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West Coast Times MONDAY, JULY 29, 1907. TOPICS OF THE DAY.

The succe93 of the British policy of lay

ing down a monster the dread- battleship, larger than any nought BOOM, other warship afloat 1 , has

created what the "Daily Mail" calls (v a boom in Dreadnoughts." That policy, it Beem*, baa proved a magnificent Mroke of business for Great Britain, because from the business point alone, the Dreadnought baa paid for herself many times ever in the orders for battleships which she has brought from foreign Powers. Brazil and the Argentine have either ordered or are about to order m Great Britain battleships to the value of some £8,000,000, all of the Dreadnought type, with improvements. But the biggest batHesbip of all is to be built for Japan. Tha Japnms? Admirel y, however, bas a full programme in the Japanese yards, and, as it wants ships quickly, it> has decided to have recourse to British sbipbuildtra. The Japanese hold that British shipbuilders are the only firms in the world with a wide ex<* perience of fitting powerfnl turb ; nes and designing battleships with a uniform armament of heavy guns. They were satisfied with the ships and weapons obtained from the United Kingdom before the war. A- Japanese Commission has been sent to London to conclude a contract with one of the Brit'sh firm 1 * fcr the construction of the largest ba tleebip for the world, displacing about 21,000 tons. The coßt of their vessel will be about £2,250,000. The following fjg ores will chow the rapid increaaa in the &iia of battleships from the date in | 4905 when the Brit'sh Admiralty <^y<*

the wc^Pbe lead and established the ' prefctige of British naval construction: Tonp, Dreadnought (British) ... 17,900 Temeraire (British) ... 18,500 Sachsen (German ... 18,700 Pacificator (U.S.A.) ... 20,000 New Japanese Bhip ... 21,000 No one supposes that a limit) has yet been placed on the s ; ze of warships. The great ocean liners of ten years- ago are Btnall compared with the immense floating palaces now being built for the Atlantic trade, and it is reasonable to suppose that the world will go on cons structing larger and faster warships trery year.

Spring limbs have already made their appea'a^ee at Kokatahi. Mr A J Ratfjray arrivd from Ohristchuich on Ba' evening. We understand that another flax mill is about to be s'a.t id at Wataroa (South Westhnd). The practise of the Citizens Band will be held this evening in ttai of to-mor-row evening, Bis Lordship Bishop Julias will deliver an addreas in All Saints' Schoolroom this evening at 8 o'clock. The Orchestral Society will meet for practice to-night at 7,30. The chorus are requested to attend at the same hour, An advertisement in. reference to a policy in the N. Z. Government Life Insurance Department which has been lest, appears in this issue. A special meeting of the Harbour Board will be held at 7 30 to-morrow evening. The business i» to further con aider the matter of amending "Toe Hokitika Harbour Act Amendment Ac*, 1906-" Mr H. J. Wil' : amß ami the Rtv T. Porriit, of Wellington, who have been v s'uii'g Hokiuk* in connection with the 1 opening of tho new Royal Arch Chapter of Fieetmaon?, leave for the Empire City to day, Mr John Coyle is making good progress with bis contract for carting the cylinders for the Waterca bridge. He expects to finish bis contract and have all material on the scene of operations before the spring floods stt in. It is stated that Mr T M'Grath, the wtll known storekeeper cf Dillmans, will be urged to become a candidate for the seat in the Arahura riding, which, it is understood, Mr T V Byrne is vacating on ace vat of his removal to Wd ington. Mps?m Renton & Co, t u e well known ironmonger, have secured the premises in Revell Street formerly occupied by Messrs Perry & Co, where thoy will carry on business during the erection of their new bricfc buildings in Tancred Street, a start on which will bo immediately made. Mr S. J. Preston, draper, has a change of advertisement in this is?ue. A com signment of new goods has just come to hand, aud ia being disposed of by Mr Preston at unheard jf prices. Intending pitrona are advised to pay an early visit to the premises if they would avoid dis appointment. Tenders, returnable on Saturday, tho 3rd August, are invited by the Arahura Dairy Facto ly for addition to the Manager's cottige. Plans and specifications may be inspected al the Factory, or at Mr J King's Revell Street. Tenders are to be addressed to the Cbtir/nan of Directors. The programme given by the Hokitika V- lanteer Band, under Conductor Seymour, on Cats Square yesterday afternoon was listened to by a 'arge gatbeiing. The weather was perfect and the excellent paying of the Band was greatly a: predated by all present. They were a-bi-ted by Mr Phillips, of the Citizens' Pand.

