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(from the abgus teltsgbams.) VICTORIA. Warrsambool, Aug. 20. The brigantine Dart went ashore this morning, her tackle having proved defective. The crew were saved. The weather is now moderate, and the wind light from the south-east. Efforts are being made to float the Dart, which has seventy tons of potatoes on board. Eight other vessels are riding at anchor safely, but the swell prevents them taking in cargo. The marine surveyor of the Southern Insurance Company is coining here by the Penoia to-morrow. Belfast, Aug. 18. The daughter of Mr Morton, of Yangery, near Kororoit, a child only two years of age, has been missing since Saturday. The country in every direction around Yangery has been searched for. the last two days by 200 horsemen without discovering any trace of the missing wanderer. What makes the circumstance all the more strange is that the child was missed only fifteen minutes after straying, so that it could not have gone far before the alarm was given. Pokt Albert, Aug. 17. The paddle steamer Francis Cadell, Captain Lindsay, master, bound from Port Adelaide for Brisbane, put in here to-day for coals. All well. Jamiesox. Aug. 14. The books and effects of the Borough Council were seized to-day, under a writ of fifa of the Supreme Court, granted at the instance of Mr Andrew Caldwell, late Town Clerk, to enforce payment of a verdict for about £100 obtained by him against the Council for illegal dismissal from office. Aug. 17. The fi fa issued at the suit of the Town Clerk is satisfied, and the bailiff out of the Council Chambers. A good deal of sympathy is expressed by the ratepayers for Mr Caldwell, on account of the manner in which the Council has hitherto evaded payment of his claims. SYDNEY. Tuesday, August 11. His Excellency the Governor has received a despatch from the British consul at Fiji, stating that King Thakambau repudiates the treaty, entered into with Mr Brewer on behalf of the Fiji and Melbourne Banking and Trading Company, on the grounds that he did not understand the meaning of the document which, lie signed in presence of the agents on board the Albion. At the annual meeting of the Church Society, the report read showed that the receipts during the year amounted to the sum of £10,769. Information has been received by the mail that in London several thousands of pounds have been subscribed for the Alfred Memorial Hospital. Parliament has been further prorogued to September 15, and will probably meet for the despatch of business towards the end of the same month. At auction to-day, Californian flour, slightly damaged, was sold at £15 7s 6d. The markets are quiet. The ship J. M. Joshua narrowly escaped wreck on entering Newcastle yesterday. Arrived. — Agnes Rose and Damascus, from London; Phillis, from Warrnambool; Salacia, from Saigon. Sailed. — Liberator, for London; You Yangs, for Melbourne ; Australia, for Fiji; and City of Hobarfc, for Hobarfc Town. August 12. Major Blackall, the new Governor of Queensland, left by the steamer to-day for Brisbane. At the Criminal Sessions, William Purcell was found " Guilty" of a capital offence, and sentenced to death. Samuel Nelson, found " Guilty" of indecent assault, was sentenced to two years' hard labor on the roads of the colony. The Government intend enforcing the provisions of the Treason Felony Act, pending the action of the Imperial Government thereon. The captain of the Damascus, when in the tropics, spoke the ship Superior, bound to Melbourne, Arrived. — Alexandra, s.s. and Dcr went, from Melbourne. August 13. An old woman named Helen MacDougal was accidentally burned, to death a day or two ago at Singleton. It was a shocking termination of a miserable career. This woman was sent out to the colony many years ago, having been the paramour of the notorious Burke, the murdorer at Edinburgh, and was supposed to be cognisant of the series of atrocious murders committed by him in conjunction with Hare, and for which the two wretches suffered death. The R.M.S. Bombay, having had the defect in her shaft thoroughly repaired, sailed at 9.15 a.m. to-day for Melbourne, with August mails for Europe. The Queensland portion of the English mail did not arrive here in time to be placed on board the Bombay, but was despatched by the City of Adelaide, which sailed for Melbourne at 10 a.m. The Bombay took 37,000 sovereigns and 2000 ounces of gold. Arrived — Yarrow, from Launceston ; Courier, from Bourbon. Sailed — Bombay, E.M.S., for Melbourne ; City of Adelaide, s., for Melbourne. August 14. A valuable addition to the mineral wealth of the colony is likely to be soon made. Large quantities of red oxide of mercury have been discovered near Cudgegong, and application has been made to the Government for a grant of the land, or to let it on a mining lease. At the Anglican Church meeting last night (His Excellency in the chair) it was resolved to clear the debt off the cathedral before it was consecrated. A collection was made before the termination of the proceedings, and the handsome sum of £300 was contributed. White, lately schoolmaster of tho Reformatory ship Vernon, has been convicted of forgery, and sentenced to imprisonment for four years. Hurst, for embezzlement, has received a sentence of six years' imprisonment. The silk robbery case is unfinished. Mr Williams has been the successful tenderer for Section 7 of the Western Railway, at a sum of £203,000. Mr Farrcll got Section 8, at £127,000. Tho "Gazette" notifies the extension of the prohibition against Victorian sheep entering the colony. (Coitfiimed in payv 4.)

