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(by electric telegram.) Fkibay, August 28. — 9 a.m. Wi:T.T.i:s'GTO2f. — Wind, calm. Barometer,

3039 ; thermometer, 43. Weather, Gne. N>:lsox. — "Wiiul, calm-. Barometer, 3025 ; thermometer, 45. Weather, fine. Bhssheim— Wind, W., light. Barometer, 3026; thermometer, 52. Weather, fine. Ltttei/ton. — Wiud,TSr.E , light. Barometer, 80 28 ; thermometer, 44. Weather, cloudy. TiiiARU. — Wind, calm. Barometer, 30*28 ; thermometer, 42. Weather, fine; sea, calm. CiutiSTCHimcir. — Wind, calm. Barometer, 3025 ; thermometer, 50. Wealher, fine. — Wisid, calm. Weather, fine; river, low. GireYMOurn. — Wind,N.E , light. Weathei', fine ; bar, good. Dpxedix. — Wind, S.E., light. Barometer, 30*13 ; thermometer, 47- Weather, fine. Pokt CiiAT.xrERS. — Wind. N.E., lighK "Barometer, 3015 ; thermometer, 43. Weather, fino. Bluff. — \\ hid, W., light. Barometer, 3o-13. Weather, overcast.


Per Riingiloto, from Melbourne. — 1 1 cases fruit. Dunning Brothers ; 2 ca3es, Glynn and Ingles ; 2 cases books, Civrar and Co ; 2 cases, oriier ; 4 hhds eggs, Linkc ; 3 cases leather, Fowler ; L trunk, 2 cases boots, Davidson and Co ; 2 ca-es, M'Beath ; 1 case, 1 bale, Louisson ; 1<?, 2 cases, 1 truss drapery, J. ilanson; 1 case stationery, Bank New Zealand ; 1 ca*e, 1 truss, J. Manson ; 5 cases printing materials, Brown and Co ; 4 cases boots, Mulligan and Co ; 2 trunks, order ; 1 truuk, M'Beuth ; 1 trunk, 3 cases, Davidson and Tuck j 3 casee, Htirdcastlc ; 1 package, Williams ; 1 package, Kawson ; 1 package, Virtue ; 1 package, Harvey ; 1 package, Cooper ; 1 package, Mendershnusen. Per Charles Edward, from Nelson, &c. — 43 camp ovens, N. Edwards and Co ; 102 bags potatoes, 13 bags turnips, Boyle ; 1 case drugs, Arming ; 2 packages leather, Morish ; 20 cases eggs, P. Edwards and Co ; I bale leather, Collar ; 1 keg butter, Jones ; 1 box plants, Hughes ; 6 cases, 2 cusks, 1 barrel, 1 drum., 1 ptuskags plant 3, orderj 1 pack.ige plants, Koberts ; 1 blacking, N. Edwards and Co ; 1 ca3«, Bunk of New Zealand ; 11 pieces iron, order; 1 trunk, o p'ckages, N. Edwaros and Co.

Per Heron, from Uobart Town — 150- bags flour, 200 do bran,-3O do peas, 87 baits chaff, 200 cases fruit, 3 do eggs, 40 bags carrots, 20 do onions-, 2000 palings, 2!) pigs, o crates poultry, 1 bag, 1 case, herb,', 6 bales hay, W. Fisher;- 42 easo3 j;wn, 40 do fruit, 2 do egs?3, Caroy .and Grilles ; 1 egg*, Wickons ; 74 bags potatoes, iiascs, Jackson ;.4O cases -fruit ; Carey and Gilles ; 6 bags seeds, Bronklehurst; 134 cases jiim, 200 cases fruit, W. lusher j- 87 rises fruit, 73 bales chatT, 4 crates poultry, 1 box pigeons, d boxes Vifs, 2do egss, Peak ; 1 box iierbs, Brown. •


Per Rangityfco, for London — 410Soz 4d\vt gold, Bank Now Zdaliinit ; 1 box, Upham. Per Chnrlos E-lcvard, for Greyinouth— -10 packages, Foley ; 7 packages hardware-, read' die, Hall and Co ; 1 package cigars, Meudclsson/;" 2 packages cig-icd, Menctei'shauuo'n." Per 'Persevere,, for .Greymouth— 27 kegs^ butter, Carey and Gilles ; S packages, tobacco, ; Marks and Co ; 8 hlids ale, Pizzey and Co ; 1 bag specie, Bank Now Zealand ; 1 package cigars, Men^ersliauaen, ' 7 ? ' ' .' '

