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Tlie Council mot Jasfc evening at 7.30. Present — Crs. Button, Paterson, EcclesfieJd, Boyle, Higgm, Prosser, M'Beth. On Hie motion of Cr Prosser, seconded by Cr Higgin, Cr Button, in the absence of the Mayor, was called to ike chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. During tho reading of the minutes the Mayor entered the chamber, and took his seat at the table. COBItESPONrENCE. Letter from Mr P. Zohrab, requesting a day to be named when a deputation, appointed at a public meeting of the residents of Hampden street, could be received by the Council. Cr Prosser said that the meeting referred to had cast a slur upon a member of the Corporation, founded upon an entiroly erroneous impression, under these circumstances he doubted whether tho letter should be received, and would move to that effect.

The Mayor doubted whether Cr Prosser was quite in order in referring to newspaper reports. The Chairman ruled that Cr Prosser was in order, under certain circumstances it was competent for a geutlcman to refer to newspapers.

Cr Prosser contended tliat the application to receive a deputation was founded on a resolution which was not founded in fact. The Chairman of the meeting, Mr Stapleton, was not a ratepayer, and the prime mover, Mr Zohrab, although a ratepayer, had never paid a sixpence of his rates. Cr Jicelesfiold seconded Cr Prosser's motion. Or Patcrson advocated the reception of the letter, although he did not approve of the action taken by Ihe meeting. Cr Boyle advocated the reception of the letter, and, moreover, if the deputation was received it would give Cr Prosser an opportunity of answering the men. Cr Higgin said that, as the letter was respectfully worded, ho thought that it ought to be received. At the sanio time ho must say that ho did nob approve of tUo aotion of tho meeting. Of M'Both advoofltod tbp reception of tlio lottos ' r

The Mayor trusted that the letter would bo received, for if they once allowed reference on newspaper reports it would open a very wide Held for discussion. The Chairman said that, as the letter appeared to be respectfully worded, he thought it ought to be received, although the proceedings of the meeting were in very bad taste. Cr Prosser then withdrew his motion. Cr Paterson moved that Mr Zohrab s letter be received. Cr Boyle seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Cr Boyle moved that the deputation be received at the next meeting. Cr Paterson seconded the motion. Cr M'Beth suggested that instead of recciviug the deputation they should be informed that they had better reduce their application to writing. Cr Higgin agreed with the suggestion made by Cr M'Beth. After soinfl discussion, the motion was put and negatived. Letter from certain ratepayers of Jollie street, calling attention to the state of that street. Ueferred to the Public Works Committee. Letter from Mr Edwards, calling attention to the state of the gutter on the east side of Eevell street South. Referred to the Town Surveyor to report upon. Several letters from persons occupying sections which would probably be required for opening the Stafford street right-of-way were read. A. letter was also read from the County Engineer, Mr Eochforl, stating that the sections in Stafford street had not been laid out, and therefore the occupants had no legal right to occupation. Cr Higgin moved that the whole of these letters be referred to a committee of the whole. Cr Boyle seconded the motion. Cr Prosser moved as an amendment that the correspondence be referred to a sub-committee. The Mayor seconded the amendment. The Chairman thought that the matter ought not to be dealt with hurriedly, and if the matter was to be considered in the whole Council, he thought a special day ought to be set apart for the purpose.

