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iII I % onß _gm_ H-^ ma dm mm /*>■ Km jA . fl The Famous Remedy fo HAS ThE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. THOSE who have taken this medicine are amazed aC its wonderf v influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough. Difficulty of Breathing Hoarnes?, Pain O Sorenes3 in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate reh c ; and to those who are subject to Colds on fhe Cheat it 13 invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giv JDg strength to the voice, aud it neither allows a Couph or Asthma to become cbronicror Consumptionto develop. Consumption have never been known to exist where' Coughs nave been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it; as, taken . at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cv is certain. . • _ DffVA/ADC r"*ET OniJf^Hl^? ftemembßT that every disease has its commencement ,XD C. VV Ant UP V-* uuvang. m^ consumption is no exception to the rule! ... Prepared Only, and Sold Wholesale and Eetail, by the Proprietor— . , * mall si e2i 6d; Largo 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Mnclicine \%? f^\ TTX? AX£ IVTT7 (Til •a. <T\ 1 TT' j. ■' vendors Forwarded by post to any address when not obtain- Vy r VXr JDL HIjCX £\ I^l Hi. l^liemiSt. i*eeiOll£, V lCtOria. ' ale locally. " ' ' ° T MEW ZEALAND 6RANGH OFFICE-COFFEE PALACE BUILDINGS, 217, MORAY PUCE, DUNEDIN..

Britain's /s*>/ fk TA 7 8INCE Lightest /&/ - Bic) cle. y^S~x^ "^ ew departure in : Secy's Cycle Construction. 50 comllStb / N/* V ™ C Z nt more * llbe *5 X^ / Frame than any Diamond 0 0 1 y*Sos> / Frame. , Zu LBS / /4 sSv/ i j/^s^i^X W°'n n^ om pl ete ? with mudguards, I , yv<^^ v/ rall£es an( l free-wheel, 26Jlbs w y^^^/or less. \ /Aw'Jlsrf tola's llsrlito&t. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. • c — C Rudge-Whitworthvgg*;^ \ Next Eelier's Hotel) F. G. Wade, Manager .m. MM.^Fiflftfl[l£fl's»Desire to annonnce to the Public of AND Hokitika and District that they j M. -j-n^ wA-TB are now showing their Early l Our advices from our London Bujer are that the New Goods are the pick of the LonfloD and Continental markets, purchased under very favourable eircumstance3i and we are in a position to afford our customers special advantages. - ' / NEW DRES3 GOODS, NEW GALATEAS, ZEPHYRS AND PRINTS. IVTTjIYfT Special make in WHITEBAIT NET, Extra Strong. "XfT^ %Tk7 IN JCi VV LADIES' & MAIDS' TRIMMED MILLINERY iM Hj YV S I'RAW HATS AND BONNETS, All Shapes. LADIES' KID GLOVES in all makes and sues. OUR TAILORING STAFF is under efficient management and we can guarantee first class work, a good fit, and at a reasonable price. Our New Stock of COATINGS, VICUNIAS, SERGES AND TWEEDS is unrivalled on the Coast. Thomas and W^M&s&iM GREYMOUTH AND BEEFTON.

/?V WEDDING PRESENTS «ijf- BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, CHRISTENING PRESENTS, 6' T-T FAREWaTjOKENS. [f "JL/ jg% splendid Mf ""V y\ AT I ' i HORACE I. LMD'S %fc sJ&ffl MAWHERA QUAY, GBEYMOTJTH T^s|_|P' AND W*™™. GOLD KEEPER SIGNET RING: j^g^i RINGS from 10s from 21s, 255, 304 *3§illiii*^» 6^ to s * 35s> 4^ s * ! HANDSOME AMETHYST BROOCH ITW . ' at Gold, 27s 6d, others, 20s, 22s 6d, 253 *" • T][ L ' 27a 6d, 30s, 32s 6d. HANDSOME, 9ct BIRD BROOC^ set with real pearls, 25s* MIZPAH BROOCH, Solid Silver |MBIJ 1 " W I'l^jH^^ STERLING SILVER LINKS SUITE, 8s 6d 9ct Gold, 355. A. & T. BU£T, lim., MANUFACTURERS OF ' ' rsplciALi?Y N ! ES fOF TH LMP BT M °P ERN DESCRIPTION^ AGE NT S FO R THE "RTJSTOF OIL EN&INE, to be seen at.ottr works, Diinedm. EUGELBIT'S OHS, - ■ TOBJPEDO VENTILATOfiS,* We also stock — GILBEBT'S WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS , ENGINEERS' >& PLUMBERS' BRAS^WORK, &' ALL CLASSES OF SANITARY .(REQUISITES A.* T. BUBI, LTD., DUNEDIN, CHRISTCHURCH, & WELLINGTON

