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Pout Cjialjiees. — Arrived, August 27, 7 a.m., Rifleman, from Chatham Islands. Sailed,

Ltttelto:?. — Sailed, August 2fi, 0 30 p.m., Lord Ashley, s., for Chatham Islands ; August 27, 1.30 p.m , John Knox, for Sydney. Ghexjiouth. — Sailed, August 27, 3 p.m., Charles Edward, s., for Hokitika.

For the information of intending pusscnge: s to Panama, New York, California, and Southampton, by the Muhuura, which leaves Wellington on tl.eßih proximo, we are authorised by the agent to sta< c that passengers who may book at any time up to Thursday, 3rd pros., will be forwarded to Wellington, to connect with the Mataura, cither by a local steamer or by coach via Christ eh uivh. Some of the passengers for the Mataura have remained here to nvail themselves of this extension of time, instead of proceeding to Wellington in the Hangitoto.

The P.N Z. and A.E..M. Co.'s s.s. Eangitoto left Saudridge Bay Railwny Pier at 4 o'clock on the 21st instant, passed Port Philip HeatJs at 6.30 p.m. wilh fresh S.W. breeze and thick rainy weather, and cleaved Bass's Straits at 3 p.m. nest day. During the iirst two days, strong westerly winds and cloudy weather prevailed, und then (on the 24th) the wifld fell light and hauled into the S.E., keeping there until tho roadstead was reached at 7 p.m. on the 2Gth, land having been first sighted early ou the morning of that day. The Rangitoto brings sixty-one passengers for this port and ten tons of cargo. Sho was tendered yesterday morning by Robinson's surf boat, which made t<vo trips to her, landing twenty-threo passengers, and in the afternoon by the steamer Persevere, which conveyed outward passengers oi board, and 3998 ounces of gold shipped by. the Bunk of New Zealand for ti.insmission to London via Panama. Tne Riiingitoto left tho roadstead last night for. NTelson and Wellington.

Favored by a fresh N. W. breeze and smooth sea, the ketch Brothers and Sisters made a successful ci.try into port under canvas yesterday afternoon. .Keeping the South Spit beacon well aboard, she crossed the beautil'ully, and fetched well up tho long reach between the spits, but keeping rither too close io tlu South Spit she grounded, and stuck fast for a few moments. Promptly launching his boat, Captain Perkins fenfc a lino to the North Beach, where a largo crowd hurl assembled to w:iteh proceedings, mul (as :-s: -s always tho case here) ready to render if required. This instance afforded no oxevption to the rule, as a hundred willing hands tailed on lo tho line, and soon !ud the little craft ailoat isgain. Tiic Brothers and Sist-jra has a quantity of cargo on board tvansLipped from the schooner Heron. It, is;o!tir!es fruit and ;i dcck-los-.l of pigs and other live stock, all of which » ill be offered at auction to-day by Ms G. W. Binney. A topsail schooner, supposed to be the Eambler, from Netvcns'le via Westport, was sighted to tho northwards yesterday afternoon, and by sunset had approached to within a mile or two of the anchorage. We have to thank the purser of tho steamer Eangitoto for full files of Melbourne papers. As regards shipping, their contents are unimporlanl. We notice that the brigantino Mary, fr>m Westporh, arrived at Newcastle on the 18ih instant. Tho Gchoouers Ocean Wave and Waterman were notified to sail positively for this port and the liulier respectively, the first on Ihe IDth, tho second on the 21st, but they were not reported as having either cleared out or sailed. Tho brigantines Mary and Ceres were on the berth for the Buller, tho briguntino Leonidas snvl brig Clarendon were advert'sed for Greymouth, and the Anne M-;oro and Sarah and Mary for Hokitika.

Again we have occasion to notice <he enterprise displayed by Messrs. N. Edwards & Co., who, not to be deterred by even more than tho ordinary risk that is attended to working tho bar, nnd moreover determine to keep up the communication lh-y have so long and so faithfully maintained with Ilokitiku, have sent tip tlieir fine steamer, the Chnrlet Edward, under or dm to fetch the wharf if there was a possibility of so doiiig. Much was left to the discretion of Mr llcnlcrsoi), thtf firm's representative at Westport, ami he, hiving ascertaineJ from tho report of tho Harbor Master who surveyed the channel yoeUTilay morning, that the bw might not only bo worked, but worked easily by tho Charies Edwur:l, telegraphed to Greymoulh, v.'iieiv ilic was lying, and ordered her to proceed. Sho accordingly loft l!io Urer, uiul arrived otf the bar at five o'clock in the afternoon. Having taken a good look at the entrance, Cup tain Palmer headed siis vess. 1 ! for siioiv, and cleverly threaded the rather avvtwird channel the bar, without onco touching g.Muml. She ran through tho lomj reach between :!ie .^plis in splendid stylo, until nearly abreash Spence'a right-of-way, where she unfortunately grounded on tho North biiuro. Instant measures were taken to get her afloat again by running a line and anchor to the Soutli Spit, but the tido having turned, ajid, by fhi? {i<ne wai ebbjug fr?ely, tho

