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TJip whole of the bottl licenses in ihe Borough were renewed yesterday ana the anniial fess paid. A meeting of Ihe Hokitika Operatic Society is convened for th : s evening, al 8 o'clock at the Ooiuty Cjuncil Chambers. £ja (he business is import iat a foil attendance is nqueftad. Tanner's Ark, which wai reported missing last week, turned up ac Timaru about midday on Sst'irdiy. The boat was merely delayed for wait of a wind. The bands wore all well and at 3 the bet provisions on Saturday morning. Mr T. Cdhill, manager of the Cbr'sfc* church Inn eh of Messrs Holmes & Son?, bedstead manufacturer?, will visit Hokitiki. on che 2Skh met with a consignment of. bedsteads of every 1 description, The bed&Wd?, which will be on view at Messrs Mark Sprot % Go's furniture mart, are being brought over for the purpose of advertising the firm's goods, which for price and quality' eannob be equalled in the colony. The o: s'gnment.will eventually be soli by aietioa at the auctioneers' matt on tho 3rd July. Full particlars will appear in a future issue. 'The Valmr-General (Mr G F C Campbell), apropos of the complaints from Pahiatua County about excessive valuation*, states that out of 1,141 valuations made, only forty-one of the property holders concerned have lodged objections aad he has net 'ths slightest doubt thifc terms will be coma to wittf all of these. So far as the County Council's compla:nts are concerned, be points out that if that body is in earnest in its objection to what it terms excessive values, , it bes the remedy in its own bands, viz. , a redutfcion of the annual rate on property within its ja-isdiction. The^amonnt of rates chargeable depended entirely upon the rate in the £ which the council saw fit strike. A meeting of the Hokitika Choral Society was held at All Sain is' Schoolroom li>t eveuing. There was a fair attendance of cnen.btrj and Mr A. J. Morion (President) was in jbhe ctair. Owiog to the want of interest. shown by .male members durißg the present sraion a disenssiun ensued as to whether it was advisable for the Society to continue current pnetieep, and it wan finally cided bn the motion of Mr T. L. Ralfe, seconded by Dr Ma undrew, that practices be discontinued in the meanwhil). The meeting closed with a vote of thauka to the grain The music loving public of Hokitika will regret the decision forced oo the committee, and it is to be hoped that the ba ses aud cenprs of the Society will yet be reinforced so that the practices can be resumed. For Ohil Iron's packing Cough at night Woods' Great Peppermint Cure 1/6 & 2/6,