Cures Scalds, Burns, Ulcers, Chilblains' Old Sores, Bruises, Outs, Boils, Chapped Hauds, and heals Everything it Touched SOLD EVERYWHERE. ONLY 6D& IS. BLOOMINE," the great Corn, Wart, and Bunion Cure, trice 6d everywhere* FOUND.— The great antidote for BlobdPoisoningis "SPRING BLOSSOM. ELIXIR." 2s bottle everywhere. SPRING BLOSSOM PILLS; cure Indigestion, Liver, Kidney, ani Stomach troubles. 6d and Is everywhere. ' * Mrs. Lonisa Hawkins's FEMALE PILLS, 3s 6d and 5s ; Steel and Pennyroyal Pills 3s 6d ; Tansy, Pills 5s ; Dr Bloom's Pills 10s ; Blands Pills, 2s 6d ; Prairie Plower Compound, 7s 6d bottle ; or send symptoms and 10s and medicine will be forwarded, by return post, free from observation. Address -MRS L HAWKINS, 106, George Street, Dunedin DR BLOOM'S COMPLEXION PILLS Gives the most beautiful complexion. 4s 6d Bottle ' f DS BLOOM'S " ORANGE BLOSSOM' } Cures all Female Complaints, every lady • can treat herself. One month's treatment lOe. — Either sent free from obser- • vation on receipt of price. \ Address- MRS L, HAW KES S 106 George Street. DUNEEND

The FREEMAN & WALLACE ELECTRO-MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Nine Diplomas and Certificates of Qualification and Registration open for inspection by the Pbysjcian-in-Chief, Dr. Wallace, from tbo Medical Boards of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia. Eiiirliiiul and America. Sir Dominic Cobrigan, Dart , PliTxiciun to tbo late Queen, snys: — " I entertain v hi Oi opinion of Dr. Wallack in regard to his prof.^tionnl qualifications." Late Homoeopathic Hor.;>i;:U. Melbourne, and British ImXJerial Army Medical SfcifT WORTH CONSIDERING. ANYONE reading these lines suffering from protracted cases of Insomnia, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Palpitation, or any form ot Heart Disorders, Sciatica, Nervous* ness, Mental Impairment, Disordered Functions, Degenerated or Enfeebled Constitution, or any Nerve Derange' ments arising from lack of natural nerve force, which results in a hypher^ensitironess of theaertous system with often times disastrous effects in the abape of Paralysis, Epilepsy, Hysteria or St. Vitus' Dance, should write to the FREEMAN & WALLACE Institute of Specialists iv Blood and Nerve Disorders. Professional opinions are tree. The Postal System of the Institute is perfect, and patients can be treated as well in their homes hb it m Sydney. These famous Specialists treat successfully all Disorders of Men— General Debility, and Weakness. A TESTIMONY. Mr. Joseph Megson,Champ!on Cyclist of New South Wales, says :— , "I suffered from nervousness for some time. 1 was on the point of a constitutional breakup more than once. The merits of your Electric 'Invigorator' and your system are beyond Question." (Signed), JOSEPH MECSON. Our Electric "Invigorators" are Electrically Perfect. Tho prices are— Copper-plate, £1 ; Silverplate. £1 10s ; Solid Silver, £3 ; Solid Gold, £10. This instrument contains 2oz. 18-carat gold. We specially recommend our £1 Belt. ' i If you suffer write at once, your nealth may yt regained in a few weeks. Wuot is life to you if health is no longer yours? The Specialists bave been more successful, in the treatment of Chronic Diseases of Men than any association of medical . men in Australia. Medicines posted free to all parts of Australia. ._ HOME TREATMENT. The Specialists' system of parcels poll and correspondence is perfect. You can be treated medically in your own homo by them as well as if you bad visited them. Write a full description ot your ailment, describe your symptoms, ntul in « few days you will obtain from the Specialists full diagnosis and instructions to follow to obtain » cure. ( It will only cost you the price of ono letter to obtain the opinions of the two leading Specialists of Australasia. A MEDICAL VOLUME FOR ONE SHILLING. "CLINICAL EXPERIENCES," a handsomely bound, profusely illustrated, instructive volume, will be forwarded to any Australian address ot. receipt of ONE SHILLING IN STAMPS. It contains 550 pages, with 150 illustrations of th' imm.i.i functions.. It is a WHOLE LIBRARY Ofr t'A OTs No one should be without a copy. Tlie FREE EH AN& WHLLiO^ ELECTRO-MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor, Elizabeth & Bat hurst Streets, SYDNEY, AUSTItALfa. [Please mention this paper when writing.]

