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The New Zealand championship regatta is to be held at Wellington on February 22. Wanganui clubs will l»e well represented. The Aramoho crew will be on hand to defend their championship title in the senior fours, and they promise to gi\e a good account of themselves. The etar attraction of the year, the Intelprov incial Fights, will be rowed on the Wanganui River on Easter Sat urday. The valuable HallyburtonJohustone Cup is the trophy at stake, and as this has been won twice in succession by thv Wanganui representatives, they will be keen to bring off the “hat trick. 0 It is to be noted with satisfaction by Wanganui towing enthusiasts that Mr. J. Aitken has been elected by the Auckland Rowing Association as clerk of the scales at the forthcoming Hamiltiyn regatta. During hie long as sociation with rowing in Wanganui, both with the Union Club and in association affairs, Air. Aitken rendered yeoman service. The M reg *' shortly alter th- championship regatta at Wellington, and as this annual event is generally well supported by Wanganui oarsmen. it may tie antici paled that the 1936 gathering will be no exception. At the present stage, it is understood that the course for the Jnterprovi icial Eights is under consideration. One course which would prove eminently satisfactory is that portion of the river between the South Spit and the Town Bridge. The etart ot the threemile course would be a little beiow the Imlay works, an I on a:i incoming tide the sweep of the river round Landguanl Bluff an 1 the two-milv stretch, almost a straight line, to the finishing point, would provide an ad inirable test of stamina and oarsman ship. An alternative course would be the downriver couite from a point opposite Arles Creek, with the ii-dsh f«»r the crowd to follow the struggle of the several trews over practically the whole cour.-e. 1.-uh course ha> romething tn com- it. ami a good .leal will depend <• ' the weather and the state of the tide. Sa oral trophy regattas lia'e yet to be run by the Wanganui Rowing As soeiation. and it remains to be seen whether these will be u«e<l to prepar • for the New Zealand championships or for the eight-oar event on Easier Saturday. The Aulsebrook tup regatta a couple of reasons ago pro; ided some of the greatest finishes ever seen here in eight-oar racing. The Head of-tho-Kiver rowing i< an event which also pro' ide< splendid racing. The Aramoho Uhib have but thei. b.-t and best boat to the Wanga nil Rowing i lub for local training and i..ring. This ie a spKting gesture tvpical ot Atainoho. It is interesting r.i note that one of the best-and-b-est :..i.:t> used by Aramoho is just on 30 iiar.'me.i in several riui<c tun take a iitlie advice to heart. They should go in 1./r training . onscientiouslv n iney ate to play the game by uh*n clubmates and their clu:>. If a man is not prepared to give up smoking _ • ' • i to the serious side of the rpoit. he is far better out ot the tn ". fc-r he not only is a handicap to him.-vif, but tv the other men in the boat as well. A decided Wanganui touch is noted in one of the pair-oar crews wearing Eh singlets ot the London Rowing t'lub during the current season. The crew cotiri.-ds of Michael Grace and Allan Mitchell, both former member* ot the Wanganui Rowing Club, ami both keen oarsmen. T«iey find that the Ln.on Boat ’ bib crew which represented New Zealand al the Melbourne Centenarv regatta was well liked and respected, both tor oarsmanship and sportsmanship—a sporting tribute im.hi the victors in that memorable race i«»r the premier eighi-oar title ot the Em pite. I’arli* ularly dove the name of Air. E. J. Crotty, manager of tie I nion crew on that vccasi<.:i, stand high in London Rowing < lub circles. It is pleasing to note thi> evidence of the value of the reputation main tained for Nev. Zealand by its repre Union Boat Club. Crews are busily engaged in training tor the Du.-tin Fours tropiy, and lacing will tonimence next week, ’lhe rias* of crews engaged is excellent, and some go "d racing should be witnessed. After this trophy has been compete I f«-r crews will be selected for the New Zealand championships which will be held at Wellington uu Fubru ary 22. Owing to having tv rearrange the senior crew and to an a* cident tu one of the youths, it is extremely doubtful if these two combinations will be able to compete at Hamilton on January 29. The seniors have proved rather disappointing. and the selectors deemed it necessary to rearrange the crew i» further successes were to be looked !•<. Day. who rows in three seat in th« youths, suffered a broken hand la>f week, liis withdrawal is a heavy blow tor this crew* was shaping better than any other combination in the she»L Members must realise that to at Lai a <u- iit is necessary that they make certain sacrifices, and it is not too late yet to lay emphasis on this point. Sunday morning several of the newer members listened tv a recital by a former « rack oarsman of the manner in which they trained in the years gone by. The incredulous glances exchanged indicated that the modem young fellow is sadly lacking in his ideas as tv what constitutes rigid training. coupled with keenness, and tho ability to give all that he has 1° achieve the object striven fcr. Jackson ie settling down to steady training, and will be a competitor at Hamilton However, he wiil be absent for about three weeks prior to the Dominion championships, and will find it difficult to get in the training necessary for him to retain his title at Wellington.


