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RINKS CHAMPIONSHIP 1 NEW ZEALAND TOURNEY | SECTIONAL PLAY ENDS [ Ter Pise.M Association. J CHUISLCHi: HI.'H, .lan. U. ; Sectional play in the New Zealand 1.-owli.ig -ha .npion.i-iip' ended to-day, j wnen inc ia.-t round of tne. links c.omj pci iion v. a?, played. J hut v-seven rinks j i roui thiiivvii sec-ion® qualified J- i | post-sect i"U play. lao'c qu.ili iyi ng , Eight Onenung.i J.i'ingI >(o i. !. Dunvim (Anderson-• be'-ii Wins. Roslyn aaiiley (Ranuay), West Harfcur I (\eilcii>, L’hoetiix (Thotitrun), Ltiiicd iSinitiii. Auckland (Walker). i Six ms.—( alcdvniaii (Li->y-i ; Canhe.burv (Matksi, Baiimtcew-i n (Mc- ; Donald ), Canterbury ( Hu-w all Ii ; . Te- | muka < l<dw. West End, Am-k- -| land Breainvi •, New Brighton (Bcsley.. Avon, SUaLoid (Dickinson . Ha I taii.ii ( Blighting;, J.dgewate 1 ,G«igI ii.irdi(. :i r-1 et bury (l\’*s>. HawCia Hull . Sydenham - Ma»l- : eni, Kicearion Ua--r. -iui.-p t Burgess., JLS A., j • hricl-hurcli •Young), larist-hue n j(WH.-on), Nc-pier (Beet), Nelson <Dee' J.i iv <-o.i Au-ikiaml I•I te . I’niK‘d i Brougfilon •, B ‘lmacewan J- .‘;g.i>vi) », i’ilzroy ( Fax Hl >. I Kelburn (Xiiilhi, \\ est End. J imam ' Currie., ( aiiicri.uiy . Snm--1 ner (Barlow.), (aledonian (‘ ’!;• nuge;, | Tor all posl sei iional p'.av games in ' Ihe links championship will take p'ej ced-m e- and games in the --ingies and ipa ns compe; H ion will bv played as I hip;i are a ■ ajlal-le. The,-: were lew names missing from j the li-t of tho.-e who qualified -.4 rinks ’ who Im.i been to g-> <m <’• I | t .»>i-sc-i ional play, an i in I" 1 -- inspect •hr links se« ti-Hial rounds did m>( provide many surprises, allli”iigh -Idea’s iin indixiuual r-mnds had mien been I mo.-t uuexp-u l<-l. LH Lie leain,- Idl in ..111- t«o in nil vigni . panics, ih>- Dune 'in nnk >ki|.p,'.| ny ’ W. A n.lersou, who Im I l'<’"n play ntf , , ptioually w ell, a'ul I."’ "iu-uuuK" link. » ilb li. I.G 1 i-sGuip (IM .-kip, «b" j had nut. looked like losin- a game in : t tin nr'li' p'.avcd. Six links luid one ! and the remaining - s 'I 1 ’• li ''' l ■ Imsiny six wins, actmdly the numbei |of rd'ns ia socliosml pin/- Bcc»--»e I .o.ox ,ink 01.mid.' bl'gi"’ "" h | lives, liie games will be pl:. 1 ; -d on th? j aiit-’m'itiv Lodife system. Seventh Round : 5,.,-tion A. I'hoenix I'bomson; -. Kaiapoi Working -X.eri s '-l"u ‘ • icimpsmi: 17; Katl-orui H pl""; -•> ' • iXapmr ißendnll; IS; Asnlm tcm 'Hig oin. . ■■■'. ~ Christ, bur. Ii (.Bron n; !■■; Ab.ombm - '• Bar,.ng.on ' .Rarnsa. .!•; Selson .Dee; -o x. 11 .Bunter; Elmnmnl I. Smith. -S '• Kernueia t-XLacey; Serti.m B. I'horndou ..Xaymr; |v Kd.'ewaie .Gagliardi; -0; CanterI Imrv .Ives. 311 M'.itni J'iper; I.; B-il'inoial .Gibson: 31 v. jrted.dilis (St. 311; St. ..Dowland) ■23 v. Xorth End, J:i vm':a rglll iSmtlh. I Linwood (Sprosetl; v. West I End, I'imaru < Maclaren; 11. I Seclirm C J aledoniai. '• laridge; k« Iv. Elmwood ;l.ennie; 13; i’.'rt Ahuriri i \lavo; v. Beckenham (Chambers; I ip- Island Bar l.awrie. 