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WAR XS I AIMI7 C’ CHATC ORGANDIE PLEATING—2-in. wide. White only. Lr\LzilL>3 1 3 Sale Price 6d per yd. CI , ...u. , „. , , K - #„ , i „.„ r | A PRINT BARGAIN—36-in. fadeless prints, ail good quality bILK COATS—In Black and Aavy, full length, and assorted ■" ~. ... . . ,n . , ,<■ q„i„ p r ,„„ od . , J ■ x-~, cIV . pna it „ i n,.; ea/ cloths and thoroughly reliable, usually 1, 6. bale Price «d styles, and sizes trom SA\. to 8.0.0. Usual Price 04/- . r _ Tr ,,__„ , , ■ ~ ' , 1; ,,. Sale Price 55/- ;j4 ‘ in - LUSJRE-An ideal labne for non s light woikmg ROSLYN COATS—In Light Summer Shades, assorted sizes- coats > ( j ust ] c l oat , s ; Q ete '’ 111 aVy and Br °"saie Price 1/9 HOpSckcoa^s' 01 '!' Us ™l Priee 59 /. 6 ’• ,Y Sa J\v riCe i IS Z 6 PRINTED OKGA^'lDES—Qualities'tlial usually sell from HOPSACK COATS—In neat Fawns, with belts. S.W. and W 0/11 * 4/-11 • 1 1 in 11; 0/ • -] A TT 1 • on/e In/fi 3/11 to 4/I], in cheek and floral designs, ob-in. wide, sizes. Usual price 29/6 Sale Price 10/6 / / , 1 SWAGGER COATS—In Good Summer Tweeds. These popular . , , . ~, , t . Coats were priced at 49/6 Sale Price 21/- PIQUE VOILES Balance of season s plain and flora stocks MAIDS’ COATS—Neatly belted, in good quality Tweeds. be cleared at ’’ ’ Usual Price 25/- .... Sale Price 10/6 26 ‘ ln - P™ta-A big range of patterns and RAINCOATS—For Girls, in assorted colours. Usual price TT . .rc 0 ,. ■ ■, ’ Sale Price 746 CHECK GINGHAMS—36-m. wide, last colours. Usually COTTON FRINT FROCKS—In dainty designs and different JE 11 '" tO J/ 6 Sal . e , , ... r , , , , f, . ol ° „. „ ... NAVY FADELESS—IdeaI for school wear, splendid navy, styles with Collars and long and short Sleeves Sizes S.AA. absolutely fast colour. 36-in. . " LL" "i t ? } Usually J/ll .. .. Sale Price 1/6 Inert? SMe Svil A GREAT BARGAlN—Genuine Wineey, 36-in. wide. Wool MOROCAIN FROCKS—In Navy and Black. Sizes S.W. to and Cotton ’ 1,1 P a,e blue and P lllk nn,y - O.S. Usual Price 84/- Sale Price 39/6 nnunnr * T > a i f i i • • v w v*innr vtddu AlfPDi’ vnn r rnnei’a i <• i i i• ♦ FOR SCHOOL WEAR—A wonderful bargain in Navy Velour ILORAL OMBRE VOILE FROCKS-In particißarly dainty Facecloth, 54-in. wide. All wool, good shade of navy. designs and styles. Sizes S.S.W. to V .X. Usual price lsu ., lly g/1] ’ * gale price 4/11 ■/■ . bale Price lu/u SPUN COTTON FUGI FROCKS—With Collars and Sleeveless. »- . » TZ -, T iroT-rn Assorted sizes. Usual price 9/6 Sale Price 4/11 IVlAlNvJrifcJj i iLlx MH I INIPRV FLORAL CRETONNE—IS pieces of this material, good deI signs. Prices 1/3 to 1/9 To Clear at 1/- ayd Sl’rJ IAL CLEARING LINE-Consisting of Straws in all ART , SILK SLUB REPP-STriped designs, suitable for curcolours will) small and large brims, Felts ill White and (wmwrrnnAT ( rnyTrMr'r i'vi’v” m’-” *• i' if • 1 Past J shades in an excellent range of colour COT ™ P BAL COSTUME LINEN-40-in. wide Prices All To Go At 2/6 , PT V I' ?