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LIST OF CAMPS ARRANGED TROPHIES FOR COMPETITION. (By "Sentry.”) Approval has been given for the following camps and courses to be he id during the year:---Annual Camp: AVaverley, January 25 —February 1. Officers and N.C.O.’s: AVaverlcy, January 22—February .1. Officers’ Pro-examination Course: Ala rt iiiborough. August. 13- August 20. Senior Officers: New Plymouth September 2 —September 9. Section Leading; Trentham, September s—September 12. Permanent Force: Trentham, Decern bcr 2 —December 16. Secondary School Officers and N.C.O.’s: Trentham, January 23 — January 30. Ist Battalion Officers and N.C.O. s: Kaitc-ke, October 19 —October 21. Company week-end camps: One. per centre at dates and locations not yet decided upon. Two trophies, in trie form of shell cases, polislicd, engraved, and with ibe regimental badge superimposed, have been awarded to each centre. One fc-r competition among private soldiers and one for non-commissioned officers. The conditions have been carefully thought out, and are such that no member of the regiment, however short his service, need fear that he has anything but an even chance of securing a trophy. As an instance in the competition for n.c.o.’s, juniors arc accredited certain marks, according to rank. The full conditions are published in the latest routine order. Awards arc in the hands of company commanders. WELLINGTON-WEST COAST. NOTES OF THE DAY. Band members are looking forward id the coming band concert on Sunday, July 28, with, much enthusiasm, and judging by the preparatory work being done a first class programme may be expected. Public interest lias been aroused by the fact that the baud will be including additional instruments, such as the saxophone and reed instruments, which should improve the normal tone of the band immensely, while the inarimbo, an instrument of the xylophone type, will be played to a Wanganui audience for 'the first time. Other novelty items are being included, and it is hoped that members of the regiment and the public in general will roll up and show their appreciation of the work which is being done. "A" (S.) Company. Saturday last say "A" Company at their first half-day parade for this training year. Despite a biting cold wind some very interesting training was carried out on the 25 yards range with the Vickers gun. Gunners were able to see exactly what happened when the gun was traversed from left to right by using the traversing targets at this range. The parade was held under Lieutenant Wales, who gave a number of interesting demonstrations. In the first instance the gun was mounted without stamping in the tripod legs and it was interesting to note, by the shots on the target, how the gun settled during firing. The next demonstration the legs were stamped in and when the gun was fired the hits on the target could have been grouped in a 3in. circle. This showed very clearly the necessity for stamping in the shoes of the tripod. R.S.AI. Harvey completed the afternoon’s work with a demonstration of the swinging traverse, which showed how even with a small and hardly perceptible swing of the gun the ground m front can be completely covered by fire in the space of a few seconds. "A" Company is showing a marked keenness in the training set down and should be a very formidable rival in anything competitive during the next cam p. “B" Company. A steady advance is being maintained in the training for the above company and on Alonday evening last, the rifle sections began the first stages of bayonet training. As an exercise this class of training is second to none and it is hoped when the men are a little more advanced, to make use of the padded suits and headgear, which arc available, so being able to stage some interesting contests in bayonet lighting, without, of course, fear of injury to the contestants. Practice in Lewis gun drill, squad drill and rifle exercises was also carried out and at the conclusion of the parade, Captain Whiting, O.C. of "B" Company, congratulated the men on the steady improvement which is so noticeable in their work. Next Saturday another rifle shoot will be held on the I’utiki range at 1.30 p.m. N.C.O.’s are reminded that no class will be held next Alonday evening, as the work for the next parade will consist of a run through of the work taught to dare. N.C.O.’s Lecture. An interesting lecture was given by Captain Barry last week to members of the N.C.O.’s Club. The lecture through out was full of interest and gathering from the enthusiastic remarks of those who were present, another such lecture ■it a later date would be very much welcomed. Regimental Badminton Club. On July I an interesting match was played by the "A” team of the above elug against an ‘‘A’’ team from the Imlay Club. A win for regimental resulted, but. as can be seen from Ihe scores a different tale would have been told had it not been for the strong play of the ladies. A vast improvement can be noted in the Imlay Club, for "Bentry" can remember the lirst lime t lie two clubs met, Imlay had to- be content with but a tew games, whereas in the recent match very few of the regimental men were successful in their sets. The results are as follows: Men's Singles. I’eatlie l«»si 1" Roberts, 7-- I; Barber won from Fisher, JI I2; Falconer lost to l>. n d'.n, 5 I2; Dow lost to Davidson, I'.i - 2I; Knight won from Wadey, 21 I"-; Owen won from Brett, 21 1.1. Imlay 3, lE'gimental 3. Mei:'.- Doubles. L’eatt ie and Knight beat Roberts ami Bradnon, 21—11; Barber and Dow beat Davidson and Fisher, 21 19; Falconer and Owen beat AVa icy and Breity, 21 -10. Imlay 3, Regimental 0. Ladies’ singles Miss I’. Healey Ic-st to 'Miss N. Cornish, 2—15; Miss Z. Healey lost, to Miss Bassett Smith, I 15; Aliss Beattie lost to Aliss Al. Pur ••• 11, 21 -15; Aliss Alaule lost to Aliss

Alary Purcell, 0—15; Miss Cornish Jost lo Aliss Stroud, 10 —15; Aliss Scc-tt lost to Aliss Greaves, 3 —15. Imlay 0, Regimental 6. Ladies’ Doubles (15 up). —Aliss Healey lost to Alissvs Cornish and Bassett Smith, 5 —15; Aliases Alaule and Cornish lost to Aliases Purcell, 2 15; Misses Peattie and Scc-tt lost to Aliases Stroud and Greaves, 5 —.15. Imlay 0, Regimental 3. Combined. I’eatlie and Mi" Peattic beat Roberts and Miss Cornish. 21 —l5; lalconcr and Aliss I’. Healej lost lo Fisher and Aliss Bassett, Smith, 15 -21; Barber and Aliss Scott lost, to Brandon and Miss Alarg. Purcell 17 — 21; Dow and Aliss Z. Healey Je-st to Davidson and Miss Mary I’urcell, 30 23; Knight and Miss Alaule lost, to Wadey ami Miss Stroud, 16 21; Owen and Aliss Cornish won from Brett and Miss Greaves, 21 !». Imlay 2, Regimental 5. Grand Total.- Regimental 16, linlaj 8. At. a later d;iie a ‘ ’ It" grade team I’roin both i-iubs met when Imlay were lhi> lune successful in winning by It -10. Ln this match “Sentry” niii.-l • ongi at ulai eLa nee ( nrpl. B. Hawkin> and Private Britton on I heir play, ear i man winning the three matches in which he played.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 168, 20 July 1935, Page 11

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DEFENCE NOTES Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 168, 20 July 1935, Page 11

DEFENCE NOTES Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 168, 20 July 1935, Page 11