'Jo v. Grey ; i.vna : Whittle; "'"st Kml, Timartt • .Currie; 3tj v. (. anterbuiy . Gordon; E(i; Roslyn (Armstrong; 31 v. Sumner ’.Barlow' 2D. ; Section D. Dpa-.a (I'regurllm Br.lmarewan > t'erguson 21; I .med ■ Smith; 23 v. Canterbury ..'raw 2"; 1 r'itzrov ' l’a\ill -1 ' • (-reyinoiii li ! ■ Whib'lcv ■ 17; Kellmrn s mith 2S ' . ; Beckenham i Mulligan: 2-1; I’boenix | (.Grenl'ell; 2S v. Spreylou . Allari). 21. Section H. Waimate Healey. 33 v. Ist Kilda Eduard- I'; Cl'som O ■Callagim n 25 ' . Dunedin ;Hntebi--2-J; Napier . Bee l . 27. v. CanterLory (M.-Nisn. II; Christelmrch (.Wil- ' son'. 25 1 . Si. Albans ■■ Haynaid; 15; j 1.-all Bay . Nm.d; 2P v. Beckenham ' < Wilkinson ■ 2 s . ; ,< i cii'>u l'. I«‘muki E-l w a rd- _< v. ' 'ln istchui'-li (Aingci! I<; ( ]’ e ' iiot th Peek i -~j ' ■ B-?ckam ! ; ur ■ I'auierburv ■ .11 A'-vortii3l v. ! Pulmi i-ion Arnot’ '-’6; (l11. || *_"j v. New South Wales A (Ahull in. I'.'; R-ukv Nook iWakeileyj 27 v. js, denham i Spcarimi n • ■ Srd i-Hi G. I'riited . Bi-mghloti > -•) |v. Nelson • Claughton 21; P-r- kenham iiSarPston' 21 v. Island Bay (JTiddlei ■23; Featherston (h'olls; 21 v. ChristI cli.ircli (Orchard ■ l.ogaii Park j 'Hutchison .31 v. Leesion (,Johnson) ' 20; Lifi'vood ilson 2U v, Auckland i Section H. Bboiheim Bull > 27 P.h 11 ingioii < ooke i 14 : Keturned Bol- ,’ iei s' A .-sue jut ion. < h ristchurch ; Youri" ■ 20. v. K’i- caitnn Racecourse (Burgess, 15; St. Albans (Brass) in. v. (')omwell (Austin i l->; Kilda i Long wort h ; 25 v. Hadwin 24; Syden |ham ( Be- consaH; 2h v. St ra rtord I Seciiou I. Kelburn (Gray; 2.. v. Riccarfon Racecourse (Reed; 14; Caie ionian (Henaghan I -‘.4 v. Blenheon • Smith) Hi; Sumner (Chambers} 24. v. Awamoa < Biii.-t • 2«»: Beckenham (McDonald) 21. v. Spieydon (Kennerlev ) 23; ( Ii list ch n r-h (Sargent i 2S, Axon. Stratford (Dickinson) 14. Section J.—Sydenham (Madsen; 29. v. Nelson (Stephenson) 22; Timai.i | I Anderson .• 34 v. Opnwa Sieans) 29: Wellington (Spiller) 31 v. Edgewa'e (Henrv; 17; West Harbour (Veitch) :;s. v. Beckenham (Brown) IS; Hawei i (Bull 29, -v. Alexandra (Sunderland) Section K. Linwood .Clements) 19 v. West Eml. Auckland i BremneiJ IS; New Brighton (Lesley > 22, v. Runanga Aims! tong i LS; Hataitai (Brightin) 2S v. Ri- arlon Rac «--ourse (Hili) Li; Sydenham (Turland) 27. v. Phoen.x , Pam khiirst ) 23; St. Hilda Adessi 25 v. I’nited (MeGirnpsey) 23. Section I. Beckenham (Healey) 35 v. Papanui (Hadley) 21; Caledonian (Lloyd) 31. v. New South Wales D Lewis) 21: Balmacpwan (McDonald) 19, v. Christchurch (I). Marks) IS; Island Bay (Skoglund) 27. v. Linwood (Pegg) 25; Livingstone (Onehunga) 35 v. Awamoa (Hodge) 17; Wellington (Mover) beat New South Wales < (Law) by default. Section M.—Shirley (Ramsay) 28 v. Gore (Scobie) 17; Dunedin (Anderson 27 v. New South Wales (Purvis) 17: Edgeware (Mollison; 28 v. New South Wales E (Lister) 21; Khandalle’n • Nalder) 29 v. Sr. Albans (Baldwin) 19: Auckland (Walker) 29 v. Kia Toa (Grey j 19: Mailai < !,a Frentz) 28, v. Imperial (S. Draper) 2K

