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In accordance with the resolution passed by the Borough Council, the ratepayers will shortly be called upon to cast their vote in favour ot or against the borrowing proposals of the Council. The subject has already been pretty thorough ly ventilated, both in tho Council's discussions and in the public press', and the citizen's have had every opportunity of forming an intelligent opinion on the merits of the question. Of the necessity for a loan, we think there can only be one opinion, as the time has corao when the town can no longer stand still in the matter of the important public works for which it is proposed to Lonow. The primary idea in obtaining n oney from Government at such alow rate of interest (including sinning fund), as shall in cur case mean no addi ional taxation, is to inaugurate an adequate system of diainage and sanitation, and in the present state of public health in the Colony the want of thorough drainage here presses bn us with the greatest urgency. With the plague threatening us, and small pox already at our doors it behoves us to put ear house in order without delay and the Council's proposals are the readiest and only available means of accomplishing this.

The works contemplated in undeitaking tho loan have not as yet been scheduled, but we understand they ai c to be the groundwork of a complete scheme of diainage and sanitation. Until cha Council disclose their proposals in this respocb there is no room for discussion «,f them and they will be awaited with interest by the public. Some time ago the Council appointed a joint committee of the municipal body and the citizens, but so far nothing has been heard of their deliberations. The good offices of that committee could be called iuto requisition now with valuable effect. To inaugurate a drainage scheme and water supply and carry out the whole of the work at once would iuvolve a very heavy expenditure, more than tbe Borough could undertake, the estimite for these works being about £20,000. Half of that sum would, however, accomplish a great deal in tbat direction and we believe the majority o£ the rattdayers would have preferred to see a scheme involving £10,003 gone ia for than the amount it ia proposed to borrow. A water supply is such an essential pa) t of a drainage scheme that it is difficult to see bow some means of bringicg water to the town can be left out of the proposed works. To do this, however, would require more money than the Council propose at present to borrow and for tha£ reason wo would have preferred to have seen"£lo,ooo raised. The combined committee of the Council and citizens will, however, doubtless look into the matter in all itd bearings and the Councl may, we think, feel asaured of the hearty support of the ratepayers in such a forward movement as they contemplate when their proposals are placed before tbe citizens.

Mr T Treblico, representing Messrs Archibald Clark & Sons Ltd of Wellington, will visit this district shortly. The firm make a speciality of the well known " Zealaodia ". shirts which are stated by experts to be amongst the best shirts in tha market and they will be stocked with the leading drapers during Mr Trebilico's visit.

Tho Hokuika Bia's Band, under Band master Perry, have organised a, band concert for the benefit ot the patients at the Hospital to take place this evening. Besides a number of band selections several of our rao3t popular vocalists hive promised their assistance so that Ihe patients may look forward to an unusual treat.

The concert at Kanieri for the benefit of thb Acclimatisation Society which takes place to-morrow evening will be au event of unusual interest. An excellent programme, in which a number of the best local amateurs are taking part has been organised. It includes songs, tableaux, instrumental solos and many other attractive i' ems. ■ The Acclimatisation Society's concerts are always popular so tint a crowded audieuca may be expected.

A statutory meeting of the Borough Council was held at noon yesterday. Present— His Worship the Mayor, Cra A mberger, Clarke, Dee aud K2ller. The Mayor stated the meeting was for the purpose of certifying and approving the annual balance sheet for the year ended 31st March. Tha balance sheet and auditors leport was laid before the Council and the meeting adjourned until Friday evening, to give time for a reply from the audicor General aa to two iteni3 on balance sheet to which exceptipjjiwas taken.

We * have received from Mr Arthur Seed, special representative ot the "M. LA."— the August number of " The Mutual Life Chronicle '* in which we find much of. interest bo the menib rs and others interested in thia progressive institution. Besides the usual list of acknowledgements fot " Prompt Settlements" and English Piess notices of the last annual report there is in tha " Personal Items " notice congratulating Mr J C. Remington— Geaeral Man»ger of tneM.LA — upon his fourth fcuccessive election as Grand Master of the Free Majoas g| J(ew Soitfa Wafts,

Owing to the state of the tides the Jane Dougias will uot leave Okirito before Saturday or Sunday next.

Constable McGlone, well known in Greymouth and Kumara, has beeu transferred from Ohristchurch to Charleston district.

The Committee appointed to carry out ths Corona.ion Celebratioos at Kanieri met on Monday las-t when it was decided to hold sports and give prizes to the children on Saturday afternoon, the 16th inst.

The aecond day's races of the Grand Nation*! meeting take place at Riccarton to day. The principal event is the National Huidloa, and the winner should come from Long Tom, Tresfiam and Haydn.

Connoisseurs of tea seem to be taking kindly to the ''Nectar" one of (he latest and choicf.^l blends. Messrs W. Gregg & Co, mere': irs-s Duncdi' draw attention to it elsewhere in tins issue. Mr Jas Toomey, B«-vell S reet is the local Agent.

