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OPENING-DAY IMPRESSIONS FINE WEATHER FAVOURS THIS YEARS START KEEN COMPETITION IN SEVERAL SECTIONS The Wanganui Winter Show was opened yesterday in fine weather, judging in most of the sections being completed. Considering the nature of the times, the Show is on a par with previous Wanganui efforts and reflects the zeal and ability of the executive in charge. There was an added note of jollity imparted by the reception tendered to the old identities of Wanganui by the Mayoress (Mrs N. G. Armstrong) and wives of city councillors. Side-shows played their part in fostering attention. There was a fair attendance of the public in keeping with previous first-day records. If the good weather holds it is anticipated that patronage will be accorded the function t<j>-day and to-morrow which will considerably exceed that of past years.

■ A Winter Show, to make it successful, K demands a live committee, every member of which must put his shoulder to ■ the wheel and carry out his task with strict attention to detail. Those who ■ shouldered responsibility for this year’s [ effort were:— President, R. Farley, Esq., Westmere; Winter Show executive: chairman, J. Elliott, Esq., Wanganui; vice-chairmen. Messrs J. Patterson, W. J. Upton, P. Mailman; committee: Messrs S. A. Cross, F. W. Wilson, W. Gaze, G. Sherman, B. 8. Kench, T. Anderson, J. Cooper, H. Hall, T. Liddle, G. C. Jukes, E. A. Hylton. N. Hughes, C. Ward. J. Dow, A. S. Davis, J. Grant, J. Valentine, C. Willacy, E. Carveil, J. Mackie, J. Ruscoe, A. Car veil, N. Fulton, J. Brydon, Hogg, W. G. Cooper, S. Moffat; secretary, Mr F. G. Seddon. “WE’RE HERE TO-DAY.” No show wo”ld be complete without the resplendent showman, mounted on his pedestal, trained in lung power and possessing the gift of persuasion—- “ King of Side-show Alley.” The “best shows on earth” and the most marvellous attractions known to the human Y mind have been marshalled on the racecourse. There are snowy-haired showmen, some without hair at all, young showmen and old, big showmen and small. They all play their p' rts in life with a spirit of their own, moving from show to show, changing their types of entertainment, always bringing something fresh. There is a happy note about them and they face their troubles philsophically, praying for fine weather, but smiling even though it rains. Within the Buildings. Various trade exhibits have been shown and these reveal the progress, man has made in harnessing power and applying machinery to aid civilisation. There are stands which will claim the close attention of everybody, all playing a part in constituting the show proper. Bound the Exhibits. As was anticipated keen competition manifested itself in several sections. In the poultry division Minorcas, Leghorns and Orpington fanciers showed birds in fairly big numbers. The pigeon section was also a strong one. One of the best exhibits in the show 4 was that displayed by the Boys’ and Girls’ Agricultural Club movement. This phase of agricultural instruction has grown, in popularity and usefulness, to very big dimensions, fostered by the Agricultural Department and the Board of Education. The boys and girls are showing great enthusiasm and the class of product shown this year reevals the outstanding qualities of the soil and what can be achieved by careful attention to the growing plant. One of the Government economy measures has meant the withdrawal of subsidy for the agricultural club movement and at future shows this exhibit will probably be missing. A vast amount of good has been accomplished in the various rural centres up and down this coast, not only in root growing but in rearing calves, and there wil be widespread regret at the decision of the powers-that-be to curtail the funds used to promote such valuable work. Ensilage and hay exhibits have shown a slight increase on last year. Although the competition in the vegetable section has been confined to three or four exhibitors the various classes under this head have been well patronised. 4L The Secret Is Out. Mademoiselle Machell, in her dare- * devil, death-defying aerial act is the * “hush, hush” affair of the show. It is staged every evening at 8 o ’clock in the Home Industries shed and is free to the public. This is considered to be one of the most remarkable feats of acrobatics ever put on in Wanganui and was applauded to the echo last night by an enthusiastic audience. The show was a multitude of coloured lights in the evening and quite a large crowd patronised the various attractions. To-day’s Attractions. The show is to be continued to-day i and to-morrow and is to remain open until 10 p.m. on each occasion. At 10 I o’clock this morning the dog trials are to commence and the entrants will be narrowed down to the final four dogs. These will be tried out at 2 o’clock tomorrow. This afternoon Massey College experts arc to demonstrate on wool. This should prove interesting, not only to farmers but to that section of the public which realises that the product from the sheep’s back is of vital concern to the well-being of the Dominion. To-morrow, apart from the attractions being staged by “Miss Wanganui” under the banner of Welcome Week, there will be the North Island buckjumping contest to be decided. Entries have been received from a Dominionwide field and the wild “outlaw” norses obtained by the committee will fully test the riders’ capabilities. Whether there will be any men from 4 Snowy River” present or not remains ▼ to be seen. “Yap-yapping” of Dogs. The Wanganui Toy Dog Club’s annual show is an event looked forward to by canine fanciers from near and ; far. Judging in this section is to take place to-day. All manner of dogs are < being exhibited. One may see the cheeky fox terrier, the meek-faced

