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£HE FAMOUS. REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, „ HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. the beginning, & (Jose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. -. BEWARE OF COUGHS 1 REMEMBEB I^ T o^lZ^^ s il E^ T kuLu. .NFLUENZA a*d BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA. SEVERE BRONCHITIS. CONSUMPTION. Ten Years Suf.'erlo* with a Terrible Co««b, Tw« children in one family cared two years Completely cured by Hearno*. Bronchiti* LEAVE HIS BED. " and Wasting Away. a«o by Hearne' 5 Bronchitis Cure. cure * IWW 11 - 1 - IU U " TB " IO Completely Cured by Mearne'. BronchUi. In the best of health now. It acted like magic i,*""*' 1"*1 "* "°* " D ar Hir^Tweive years ago I had a severe at- „ „ to thegreat merits of your wonderful BronchhsCure. J^J 1 Xuf "ree S «o I taSS S tack of Influenza andW&tis, and for ter .years Mr r3^ r % It „ wlth Measure I can say that l^lfl^^^l^tZl&T^t^ S3_JhT At fa?-?! SoiTSS-T-it sevife? but was suflermg with a terible cough and was children, whom you treated two yeais ago has nc^ eg lal h»vmg had ' B"^™,",,* !S«J it gradually got worse, and I became very weak wnsti.g away. I had medical attendance, and /^ medicine for Asthma, are keeping in form it comp letelyj ="«£ me r ™ d "°w J?.'° t e , w^!! and troubled with night sweats, pain in my t.iei various medicines recommended, but with- tho! b | st o f health. They bave never had a sign monthslf lat all contracta cold on the chest It gives and great quantities of phtefim. On several out success, unt.l, on my daughter's recommenda- o f th e Asthma since. V alw ays keep a bottle of me instant relief I have also proved ite efficacy SSo\ ooo a n g X was b lood fn the expectorated r er cc,,>- rree from any .u gh^ **» *~ ™, g-g-U*.^^SfSSOX S-FSS »S^ tOSft xi 6 Shields-street, Flemington, _ suffering humanity.such ava uable medicine. - Sfßronchiuf CuVe and « n t to you "or- a Melbourne. __„-..„,-, roUGH CAUSED * * """w I^rse of thS medicfne. Whfn it arrived, lW • TERRIBLrE COUGH CAUSED NomWhv street Windsor Victoria to iU to leave my bed, but I commenced taking .. ~~.*,« »»..^ u p-^o BY MEASLES. 83 Normanby-street, Windsor. VWtona. d fafrjij improved. lam glad DRY HACKING COUGH FOR D1 •*■ «=•**«'-*•*'• -____»-____. to say that the two low of medicine you sent TWFLVE MONTHS Improved immediately and quickly cured by . " have eflected a complete cure for which accept lYKtuvt fflunms, Hearne'* Bronchitis Cure. ASTHMA. my very best thanka.-Yours gratefully Relieved at once and Completely- Cured by . J. JOL.AIK. Honrne's Bronchitis Cure. Mr. Hearna. Dear Sir,— Please send me by re- Relieved by two doses of tiearno'* Bronchitis Westminster-bridge Road, 8.E., London. turn post one- large bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. " • * . ___________ Other Treatment took no Effect. Cure^ te which pW q Sir.-Having been a SUFFOCATING DRY COUGH Mi W. G. Hearne, was tearing me to^teres. I chanced to have a sufferer lrpm Asthma, I have much pleasure instating p QR TWELVE YEARS. Dear twelve months or more I had a- v uan t ity o f your lironchifs Cure, took one that your Bronchitis Cure afforded me great relief rvf * " 6lil ' Bl diy, hatkns cough on my ciiest that used to d nd iniprove d immediately. I like to al- after taking two doses only. I have since proved entirely removed by five doses Of Hearne'i tioub'e me terribly at night time. I was told, it - ■ . aye some on liand< It , s we i| wort h a jts efficiency in quickly cunng a bad cold and alto- Bronchitis Cure. vvis a touch of Bronchitis. I tried different sorts tes f iinonia i O n account of what it has done for gether my chest feels stronger I can strongly re- ' . o i me licme, which tojk no effect, so I tried your . v are at )ib ert y t0 j^ke use of what I commend it as the best medicine for chest complaints Nc other treatment could even ease It. lir^n hits Cire, which, I have much pleasure in . • w rftten. -This is not the first time it has and coughs, as I have tried them all. Thankingyou f twelve veara a DAVID MATTHEWS, • . __ tete cough paln in th e chest, anci difModewarre, Victoria. BRONCHITIS. % ««•!«•_ ficulty of breathing, etc., were entirely removed COUwrl. by th e fiftb dose of your Bronchitis Cure.