Health Is Wealth. * nphe suffering and ailing from failing Health, Nerve Prostration, Atrbplro ' ,• ,1 ity, Sleeplessness, Exhaustion, W k Back, Depression, s Head' Pains i Palpitation, Lack of Energy, Excitable Temperament, Loss of FlesL and >. Debility, Buzzing in Head, Bad Memory, Dizziness, Twitching of Eye Muscles Pimples, Bladder and Kidney Troubles,' and kindred Complaints personally, or by POST FREE; The only Electro-Botanical -Expert advertising w guarantee a THOROUGH OURE. Write, stating your case, aud you will receive ou honest opinion FRE B. You can be treated successfully at your owa horne 1 ; and on vince the most. sceptical T will forward Electrical Appliances and Concentrated tr ea ment on easy terms of payment. Ihousands of testimonials from thoseiwho 'has w ed their time and means can be inspected daily from 10 a.m. till 9 jj ni PiIOSV NOmkNN, me., e.m]g., * 248 OXFOED TfiRRACS,\CERiSTCHTJB,OH. 3rd House East of Baptist Tabernacle.) TESTIMONIAL-: Dunedin, Jan 3, 1902. ' NERVOUS ANXIETY, WEAK VITALITY CURED ' ' ' PROF. NOTMANN. _ , Dear Sir,~Feeling that it will benefit many who have suffered as myself. T *hare pleasure in stating that you have cured me, after all else failed. Three months' ago my life was a burden . I had little to live for, I was so weak," thin and miserable. I - am getting along splendidly ; health and strength has returned ; work is a pleasure* my eyea are bright' the dark rines have disappeared, and I have cot auite fat Youfr sincerely.— W. R. MACDONALD. , , H ' F I THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE I ' '' And tAbAbmoub Institute , op Technologyh Appreciating that the work of instructing our. stndents can be carried on more 'effici. ently in connection -with", a great resident Technical School, the/American School has* • completed arrangements with the management of the Armour Institute < of Technology* h Chicago, whereby .the American School will be removed to Cfiicajgo, and' the faculty of | the Armour Institute of. Technology co-operates with the faculty, of our.Schbol in the I instruction of students. This arrangement increases the value,of a scholarship' ten fold. All work done in the American School counts towards a aegree'of Batchelor of Sfeience at the Armour Institute of Technology. The School has made remarkable progress in Australasia,during the, .past year, and m consequence of the amalgamation of these two - great schools we'are now prepared to receive students for Electrical, Mechanical, J Mechanical-Electrical/Stationary,' Marine Locomotive, Textile and Sanitary Engineering as well as for the new courses in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Navigation, Architectural and Perspective Drawing, Sheet Metal Pattern Drafting/ Telegraphy and all branches of Textile work. THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE. " * (192 Queen Street, Auckland. Head "office for Australasia.) Write for free illustrated.Handbook H and N.Z. testhnoniais. Specimen Instruction Pap j ri^? ny En g me ? rin, (stamps). We also teach by mail Pitman's Shorthand, Elementary and .^Advanced Book keeping, Languages, and Coach for the Civil "Service, University, Pupil Teachers' and 1) and E. Book-keeping • for Farmers- "and - others commended by Judge Kettle 2s 6d. (stamps) When writing mention subjects in which you are interested. • - •