“Pom,” and the stern visaged bulldog of good old British fame. Like humans, dogs have different voices, ranging from falsetto down to the deepmouthed blood-hound’s heavy bay. Every dog voice known to man will be heard at the show in an insistent clamour. There will be brightness in the yapping of some and a mournful wailing note from others, all dependent upon how the particular canine regards the outlook of the moment. YESTERDAY’S RESULTS WORK OF THE JUDGES. Yesterday was Judges’ Day and by paying strict attention to duty these officials made headway in awarding prizes. The judges officiating were:— Poultry: A. P. Lister, New Plymouth; game: J. Reid, Wanganui utility and fancy Sussex and Rhode Island reds: J. Stewart, Wanganui; pigeons: homers, E. J. Douglas and C. Willacy, Wanganui; fancy: P. Mailman, Wanganui; canaries: J. Reid, Wanganui home industries, Mrs White; root crops: T. Mitchell. Fordell; vegetables, fruit, etc: Messrs Lonsdale and Frost. Pigeon Section. Commenting on the coloured classes in the pigeon section the judge said that the class was a strong one, and the birds formed a creditable exhibit. The blue cock was a nice outstanding bird, while the blue hen was the reserve champion. The blue chequer birds were in poor condition. In the red classes the red cock was good, those being placed next to him running close. The pied hen gaining first prize was a beautiful bird, being perfectly feathered. It was the champion hen for the coloured classes. The white cock, the champion cock of the coloured classes, was a fine exhibit. Remarking on the racing classes, the judge said that it was a good class right through, and one of the best lots he had seen in a long time. The judge of the junior racing section said that it was a good class. Those birds outstanding were Messrs Harvey’s hen Matterson’s young cock and, in the 80 mile class, M. Curtis’ hen, with Mr Carvell’s entry and Mr Patterson’s hen both being outstanding in the most likely racing class.

Horticultural Section. 41 Everything is excellent,” said Mr T. W. Lonsdale, the judge of the Horticultural section, 4 4 especially in the onion section. The potatoes could not be surpassed, but one would like more exhibitors. All vegetables are exceptionally well grown and reflect great credit on the exhibitors.” Children’s Sections. 41 The display of roots is probably the fineM ever set up in Wanganui,” said Mr T. W. Lonsdale. 4 4 This shows that the instruction imparted to the boys and girls as regards type and quality has been good. Club work is a feature which should receive greater attention as they are the coming farmers. Judging by this display they will be better than the fanners of to-day.” High Standard Poultry. Discussing the poultry entries, the judge, Mr A. P. Lister, New Plymouth, said that taking the birds as a line right through they were very good and of a high show standard. There were three \ birds in particular that he thought would hold their own in any show in the Dominion, the Black Orpington cock in the fancy class and also the Black Orpington cock i n the utility class, together with the utility White Leghorn cockerel. Those three, he thought, should be able to go to any show in New Zealand. LIST OF AWARDS Award lists made available to the Press yesterday were:— I POULTRY OLID ENGLISH GAME. Black breasted red cock: Hugh Campbell 1, A. E. C. Poad 2, J. Ituscoe 3; cockerel: J. Ruscoe 1 and 2, H. C. McKain; partridge, hen: J. Huscoe 1, H. C. McKain 3; pullet: J. Ituscoe 2, H. C. McKain 3; bright or ginger Red cock: Hugh Campbell 1; Duckwing eock: J. Buseoo 1, H. C. McKain 2; Duekwing hen: J. Ruscoe 1; spangled hen: Hugh Campbell 1; cockerel: J. Ruscoe 1; pullet: J. Ruscoe 1 and 2. MODERN GAME. Black breasted red, best bird special: H. Campbell; A.O.V. cockerel: G. C. Thornton 1, T. R. Wright 2; pul let: Crawford Strang G. C. Thornton 2. Leghorns; English S.C. white cock: American, single comb eock: F. W. Wilson .1; hen: F. W. Wilson .1; pullet: F. W. Wilson 1 and 2; Brown cockerel: M. C. Barstow 1; A.O.V. single or rose comb pullet: T. R. Luff 1 and 2; J. Patterson 2, Mrs S. M. Gatfield 3.