Eighth Round ; Section A. Napier (Benda'l. 28 v. I Barriiiig'tun 26; Thorndou (Casevt 22 '. Ivliuwood (Smith) 19; Phoenix (Thomson) 29 v. Kaikorai (I’f.on) 25; Inveicargill (Hunter) 28 v. Kaiapoi Working Men’s Club (Simpson) 19; Ashburton ( Higgins'; 23 v. Roiniiera (Macey) 20; Ch ri.-i church < Brown • 25 v. Nelson t Dee • 21 Thomson (seven wins; and Dec (six) i qualified. Secrum B. Mnitai < Pipet ) 26 v. Wpm End, Timaru (Maciarcu) 12; i Thorndon i .Navlori 20 v. Redcliffs | (S,»') n i 18; N'ort.h I ,nd (Smith) [2B v. Linwood < Sprosen » 20; Canter- [ bur-,- (IvpS) 26 v. Dalnio al (Gibson) (24; Edgoware , Gagliardi) 25 v. St. Ki Ida (Dow ( 17. Gagliardi and Ives, each six win’. S.-.-.liun C. Sumner < Barlow • 28 Port Ahuriri (Mayo) 26; Caledonian (Claridgoj 22 v. Island Bay (f owrie) • 21; Canterburv (Gordon) 25 v. Ros- , Ivn (Armsliong) II; Beckenham I Chamber) 27 v. Grev Lynn ■ Whittle) i 24; Elmwood i Lennie j 24 v. West F.nd, ! Ti main •< ’urrio ) 22. Currie. Gordon. Barlow, and Ciaridgc. [all with six wins, qualified. i Sodini) I).--United (E. A. Siirih i2B iv. Sprevdon (Allen: 22; Bahnacewan • Ferguson • 21 v. Greymout.h ( Whib‘ov , 21; Beckenham (Mulligan > 26 v. ' Phoenix (Grenfell; 1”. Filziov (Pavitt • 25 v. (?a ntprlmrv (Craw, 20: KelI num i.l. K. Smith' 24 v. Opnwt (TreIgurtha. 17. i E. A. Smith (seven wins), and Fergu.«..n, Pa-, itt. and J. I?. Smith (six j \v ins . qua 1. find. Section E. Beckenham (Wilkin'.son ■ 34 v. Epsom •O'Callaghan) 23; | Napier (Beer) 24 v. Waimate (Healey) 16; Christchurch (Wilson) 23 v. Lyall i Ba v ( Noad) 20; Canterbury (McNish) 2 7 x . Logan l ark • Hntchison • 13; St. I Albans i 11 ay wa i d ( 23 v. St. Hilda i l - .di ward s ) 14. | Wilson and Beer. six wins each. ; tpialifio'l. : Se<-: i<-n E. --Bi’rkonliani 1 I'avtor) 20 x. Rockv Nook (Wakorlcy) 16: Canhprburv (Howarth) 26 v. (’h ristchu i'-h j.Ainger 21; lloslyn (Tyrreih 30 v. j Sydenham Sppa rmfiu > Palmerston I North ( Ainotti 32 v. Greymonth I ' Park i 21; N.S.W (Morris. 31 v. Temuka i E-lwa rd' . 2'Y Terrell (seven wins.. Edwards and ’ Howarth ( six • qualified. i Section G.— Auckland 1 re. 27 v. •Island P.a' • Priddle 24; Nelson 1 (<'laughton ; 30 v. Christchurch (Orchjard . 23: Linwood Wil-on , 26 \. Logan ! Paik (Hutchison) 23; Featherston '(Rolls' 23 v. Beckenham tSnopdon’ '22; United (Broughton. 27 v. I.eps'on • Johnson ) 16. Wilson. Broughton and Ire (six ; wins, qualified. Section H. - l-’.S.V, Christchurch . < You ng . 22 v. Si ra tfo r-l <Cia rk ) 21; St. Albans ( Brass i 24 v. Blenheim '('Bull) IS; St. Kilda (Longworth) 31 v. Svdenham i BoeconsaII) 26; ’ ton IC e. our-e i P.urgees >26 v. CTom- ! well (Austin) 18; Rarington (Cooke) ■ 36 v. Hutt i Hadwin . 19. i Burge's nnd Young, six wins, qualiSeciit.ii I. B.e-nheim .Smith, 22 v. j Chri-ichurch (Sargen! • IS; Kelburn •Gin vi 23 v. Awamoa ( Ruist > 19: Sprevdon •' K ennerley 26 v. Avon. Stratford i Dickinson) 17: Sumner (Chambers) 23 v. Caledonian (Henaghan. 