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OLD BOYS ENTERTAINED 'As a fitting tribute to the Old Boys Football Club winning the junior shield championship they were entertained at dinner at the Marton Hotel by Mr W. Gatrell (a member of the winning team). After a dinner that was thoroughly appreciated by those present, a short toast list was honoured with musical honours, to “The King” followed by “The Old Boys Football Club,” proSised by Mr. A. Way, who congratuted the juniors on their win, to which Mr. A. Melndoe, as president of the Old Boys Football Club suitably reloaded. Mr. M. Waldin proposed the toast of she ehampion junior team, Mr. J. Hammond (captain of the team) replied, thanking Mr. A. T. Gatrell for the honour he had accorded them in inviting them to such a banquet to celebrate ■their victory, Mr. J. C. Thomas proposed the toast of the Rangitikei Rugby Union and referred to the happy relations that had always existed between the Union and the elubs. Mr. 8. B. Abel (treasurer) replied, stating that the union’s ambition was to do its best for all grades and congratulated the Old Boys on their fine winning performance, and apologised for the absence of the president (Mr. 8. McKen■ie). Mr. L. Barry, proposed the toast of the Rangitikei Referee’s Association, referring to the high standard the local ■referees had reached in Rugby circles. Mr. W. E. Gibbons (secretary), in replying, referred to the happy relations that had existed between the Referees’ Association and the Rangitikei Rugby Union. “The Host and Hostess” was proposed by Mr. L. Mcßeth, who spoke in complimentary terms of the splendid services that had been rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Gatrell during the football season which was very much appreciated by the footballers in the district and the dinner that night was a fitting climax to football supporters. Mr. Gatrell responded by stating that he was only too pleased to help football sr any other branch of sport to the best of his ability and he was pleased to see such a representative gathering. Mr. M. Waldin ’s health, as captain of the senior Old Boys was also honoured, and Mr. A. Henwood’s as selector for the Rangitikei Rugby Union, the latter stating that it was the worst position in the union. “The Press” was duly honoured and responded to by representatives of the “Wanganui Chronicle” and Rangitikei Advocate, and the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” brought a most enjoyable function to a conclusion. TUG-OF-WAR There was a good attendance at Archibald’s Stables on Wednesday evening when a number of interesting pulls took place. Mr. H. Lampp acted as timekeeper and Mr. H. T. Whale as judge. The holders of the Signal Challenge Cup (Taxpayers) were defeated by the Babies in two pulls out of three. An elimination contest to decide the ■ext challengers for the Signal Cup resulted as follows—Caterpillars beat Rovers; Deep Sea beat Rovers; Caterpillars beat Deep Sea. The Caterpillars will therefore pull the Babies next week for the Signal Cup. Daring the evening the teams pulled •cratch teams from the audience. Audience lost to Deep Sea; Audience lost to Caterpillars; Audience lost to Hovers. The tournament concluded with supper provided by the committee and the next meeting will be held on Wednesday next.


QUADRANGULAR TOURNAMENT. At the invitation of the secretary of the Rangitikei Primary Schools Rugby Union (Mr. F. A. Hempieman), there was a good attendance of football enthusiasts at the Marton Jockey Club’s rooms on Thursday evening. In the unavoidable absence of the president of the Rangitikei Rugby Union (Mr. S. R. McKenzie), Mr. A T. Gatrell was voted to the chair, and ealled upon Mr. Hcmpleman to address the meeting. Mr. Hempieman stated that they were fortunate in having the tournament allotted to Marton, and also in the New Zealand Rugby Union voting £4O towards the expenses of the tournament. Teams representing Rangitikei, Taranaki, Horowhenua and Hutt Valley Primary Schools would take part in the tournament, and the Rangitikei team would embrace players from Taihape, Marton. Marton Junction, Turakina and Bulls Schools. The teams would arrive on Friday, August 19, Taranaki players by the New Ply mouth-Wellington express at 1.45 p.m.. end the remainder of’ the teams by the 6.0 trains. The main business would be the billeting of the players and offers to billet 30 out of the *75 were received in the room. The remainder would be billeted by parents •f the school children. It was decided to accord the visitors t civic reception on the Marton Park on Saturday afternoon at 1.30, after which two games would be played. Sunday would be an off-day. Ou Monday morning the visitors will probably be shown over Henderson Bros.’ flour mill. In the afternoon two game> would be played and the visitors wil. attend the pictures in the evening. On Tuesday morning a practice will be held of all teams and arrangement.' are being made for a visit to Flock house in motor-cars in the afternoon. On Wednesday morning the player' will be taken for a motor trap to Heaton Park, and the final games will be played in the afternoon. At 5.30 the players and officials will be entertained at dinner at the Marton District High School, after which community singin? •nd a musical programme will conclude the programme. The players leave for home on Thursday morning. The following were elected an Entertainment Committee: Rev. P. H. Leon • rd and Messrs. W. E. Gibbons, J Mogridge, A. 8. Coleman. A. E. Caldo.v. A. T. Gatrell and F. A. Hempieman. The Rangitikei Referees’ Association is to be asked to supply the referees for the tournament and Sir. F. A. Hernpieman will have charge of the billet ing. SCHOOL SOUTH RANGITIKEI REPS TEAM TO MEET NORTH RANGI TIKEI AT TAIHAPE. A« • result of a trial game played on Friday, the following twenty boys have been selected to represent Smith Rangitikei against the North’ Inn

