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BOROUGH COUNCIL. A i Ih< muiilhly merling of the Borough CuwiK ii lucre were preseni : liie .\inyoi (Dr. Fel(ham), i_r>. C. D. Lynch. .1. 11. isianley, F. L<e. .1. iio -.ictlo, I . IShoiil, \\. Han i.- ami I . Goodman. Apologies were icceivcd :Tom Cr». landlord am! W ebb. Works Conihiittee. Oil me reiummend'i I ion ul the Works i .ommil lee, it was agreeu: -- i iiul ap ion i»u made to lite i.oanl lur a .-,u.>;'i<iy fur the eieci.oa i.i piotuiiing lencu on read ai M.wazinu Hili, iii.ii pel mission be graded lu tiie Lnlnuiic. Cnurtii Commi.tee u lay a dram pipe auros> the luutpuiii Jn •Seudon >SreeL; Dial application be made Lu Inc ruresuy Department fur a uupp.y oi trees lor planting tue walei tower iv.->erve; that section 32, George ."i i cl l, be leased to Air. K. C. Davis at a rental ui 23s per year; that l\. ilainl no nutilied lint a nuisance iias iic.'ii created by his slock and same must < ca.-’C immediately; that Hie council nul a lignt gw er tue Post Ollice clock on I He community lighting basis; that Mr. i?c>4i be notified that He must vacate premises by August .13, otherwise acu<m will oe taken for possession. Ra uCS. Lu accordance wini notice vi motion rates \vcre snacK lur tne year ending ..laicn ui, .l9Ju. Il rcsoived that a rebate of i per ci nt. be allowed on all curiem jutes paid winiin 3U days num uue bate. ii was decided that all rates levied jor lac year sUouiu i>e uii i a per ce»«i. ol Lire vaiues appearing uu tue valuation roll. Heaitii Inspection. The health inspector submitted his report ior tne inouin. j nere were three cases oi. inicciioas diseases —uiputlieiiu. lie uctaiicd ausuxute essential repaiis necessary beiore a licence cuuld be approved xur tne commercial buaruj.. to House, boiue properties in iking tiireuv were still, not connected wun tnc It was agreed tliat a pruvisiuxiai licence lor lour weens be granted tu tne licensee of tne t-ummciciai iiuLca and he be notiln|4 tnat uniess the impairs required by tne ueailu niapectoi ue carried out, tne licence win be cancelled. xvLr. W’. Watson applied for a licence fu-r his billiard suiuun, which, was granted ou the usual conditions. llie Wanganui nospitai Board forwarded estimates lor me year and tue levy lur the various local bodies, inc levy lur ivaetmi Borough had been reduced iroin £169 10s id lu xIOO lUs Bd. Resignation Miss Joyce Erwin, of the borough office slab, ioiwarded ucr resignation on tne occasion of Her approaching marriage, blic would line tu icave uu duly ui. Ou tne motion of the Mayor, sec uuded by Lr. Harris it was agreed to put uii record me uppreciaiiG’a oi the council ol’ tiie long ana crucivnt servicerendered by iVlisn urwm and reg ret at nor resignation. General llie Fire I’rcxentiun Commitlee was asked lu consider improv emeuts to the lower hanging toe Hidden. Ihc liimnic Cummilieu agree.l to loon into inc position ol rates uu a section, which was said nut to uu the roll. it was agreed to support ihe ruepii’M uf tffu luumaiunui uurougu vouiicn tur a pctitiuii asning lor a rciu.unuUiu on commissioner control ui nquur. Un the motion oi Ur. bnuut it was deciueil mat the Public Library uominittee be asked fur a report an u statement of assets. Tne Lhempiuyiiient Board advised revised scales ul payment to men ou x\o. a scheme. It was agreed tu co-operate with the Tianspu-rL uoard with regard to branes, ngiits and stickers. Thu secretary ul the JTcusurj uoU lied that as the addresses oi ueucntu*e holders were nnuwUj the nuiice with regard tu lac loan conversion scueme would require tu ue advertised m me Gazelle. Accounts amounting tu £505 3s 4-i were passed lur payment. Bad ana uncolk'cled debts amuuuting tu £luU is 8d were written oil. Domain Board The stuiie persons met as a Domain Board, it was unanimously agreed that repairs to ivucing be carried cut ou tne xiecreatiuu Ground and Uamp bile. Miss O. buout was appointed care taker uf the camp site un uJ 1-3 per cunt, commission oasis. it was agreed to draw the attention of the sciiu-jimusier to me condition ui tliu reserve near the school. GENBRAij NEWS Mr. Hume, ul mu Agricultural Dupartmunt, auarussud a number ol suppliers to mu ixaetilu Dairy Company m the Druids’ Hail on Wednesday afternoon. Owing to the short uc*ucu there was not a xurge attendance, -v committee was appointed to canvass the district and ascertain the support that would be given tu a nurd-lusung scheme. At the meeting of the CummuniO Relief Committee on Wednesday nig“i tae Mayor v UI - Etlthaui) was stated that ul tne liautiHi there were mure Maoris on tne x\o. o scheme than Europeans* and they ie ceived considerably more mone), although the individual native received less man the European wun the same number of children. A suggcsliuii luai the committee purchase etc., ivi distribution was deterred. At the meeting of tne uorough CutinJ 1 Cr. Shout said gotxl lirewoml was being burned by the Puuiic W orns J w partment at raiuhi and he thuugat sume protest should be muue at mis destruction 01. good material. fbe deal li of a pic.-iu er seiner ul ihis ditsriei, Mr. Aiembald Smith, loui< place al llumiitou ivccmß. Uopvch uf the annual u.ilanve shv< i and .-lalemeiit ul accounts lor im'v 1 ’ emlcl March, .IWJ, wvr.: dislriuii.c.i al lI,C up-clmg uf the Hacliui Ui-uicil kid luesday ingut. \ card <H ’eri'uun hi aid ul the i.o.>n r.ahv in Ihe L'lunl.el So.-iely bale, pcuiiun was held ul Ihe lusldeaee <’l .si r>. Richaids, oeddon Street, on Weaneadae afleriroon, when ll subataiil ini auicui'it was realised in aid <>i Bryers. . The No. a District '! ranspoil -ice.i.s- >„■ Authority will hold a publu- sitting iu liaetihi on Friday, dbtn lust., (~’,,,,-ider applications tor renewals of good-service licence*.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 168, 20 July 1935, Page 5

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RAETIHI Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 168, 20 July 1935, Page 5

RAETIHI Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 168, 20 July 1935, Page 5