At 2 o'clock to-day, Messrs Mark Sprot &Co will sell by public auction on ihe premises, corner of Park and Bealey Street?, freehold second with shop and com f oi table dwelling thereon, also the household furniture and effect), on acoouut of the executrix in the estate of the hte Catherine Jones. The sale will ba held posit ve'y without reserve.

Mr W Cropp, of Koiterangi, has purchased the carrying business of the Messrs O'Neill Bros at Westport and leaves today to take poseeßPion. Mr and Mrs Cropp 8B old and higher respected settlers of the district will be much miss?d from Koit ;rangi. They will have the good wishes of many friends here for their future happiness and prosperity.

A meeting of the Directors of the Inter Wanganui Dairy Factory was held last week when au allocation of the shares applied for was made and the necessary steps for bhe formation and registration of the Company were authorised. It is expected that the company will start operations under mott favourable außpices with a milk supply from five- hundred cows.

Messrs J M'Lean and Sons, the contractors for the Borough waterworks, will commence the work ef exoavating the dam on Hau Hau bill this morning. About 30 men will be employed on this park of the work. A further batch will be employed later on at the head wotks near Lake Kaaieri, The whole work; nccrding to the terms of the contract, should be completed next February.

The M.C.C. Minstrels, who are visitiug Hokitika en Wednesday next, bring with them a batch of new songs that are sure to bring down the house. In addition to the ordinary minstrel show, show the ma r >ttg« i m<»nt have provided an excellent programme of vocal item*. As the Minstrels are the best combiration of their kind on the Coast, the Hokitika public have a treat in store for them on Wednesday uext.

Good progress is being made in the formation of the Ross Goldfields Company, Ltd, whioh will probably be regis tared next week. It is stated that the company's engineer his all the detailed phna and specifications for the proposed work ready. Trie task of preparation has occupied him almost congruously for the last eight months. It speaks well for Mr H. M. Smythe's ability that the engineers of the Mines Department were unable to suggest any material alterations. The plans and specifications being in tuch an advanced state wi 1 greatly expedite the commencement of active operations,

Weakness of the stomach, indigestion, liver and kidtey troubles cored by taking Dr Enaor b Ttmec Jqiq

Th« ordinary meeting of the County Cohqcil will be held next; Wednesday at the usual hour; Councillor J F Uyrne will move — ''That any and all resolutions bearing on the. payment of members attending Committee meetings be and hereby are rescinded, end it be resolved that under the provisions of section 3 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1893." all members attending Committee meetings duly authorised by tbe Council, be paid in accordance with the Bcale adopted for payment of members attending Council meetings."

There hss recently been a considerable impetus in the building trade in South Westland. Mr J Adatnson, the wellknown Southern mailaan, is having a handsome residence bailt at Wanganui and Mr A Gunn, a large accommodation house at Wateroa. Mrs J Hende is additions made to her already oommodiousprenrseg, and Mr John Diedrioba is building in the catne vicinity a handsome and roomy dwelling. Mrs T Ferguson at Little Wauganui is altering and improving her home at Little Wanganui and lastly Mr W Batson has juit concluded further improvements to bis fir*t class Touristß Hotel at Waiho.