Hie senior crew, at present a provii sioual one, ir G. Delves (stroke), C. i A. Healey (3), A. \ . Sheppard (2), 8. A. Healey (bow). They were out for the first time on Sunday, and when I asked for an opinion as‘to the future prospects of the crew Clarrie Healey i stated that, although it was too early to give a definite answer in this respect, he thought that they would • mould into a good combination. They i find the new boat mits them very well and a distinct improvemeat on the old one. i lor the first time for many years ■ Lie club will be represented in’ the champion pairs, R Gould and M. Granvilhe being selected to compete in this event. AV. Kruse and A. Tanks 1 will aiso be starters, aid with plenty of training and boot-work both crews should be in good trim for the big <ace. The Union card evening will be returned to-night, and judging by the support accorded these during the past few months, it seems as though ll:ev will be as popular as ever. In addition to providing a source of revenue for the club, they promote good fellowship among the members and their friends. 1 an item that in itself is of iattnenee value to the sport. Wanganui Rowing Club. fhe preliminary heats, semi-finals and final of the club double sculls were rowed by Wanganui Club members on lhe honours eventually went tu Butzbach and Stroud, who accounted fur Clapham and Goldsbury in thy final alter an interesting race. The winners maintained a high r;l t 0 c-f *lr<»ke throughout and from a rapid ••tart they field a slight advantage »it th< givym-. this they iuc.rvu*ed'toward lhe finish. It is pleasing tu note how well thv novices shaped in their first sculjiig event, and the thanks uf the Hub ate . due to those old membetv. who initiated i them ;ato the elementary principles of * •scullin' • • j , Six crews a.c trainin- for th© I’iiz•iciocrt ioui>, to be rowed next Haturday, and as all crews appear tv be *?vc alv matched some close finishes Mi'rnlj result. One or two strokes tire being tried, and as the selectors arc watching with a critical eye for material for the regatta at Wellington, every contestant should be found dohis be eU 'lhe maiden crew will probable uuI dergu reec-nstructiiMi, having lost a i nan, but as two of these boys, arc still ; eligible for the youths class, it might I be mure advisable to build up a good l’ l,! 'V fur tie youths’ event. Granted uivy v.<>uld J.ive no sinecure, but has not tiie mi. |.cn crew alicadv been ben t v i twice. Qne expects tirnt the perscnel of the • -blneig t . . xid remain m- it slnntls at present, as the crew have two victories already to their credil. •\*m h stronger opposition will, however. l«e met at the ( <iampionship regatta ai Wriliitgtun, and the crew will have to ■ ‘prove considerably if they are to b*ad the field again. With the possibility that ccveral scullers will desire tu“try their luck,” it may be suggested aspirants be required to . race in the trophy skiffs next week. Aramoho Boating Club. The holding oi club trophy racing on Saturday afternoons has proved veiy popular at Aramoho. Club members and suppt rten- turned up in such satisfactory numbers ibat the committee should be encouraged tu continue the policy and induce more of these events ' in the x-ason’s programme. All heats in last Saturday’s racing weie f'euly contested, and it appeared as if crews were well matched. Congratulations are extended to the winii' is, L. shyer (, and J. Farnil » bow . They put up a fine perMt- -is. 1.. Haywood and D. Holmes cairivd out lhe duties of starter and N.»w that the holidav> are over it is be hoped that all crews will again S’Tle down to • oisrienlious training, not only in the boat but out of it. Crows will never get anywhere without being fit, ami n all members took the training of the senior four as a pa Hern t hev would do wvll. I One would like tu see ail members ' rowing in Aramuho Club coloun-. A | number of the members still use jnultii coloured football jersey This may be I overlooked at the commencement of the season, but all regatta crews must, make a practice of training in the | club’s uniform. The fclectiun of the junior eight has met with the approval of all but a very small contingent of dissenting meiiibjrs. Crews have been relucted io represent Aiamoho at the forthcoming re- I gait a as follows: — Senior Fours. —P. Stowers (st.). F. d (2), C. Harrison (bow). Junior Fours.—J. Halligan (st.). L. Shyer (3), W. Firmin (2), G. Jxickett Junior Fours (lOst. 71b.). —E. Vinev. t (stJ. J. Eiske (3), 11. Stokes (2), R. Bcyland (bow). Alaiden Fours (open).—H. Daly ell (st . F. Paddy (2j, C. Comjybcer (2), T. Hogue (bow). Lightweight Alaidenf. —T.. Henley (>t). C. Stokes (31, J. Fothergill (2), AI. Dearsley (bow). Youths Four*. -R. Nalder (st), W. Turner (3i, AV. Anderson (2), J. Farrell (bow). Patries for sculling events have yet to be selected. Senic-r Fight.—P. Stowers (st), F. Jones 17'. T. Ditchliebl (•>:. C. Karri o.i (s>. R. Coxon (4), Heath (3), J. Halligan (2), K. Shaw (bow). Junior Eight.—E. Vincent (st). L. Shyer (7), W Anderson (•>), AV. Tur--5 , W. Firmin (4), G. Lockett . R. Nalder (2), R. Boyland (bow).

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 12, 15 January 1936, Page 4

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ROWING NOTES Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 12, 15 January 1936, Page 4

ROWING NOTES Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 12, 15 January 1936, Page 4