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Weiungtos.— Sailed, August 19, 6 p.m., Otago, s., for Nelson ; 5.45 p.m., Sturh, s., for Wanganui. August 20, 4 a.m., Airedale, for Pieton.

Nelsoit. — Arrived, August 20, 10 a.m., Otago, 8., from Wellington. Post Ciiakiikes. — Sailed, August 19, 3 p.m., Wainui, s., for Lyttelton.

Lyttelton. — Arrived, August 19, 8.12 p.m., Lord Ashley, s., (with mails) from Wellington. Sailed, August 19, 6 pin., Comorai'g. s., for Timaru. August 90, 7 a.m., Arown, for Milbourne.

WIND AND WEATHER AISPOUT. (BY ELECTBIC TKMCIBAPn.) TmiBSDAT, AuGrsT 20.— 9 a.m. Wellihgton. — Wind, calm. Barometer, SO'2s ; thermometer, 47. Weather, fine. Neisos. — Wind, colni. Barometer, 30 15 ; thermometer, 52. Weather, fine. BLEKitßnr. — Wind, calm. Barometer, 80"12; thermometer, 46. Weather, gloomy. Lyttelton.— Wind,N.E .light. Barometer, 3022 ; thermometer, 415. Weather, — Wind, N.W., light. Barometer, 30\L5 ; thermometer, 44. Weather, overcast ; sea, calm. CuKKTCiiuncil.— Wind, S.W., light. Barometer, 30*19 ; thermometer, 50. Weather, overcast. Beaxey. — Wind, calm. Weather, foggy ; river, low. Grßßmoui'ir.— Wind,N.E., light. Weather, rain ; bar, good. Dunedik.— Wind, N.E., fresh. Barometer, 80-13 ; thermometer, 47. Weather, fine. Poet Cjiaxmebs. — Wind, N.E., fresh. Barometor, 30'lOj thermometer, 43. Weather, fine. Bluff.— Wind, W., liglit. Barometer, 3o3l, Woather, fine. Napieb. — Wind, calm. Weather, gloomy ; sea, smooth.

We learn from Mr White, tho Panama Company's agent, that tho Otago leaves Nelson this day, for tho West Coast, and that sho will positively bo despatched, direct to Melbourne, to-morrow at noon, weather permitting. "We further learn from that gentleman that tho Airedale will not call herd as usual on tho first of tho month ; so that pii3senger3 proceeding to Panama, California, New York, and Southampton by the mail steamship Mataura must leave for Wellington, by the Rangitoto, which leaves Ilokitika on tho 26th.

The P.N.Z. and A.Tt.M. Co.'s s.s. E-jmont, with her tender tho Persevere in toiv, steamed up from G-reymouth, yesterday morning, iv nuiplo time to work the tide. Circumstances, however, wore not so favorable for bar work ns on Wednes lay, the surf having much increased, and but for the interposition of a seasonable "smooth" that jiut in the nick of time paved tho way for the Persevere, her passago through the narrows mi^lib have been !»l tesuk'd by a serious catastrophe. As it was sho screwed in by a rnero fluke, bringing tho Egmont's cargo and those pn-ssengers who did not Lhhl at Greymouth. The condition of the bar forbidding tho Peraevere's return to the roadstead, and there being no reasonable probability of a lighter surf to-day, the E^uiont was ordered to proceed on her voyage, and she accordingly got her anchor and steamed away northwards. Sho proceeds to Wellington, calling at Nelson, anil will return here to sail direct for Sydney on the 27th insfc. Wo see. by the- steamer Kgmonl's report lli:.t she. left Sydney at noon, on the 32th instant, and arrived iv this at five a.m. on tho 19th. Stiwig caifc and S.E. weather prevailed until she- reached about half wuy across, and theu light winds to (In- land. " By j-.i-iuilflmro-.-nm'. i >n we (Syd:i:*y Her J ') li-nrti (luit tho 'i'rei.inion, 079* t ■:<.-», b<;i:i;i! tivin Aden to Onllo, in lmlli;.-<t ; a;id Slei.i J)e<-i < , TOt lons, bound from MjuriiiiH lo Oalle, in, wi-ie lost on lite Malilhe Crows siived an.l landed by native a e.-.->els." The Lottie Maria, from Melbourne, in e:iteriiij; file Dot us, not itito<v>l!i-jicM w'nh (InMartha I'irnie, fur Sydney, v.hilst. iln- hitU.i r was at nn-linr. Thu Mnrt-ii.i Uiruiu Pifeiaiiuvi (•o:isidera!)lii dam 'gi», and rplnrned tn London to ri-piiir. She* hus ei«n*o sailed for Sydney. — " Home Now.*." -fii'io 10. The.p.s. N t -ls n h-fr, Westporl on Monday 1 .sf, nt. 420 p in., -»tid Ibn John I'tsnn ten itiiniiti'S utter ; tltu Nelson arriving alongside lliu Albion Wluirf at JO a.m. on Tue.-c*ay, and thu John Ponsi at 11 a.m. fh.- a inn- day ; the Ts'.-ison thus nciwnplishing tho i i iauee in fifty miiilc.4 ]ed« limo ili.ui tlie John IV-mi. — " Nfelsoii ColoiiUf," August 1 („ The three-mauled schooiu-r Ocean Wave arrived at Melbourne, from Timtiru, on ihe 30lh ult. She was pUeed on tho berth for this port, and, according to (he, "Argue," win

three parts loaded on the 7th instant. Tlie schooner Northern Light cleared out at Melbourne, for G-reymouth, on tho Gth instant. Tiio barque Alma, iv company with tho Zephyr (now outside), sailed lVo:u Melbourne, for this port on the sth instant. Yesterday's, although heavy, has had no perceptible effect upon the river, which yet maintains an exccediugly low level, and will do§so until the thousands'of tons of uioisturo deposited yoslorday on the- lower spurs and slopes of the mountains, and retaine 1 there iv tho form of snow, is released by one of those periods of thaw common enough during the oarly spring season. Then wo oxpect a sweeping flood, and ouo that will cllcctualiy set 1 le the spit question, and very likely some part of our low-lying town. Wa much fear that the first flood will be productive of very serious consequences, simply from tho fact (hat there is no get away for tho water, now that iho South Spit has so blocked up tiio liver's outlet. It is a pity that the wise men of lloVitika cannot sco tho necessity of cutting a " bit of a channel, juat to lead tho water through tho South Spit. We hear that tho cost of such a work has beosi estimated at #300. Wo guarantee to lincl a party of miucrs who would do it for £100-

Letters wero received in town yesterday from Captain Oornstoek, of the Sapphire, by which we learn that the whalo Iho iSapphiro was trying out would muko her a total of twenty-four tuns of sperm oii. Loiters have also been received from tho Victoria, briic, dated tibout t>vo months btwk, when the master reported that ho hid hcnn iaat to n whalo which had capsi/ed tho boai., causing tho doath by drowning of one of the hands, who had been in the ship several voyages. Ho was known by the name of " Woody." "When last seen he was on tha buck of tho whalo. Wo understand tho wl'iilo was not secured. Tho Ahid.liu is also reported as, at six wivks out, having been fast to a largo whale, half of which wa.3 lo3t through stress of wea'her. Two American whalers aro also reported as having beou iiut at tho samo time, and lost their whales through tho samo cause. These vessels wero all oft' Oato's Dank. — " Tasmuuiau Times," July 31.

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West Coast Times, Issue 909, 21 August 1868, Page 2

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TELEGRAMS. West Coast Times, Issue 909, 21 August 1868, Page 2

TELEGRAMS. West Coast Times, Issue 909, 21 August 1868, Page 2