Intecoloniai. — (Continued from Page 3. Sailed.— Dandenong, for Melbourne, full of passengers, returning diggers. Aug. 15. An extraordinary phenomenon occurred here this morning. A tidal wave entered the harbor, and the water rose repeatedly four feet alternately subsiding witli singular rapidity- The Balmain steam ferryboat was dragged from the wharf with great violence, snapping three warps, and doing some other damage. One of the steamers in the harbor was completely stopped, and turned violently round. The Prince of Wales Theatre is to be re-opened to-night. No Surrender has been scratched for all his Sydney engagements, and the Barb has been scratched for the Sydney Handicap. Advices from Cape Yorke. report that the blacks had made an unexpected, and unfortunately a successful attack upon the settlement, carrying off a quantity of stores, and some arms and ammunition. One man was shot in the affray. A heavy snow-storm has occurred in the Bombala district. This is the second time such severe weather has been felt there this season. In the com market, maize is improving, and sales have been made at 3s 3d. .Breadstuffs are dull, and sales limited. August 17. There was a slight tidal disturbance perceptible yesterday, but the harbor has assumed its ordinary appearance to-day. The re-opening of the Prince of Wales Theatre for the legitimate drama on Saturday evening was the occasion of a very full house. " Caste" was produced with great success. At the Criminal Sessions, shortly before midnight on Saturday, the jury on the silk robbery case brought in a verdict of acquittal in favor of the prisoner Ingram. The other prisoners, Archbold, Liddy, and Jones, were found guilty, and each sentenced to three years' imprisonment, with hard labor. The weather has seasonably changed, and heavy rains fell during last night. The Catholic authorities decline retaining the donation to the cathedral fund made by the swindling count who recently paid us a visit Mr Fairfax has commenced an action against Mr Lee, broker, for defamation of character. Business is rather depressed, and quotations a shade lower. August 18. The day was beautifully clear for observing the eclipse. Mr Pemel, one of the members for Sydney, has forwarded his resignation from England. Two other vacancies in the Assembly are likely to occur before the House meets. The steamer Black Swan, from Maryborough, has brought 4300 ozs of gold. Brakes has been committed for the burglary at Callaghan's store, and the remainder of the gang have been discharged. The markets are very quiet. Breadstuffs are unaltered. About half of the Belvidere's cargo has been shipped for Auckland. Hennessy's brandy is quoted at 295. Colza oil has been sold at 4s lOd. Arrived. — Brockham, from London ; and Catherine Agnts. from Dunedin. Sailed.— H.M.S. Blanche, for the South Seas. August 19. Major-General Chute sailed for Brisbane to-day. The Queensland Government have despatched troopers to Townsville to arrest Hto-Qpunt Yon Attem, if his yacht touches there. Mr Colman, a shopkeeper, has been committed for receiving stolen property. The gale still continues. An analysis has been made of cinnabar ore from • It yielded 85 per cent, of quicksilver. A heavy southerly gale, accompanied by rain, has been raging to-day, causing rather a rough, sea outside the Heads. The steamer Jtiama was unable to enter the port of Wollongong, and was obliged to put back to this port. The sailing' of the City of Melbourne has been postponed till to-morrow. Government House was burglariously entered on Monday, but the thieves only succeeded in carrying off a. quantity of cutlery. At the ordinary annual meeting of the gas company, the report was adopted, and a dividend of twelve and a-half per cent. declared. The sale of the returned exhibits from the Paris Exhibition was largely attended, and for the several lots there was a brisk competition. Arrived. — Blackbird, from Melbourne. Aug. 20. The gale which has been blowing so strong from the southward for the last twenty-four hours, slightly moderated this morning. The steamers Pharos and Sampson, for Melbourne, are windbound at Eden. Mr Pernell's seat is likely to be warmly contested. A small schooner has been wrecked near PortMacquarie. The wool sales were well attended, and the competition was brisker ; scoured brought 18d to 20d ; sheepskins fetched id. advance on former prices. At an auction of sugars the following prices were realised to-day : — Fine crystals, £40 to £40 15s ; counters, £30 to £38 ; Java coffee, Bd. Maize is in better supply, and best quality is quoted at 2s lOd. Californian flour has been sold to-day at £16. The first day's Maitland Baces came off yesterday, with the following result :—: — iadies' puese. Karoolay ... ... ... 1 CLXTB HANDICAP. Hambledon Hill 1 PBINCB OF "WALES* STAKES. President 1 FLYINO HANPICAP.. Slyboots 1 The state of the weather caused the postponement of the other races till Saturday. Sailed. — City of Adelaide, s.s., and You Yangs, s.s., for Melbourne. • .Newcastle, Aug. 15. A great tidal wave occured here this morning. The water receded rapidly, and a portion of the sandbank was laid bare. Several vessels broke from their moorings at the coal wharf. 2 p.m. The extraordinary phenomenon in the harbor continues. The Alexandra broke from her moorings whilst anchored in the stream ; the Alanter was violently shaken : the Lucibelle, despite a strong tide, was swung round four time as if in a whirlpool. At half-past eleven a.m. the water receded suddenly five feet, leaving the tugs War hawk and Rapid stranded in (he blind channel. The submarine action has given the water in the harbor a very muddy appearance. Aug. 20. . The gale has done considerable damage

to the shipping in the harbor. The Hydra, Wallaroo, and Sir AVilliam Wallace fouled, and drifted on to the Sydney Griffiths, doing damage to the extent of about £1000. The Daphne, from Melbourne, tried to make the port, but stood out to sea again. The schooner Prince Patrick was toned in. to-day dismastid.

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West Coast Times, Issue 915, 28 August 1868, Page 3

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LATEST INTERCOLONIAL. West Coast Times, Issue 915, 28 August 1868, Page 3

LATEST INTERCOLONIAL. West Coast Times, Issue 915, 28 August 1868, Page 3