19; Riceart ul Raceemirsc (Reed) 22 v. Beckenham (McDonald) 21. Dickinson, with seven wins, qua!) fied. Section J.---Hawei a (Bull) 26 v. Op,awn (SmaniS) 22; Syilen.ham (Madden) 21 v. Wellington (Spiller. 18; Alexandra ■Sundcrlandj 24 v. M e<t Harbour (Veitch' 12; Timaru (Anderi son 21 x. Edgeware (Henry) *26; Nelson .St epii on 3 « •n i 24 v. Rec Ren ha nt ( Brown . 14. Veitch seven win* l . Bull, and Madsen i six t qualifie i. Sction K.— I’nited (M cG. 24 v. New- Brighton (Besley) 23; Linwood iC'ement.s) 25 v. R’ccar.on Racecourse Hill, 21; Syderhani (iur'and, 26 v. St. Kiln • Vies'*) 17; Hataitai (Brighting > 37 v. Runanga (Aimstrong) 19; We-i End. Auckland (Bremner) 25 v. Phoenix (Panckhurst) 20. Bes’ey. Ric.mnPr and Brighting (six wins) qua'iftCil. Section L.—Canterbury (Maikf s ' 31 v. Wellington (Mayer) 11; Onehunga (Li vi n.gsftonp > 27 v. Balmacewan (McDonald? 21; Papanui (Hadley) Xe«t N.S.W. (Law*, by default; Island Ray (Skoglund 27 v Beckenham (Healey) 25; N.S.W. (Lewis) 36 v. Awamoa • Hodge i 21: Linwood i I’egg) 30 v. Caledonian 'Lloyd) 18. Livingstone (eight wins), Lloyd. Marks, and McDonald (six) qualified. Section M.— Dunedin (Anderson) 32 St. Alban's (Baldwin) 18; Imperial ((Draper) 26 v. Khandallah (Nalder) 16; N.S.W. ( ’Curves’ 27 v. Gore (Scobie) 13; Auckland : Walker) 27 v. Shirley (Ram«av) 25; Maitai (La Frentz) 23 v. N.S.W. (Lister) 16; Kia Toa (Grey) 22 v. Edgeware (Mollison) 20. Anderson (eight wins). Walker and Ramsay <7 and Grey '6) qualified. Post-Section Draw. Following is the draw for post-section play in the rinks: Section A.—Onehunga (Livingstone) a bye; IDunedin (Anderson) plays R.S.A. Christchurch (Young); Fitzroy (Pavitt) plays Canterbury (Gordon).

Section 8.--Canterbury (Howarth' plays West End, Timaru (Currie >: Christchurch i Wilson) plays Nelson (Deei; Shirley (Ramsay; plays Caledonian (l.loyd 1 ; Auckland (Ure plays Kelburn (Smith . Section C. —Sumner (Bai low) plays Phoenix : Thomson); Edgeware (Gagliardi) plays Balmacewan (MacDonald;; Riccarton Racecourse (Burgess) plays Hawera (Bull); Auckland (Walker) plays Hataitai (Blighting). Section D.—Balmacewan (Ferguson) plays Wes't End. Auckland (Bremner); Canterbury (Ives) plays Axon, Stratford (Dickinson); I’nited ; Broughton) play's Kia Toa (Giay;; Sydenham (Madsen) plays Roslyn (Tyrrell-. Section E.—West Harbour (Veitch) plays Christchurch (Marks): Temuka (Edwards) plays United (Smith,’; Caledonian (Claridge) plays New Brighton (Besleyi; Linwood (Wilson; plays Napier ( Beer).

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 12, 15 January 1936, Page 8

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BOWLING TITLES Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 12, 15 January 1936, Page 8

BOWLING TITLES Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 12, 15 January 1936, Page 8