August 13, at Taihape:—Coles, Davidson, Reynolds, Twigg, Wilkie, Parkin son, Rayner, Tipling, Williamson, MeCaul, Slade (M.D.H.S.), Ireland. Me Lean (Turakina), Cole, Harper (Bulls). Dillon (Hunterville), Gower. Terry. Gibbons (Tutaenui), Wishnowsky (Turakina). RANGITIKEI v. WANGANUI. JUNIOR REP MATCH. The following team has been selected by Messrs. W. E. Gibbons and T. W. Reid to represent the Rangitikei juniors against Wanganui, at Marton on Wednesday next: —Lewis (O.B.); Hammond (O.B.); Bartlett (O.). Gatrell (O.B.); Wilkie (A.), Pritchard (O.); J. McKenzie (Hal.); Calkin (A.), Anderson (A.), Henderson (O.). Gabites (B.), R. Poppe (O.B.), Poppe (O.B.), Wilson (O.B.), Jackson (R.). Reserves: Backs, Barry (O.B.), Taylor (A.); forwards, Dukeson (H.), Nairn (A.). The above team assembles at the Marton Park at 2.15 p.m. on Wednesday, August 3. Mr. Reid has been appointed manager and Mr. J. McKenzie captain. 0.8. signifies Old Boys; 0., Ohin gaiti; 8.. Bulls; A., Athletic; Ha).. Halcombe; H., Hunterville, R., Rata. Mr. R. Rivers will referee. SEVEN-A-SIDE TOURNEY. The following clubs have entered teams for the Third Grade seven-a-side tourney, to be held on the Marton Park this afternoon, the first games commencing at 2 o’clock on both grounds: Old Boys, two teams; Athletic, three teams; Hunterville, two teams; and Bulls, one team. Old Boys A.—Nichol, Kerr, Ingle, L. Moss, Johnstone, H. Moss, McKen zie. Old Boys B.—Kitney, Lee, McLean, Death, Fowler, Gray, Hamer. Athletic A team. —Nuttall, Williamson, Tolley, A. Whitcombe, Bidwell, Bevan. Horgan. Athletic B team. —Slinger, Podjurski, Marr, Bending, White, Walkley, R. Whitcombe. Athletic “C” team.—Jellyman, R Stantiall, Larsen, Waller, Whale, C. Stantiall, Allen. Reserves: Lewis, Webb, Rivers, Evans, Gibbons.