SADDLERY SADDLERY A. W. YARRALL & GO, (Successors to C. Horgah) ISADDLERB & HARNESS 'MAKERS REVELL G TREET, HOKITIKA. BEG respectfully to acquaint theii fliends and the public generally that they have a large htock of Saddlery and Harness of every description, an eluding Single and Double-reined Bridle^ Breaßt-plates, Leather and Web Girths,Nickle spurs, Driving &' Riding Wh s etc. A large variety of Saddles, to choose from.' Please note this— : By purchasing a saddle from us you can have it ,R,E-' STUFFED FREE OJf CHARGE? which is a clear saving to you, as all new saddles require re-etaffiing,' - . , We can also .supply Horae Cover scrapped according to customers' wishes Yarmouth and Colonial Oilskins oo hand HARNESS OF ALL DESCRIPTION? MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRS caiefully and promptly doi^e

TO OLD AND NEW FRIEKDS AND RESIDENTS OF AND VISITORS TO GREYMOUTH. MR JAMES BRIMBLE, Respectfully announces the completion of the'riew Duke of JEdMburgh COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL . (Corner of Hospital and Albert Streets, (xreymouth), upon the site of the old hotel, established in 1865 by the late James Brimble, snr. The new hotel in design, finish and accommodation is unaurpassed in Westland, the furniture 'is new and of the best and most comfortable nature procurable, the table (under the personal direction of Mrii i Brimble) is equal to the best in She colony, and the Wines. Spirits, Ales.' Beer, &c, are of the purest and beat quality. Sanitary arrangements, Bath Rooms, Fire Escapes, &c, are perfect: The Tariff ii moderate and offers vantages. Inspection is cordially invited and all visitors will receive a hearty arid genuine welcome. _ • WADE'S WORM FIGS , are . must effective and not unpleasant '; children hrive after taking them. Price Is.

THE GREYMOUTH-POINT ELIZABETH RAILWAY ANDGOALi COMPANY, LTD. . MARK SPROT & CO, Hokirifea, have been APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS for the, above Company and aie prepared to supply BRUNNEB COAL at the following prices delivered. a tbejjmine :—: — Screened per ton ... 15s Unscreened „ ... xis" Nuts „ .„ i 2' s ' J«w . ■ •„ ..." 8s Slack „ . ,;, 7SI7 Sl Bagging Coal 2s per ton extra. AH accounts to be strictly monthly and 1 guaranteed.- Bags extra. The quality of Brunner Coal for steaming purposes is unsurpassed in the district. and Dredgemasters/ and; others interested are invited to apply for particulars of tests and other information to the Mining Manager, Brunner ton E. G. PlLCHEß,' Manager. Qreymouth - Point SHzabeth Bailway CJoal' Company, Limited

[Established 1865] I F. ECKMANN REVELL STREET, HOKITIKA. THE PREMIER COACHBUILDER, WHEELWRIGHT & BLACKSMITH BEGS TO THANK the people of Westland for their patronage duriug the laat 36 years, and, in doing so, he assures .them that they will be served by him in the future as they have been in the past. * BANK OF N,Z. BUILDINGS. G ARROW & STEWART . Sharebrokers I 88 Bank Buildings, ] .:.~ DUNEDIN ' T.elegraph aidress— " Garrow," Dunedin

"PHOTOGRAPHY— Cameras, all sizes, JT for professionals and ameteurs. We stock Cooke Lenses and other makers, Magic Lanterns and Limelight Apparatus Acetylene Generators and burners fitted to mag'c lanterns. Every information to intending purchasers. A full • stock of- > Plates, Printing-out^Papers and Bromide lerding brands, and all Photographic and Lantern Material. E.BEARDSLEY AND SON; 87, Manchester Street, Christchurcb. FOUND. — "Parker's Hair Tonic! Cures Dandruff and Falling Hair ' renders, hair soft and elcssy . Sold by all chemists,. 2a 6d, posted, 3a, '

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West Coast Times, Issue 12345, 29 October 1902, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 West Coast Times, Issue 12345, 29 October 1902, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 West Coast Times, Issue 12345, 29 October 1902, Page 4