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Sir, — We hope you will bo kind enough to give space for the following atalomcnt of facts: — About tho 10th of October last tho township of Koss, Totaru, was rushed, owing to payable gold having been struck on the space of ground cleared by the Government. Wo took up n claim, and sunk a shaft fifty-feet outside tlio run- of gold. In tho meantime we find that our claim. lies over two-thirds 011 tho -Camp He-, soivc. Wo then applied to tho Warden for permission to sink on the camp or street of Koss, offering to deposit any sum he might think Huflicicnt for the filling up of the shaft, but he refused our application. We then told him that we would apply to My Sale, or the Superintendent, eventually adopting tho latter course, and received the reply appended. With this we waited on Mr Sale, who. told us that no permission would be granted (0 any miners to work on oitfyerf the camp or' the streets of the town. Now, Mr Editor,' there is a party of six! have a claim on the police camp, and are working it, and our claim adjoins theirs. Why we aro not allowed tht|snmc privilege is for you, Sir, and the miners of the West Coast to judge. As holders of miners' rights, we. arc i'ujjy . determined to havo our just rights, although Mr Warden Aylnior threatened that if we attempted to sink cither on tho camp or street ho would put us in tho lookup. ■If that is till he can do we may- be as well there, for if we can't obtain justice let tho Government support us or give us our just rights. — We are, Sir, Your humble servants, Joirx Bikxk\ k Pauty.

The liendigo Advcrlher has been informed that in sevcial of the tents at the Ironbark and Whito Ililhs encampments thei'e nro - Chinese a Dieted with lepiopy. The U-nt in which the lepeis are lying are somo distance apart from tho others, and (ho unfortunctc wretches aro daily supplied with food by the other Chines, who subscribe for that purpose. It appears that Uie police authorities are powerless in the mat- , ter, as they are on other goldfield.s wheie nVan'y Minilar cases exist. Surely (says the Advcrtfser) , it is high time the Governient, to whom tho subjecttof this serious ovil has been reported ficqticn'tly of late, started to do something to provout the spread of such a drcadfull disensei Turkey has been startled by the rumour' of a great innovation perpetinted by the Suban. It is said that, ho is having his porti ait pointed by a Ficnch ariist, M. Guillemot. Hitherto all representations of tho human form havo been deemed profane by tho into Mahometans. An enterprising Leeds woollen • merchant, Mr Frederick Kirby, has carried off tho highest prizo for woollen cloths at Iho Portuglieso international Exhibition. Tho judges w-ero thrco Frenchmen, ono German, six -J'orlu-I guesc, and only ono Knglishmon. One of the most popular exhibitions of St. Petersburg just nosy is nn Kjiglish sailor, wl\o professes In have been tattooed when in captivity among tho savages of one of tho Pacific Islands, and who appears in what is called' " the costume of a cannibal." ; • s • A 13ab Ojjjecttox. — It was customary, years ago, lo publish from tho pulpit, iii Connecticut, banns of matriniony. On one occasion an old man rbso and fcaid, " I forbid the banns." On being asked lo btule hi 1 } objections, ho replied, " I had reserved Dliiuh Curtis for myself." Tlio objection was not (Itemed, good. ' ' ' ■ ' ' ' ' A WojfDitous Tali:. — Ilnlian conspirators bribed tho Emperor's hatter lo manufacture a new infernal machine in tho almpoof n bar, so arranged (hat, on pulling it on, a circle of needles issued, which ordered the head, whjjo each formed ti sort of gun-barrel, which was discharged info (ho brain. The conspiracy, however, wus discovered ; and when tho halter to tho court went lo deliver tho machine, ho was shown' into tho Imperial cabinet, iThd Emperor ordered hint, to put the hat pn himself. ' Tho hatter refused,' willi the declaration (hat ho could not possibly pul> on a ly>t intended for an Imperial head. Tho Emperor produced a pistol. " Vyill you put ,on (ho, hat— ye.«; ov no?" The hattor obeyed (ho order' and fell dead on the ground.- i 2V<tywJeo« Ihe. third and his Court. By a "ttelirod Diplonuifist. , i • FicuiT with a Siiaiik — Tho Urcenport (Long Island) Watchman says : — "At On.m. on kitmday hu>t tho schooner Catherine Wilcox, of Luboc', ' Maine, was ptocceding down tho Sound, ami while becalmed abreast of that port, about/ eight miloH oil' khore, the captain and a young man 17 years of age, named l'ofer .lohiisftn,' b'oldhging to Maino, formerly ti soldier, and now working his parisnge'liomo, stripped off (heir elrftliiiig nml jumped overboard for a swim. Johnson swain a few rods from the ship to pick up a small piece of wood, and while lcturning ii.hugo shark, judged to have been fourteen or fifteen feet long, diiitcd towards, and soi/.cd him about tho middle, and instantly dis-ippcarcd with him, dragging him down, as ho saya, about thirty foet deep. lie struggled iin'd fought with tho ravonou3 monster, .fearfully lacerating his right arm in the oftbrb. Ho finally succeeded in grasping the bluu-I<j tyy tho .head, aiu} by < gouging onp;ofj his eyes, at tho sanio tiino dealing him powerful blows about the hcad,-ho succeeded'iji-ivrost-ing himself free. Ho then swam to tho schooner pursued, by the monster, but being a' iu«ui of re-i; markablo physical strength and pluck, ho finally succeeded in driving him off and got on board of the schooner, pulling himself up by tlio foratopsail olue-line which' hung overboard, but not' Until tho terrible tooth had loft thoir mark in, mtiu^ a ghastly wound, so that ho was ono muss of gore: '' Thoro woro somo thirty-four distinct wounds on lv's, person. The. nbdotnon and groin of tho right sido wore fearfully

maiiglody tliQ floali being lorn/ off nhd loft hanging by tab akin only nothing but tho thin lining lnombrauo" Oi Vllo uhctdindn preventing tho cntrnilß from gushing out, Iho femornl vtssols were lixid bare, nml the lifer'Ves completely exposed. On the left side' of the HiWAteft v/an another wound Mmilnr in character but le.«# extensive; tlio right thigh \i'ns v'Cry luidlyitorn nnrl gnshed. Nothing but his indomitable courage und physical vigour enabled him to escape 'nlivc. The slihi-k J inilfit 'have' been of tho species known an " man-eater." which tiro common hi low latitude's, but arc- ; rarely soph in shoal water. Tho common shovel noso shark of our. waters soldoiiv if. over,, attack munkind. Johnson is still living, and although in a very precarloiid'aitaatidii/tlloro is Iyet gonio liopo of his ultimate recovery."


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West Coast Times, Issue 113, 27 January 1866, Page 3

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JUSTICE TO THE DIGGERS. West Coast Times, Issue 113, 27 January 1866, Page 3

JUSTICE TO THE DIGGERS. West Coast Times, Issue 113, 27 January 1866, Page 3