At )&"t night's meeting of (he Hokitika Choral Society, a special v ta of thanks was accordfd to M"si A hen Daly for her very e fficiei t services as piani ta of the Society. Theuual frrtaighily soc'al in aid of the Funds of the Staff ri Lite ary Inptit t» wll be held on Thursday evening, June 20th. Fx?e ; l9n' arrangements — Advt. Mr J Downey, Superintendent of the Bea View M c n'al Hospidl, is very busy rrakinft arrangemerti for the reception of about forty new patients, who are expected to be sent to the local institution shortly. Tender*, re<iurpall9 on the 29th iv->, are invited by the Chief Surveyor (G. J. Robert*, Esq) for the ereotion o f a tourist oo tige at Lake Kan.eri. Plans and specifications may be inspected at the ..local Survey Office. The " Kia Ora " Hockey Club social to be held nrxi; Wednesday evening, prom is9B to be vary flucaessfil. Miss Heron and Mr C G-.bbona have been en gaged to supply tbe masic, and in addi tion an efficient Master of Ceremonies will officiate. We are desired by tbe iaptiin of tbe GreymouthfooibiU team (says the Grey "Star") to thank Drs Mcßrearty and McKay for their attention to the "wounded" Grey -players daring the progress of tbe mntish with Hokitika on Saturday. At the fin t meeting of tbe Feildicg Fire Board, all tbe members were pieflfcnfc. MrF. Pi-ani was elected chairncan. Estimates of expenditure Utt ling £300 were agreed to. It waa decided, to ask the Gcvernment to base t* contributions on one seventh -at tbe total expenditure. A sister of Major von Tempsky re. oently paid a visit to tbe battlefield of Te Ngutu o te Manu, where* the distinguished Prussian lost bis ife in action against t Titokowaru's#ien. During ' her visit she vai presented with a greenatone ax», which was dug out of the ground near tbe spot where ber brother was ki'led. /- • A Capetown butcher was. recently charged with exposing frozen- meat for sale in his shop without the necessary label. Some of the meat bad metal tags. -showing that it was inspected and passed for consumption in New Zealand. The butcher was reprimanded on this charge, and fined £2 for trying to brib^ the conrstable with the sum of five shillings, to say nothing about his I reach of the Act. The Mastrrton municipal £a^ works returned an[apprbx r maie- profit of £2000 .last year, and it is suggested that half ' this amount might be taken off the gas rrtes. which tango from 6s li per"loooft for ttoveose, to 7s lid fir ordinary lighting.' It is generally .considered that the Borough Cbuncilwill be acting wisely in braking a "reduction en the 7s lid rate. A new holder has jnst b°en added to tbe gasworks, with a capacity of. 70,000 cubic feet. It cost £26G0. Fresh developmedfs have arisen out of the recer t mutiny of the Submarine Miaing Volunteers at Wellington. A preliminary court of inquiry \ has been htld by the cfliier commanding the company Acting«Captatn Toomatb, and a number of members of the company were examined. Asa result of the rroliminary inquiry a prominent non-commicseioned officer has been c>a r ged with several of fences involving the instigation of the mutiny — the supplying of information t" the presf, etc. The date of the full inquiryinto these crarges ia not yet fixed. Mr Jaques (the Government canning expert) has exposed bis confidence in tbe future of the canning industry in this colony to a Dunedin pressman. Tbe Government will, he said, when the proper tima comes, establishment* factories in fruit-growirg areas, to which cadets will be admitted and taught the art of preserving fruts of all kinds. He declared that when the proper varieties V7t re grown for export tbe apples sent from the South Island would be found better than Tasmanian, and .equal to the very choicest product frcm British orchards. A Wellington Pres3 Association ttlarepoits that tbe Native Minister states that the health of tha Maori race is more satisfactory than it bai been for some time. It has been decided that Dr Pomare, Native Health Officer, is in future to have charge of the Maori districts from Auckland southward, and that Dr Buck, his as3Ktint, is to have control of the whole of the Auckland provincia' dutrict settlements. Dr Wi Repa, another New Zealand ca'ive, who ba^ passed his medical examinations injOta^o, is now on the staff of a Southern hospital, and may receive an appointment as an iaaittint Native health officer. The expected appcintment;of inspectors under the Fire Brigades Act will not be made for some time owing to a defect which has been dta?overed in tha law. No>power is given, to the Gcvernment under the Act to make regulations defining the duties of inspectors, nor are the duties defined in tbe Act itself. It would be inexpedient to appoint inspectors before there is power to define their dutiep. and the Act will be amended a? early in the coming session as possible. Another amendmenc will be required to enable ihe fire insurance companies telect their representatives on the Boards in those districts which were created too late to enable them to appoint their representatives as required by law in tbe month of May. When children fail to thrive give them < Steams' Wine. It makes weak children strong by giving them better appetite and digestion. They like to take it became its taste is pleasant. Undoubted merit and big cash prizes are a strong combination which help to make Stand Out Tea universally popular. Try it. Patersoo, Michel &Co have it. Since Adam, delved and poor Eve span, Since first the banian race begao, Mankind has suffered countless ilia, But suffered most from coughs and chills Foundations they for all disease, But now the backing cough must cease, For science now makes all secure With WE Woods' Great Peppermint' Cure. To cure rheurcatism, gout, sciatica, or lumbago, yon must treat the blood, Tbe be&t remedy is Rhsgho. which has cured thousands of; sufferers. From all stores and chemists to 2s 6d and 4i 6d. Give it a fair .trial. An established fact that diseases spring frcm one source namely, impurity of the " blood. Dr Ensor's Tamer Jnice cleanse purifies, and enricheaathe blood,