Or Prosser would at once consent to adopt the suggestion of tile Chairman: Cr Jiifrgin would also adopt the suggestion, and would move that the letters be considered on Monday evening at seven o'clock. Cr Boyle seconded the motion, which was agreed to. A letter was read from the Town Solicitor relating an interview with Capt. Turnbull respecting the removal of two ivrccks in the river. On the motion of Cr Prosser it was resolved that tho Town Surveyor tike action with Capt. Tnrnbull to blow up the wreck of the Frederic. A letter was read from Mr Bonar respecting the Goods Transit Shed, which was ordered to be received. Letter was read from Mr Jenkins, respecting the defective drainage in Fitzherbert street. — Received. Letter from Mr B. Rout, asking that a portion of the rates' levied on his house might be remitted, as a part of the house was used for educational purposes. — Referred to 'Finance Committee. PETITION. Or Ecclesficld presented a petition from the merchants of Hokitika, suggesting the propriety of cutting a channel through the bouth Spit. — Petition received, and to be considered in connexion with Cr Button's motion on the same subject. PUBLIC WOKKS COMMITTEE. The following report was read from the Public Works Committee :—: — Report No. 48. — Public "Woeks Committee. Augu3t 17, 1868. To tho Members of the Town Council. Gentlemen — Your Committee met on the above day and have tho honor to report — 1. That they considered tho petition of Mr Cosgravc and sixty-six others, prajing that tho right-of-way known as Moffat's right-of-waifc bo opened, and referring to the Public Works Kcport No. 24, of the 4th July, 18G7, your Committee find tho following recommendation to the Council. "Mr W. Moffat's lettei-3 of the 21sfc and 28th ultimo, were considered, and your Committee aro of opinion that his claim, of £1000 for compensation for tho Provincial Hotel and buildings at the rear is- excessive, and hi 3 request (as contained in his letter of the latter date) that the Council approve of a conditional license being granted for the Provincial Hotel can only be conceded to on the following terms, viz., that the said license bo recommended for sis months only, at the expiration of which tho Council agree to give £250 to Mr Moii'at as compensation for the Hotel and buildings at the rear. The butcher's shop and cottage at the back to bo rcnoved at once, and notice given to that clfect. Your Committeo now recommend that the offer of £250 to Mr Moffiit .bo adhered to." 2. The letter from Mr George Finlay on the part of the Westland Saw Mill Company for permission to carry their line of tramway along ihe east side of Sale street, on that portion of the street now covered by logs and stump 3, your Committeo recommend should bo granted. 3. Tho motion of Cr Prosser of the 24th ultimo — 1. " That tho footpath in Boaly street south and Weld street on the south side, between JBealey street and Sewell street, be gravelled was considered, aud your Committee examined the locality, and recommend that footpaths bo formed on eaoh side of Bcaloy street, betweon Gibson's jQuay and Weld street ; also, that a footpath be formed on the south side of Weld street and Fitzherbert street. 2. "That tho Surveyor be instructed to prepare plans and apecifications for draining Cass Square and tho Market Eeserve, was deferrod for the present, the plans and specifications not being ready. 3. " That tho Gibson's Quay footpath from Fitzherbert stroet to Sewell street bo formed and gravelled," is recommended to be done when convenient. 4. Cr Boyle's motion of the 12th instant — " that a box drain be made in Tancred street from Camp street to Gibson's Quay, aud that the Town Clerk be instructed to advertise for tendei'3," is recommended to be dono. E. Pbossee, Chairman. town sukvey^b's iuspobt. Tho following report was read from the Town Surveyor: — Ekpoet No. 43. Town Surveyor's Office, Hokitika, 21st August, 18G8. To tho Mayor and Councillors of Hokitika. GiiNTLEMEN — I have Iho honor lo inform you that, as instructed, I waited upon Mr Sule and Mr Kochfort, regarding the rights-of-ways, and lmvo been informed by them that all parties in possession of buildings on tho west side of Kevell-street, at the tops of Stafford, Ilnmpden, and Tudor-streets, have no right of occupancy whatever. Mr Sale and Mr Roclifort distinctly state that notices wero posted at tho top of Staffordstreet, cnutioniug persons from building there. They also atato that the ground at the top of Weld'Btreot, opoupiod by the Provincial Hotel and ofcliov bulldingi, was taken pouesiion of bofow tho siu'roy of the torn) wwmfttlp, '|h( 9

