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UNSUPPORTED WORD OF NAZIS NOT ENOUGH JUST CLAIMS AND NEEDS OF ALL COUNTRIES [ British Official Wirelesa.l RUGBY, Oct. 12. Britain cannot accept proposals from Herr Adolf Hitler for the establishment of what he calls the certainty of European security, based on the recognition of his conquests and his right to do what he pleases with the conquered, without forfeiting her honour or abandoning her claim that international disputes should be settled by discussion and not by force, said the British Prime Minister, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, replying- in the House of Commons to Herr Hitler's Reichstag speech. “The plain truth." said Air. Chamberlain, “is that after our past experience, it is no longer possible to rely upon the unsupported word of the present German Government. “It is no part of our policy to.exclude from her rightful place in Europe a Germany which will live in amity and confidence with other nations, (in the contrary, we believe that no effective remedy can be found for the world's ills that does not take an account of the just claims and needs of all countries, ami whenever the time may come to draw the lines of a new peace settlement the British Government would feel that, the future would nold little hope unless such a settlement could be reached through the method of negotiation and agreement. “It was not. therefore, with any vindictive purpose that we embarked on the war. but simply in defence of freedom. We are not aiming only at victory, but rather looking beyond it to the laying of the foundation of a better international system which will mean that war is not to be the inevitable lot of each succeeding generation. “The issue is plain, said Mr. Chamberlain. “Either the (Jermau Government must give convincing proof of the sincerity of ts desire for peace by definite acts ami by the provision of effective guarantees of its intention to fulfil its undertakings, or we must persevere in our duty to the end. “It is for Germanv to make her choice “

Mr. Chamberlain prefaced his reply to Herr Hitler's speech with the onservation that when, at the time of the Russo-German pact was announced there was a suggestion of some peace proposals likely to be put forward he said that if such proved 10 be the case they would be examined in consultation with the Dominions and France in the light of reveleant considerations. This had been done, and he proposed to state the position of the British Government. Mr. Chamberiain recalled the background against which Herr Hitler’s proposals appeared. He referred to correspondence with Germany at the end of August regarding Poland, stating that it was evident that the situation was dangerous, but Britain believed it should be possible to arrive at a peaceful solution if passions were not deliberately stimulated, and Britain felt certain that the German Government could, if it desired, influence its friends in Danzig in svh a way as to bring about a relaxation of tension and so create conditions favourable to calm, sober negotiation. It would be remembered that Herr Hitler expressed a wish for improved Anglo-German relations as soon as the Polish question was settled. The British Government replied that it fully shared the wish, but everything turned on the nature and method of the settlement with Poland. It pointed out that a forcible solution would inevitable involve the fulfilment of Britain’s obligations to Poland, and Herr Hitler was urged to enter direct discussions with the Polish Government, in which the latter Government had already expressed a willingness to take part. As everyone knew these effort*, on the part of the British Government to avoid war and the use of force had been in vain. In August last the United States President. Mr. Franklin Roosevelt, made an appeal to Herr Hitler to settle his differences with Poland by pacific means to prevent war breaking out in Europe. At about the same time, King Leopold of Belgium. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, the Pope, and Signor Benito Mussolini all offered their good offices, but equally in vain. It was evident then that Herr Hitler was determined to make war on Poland and whatever sincerity there may have been in his wish to come to an understanding with Britain it was not strong enough to induce him to postpone the at* ack upon his neighbour. Poland Attacked On September 1. Herr Hitler violated the Polish frontier and invaded Poland, beating down by force of arms and machinery the resistance of the Polish nation. As attested by neutral observers. Polish towns and villages were bombed and shelled into ruins and civilians were slaughtered wholesale in contravention, at any rate in the later stages, of all undertakings of which Herr Hitler now speaks with pride as though he had fulfilled them. It was aftei; this wanton ad ot aggression, which cost so many Polish and German lives, sacrificed to satisfy his own insistence on the use of force, that Herr Hitler now put forward his proposal. If there existed any expectation that these proposals would include some attempt to make amends for this grievous crime against humanity, following so soon upon the violation of the rights of the Czechoslovak nation, it had been doomed to disappointment. The Polish State and leaders were covered with abuse. What was the fate that part of Poland which Heir Hitler described as the German sphere of interest did not clearly emerge from his speech, but it was evident that he regarded it as a matter of Germany’s consideration alone, to be settled solely in accordance with German interests. The final shaping ol this territory and the question of re-