A very large congregation was present at AU Saints' Church yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, wheu the Rev H. S. Lr aeb, Vicar, presented 23 candidates to His Lornabip Bishop Julius for confirmation. After the service Ibe Bishop delivered an impressive address, in the course of which he pointed out the similarity of the confirmation t» the ordination ac vice of the churcb» and reminded those who bad oeen confirmed that they t<ad been called to tbe priesthood of the laity, and as such thoy bad solemn duties to pertorm. In the afternoon the Bishop again conducted a confirmation service at St Andrew's Church, Kanieri, when eiglteen young people were presented for confirmation. Ac All Sa ; nts' Church in the evening the Bishop again preached tJ a crowded congregation. Although suffering from a severe cold, he preaohed a most forcible and, eloquent sermon on

.he duty of loyalty to the Church and to the great principles of the Christian re1 gion.

The foundation of lifelong ill-health may be laid for young girls by failure to keep their strength and health up to nor mal. Steams' Wine is best for tbem because it is a true tonic

Liniments cannot remove the real trouble in rheumatism, gout, sciatica and lumbago, Rheumo doea, by removir g the excess uric acid from the blood. Rheumo efftcts a thorough cure, 2j 6d and 43 6d.

Correct Ooraet Styles — Some of the finest corsets are on hand at the present rime. We have about 30 different styles and shapes. They ats of excellent qual« ity and material and the prices are low for such good corsets, 2s 6d, 3s 61, 4s 6d, up to 13s 6d at W. McKay & Sou, The Drapers. There are woods of high mercantile value, Rare woods of great baaufcy and price, And wooda of such close gratn aud hard* ness As resist all white ants, rats, and mice. But the Wood 3of all woods t ) be landed, (You all will agree, I am Buro>, la the Woods to whom mankind's indebted, For the only Great Peppermint Care. RheUMo has cursd thousands of sufferers from rheumatism, gout, sciaticß, lumbago. It wi'l cure you Try it. Ail stores and chemists, 2? 6d and 4s 6d. A positive cure. Did you ever stop to think that Cbambarlain's Pain Balm is a general family liniment, especially good for rheumatism? The quick relief afforded by applying it is worth many times its cost. Mikes rest and sleep possible. For eale by J. Chesney & Co, Wholesale & Retail. An established fact that diseases spring from one source nawely, impurity of the blood. Dr Eaaor's Tamer Juice cleanse parities, and enricheeathe blood WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS corrects the ill effects of impure water.

Rheumatism, gou*-, sciatica, lumbago are caused by excess uric acid poison in tbe blood whusn deposits in the muscles and joints Rheumo quickly cures. 2s 6d and 4s 6d.

Hearth Rug?*— Our Hearthrugs are the good kind, and tbe good kind is tho only kind. Tapestry Hearthrugs 4s 61, 61 61, 8s 6d; imitation volvot plo 7a 6d, 9s 6', 10s 6d; tbe bitter grade 13s 6d, 16s 6(1, up to 28a 6d. W, McKay & Son, The Drapers.

Rheum o has enabled many a poor sufferer from rheumatism, goat, sciatica, and lumbago to once more enjoy health and happiness.. 2s 6d and 4a 6d. Sold everywhere.

For Ohillren's Hacking Cough at night Woods' Great Peppermint Cure 1/6 & 2/6. Zealandia's seasons come and go In summ r's beat and winter's snow, And spring unfolds her fresh green shoots* And autumn brings her gift of fruits. Each chacge is fraught with human ilia With coughs and colds and sudden chills; Bat life is safe, and health is sure By taking vVoods' Great Peppermint Cure.

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West Coast Times, Issue 14176, 29 July 1907, Page 2

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West Coast Times MONDAY, JULY 29, 1907. TOPICS OF THE DAY. West Coast Times, Issue 14176, 29 July 1907, Page 2

West Coast Times MONDAY, JULY 29, 1907. TOPICS OF THE DAY. West Coast Times, Issue 14176, 29 July 1907, Page 2