attempt to heavo her off proved abortive. She lay quietly and in perfect safety until this morning, when the flowing tido flouted her, and then she bteamed to the wharf. Tho Charles Edward left Nelson at 2.30 p.m. on Monday last, und inside a splendid run of nineteen and a half hours to Westport, against a strong S.W. breeze and sea. Lnndcd ten passengers and twenty tons of cargo at Westport, and left again at 5 a.m. on Wednesday morning ; arrived iv tho Grey ronds at noon, and crossed the bar at 3 p.m. Disembarked thiilecn passengers (seven of them for Hokitika) and ten lons ot eargn, and continued lut voyage :;t 3 p.m. yesterday, arriving here as above. She brings up twenty tons of cargo, and positively haves for Mauukau (Auckland Goldfield^, calling at Nelson an J intermediate port', at five o'clock this iifternoon. That surf-boats may be used to advantage at this port wjs amply demonstrated yesterday morning, by what may in truth be regarded a3 a feat on the part of Mr Robinson, of Lagoon Town, who manned the splendid boat lie built some time ago with a crew of experienced boatmen, and proceeded lo (he roadsteud, to lender the Rungiloto. Mr Grey, of HM. Customs, accompanied the boat, the stroke oar being pulled by Air James Tear, one of the survivors of the unfortunate General Granl's crew, and who for many months acted as pilot at Hokitika in the year 1865. The boat crossed the bur with psi-feet ease, and iv due time reached the Kaugitoto, and having taken on board eleven passengers, returned to shore, and l&:ulctl lhcu\ dry-footed on the beach, about, half-a-mile north of the ba' 1 . Amongst the new arrivals, wo noticed Mr and Mrs Hardcastle, and Mr Dixon, of the firm of Mace and Dixon. Encouraged by the successful result of the first trip, Mr Robinson again pub off to the Rangitoto, and brought another load of twelve passmgers ashore, including four females. To (he thouglitfulnc-s of Mr Grey we aro indebted for the receipt of our Melbourne files, which otherwise would not have reached us until to-day. The brig Mary Grant, which was stranded ot Belfast some weeks ago, and brought round to this port for repair, has had a thorough overhaul and relit at tho floating dock, Salt- , water River. Durinz her Btfiy in the dock sho has been materially strengthened, and rendered quite fit for active service again. — Melbourne " Argu?." August, 12. The steamer Omeo cleared out at the Customs yesterday for Maryborough, and lcfc the Queen's "Wharf in the afternoon. The rush to the Gympia goldfk'Jd seems for the present to have subsided, as thwv Viere only about. ! eighty or ninety passengers who proeoi-dod in j her to Queonslaud. — "Argu*," August 19. The Repairs to the lI.M 8. Bombay. — The Peninsular and Oriental Company's s.s. 1 Bombay left her moorings punctually at nine a.m. yesterday, with II.M. Mails. It was uncertain until Wednesday whether tho Bombay would have been despatched tins mouth, as she has hud to be fitted with a ne\v screwshaft, in consequence of a defect being discovered in the oi:e on board ; but although the order was only given lo Messrs Thomas M* Arthur and Go. for the new one on the 30th ulfc., it was made and fitted up to enable the Bombay to make a satisfactory trial trip on tho 12th instant, being interesting evidence of ability to accomplish such a heavy job in this port. It may be added that ifc has been found necessary lo work incessantly on shore and on board tho ship to accomplish this, and if any ditlieulty had arisen tho Geelong would have taken the mails, this ship having been docked, painted, and coaled since arriving here at midnight of 7tli inst, with a view to despatching her if necessary. — " Sydney morning Herald," August 1-i.

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West Coast Times, Issue 915, 28 August 1868, Page 2

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TELEGRAMS. West Coast Times, Issue 915, 28 August 1868, Page 2

TELEGRAMS. West Coast Times, Issue 915, 28 August 1868, Page 2