■ Afr W Svuut .an, hon a oinfc-iry of the G«»l<lsi>uroiJi;h baud, written to the H kr.ika Corona.ion Com »i' tee, exprising the unanimous thanks of the ■it tubers of the band for tho k'n-i cour tto'is :ind sociable manror in which the tjand was entertained during tlmr stay in Uokitika on Saturday hist.

Fist-whore Mr II L. Michtl returns bis suic re thiit.k* to the members of the W«ht'and School CnumiiUees who contributed to his succ< e s at the recent poll for the election of three members of the Westland Board of Education. It is worthy of note, that ou^ of 86 (individual) votes recorded no less than 79 were cast in his favour.

The liiterary merits of the two lo«al papers were discussed at last night's Manticultural meeting. Mr W Shannon was in the chair. The leading; speakers were the Rev T A Richards, Mrs West' brook, Miss Martyn and Mr Rickards. The discussion was extensive, one member in particular, subjecting certain articles to a scathing criticism. Next evening a debate " Are Coloured Emigrants Desirable," will be undertaken.

It is said that some men will face the enemy's guns in an action and run at the sight of a mouse. This is well exemplified by a well known ardent volunteer, who doss not live one hundred mile* from the Kanieri. He w engaged presently at Kokatahi supervising borue farm work, and by way of protection and means of avoiding the attention .]of the cows that supply the Koiterangi creamery, he carrie 3 a ladder about wtth him, which he promptly sc»les into the to'pcnoat boughs of the moat convenient ires when be 3ees the forai of one of the above animals looming in the distance.

The concert next waok in aid o£ Dr Birnado's homes, is sure to attract a large attendance. A most attractive programme is being prepared, and the entertainment promises to b« a great success. Mr and Mrs W. B. Cadzow of Greyoaouth are kindly assisting Our old friends are as succjssf ul a3 ever, as witness the following culled from the Grey Star report of the patriotic concert last Saturday night -.— " The great success of the evening was Mr Oadzow, and we never heard !,him to better advantage. •' The King's Letter " was a pronounced success and in response to the vociferous encore^gaveV The Minslrel Buy. ("But it was in his second selection that Mr Cadzow scoied in Brahatn's grand old song " The Death of Nelson " Encores followed encores till " The March of the Cameron Men," " Bid* me to Love," '' The Wearing of the Green " wore Mr Cadzow out and he could not be drawn any more. The pianoforte solo " Erin " by Mrs Cadzow was a splendid perform* ance and as a pianist, Mrs Cadzow has not an equal iv Greymouth, perhapa on (he West Coast. She fully deserved the applause sho received.

The County Council meetings are earning an unenviable notoriety for ''scenes" and yesterday's meeting was not allowed to pass without the usual altercations and recriminations. It is unf .»r to charge the whole of the Council with the responsibility cf such unseemly behaviour and as a matter of fact tha members with one exception seldom, if ever, forget the COUrteBies due/ amongst gentlemen espe cially when acting in a public capacity. Councillor Baucke 13, however, a g-css offander in this respect. Yesterday, he hurled charges at the Chairman, he interiupted members in a rude manner, and proclaimed his own virtuous in tentions at the expense of the other members. Councillor Baucke can hope to maintain litUe influence' in or out of the Council by this sorb of conduct as it is ridiculous for him to attempt to make bis constituents believe that be is the only member who is acting in tha interests of the public on the Council. We trust that he will see that as well as injuring the diguity of the Council, he is only making himself ridiculous by such a course of action aad that he will restrain himself within the-- limits of decorum when acting in his public capacity as councillor.

If Tour Childken are subjesb to croups wfctch for the first symptom of tha diserse — hoarseness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soou as the child becomes hoarse, the attack can be averted. Even after the croupy cough has appeared the attack can always be prevented by giving this remedy. It is al.-o invaluable foi colds and , whooping cough. It always cures and cures quickly. J Chssney & Co, Wholesale Agents sell it. The -'Handy Man's" a jolly fellow, Bs it war or be it peace ; And he's not the first to bellow Thafc all fighting ought to cease. Although his life's in danger ever, Against Odd hsalth he should ensure ; To cure all colds is our endeavour „ ' With the WOODS' GftEAl PEPPERM IN URE. HOW TO STOP A COUGH. A simple but effective-remedy is the following : ". Brea:hiug through the nosirils, inhale a full breath as slowly as is possible without cau&ing fatigue. Expel the breath in lbs saoia manner and repeat! the operation ten times." This will stop the coughing for about a quarter of an hour. Take a dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy during this lull and the medicine will have a better opportunity to act and will speedily effect a complete cuie. It always cures and cures quickly. — J Chesney <k Co, Wholesale Agents, sell it.

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West Coast Times, Issue 12281, 14 August 1902, Page 2

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West Coast Times. THURSDAY, AUGUST U, 1902 THE BOROUGH LOAN. West Coast Times, Issue 12281, 14 August 1902, Page 2

West Coast Times. THURSDAY, AUGUST U, 1902 THE BOROUGH LOAN. West Coast Times, Issue 12281, 14 August 1902, Page 2