Mr W. B. MacheeO") o*£!ketaburft,hi4 definitely announced himself as a candidate for the Masteitjn seat at the n»xfc general election. The Southland Education Board has v decided t) appoint an agricultural instructor, at a salary of £250 a ysar md travelling expenses. The colkrt'on of the but and pt-ll ttx • in Nati-1. over whi-h great /noble aro-e 'ast year, is proceeding satisfactorily. Members of Bambaafa's tribe bare paid ast year's arrears. Motorists in Pb hdelphia have token to carrying oarr : age wl ips for the little boya who think it funny to stand on the r< a side and shoot beans and peas at the chat ff ears through blowpipes, A quicksilver mine ia found in Pern which is ever one thousand feet in ciw cumfererc a , and 480 feet deep. In this profound abyss are street squraes and • c' apel where religious services are held. The prize for the most brilliant game of chess played in the last New Zealand chess championship tourney has been awarded to Mr S. Crakai thorp, champion of New South Wales. The game trat pliyed in ths second round against Mr Arthur Gifford, of Wesiport. The statement of the Chief, v of tha Stock Division of the Agricultural Department-, Mr E. Clifton, at the annual meeting of the S. I. National Dairy As* sociation at liunediiK tl at the Gov»ra* ment Ltends assisting dairy farmers in ihe imp'>rtnnt work of testing their herds is oue o; tha most important proposition^ ever put before the dairymen of this colony. ' , ' ■ <• <i The syndicate which is abont to open a Wonderland in the Mirarcar Park re* serve Wellington, is at work on the scheme. It is anticipated that tbe netr attraction will be opened during the first wetk in November, The company has a ' csp'tal of £25,000, and intends spending it on a liberal scale. The Mirar mar Wondeiland will be considerably larger tLan tbe one at the recent Christ* church Exhibition. ' The ques'.ion of a good fodder grass tel cover barren, Bandy country appears to be solved, according to the following statement in the "Wairoa Guardian":--"Mr Vaugbari, of Tahuenui, has an area of what was formerly bare saod countrjr now covered with a fine growth of pas* palumdihtetim' the new fo3der grass. It tai bound the sand, and seems to be the grasd settlers a'ong the coast hare been looking for." The Hon Mr Hall Jones is anxious to - resume Ministerial work, but* both his colleagues and his medical attendant will not. hear of his undertaking any duty what ver for some time to come; It is c rta'n that Mr Hall-Joues will noT take pub in the eatlar sessional worfy and it is more than probable that he will be induced to make a trip somewhere in the hope thit he may be sufficiently re* stored to health t? enable him to take his . scat la Parliament towards thie end of the session. , ' The singul ir experience of the barquentine lima, in being short of provision when sixteen days days out froai Thames is explained in a letter received front Captain Popham, eays^ the Auckland Star., Ihisjletter states that when the vetiel recently signalled that she was short ojE provision", she was only short of flonrj They had a cook on board who could not make decent bread. As fast as it wai made it was thrown overboard. The re* salt was that when sixteen days ont, and nearly 530 miles off Sydney, the flour was nearly gone, and they only had enough bread to last four days. Tbe vessel left Kopu with 2501 bof flour. Captain Popj ham stales that he wai compelled Id stop a pissing ship, as bis orew refused to go short commons for tbe rest of the trip. During a discussion at the Fahiatuk County Counoil meeting on tbe question of Government valuations, Councillor Bolton said that land in this distriot was changing haeds at prices that it was impossible for any man to make a living out of. This was brought about by speculatore, who bought on pa pe-, as low as ten per cent of the purchase money was all that was paid, tbe result being that where little cash was required the price of land wnß raised each time the land changed hands. These fictitious prices gare the valuer a basis to go upon, butjit the same time it was inflicting a hardship on the legitimate farmer who worked bis land. It vtai resolved that the Council should emphetlceffy protest against the manner in which the valuations of country land were made, in so far that valuations were made too frequently. It was also agreed that ai valuer should be apoointed who had a knowledge of the district. Many h . ye testified Rbeumo has permanen'ly oured them from rheumatism, etc , after all other remedies bad failed. All chemists and stores, 2s 6d and 4s 6d. THE LATEST AND XHE BKf X Remedy for Chest Complaints is Dr Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption. It cores when all . else fails. Price Is 6d and 3a. Obtainable at \V. E. Williams', Chemist, Agent. We prefer to sell as low as we can rather than as bigh as we might. Bugs and Blankets— Rugs 4s 6d, 6i 6d, 8* 6d, nnd 9s 6d ; Wirte Blankets for single bed? 12s 6d, 16s 6d, 17s 65, 18s 6d. 22s 6d. Small prices and good goods give us a tremendously large trade all the time. W. M'Kay & Son, The Drapers Bheumo ba3 cured thousands of sufferers from rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lumbago. It will cure you. Try it. All stores aud chemist 3, 2s 6d and 4s 6d A positive cure. Rheumatism. Dr Sheldon's Magnetic Liniment cores more ca*es of rheumatism every yesr than all so-called rheumatism medicines com* bi.ned. It will penetrate to your very bones; soothe and subdue the pain, Tha first application wjll relieve, and contra* ued use effect a permanent cure. Gnarao teed to cur?, or money back. Accept no substitute. Price Is 6d and 3a. ableatW. E. Williams, Chemist, Agent, The cemfort of elderly people depends very largely on keeping the bowels in t healthy condition. After cettain age, muscular weakness causes chronic consti* patioD, a comp'aiot which iuvariably causes serious illness. No' medicine h so safe, pleasant or certain for old people's relief as Chamberlain's Tablets. Try them. They are jiut what yon need. For sale by J. Cheaoey & Co , Wholeaala and Retail.

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West Coast Times, Issue 14141, 18 June 1907, Page 2

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Untitled West Coast Times, Issue 14141, 18 June 1907, Page 2

Untitled West Coast Times, Issue 14141, 18 June 1907, Page 2