs, wired from Wellington on Saturday night that he hoped to bave a final favourable interview with the Premier yesterday in reference to tbe site of the Ross railway station.

The Auckland Acclimatisation Society have just received ftom a resident last year's license fee. He signs bis name "Conscience" and admits that he shot game laet season without taking out a license.

Dredging machinery to the value of £12,990 was exported from New Zealand last, as follows:— Victoria, £6,833, New South Wales, £5,147; Philippine Island. £700; Perane, £138; United Kicgdomj £102; and Uruguay, £70.

The Mines Department has made a further grant of £250 to continue the extension of the bridle track via the Stj x route to the Wilberforce. Twenty men are at present employed on the work and good progress is being made therewith.

The Milton Mirrar ttates that owing to the high rate — 30s per eect — charged by the sccident insurance companies in the co'ony, the O.ago flaxmillers are moving in the matter of foimiDg an insurance fund among the various flsxmilling association* throughout the colony.

Mr W Wilson, who was recently appointed District Engineer of Roads left for Wellington yesterday to confer with the officers of his Department on depart" mental businese. Mr Wilson's appoint* menl has proved to be a very popular one the Department's confidence in his ability and zeal as evidenced by his promotion being much appreciated.

After years of futile experiments to solve the problem of extracting quickly gum and colouring matter from New Zealand hemp whilst in the process of milling, the difficulty, it is claimed, has now been overcome by a new discovery pj tented by Richardson and Scott, of this city (writes a Dunedin correspondent), consisting of a simple and comparatively inexpensive process of machinery without the aid of chemicals.

The Rev W Douglas, M.A, and the Misses Douglas left by the mid-day train yesterday for Wellington) where Mr Douglas has been appointed to the charge of a new parish. A large number of bis late parishioners and other iriends assembled at the station to bid good-bye t > him and to the members of bia family and many heaity good wishes' for their future prosperity were expressed.

That farms can be bought aod stocked without money appears to be a fact. According to the travelling representative of the "Elt'ia.a Argus," aTe ]£m resi» dent says he knows of a man who bor» rowed £50, aud with that secured the lease of 100 acres at £80 per acre. Tbt> commission agent snared £40 and the landlord £10. Auctioneers advanced the cattle, and the lessee has pat his family on the land to work. The informant is positively certain tiat the ground (wi^'d not yield sufficient to pay the interest on the money end mett other expenses. He sayathe hnd must revert back to the 9 *ncr j and in ca«e it looks as if th,e auctioneer will to bit, Somebody mtut suffer. j

Important alterations are about to be ' effected in connection with tbe woiking of the Greymoufch wharf (says the St**). It Ins been decided by the Railway Department and tbe Union Company to inaugurate the eight hours' system, and for this purpoie Messrs J Brislane and W Blanche hsve been appointed to the petitions ,of foremen. The new arrangement will, it is hoped, enable the wharf to be worked to better advaniagp.

His Lordship Bishop Julius delivered a very able and interesting address at All Saints schoolroom last evening to a large audience. The subject was "The Social changes of the last fifty years." The Bishop dwelt most humorously on the altered conditions of social life during the past half ceutury. contrasting somewHat untavourabiy tbe. new with tbe old order of things. At 'h* close of the>a; Tdresthe Rev H S L?ach proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Right Rev Ueturer, which was carried by acclamation .

Mr T V Seddon, M.H.R., received the following communication from the Minister of Lands iv reference to river protection at the Big Waoganul :— "ln further reference -to your of the 13th inst, re-river protective works at Wanganui river* South Wettland| I have to inform you that the sum of £200 hae been set apart to assist in erecting such works, Of this sum £100 has already been- authorised for expenditure, aid the works are now in progress, uuder the direction of the Chief Surveyor, Hokitika. An authority for the balance of £100 will be issued when required."