\ SLorauon oi a Polish State were in Herr Hitler’s view problems which •f could not be settled by war in tiie i- f West, but exclusively by Russia on oii? T J side and Germanv on the other. t I .Not Acceptable. . We must take it then.” said Mr. i Chamberiain. "that the proposals which Herr Hitler puts forward for , the establishment of what he calls the e certainty of European security are to be based on the recognition of ins conquest and his right to do what he ‘ pleases with the conquered. It would * be impossible for Britain to accept at\. G I such basis without forfeiting her e • honour and abandoning her claim " j tnat international disputes should be " ; settled by discussion and not by force. ' j "Passages of the speech designed e i to give iresh assurances to Herr Hite ler’s neighbours I pass over, since ’ ■ they will known what value should be ' I attached to them by reference tt» " similar assurances in the past." | It would be easy to quote sentences n ' from Herr Hitlers speeches in 1935, - 1936, and 1938, stating in most definite terms his determination not io r annex Austria or conclude an ansch- * luss with her, not to fall upon Czecho- ' ! Slovakia. and not to make further s ’ territorial claims in Europe after the 1 ’ Sudeten land question had been j ! settled in September, 1938. Departure from Principle. a ■ . 1 Herr Hitler’s radical departure □ I from long professed principles of his j 1 policy and creed as instanced by the .' inclusion in the German Reich of r I many millions of Poles and Czechs, 2 • despite his repeated professions io • the contrary, and by the pact with the Soviet Union concluded after his repeated violent denunciations of Boi- | shevism could not be passed over. This | repeated disregard ot his word ana _ j these sudden reversals of policy ! brought Mr. Chamberlain to the iunJ ' damental difficulty in dealing with v wider proposals in the German Chan- | ccllor’s speecn. ■ "The plain truth is,” he said, "that . after our past experience it is no i longer possible to rely upon the unj supported word of tne present Gc» - , 1 man Government. ’ j "It is no part of our policy to c:»r .elude from her rightful place n. I Europe a Germany which will live ir * ! amity and confidence with other * j nations. On the contrary we believe ’ ; that no effective remedy can be found . ; for the world's ills that does not take v ■ account of the just claims and needs i of all countries, and wnenever the | time may come to draw the lines o' a j new peace settlement the British Govi eminent would feel that the future ■ ; would hold little hope unless such a a • settlement could be reached througn I ; the method of negotiation and agreef I ment. Defence ”1 Freedom. o i "It was not, therefore, with ary ?’ vindictive purpose that we embarked - on war, hut simply in defence of v freedom. It is not alone the freedom d of small nations that is at stake. There is also in jeopardy the peaccI ful existence of Great Britain, the n Dominions, India, and the rest of the v British Empire, France, and indeed of all freedom loving nations. s “Whatever may be the issue of the •- present struggle and in whatever way - it may be brought to a conclusion, the s world will not be the same world that - we have known before. Looking to l- the future we can see that deep i- changes will inevitably leave their - mark on every field of men’s thought and action, and if humanity is io c guide aright the new forces that wiL c be in operation all nations will have r to play their part. e Both Sides Suffer. -f i "The British Government knows all ; too uell that in a modern war be- " ' tween Great Powers the victor and t 1 vanquished must alike suffer crue - loss. But surrender to wrongdoing