- AkrrmTr 'i " c t° n 7 n r NEORA and PEDALINES—To be bought in Navy, Ice Blue, ARP SILK MINCETIE—In Green, Blue. I lame, Hebo, Gohl. Pink. Brown, Black and Green—an exceptionally r.rir/vvrxr wi-m '»/’• ” ’.i t””1 T good 1 ange of shapes. Usually priced to 17/6. CLRI ;' IN NEr - Plaln Blscu,t ’ "" ll ,larro " f coloured edgeSale Price 4/11 rorl/b oaie rr.ce a/n WHITE TWILL SHEETS, Hemmed— I HNirNE’D C'X Single Bed 54 x 90 To Clear 6/1.1 a pair UJINS„/Il i X\VzLAa 1 Illi IVJ Superior quality 45 x 90, 10/6 For 8/11 a pair Double Bed 80 x 90 To Clear 11/6 a pair LADIES' TRICOLINE NIGHTDRESSES—V. neck, short Double Bed Unbleached, 80 x 99—10/11 .. For 9/6 a pair sleeves, ni Cream Sky and Pink, splendid length, good w B . Herringbone Sheeting, 45-in., 1/3 .. . . For 1/- a yd. .. ,v Shap ?,? S^!X4^ e . a . < ‘. h . Ik ••»••• V Su’ePnc® 2/11 each w B . Herringbone Sheeting, 80-in., l/ll .. For 1/8 a yd. s.M.and W. hUGI II JAMAS—No sleeves, tuck-in Blouse, MNEN TEA CLOTHS—Hemmed .... lOd, 1/- and 1/3 each Good shaped trousers. Usually. 8/11 each. _ PILLOW CASES—Taped 1/3 a pair T . r.rr.... „ Sale Pnce 5 / 6 each ' SUPERIOR QUALITY—2O X 30, free from dressing, 1/8 a pair LADIES INT-ERLOC lx. COTTON VESTS—Round neck, picot WHITE HONEYCOMB QUILTS edge, good size. Usually 2/3 each .... Sale Price 1/6 each. Single Bed" 3/11 For 2/11 each LADIES’ LACE TRIMMED VESTS—No sleeves, light weight COT BjTaNKE'TS— AH w001,’30 x 36. in Rosc'only— 4/6 cotton. Lsually 1/8 each Sale Pnce 1/- each y 3/g LADIES’LIGHT SUMMER WEIGHT COTTON VESTS—No COLOURED BORDER CLOTHS—S2 x 52, will give, reliable sleeves and short sleeves. Usually 1/-each. wear-2/6 For 1/11 each . .rxr.-c, „ Sal ® Pnce 8d each - STRIPED TURKISH TOWELS—2O X4O 1/6 a pair LADIES IRICOLINE BLOOMERS—In all good shades, Sky, HEAVIER QUALITIES 2/11 and 3/6 a pair Cream, Pink, and Navy, full size and ’large gussett. BEACH TOWELS—Dark Stripe—s/11 For 3/11 each Pi\k' SU ? Sal e V-each. NURSERY FLANNELETTE—Horrockses’ make, 29-in. wide, 11 < L m B^‘\ S c & - IKR T\ S_ t i P - OVe o r , and l' d rV'. ba, *£ pure finish-9/6 For 7/11 dozen t mnamwrc Usual Pnce 2/6 Sale Price 1/6 NURSERY DIAPER. TWILL—27in., 12/- .. For 9/11 dozen LADIES’ CORSELETTES—In Pink Brocade, Brassiere top, slim fitting and finished with 4 suspenders. Sizes 30 and I lA?IFn\7 1 z>l ZIT’C 32. Usually 6/11 Sale Price 5/6 HObIEK ¥ and GLUVEb S.W. and W. BLACK WOOL BATHING SUITS—With Skirt, low back. Usually 6/11 Sale Price 4/11 ODDMENTS—This is a. special clearing Line of oddments in pure Silk, Art. Silk, and Silk and Lisle Hose—all in iVJTTNI’Q AT? Summer Shades Special Sale Price 1/- pair I’lE.l' W J-j/ArX. “BLUE SEAL’’—Fully fashioned pure. Silk Hose in all good vrci mr.’ eurnmc > r,.- i shades. Usual price 7/11 Sale Price 4/11 MHN b SIKIPED NEGLIGE SHIRTS—Good fitting and ex- tmt >, r , , ;' ,• , B , . • , , , c . . , , LISLE HOSE—Two fold m Lisle finish, seamed, in assorted cellent patterns Summit and Supercrat makes. Usual , , t, • < /Q r../ l n/<’ o i t> • .f„ .. . greys «i>ri browns. Usual pru'c 2/3 .. .. Sale Pnce 1/3 pnce from 6/6 to 9/6 .... Sale Prices 4/11,5/11 and 6/11 itrsin ir.ner i i> . ■ o c , iCTFRii'K'k-giim'K wui v- i, , • ~, ~, MESH HOSE—In Brown tunings, pure snk. Lsnal price INIEKLOI. K SHIR TS—With Zipp Fronts, m Blue and Fawn. < /t . p „-„„ 9ZII Usual Price 7/6 Sale Price 5/6 \iimy i r \n.