Princess Theatre will be tbe centre of attraction on Wednesday evjeaing vex , when the M. 0.0. Minstrels of Greymoutb will give an bntertunment in aid of tie C t-zens Band. From all accounts, the pn.giaaime to be Riven is an exceJbnt on >, comprising some of Grey mouth's best taleni. ■ Tbere (us been a steady denimd for t'cket 1 -, whilst a great number of reseived si a have been booked, *c that the Theatre will doubtless bold a a-ge audience on the night of tbe performance. The proceeds rill be de-

voted to tbe Band's instrument fund, which when paid for will be handed over to the Borough Council, A supplement to the Gazette gives the complete list of teeners holding licenses under the Education Act of 19C4, the lisc being made up to June lat t. ■ In the revision, the names of teachers who are not known to bave been eugsged in pub« lie instructiou ab any tme during the past five yearj rave been remind. There are 2764 cerufic3t a d teachers in the eel

ony, 1331 being male?, and 1433 female*,

101 of the latter being married. In addition to the certificated teachers, tbere are 60 holding provisional certifi. ates (19 males and 41 females), and 259 l.cens'd (94 males and 165 femalas). Of the 3183 names on the combined list, 1639 are female teachers, 110 baing married. The Grejmoutn municipal abattoir will, it is anticipated, be ready for opening by Wednesday, August 14. Tbe t jwn clerk has received adv'.ca from the Agriculture 1 Department that the • butu chers of this t >wn had lodged a protest against the charges proposed to bB made for the use of tba abattoir. It appears the bctcherß contend that the ala toir charges should only be sufficient to- ccv;r working f xpecKs, and s'jouli not pay interest on the £5000 outlay which the borough was compelled by statute to to undertake. They coisfcend that a direct rate should be struck and called up OQt all rateable property in tbe borough. In all ether boroughs of the colony the charges are made at such % rate a? to over interest and sinking fund. la all gold-producing countries tbere is a see»saw between and agriculture

(says the Otigo Daily Times) and it is

refreshing to find the mining fraternity stating that there is something else be sides gold worth working 'and living for. A geLtleman prominent in mining circles was heard to declare at a meeting in

Dunedin recently, that mining wait all very well in Ausmlta. where gold was

distributed on a level, but here tbe pre cious metai Wfrii upacd do we like the

billows, appearing and disappearing like a Will o' tbe wisp. New Zealand wap, however, more thin o impmNated by varied scenery and weather, a vigorou ', tbriv :>g popnla ion, and a most superior agricultural industry. Shareholder?, be 9aid, when disappointed with dredging result should console themselves w tb this reflection.

Toe annual i'os-al report states in regard to the Vancouver seivice, thac the contract between the Federal Govern* raeut and the Union Steam Ship Company Ins bpen cx f ended for two year 1 , from Jol; , under the f xistmg terms. A port of call at New Zealand is not mentioned in the present txteni-ion of tbe service, bit negotiations to that effect will be resamed when the question of a farther renewal comes up. It is understood that the preset t contractor may bo prepared to enter iDto a three year*' contract, to include a New Zealand p:>rt, and to provide a new fa*t steamer for the service, j Tbe Canadian Pacific Railway Company has also, it is understood, been considering tbe question of competing for tbe service to include New Zealand, to be performed by the fast 14,000 ton steam* ers of the Empress line, now employed in the trade between Canada, Japan, and China. The subject is now bt>iog considered by the British Government. As to tbe Suez service, negotiations are now in progress for a weekly service.

The foundation of lifelong ill health may >>c laid for joung girls by failurn to kef p their strength and health, up to normal. Beams' Wine is best tor them because it ia a true tonis. ,

Linimeßts cannot remove the real trouble in rheumatism, gout, sciatica and lumb-ign, Rheunao does, by removing the excess ur'c acid from the blood, llhenmo effects a thorough cure, 2d 6d a id 4s 61.

Correit Corset Styles — Some of tbe finest corsets are on hand at the present time. We have about 30 different styles and chapes. They ata of excellent qual* uy and material and the prices are low for such good coraets, 2s 6d, 3t 6:), 4s 6d, uptJl3s6d at W. MoKay & Son, Tbe Drapers. There are woods of high mercantile value, Rare woods of great baauty and price, And woods of sooh grain and hard*

ness Ab ysist all white ants, ratq, and mice. But che Woodd of all woods to be landed, (You all will agree, I am aura), Ib tbe Woods to whom mankind's in-

debteA for the only Great Peppermint Core. . i WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS oorrecfca the ill e&Qts. of impure water* v

We bave been Informed fehat thfoompt now visible in Ibe Old Country has been seen in Hokitiha,