Pol-lion 18 imr. lul .HUaacL-mlmsTtiTTfl^^H intended to be bold. I hive examined the Tramway Bridge, wiiica crosses the creek in Stall" >rd-street, and nnd that it is too low to allow tlio water to how through freely during rainy weather. The bridge ought either to be removed altogether, or raised to a sufficient height. I find, also, that it will bo necessary to put m a box-drain on the south side of Weldstreet, between Tancred and Sawell streets, in ovder to Carry off the waste wat.-r from the buildings there. A box with a 12 in. square opening would be sufficient, and would cost about £27. I find, also, that it will be neces-ary for the proper drainage of the swamp in North Revell street to put in a box-culvert uuder Mr Whittaker's stables, and across Park-street. This could be made an extra to the contract for draining the swamp. The hulk Ruby has now been fixed in her position as a wing-dam, and only requires- to have two piles driven on her lower side, and to bo filled with gravel to complete the job. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, John 0. Fbew, Town Surveyor. TENDEES. The following tenders were then opened tw forming Tailored street :— Pullen and J-n S \ £^ 7s ; ?»P er aud Fogarty, f^ ; 1 1 o J ; J Dolan ' £21 3a S Whittaker &ra 12s 6d ; G-. E. Earrell, £37 15s. On j the motion of Or Paterson, Mr - Dolan s tender was accepted. For flooring the wharf:— Kerr and Hogg, £485 ss ; W. Stevens and Co., £495; M. Findlay, £498 10s; James Keynolds, £329. - Un the motion of Cr Boyle, Mr Reynold's tender was accepted. ■wateb supply. CrProsser moved-" That the Public Works Committee bring up a report on the best method for securing a water supply for the town." Cr Higgin seconded the motion, which was agreed to. COLLECTION OF THE BATES. Cr Paterson moved — "That the Hate Collector receive from the Council instructions to collect without further delay the rates that now remain unpaid ; and if necessary, to take legal steps to efi'ect that object." Cr Eeclesfield seconded the motion, which was agreed to. IN COMMITTEE: ■ Tha Council then resolved itself into Committee of the whole, Cr Button in the chair. The report of the Public Works Committee was comsidered, and adopted with a slight amendment. The Town Surveyor's report wa3 next read, and received. CJause 1 was ordered to be considered oa Monday night. The remaining clauses were adopted, with the exception of clause 3, which was referred to the Public Works Committee, with power to act. Mr Jenkin's letter was ordered to be referred to the Public Works Committee. Cr Button moved— "That the Town Surveyor prepare plans for" the most urgent sanitary drainage, to be submitted to the Council at their next meeting, in order that tenders might be called for." Cr EcclcsfieJd seconded the motion. Cr Higgin pointed out that the Surveyor was already engaged in. preparing a general plan of the drainage. Cr Prosser moved, as an amendment — " That the Town Surveyor bring up his plan of the general drainage, and more particularly of the sanitary drainage, if possible, at the next meeting." Cr Button intimated his willingness to - adopt the amendment, which was then^ agreed to.

Cr Prosser for Cr Button, moved — "That the Inspector of Police bo requested to take steps to remove the slaugliter-iiouse nuisance in Bevell street North." Cr Paterson seconded the motion. Cr Prosser moved, as an amendment — " That the Inspector of Nuisances visit the spot, and consult the parties interested with the view of coming to an amicable arrangement. The Inspector to report to the Council."

Cr Higgin seconded the amendment, which was passed. Cr Button moved— " That the Town Surrej'or give an immediate report, whether it is advisable to open up a new channel in the river." Cr Prosser seconded the motion, which was passed. The Town Surveyor said it would require a great deal of money to render the work effective-; it was a difficult subject to express an opinion on, and it was a work which they could not bo sure would be successful. He believed Captain Tumbull was not very sanguine respecting the project. Cr Paterson said thit all that was wanted was to cut a small channel so that the river might cut its way out more easily. It was ridiculous to think of cutting a channel for ships to go in and out. Cr Ecclesfield thought that the experiment was well worth a trial. He would move — " That a sum of £100 be expended in cutting a channel, and that the Public Works Committee be requested immediately to carry the work into effect." Cr Boyle seconded the motion. Cr M'Beth was of opinion that the money might as well be flung into the sea as to be expended in such a work. Cr Higgin moved as an amendment— « "That the matter be referred to the Public Works Committee, to report thereon on Monday." He might mention it was very probable that before that time the river might do the work. Cr Prosser suggested that -the Public Works Committee should iuquire, and if necessary call the Council together tomorrow night. Cr Higgin had no objection lo that. The Chairman said that the question was of a very grave character, and one which required serious consideration, although lie must say it seemed to him almost futile to attempt to battle with the sea. After some discussion, Cr Prosser moved — " That the Council adjourn until 4 p.m., to receive the report of the Public Works Commiltee, and tide Town Clerk summon the members of the Council if necessary." The motion was agreed to, and the Chairman reported progress. On the motion ot Cr Prossor, that the report be adopted— / Cr Prosser moved, as an amendment — " That the sum of £100 be expended in cutting the channel." The Council divided — Ayes, 3.— Crs Ecclesfield, Paterson, and lioyle. Noes", 4.— Crs Prosser, M'Beth, Higgin, and Button. And so it passed in the negative. The report was then adopted. The Council then adjourned to 4 p.m. to-morrow (this. day).

When does the captain of a steamboat declare Uiraaolf to be & necessary adjunct to a smoker Pj-WJw fee nays, w§.few

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West Coast Times, Issue 910, 22 August 1868, Page 2

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MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. West Coast Times, Issue 910, 22 August 1868, Page 2

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. West Coast Times, Issue 910, 22 August 1868, Page 2