The steamer Persevere left port yeaferday evening for Greyrnoulh, find ek'u.-ed tho rivor in capital etyle, albeit tho channel was both intricate and shallow. She will return here i\j time to tender the Panama Company's efcenmer-Egmont on Sunday morning. Messrs N. Edwards and Co.'s fine s-f earner the Charles Edward took her departure last evening, en route for Manukau, via Nelson and West Coast ports. She was crowded with passengers, of whom the majority avc proceeding to tho Auckland goMfieUls. Wo have been informed by tho agent thai the steamship Egmont loft Wellington .for Groymouth on Iho afternoon of th<j 27th. She' will be tendered at Greymouth to-day, and will immediately come on here, when, after shipping and transhipping passengers and curgo, she proceeds direct to Sydney toino:rovr morning at 7 o'clock. Passengers should, therefore, take out their f ickets to-d:iy.

We have before announced in a telegram, doted Bombay, Slay 9, the total loss by fire of tho ship Living Ago, outward bound to India. Tho ship, which was about 1800 tons register, and was eouiiniitidud by Captain M'Cluro, sailed from North Shields, for Bombay, with a cargo of 2075 tons of coals, on the 3ls'u October l.Lsfc, and when in latitude 2 - 9 N., longitude 655 E., was found to be on lire. The attention of tho mate was first called to smoke issuing from tho lazarette at five a.m. of tho 13th April, aud at eight a.m. large volumes were pouring from the quarter and main hatches. At noon the boats, four in number, were lowered and provisioned, but kept alongside the ship until 6 p.m. on thellth, when an explosion having taken place, and tho fore, main, and mizen masts having gone over the side, and tho vessel being burnt to the water's edge, tho captain gave orders to leave the ship. One boat contained the captain, stewardess, cook, sail maker, and two seamen ; another the second male ami five seamen ; the third, the third mate and one seaman; the fourth, Mr Smith (chief mate), the carpenter, and seven seamen, these being the portion of the crew who arrived at Cochin, and were brought from that port hy the Cashmere. The boats kept company until 9 p.m. on the 15th, at wliich time there w:is a fine brecve from S.W., bufc which shifted tit midnight to N.W. On the morning of tho 17th they saw a vessel standing to the north war.l, but wej-e unable to attract her attention. On Friday, the 2<Jlh, they saw an island, upon which they landed, remaining on it till the following day, dining 'which time they repaired the bout ami sails, and obtained a supply of water. O:i the evening of the 29ih Cochin Light wns observrd bearing east, and on. the following morning they got safe to Cochin, where they met with every kindness, and on the arrival of the Cashmere were received on board that steamer and treated with hospitality. -Of the other three boats nothing is known, but it is hoped, the weather having been fine, thab they may have been observed by passing vessels, or made sonic other ports along the coast. — " Liverpool Courier,'' June 12.

The p.s. Bruce, which has for some time been undergoing repairs on M'Kinnon's slip at Port Chalmers, consequent on damages sustained during her long sojourn on tiie West Coast, and on her passage hither, was launched on Saturday. The launch, however, took place leu minutes before everything would have been ready for cutting. The cradles were secured with lashings in the usual way, aad several dogs, also, fastened them to the ways ; however, through vibration of the tidal wave or some other influence which affected the Harbor on Saturday, tho lashings were hauled adrift, the dogs flew out, and the vessel glided into tha water without let or hindrance, and was moored alongside the hulk Thomas and Henry, Tho Bruco will proceud to Dunedtn previous to again starting on coastal traffic. — "Otugo Times," August 17.

The disturbing influence which commenced ou the coast on Saturday last is being still noticed iv our Harbor, but to a less extent ; and as was supposed in Monday's issue, tho sudden rise and full of Saturday has had a beneficial effect in deepening and widening the channel iv close proximity to the inner bar. Careful soundings have beeu taken, and iv no place hus there been found less than eighteen feet at dead low waler, while previous to Saturday there was only fifteen feet. There is, however, a slight sand spit jutting out between the two lower red buoys, on which a small buoy will be placed. On the opposite or black buoy side a much greater width of channel and depth of water has been obtained, which far more than compensates for the small spit mentioned. The so-called inuer bar has also eighteen feet at low water. — " Otago Times," Aug. 10.

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West Coast Times, Issue 916, 29 August 1868, Page 2

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WIND AND WEATHER REPORT. West Coast Times, Issue 916, 29 August 1868, Page 2

WIND AND WEATHER REPORT. West Coast Times, Issue 916, 29 August 1868, Page 2