In a letter written from Sydaejr, on 12th Jaly, by D. Barnett, trainer of Webb the writer eay 4 — ''We are all in tbe beet of health, and Webb te in tip top niok, not too far forward, but just ready for Ibe final preparation. That means he will bave to do more running, br-sides extra fart work on (be .river. Towns is onb morning and evening with his brother Fogwell paoing him in a double sculler. My opinion is that, the way they are trying to drag bin* along, be 'tands a cbance of getting sttle before the raoe. He is anything bat m clean sculler. Webb has altered his style a bit,,aod it ta an improvement which will make him faster. Jim Btanbnry has been over giving him plenty of sound and good points in sculling, besides showing him bow to eeull his boat comfortably. He is ever no much improved, and yott W'll not : ce the difference when yon fee him rowing again. Tbe members of tbis rowing club can't do enough for us, aud we bave everything of the bsafc. Webb won 4t4 t get run down. He has a bigger chert measurement now (40$ id), and it-rips a llstl'b. He will rev st about Il9t. article oh the Strand Magaz : np on Bomatomauces of the 3tock Exchange itlsrelattd tbat a typht employed by • great financier obtained posies i«ti of in* formation, which she conveyed to her lover, a Btnt»U broker, who used the know* ledge thus obtained to make profit* to the extent of £30,000. Discovering the' diahouesty, the financier discharged her, ■ and proceeded to roin. her ■ lover. She resolved to cave him,, Being^denied aa interview wth her f ormnr employer, she obtained a situation in bis h msehbld at servant by mdaus of forged references. In this cat abity she earned her mistress's goodwill, and obtained possession of some , of her master's private correspondence. It so happened tLat amongst the letters inrercepted was one from the magnate 1 ! brother in the Transvaal, givipg such information that tbe lover was all) to ef» feet adi al netting him ,^30,000. A second diocovery followed, bat the pair left Eoglind, and tbe man is, now ) flourishing bucket-ihop, proprietor ia America.

Weakness of the ato"mtnh t indisestioD { livetand kidney troubles cured by Ulkihg| Or Ensor s Tamer Jo Jo fiiEUMo fias cured thoQSSnds of sufferers from rheumatiem. gour, aoiatice, lumbago. It wi 1 cure you Try It, Ail Btcrps and chemists, 2* 61 and 43 6d. A positive euro. ' Did you ever stop to t'link that Cbarn* bsriain's Pain. Balm is a general family liniment, especially good for rheumatism? [ The quick relief afforded by applying it is worth many times its cost. Makes rest and sleep possible. For*ale by J. Chesney & Od, Whoieoale & Retail. Rheumatism, goat, sciatica, lumbago are caused by exceßS uric aUd poison in the blood which deposits in the musolea aad joint \ Rheumo quickly cares. 8s Sd and 4s 6d. Hearth Bugs.— Ot Hearthrugs are the good kind, and tbe good kind is the only kind. Tapestry Hearthrugs 4s 64, 6s 6d ( 8s 6d; imitation velvet pilo 7s 6d, 9ft 6<?,

10s 6d; the bitter graie 13s 6d, 16s 6d, np to 28s 6d. W, McKay A Son, Too Drapers.

Bheumd has enabled many a poor suft ferer from rheumatism, goat, sciatica, and lumbago to once more enjoy health and happiness. 23 6d and 4s 6d. Soli everywhere.


The "Chicago Tribune," ia a recent article on what nredical science has been I able to accomplish for the benefit of humanity » drew particular attention to the one great fact that ftands pre-emi-nent in the light of reliable statistics, viz. t^at tbe death Jata of the world has through its agency, been positively decreased. One of tbe chief factors id tbii decrease is the marveUou> vßUcce*sv BUcce*s which is nowadays a' 'ained in the treatment of that fatal type of dibease classified under the heading of 'LuDg Troables.' Tbis is accompliehtd by the use of Dr She)* don's New Discovery for Coughs, ColJs, and Cnmumption. Modern medicine tan po'nt to no more marvellous achievement than the perfecting of thw grand, unfailing, specific cure, wheih can be relied on to f&ve tha lives of all who take it in time. Guaranteed to oure, or money back. Price Is 6d and 3i. Obtainable at W. £. Williams', Agent Chemist.

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West Coast Times, Issue 14177, 30 July 1907, Page 2

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West Coast Times TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1907. COUNCILLOR DUFF'S RESOLUTIONS. West Coast Times, Issue 14177, 30 July 1907, Page 2

West Coast Times TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1907. COUNCILLOR DUFF'S RESOLUTIONS. West Coast Times, Issue 14177, 30 July 1907, Page 2