-uu ir<>yir"i /i 'i 'i' baJe Pn ® e t nri'MTT «uiniKi iv.i r, r < ' , ARI. SILK MESH HOSE—In assorted shades. I sqal price SILK LOUKNIT SHIRTS—With Zipp fastener, in a good 2 /f Sale Price 1/° range of colours. Usual Price 8/11 .... Sale Price 6/6 pi rvi? <‘ii i.’ /'i ( 'i\-1 hj' ' Ti" li c” i• i , ii i ma VV I n . 14 1 IL. 1 11 bllJx (. LO\ kb -\\H li double lips. Hi light shades t»Uib IXJXV) brRGB SUITS—In sizes 9to 14 and 18 only. lleil • • 1/t i 1/n CRFYWOPSTrKuiT.’ S’ Yr Sal \ P 7 Cel9/6 WASHABLe'i'iOESKIn' IYL’ov’ES-lw’ilh’GauOh. SIVR in GREI WOKSIEDSI IT B—Size 3—B and 15 only. 45/- lvr , , ~, • . , *’• Pq I*9/6 VN lute and I haniois. I siial price b/l I and 8/Jl. BOVS’ SPORTS COATS—In good all wool tweeds, sizes 9-10- BJe P ice 4/ Sale Prices 9/11, 12/6, 17/6 FANCY DEPARTMENT MEN’S LUVISCA PYJAMAS—I leniiinc quality, in neat I stripes. Usual Price 21/- Sale Price 13/11 HAND BAGS—While cashable eiicvelope shape—nice quality. FUGI I’YJAMAS-ln Plain Fngi Silk U.K. Qualitv. Usual J, o'?? ' r , i ’ Sale . Pric e, 4/tl , PripoOi/ q /11 I hl) Al h( INS - I-<ir women- a yood large size. Lsnal „ ' X / Sale Pnce 8/11 Sale Price 8d SUMMER Pl J A MAS—In p'.pular sfripe, ni-e quality. Usual TR,A('ED I USHII INS -In Black Poplin. Usual jiriee 3/U--priee up to JO/6 Sale Prices 8/11 and 6/11 Sale price 1/11 TENNIS and CANOE SHIRTS—In Beatrice Twill, an excel- BABY SHAWLS—In Good Qualify Silk and Wool ideal for lent washing line. Usual price 8/11 Sale Price 3/11 infant, use. Usual price 12/- to 26/-. Sale Price 7/11 to 16/SWIM SUITS—In Small Roys’ and Toddlers’ sizes, guaran HAN DK ERUHI EES White llandkeimhiefs. Usual Price 1/9 teed all wool, in a. good assortment of colours. Usual Price 1/- doz. prices 3/6 to 5/6 Sale Price 1/11 Coloured Borders .-last washing colours. Usual price 2/rrvT<> <i itq - rii Y- ' Y> Sale Price!/ doz. GENTS bl ITS-m a nil range of sizes N.Z ami English SUSPENDERS -Ladies’ Suspenders this ,s ael up line ?-/'•“< ’"“V p "InJ Rn 'rn’Y «r"," of mldnmnts. I sual prices 1/ 1., 1/6 Sale Price 6d pair Sale Prices 49/6, 55/-, 59/6, 85/- H{|NT This is an e..,ecl|e„ t fining line in fa I SPORTS 1 R< >1 SERS—In Flannels and Worsteds—end of sea- washing colours Sale Price l/.U son oddments must be sold. Usual prices from 17/G Io WHITE WOOL ll< rc is another clean up line of 3 ami Lplv 29/6 Sale Prices 9/11, 10/6 to 17/6 wool. Lsmd prices 9d and Kid skein Sale Price 4d skein WNQfIS BOX 357 ~ wxxrsiC,zx <m OT

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 30, 5 February 1935, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 30, 5 February 1935, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 30, 5 February 1935, Page 10