THE HANDY CUP. RATA v. OLD BOYS’ SENIORS. For the third Saturday in succession Rata will play Old Boys, the Handy Cup this time being at stake, and as the funds are to be devoted to the benevolent fund a big attendance is anticipated. This match will start at 2.45 p.m., and following are the teams: Rata (to be selected from): H. Taiuru, Simons. Peina. Williams, N. Kane. G. Hartley, B. Gardiner, 8. Hartley, J. Potaka, S. Gibbs, J. Taiuru. J. Waters, I. Mclntyre, P. Waitere, M. Taiuru, R. Jones, C. Turner, A. Stevens, E. Jackson. Old Boys.—Parkes. Duncan, McLean, Lambert, Waldin, Harre, McDonald, K. Poppe, Hamer, Henderson, N. Poppe, Adams, Low, Calkin, Kane. Old Boys v. Athletic Juniors. On Wednesday a friendly game was played between. the above teams on account of the visiting teams failing to put in an appearance. The game was open and interesting and resulted in a draw, each side scoring 9 points. For Old Boys tries were scored by Hammond, Lambert and Gatrell, and for Athletic by Taylor and Walkley the former also kicking a penalty goal. Mr. Rivers refereed. LADIES’ HOCKEY. OROUA v. MANAWATU. The following ladies’ hockey team has been selected by Mr. A. Smart to represent Oroua in a challenge against Manawatu for the Harpur Cup to be played at Palmerston North next Wednesday:—Goalie, Mrs. Down (Rata); full-backs, Mrs. Bland (U) and L. Mcgreal (Hal.); halves, B. Managh (Hal.), V. Foster (Wai.), captain, and D. Rogers (Hal.); forwards, M. Lord (Hah), T. McDonald (U), Mrs. Grubb (Ath.), M. Harvey (Rata), and 0. Jensen (Ath.). Emergencies: Forwards, A. Aitken (Ath.), and B. Staples (U.); backs, M. Stent (U.), and P. Carpenter (Ath.) AN ENJOYABLE CONCERT To provide funds for the purthasc of a challenge championship cup in connection with the annual Chrysanthemum Show, a series of three concerts is to be given in the St. Andrew ’s Hall. The first was presented on Thursday evening, and delighted a large audience. Despite the cold night, the room was well warmed by heaters. At the conclusion of the entertainment th*» artists were given supper by the ladies. The programme was presented as follows: Pianoforte solo. Mr. Ledinghame; mandolin solo, Mr. Saunders: song, Mr. R. Ball; song, Mr. W. F. Fade; reei tation, Mr. Rushton; cornet solo, Mr. D. Williams; guitar solo, Mr. 1c Grove; song, Miss E. Sherriff; song, Miss S. Mclvor; recitation, Miss M. Melvor; song, Mrs. H. J. McChesney; string trio, Messrs. Walkley, le Grove and Rushton; vocal quartette, Mrs. Gibson, Miss Hunter, Mr. Ball, Mr. Reynolds; items, girls from Turakina Maori Girls’ College. Miss M. Hunter and Miss F. Hunter were accompanistes. The next concert may lie looked forward to with pleasant anticipation The result is a credit to the organiser, Mr J W. Gibson. VOLUNTEER NOTES The Marton Volunteers resumed par ades on Thursday night alter the midwinter break, the attendance being only very fair. From now on, train mg will be intensive and parades will be held fortnightly. Owing to the training quarters being renovated, the parade last night adjourned to Parkes’ Garage. The evening’s program me was drill with arms, a brisk route march up Wanganui Road and a lecture on the Vickers Gun by rhe R.S.M. After the parade dismissed, XX'.O.’s remained for their class and had supper. Bivouac this training year has been set provisionally for February, 11th to 18th inclusive. A challenge to a football match has been received from the Wanganui vol unteers, to be played Marton on a free date. Entries are wanted for a boxing tournament, army and navy weights, to be held in Wanganui on August. 17.

The Maxton platoon has received an invitation to attend a military ball in Palmerston next Friday night. Next Wednesday a meeting of the Alarton Volunteer Social Club will be held in the Jockey Club rooms at 8 p.m. Business will be the adoption of the constitution, presentation of the Farmers’ Union Shield and general. A big attendance is anticipated. CONVENT SCHOOL CONCERT The junior pupils of St. Francis' School, ranging from the tiny tots to eight years of age, put on a very creditable performance on Thursday afternoon in the schoolroom for parents and friends to help swell the funds of the forthcoming Catholic Carnival dance. Twenty-six items of chorus, dancing, recitations and piano solos were given, where the art >f their teachers was well portrayed, the dancing being worthy of special men tion. The little performers showed that great pains and patience had been taken by the Sisters of Mercy to bring them to such a standard of efficiency. SUCCESSFUL BENEFIT DANCE The Runnymede shed was packed with dancers on Thursday evening for lhe benefit dance, which was given to collect funds to provide clothes for needy children. Alusic was supplied by Air. Signal (accordeon), and Mr. Le Grove (steel guitar), and Air. Franke played an extra. During the evening Mr. Alex. Stuart, ALP., thanked the guests for their patronage and stated that the sum of about £7 had been collected and which would bo handed to the Plunket Nurse to distribute to needy cases. THE CIVIC THEATRE “DREYFUS” Beatrix Thomson, one of the most able of our young actresses, makes her talkie debut in the British International picture, “Dreyfus,” which will, be shown at the Civic Theatre, this afternoon and evening and on Monday evening. The only woman in the cast of “Dreyfus,” Beatrix Thomson gives a moving characterisation of the un happy but devoted wife and champion of the unfortunate Dreyfus, in this graphic picturisation of a man's martyrdom to injustice. It is interesting to know that while working vith Cedric Hardwicke (who plays the title role in “Dreyfus”) a close asxociation sprang up between his wife, known professionally as Helena Pickard, and Beatrix Thomson, and they are now allied in the joint management ol the Grafton Theatre, London. GENERAL NEWS The Rangitikei County Council meets on Thursday, August 4. Probate of the, will of ’.he la’e An drew Clarke, deceased, was gi.iuted on the 26th inst. by Mr. Justice MacGregor. The Marton harriers will u.o from the racecourse at 2.30 this if-irnoon. Footballers without a garni aie cor dially welcomed. Mr. J. A. Brailsford. 8.A.. delivered an address to a large nudi of the Marton W.E.A. and League of Nations Union on Thursday evening in the Marton District High Schoo' Ins subject being “The Search foi World

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 75, Issue 178, 30 July 1932, Page 12

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MARTON Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 75, Issue 178, 30 July 1932, Page 12

MARTON Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 75, Issue 178, 30 July 1932, Page 12