would spell the extinction of all hope and the annihilation of ail those : values of life which, through the centuries, have been at once tne mark j and inspiration o£ human progress. | "We seek no material advantage i for ourselves. . We desire nothing i from the German people which should [offend their self-respect. We are not j aiming only at victory but rather ; looking beyond it to the laying of the ■ foundation of a better international system which will mean that war L ' not to be the inevitable lot of each j succeeding generation. j "I am certain that all the peoples of Europe, including the people of GerI many, long for a peace— a peace which • will enable them to live their lives : without fear and devote their energies ; and gilts to the development of their ■ culture, the pursuit of their ideals, and the improvement of their material prosperity. rhe peace which we arc determined to secure, however, must i be a real settled peace, not an uneasy truce interrupted by constant alarms and repeated threats. Germany Alone. "What stands in the. way of such a peace? It is the German Government, and the German Government alone, for it is they who, by repeated acts ot aggression, have robbed all Europe of tranquility and implanted in the hearts of all their neighbours an eveipresent sense of insecurity and fear. "I am glad to think that there is full agreement between the views of the, British Government and those of the French Government. Members will have read the broadcast of the Fench Prime Minister, M. Edouard Daladier, on Tuesday. ‘We have,’ he said, “taken up arms against aggression and w e shall not lay them down until we are sure of guarantees of security—security which cannot be called in question every s.x months.’ "Advantage has also been taken of the presence of the Polish Foreign Minister, M. August Zaleski, whom we are glad to welcome to Britain, to consult with the Polish Government, and I am happy to say that we have foun\ an entire identity of view to exist beTween us. I would sum up the attitude of the British Government as follows: Rejected By Hitler. "Herr Hitler rejected all suggestions for peace until he overwhelmed Poland, as he had previously overthrown Czechoslovakia. Peace conditions cannot be acceptable which begin by condoning aggression. The proposals in the German Chancellor’s speech are vague and uncertain and contain no suggestion for righting the wrongs done to Czechoslovakia and Poland. Even if Herr Hitler’s proposals were more closely defined and contained suggestions to right these wrongs it would still be necessary to ask by what practical means the German Government intends to convince the world that aggression will cease and its pledges kepi. Acts, Not Words. "Past experience has shown that no reliance can be placed upon promises of the present German Government. Accordingly acts, and not words alone must be forthcoming before we British people and the French, our gallant and trusted ally, would be justified in ceasing to wage war to the utmost of our strength. Only when world confidence is restored will it be possible to find as we would wish to do with the aid of all who show goodwill a solution of those questions which disturb the world, which stand in the way of disarmament, retard the restoration of trade, and prevent an improvement of the well-being of peoples. i "There is thus a primary condition 'to be satisfied. Only the German 1 Government can fulfil it. If they will j not there can as yet be no new or i i better world order of the kina for | i which all nations yearn. The issue is ! therefore plain. I “Either the German Government must give convincing proof of the sincerity of its desire for peace by definite acts and by the provision of effective guarantees of its intention to fulfil i‘< undertakings or we must persevere in our duty to the end. Il is for Germany to make her choice,” LONG AND IMPARTIAL SOVIET BROADCAST OF SPEECH Received Oct. 12, 11.40 p.m. MOSCOW. Oct. 13. The Soviet wireless transmitted a long and remarkably impartial summary of Mr. Chamberlain’s speech, in marked contrast to its silence over Herr Hitler’s ReiehI stag speech.


"IMMEDIATE TRUCE IS OUT GF QUESTION” WASHINGTON. Oct. 12. Senators, commenting on Mr. Neville Chamberlain’s speech, expressed the opinion that the rejection of Herr Adolf Hitler’s proposals would not influence the neutrality debate. Senator W. George (I.) added: "This certainly means that any imI mediate truce is out of the question.” Senator W. H. King (D.) said: "The next move is Herr Hitler’s and M. Stalin’s. The time is not ripe for the United States to offer her services as mediator.” ... 1

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 83, Issue 243, 14 October 1939, Page 7

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PEACE GUARANTEES REQUIRED Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 83, Issue 243, 14 October 1939, Page 7

PEACE GUARANTEES REQUIRED Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 83, Issue 243, 14 October 1939, Page 7