— l reMnil|llJ| _ ia A SUfferer M YeafS ° f Ace * Distressing and Hacking Cou.h Completely «■». *. Y™» <*#fifig "SbCKETT BRONCHITIS. Ihoroughly Cured by Two Bottles of Cured by a bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Baker's Swamp P. 0., via Dripstone, N S.W. A Sufferer lor Years Cured by One Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. q s , f _ Last winter my .Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Immediate Relief— Kffect Wonderful. » youngest son Herbert, who is rather weak on the - ct\te VEARR SUPPERER x . ... n . ' ■ „ chest had a dry, distressing, hacking cough, which M PIW& TtM-iO gwrrcntn No other Treatment did any Good. Mr Hearne. Sir.— l haye 1 been very 111 trou bloi the poor little iellow very badly at night Cured by Hearne'3 Bronchitis Cure. »r j 1 » „ ~t with Influenza and Bronchitis A friend of mine t : me T tried many so called panaceas, without any . \ Mr. Hearne. Sir -My daughter ta years °f J™,^ nic to try your Bronchitis Cure. The a^reciable effect/ But after using less than a bottle Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.-Kindly ■ send an-, had a very bad cough that Bad been a great dose me ' immediate relief, and after o??our Bronchitis Cure I am plealed to say that the me one large bottle of your Bronchitis Cure.- I trouble to her for years. I tried ««* cc-ugn fc the second bottle I ara thoroughly cured. oni id was cured and is now quite well, all symptoms am more than pleased with the results ofyonr' remedy I could get. out not one of seemed J Qn me bas been most W o nde rful. I the cong h having entirely 'disappeared. I have wonderiul medicine as a small bottle curedm, ' to do her any good. Then I t^ d n °^/ p °" 1 5 I( °i am 73 years of age. I trast you will make use had much pleasure in recommending your magical little girl, who had been suffering for five yeari your Bronchitis Cure, and she has never coughed am 73 J tement b publishing it forjhe benefi £ecMne t 5 my friends.-Believe me to be, yWs an 4 now Ido not feel safe: to be without it-1 sm c she finished nI am glad to say the effect ° f humanity g ene raliy. Yours most respectfully, £g gratefulllyf R. SHERIDAN KNOWLES, remain, yours respectfuUy, _ MOT __ talt _ , has been w^n^tu'.- Yours, etc., , THOMAS R. TREZISE, ' " Lillieslea." Union-street, AGNES P. KENtfBBY, «■ - Homebu/hJy^N.S.W. Reedy Creek, Victoria. Windsor, Victoria. Bethanga, Virtptb. Small Size 2/6 ; Largo Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, V G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIAN FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. New Zealand Branch Office— Hume's Buildings, Willis Street, Wellington

There's a lot of sorry people about Folks who have bought something on price, and found it DEAE AT^ANY PBICE TTTE want every cyclist to recognise that although our prices for— Cycles, tramps, Bells* and the thousand and one things the cyclist; want', are low WE HAVE NOT AND WILL NOL' SACRIFICE QUALITY. - Come and inppoct orr stock— buy when convinced tut we ars fie right people. F.C.WADEACO ROKITIKA. X your nerves are unstrung, your appetite poor, and you feel tired, don't be tempted into bracing up with an alcoholic mixture, butytake Coca Wine. A scientifically medicated preparation, presenting in a palatable and agreeable form the medicinal properties of the finest Peruvian coca leaves and pure grape wine. This wine has a remarkably calmative effect on brain and nerves. 2/6 PER BOTTLE. Other Health Wines: — Grape Tonic, Orange Quinine, Yin Carno, Port Quinine. All at 2/6 per bottle. ALL STORES AND CHEMISTS. 16 I * "While riding across the bridge to Stratford," says Mr B, Crawford, of Cardiff, N.Z,, "my horse slipped, coming down on my leg and bruising it very badly. As aoon as I got home I bathed the limb in very hot water, and then had Chamberlain's Pain Balm thoroughly rubbed in. Have always been a believer ia this liniment and a*n more so now, for in to days' time the soreness bad nearly disappeared, »Dd within a week I was as fit as ever." For rale by J. Cbeaney & Co, Wholesale and XteUil.

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West Coast Times, Issue 14141, 18 June 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 West Coast Times, Issue 14141, 18 June 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 West Coast Times, Issue 14141, 18 June 1907, Page 4