Orpington single combe, black cock: G. R. Butler 1; hen: G. R. Butler .1, C. Pedley 2, Mrs 8. M. Gatfield 3; cockerel: J. Patterson 1, G. R. Butler 2; special: G. R. Butler; best female: G. R. Butler; pullet: G. R. Butler 1, J. Patterson 2. Wyandottes, .Silver hen: W. Parker 1, W. Ireland 2 ; pullet: W. Parker 1, 8. A. Cross 2; Gohlen cockerel: W. Parker 1, 8. A. Cross 2, C. W. Gaze 3; pullet: C. W. Gaze 1, W. Parker 2, S. A. Cross 3; best male or female: W. Parker, special; white cock: J. Mackie 1; hen: J. Mackie; cockerel: J. Mackie; pullet: J. Mackie 1; special: J. Mackie. Plymouth Rock, American Barred hen: C. 8. Davidson 1; cockerel: C. 8. Davidson 1; pullet: C. 8. Davidson 1. Campines cock: W. J. Davis 1; hen: W. J. Davis 1, E. A. Hylton 2; cockerel: W. J. Davis 1, A. W. Campbell 2; pullet: 8. Greaves 1, W. J. Davis 2, A. W. Campbell 3; best Campine: 8. Greaves. Rhode Island, single combe, shield; Red cock: G. W. Fetch 1, J. O. Law 2; hen: E. A. Hylton 1; cockerel: T. B. Holdaway 1, Mrs F. Scott 2; pullet: T. B. Holdaway 1, G. W. Fetch 2; best cock or hen: G. W. Fetch 1; best female E. A. Hylton; N.I. championship: E. A. Hylton. Sussex cock: H. A. Lucas 1; hen: H. J. Kirkwood 1; cockerel: A. J. Davey 1; pullet: A. J. Davey 1; best Sussex: A. J. Davey 1. Silkio A.V. cock: J. Patterson 1; hen: G. Greener 1. J. Patterson 2; cock: G. Greener 1, Master E. J. Hplton 2; pullet: G. Greener 1. UTILITY CLASSES. Minorcas cock: H. A. Otto 1, G. C. Thornton 2; hen: C. Strang 1, G. C. Thornton 2, G. W. Clark 3; cockerel: Mrs A. C. Arthur 1, Mrs S. J. Brown 2, T. R. Wright 3; pullet: C. Strang I. A. Carveil 2, G. W. Clark 3; special, Kernohan Cup, utility Minorca: Crawford Strang; Greener Cup, best opposite sex: A. H. Otto. Leghorn, single combe, white, cock: J. A. Cooper 1, G. W. Fetch 2, E. H. Chatfield 3; hen: J. A. Cooper 1, AJ. Davey 2; cockerel: E. Evans 1, E. H. Chatfield 2, A. Car veil; pullet: H. Infield 1, A. J. Davey 2 and 3; brown pullet: Master E. J. Hylton 1; Special best white cock: J. A. Cooper; hen: J. A. Cooper; best cockerel: E. Evans; pullet: H. Infield. Buff hen: W. Hogg; cockerel: W. Hogg; pullet: W. Hogg; utility Leghorn trophy, best any variety: E. Evans; best bird: C. Strang. Orphington single combe black cock: T. R. Luff; hen: R. Hughes 1 and 2 and special, J. Patterson 3; cockerel: T. R. Luff 1 and special, Mrs 8. J. Brown 2, J. Pattersort 3; pullet: J. Patterson 1 and special, A. T. Roberts 2, R. Hughes 3. Wyandottes, Silver pullet: S. A. Cross 1, white cock: J. Mackie 1; hen: J. Mackie 1; cockerel: J. Mackie; pullet: J. Mackie. Special: J. Mackie.

Plymouth Rocks, white hen: H. J. Hall 1 and 2. Sussex cock: A. J. Davey 1, Miss G. Kidner 2; hen: A. J. Davey 1, Miss G. Kidner 1 and 2; cockerel: Miss G. Kidner 1, A. J. Davey 2, Miss G. Kidner 3; pullet: J. A. Cooper 1, Mrs A. D. Taylor 2, H. A. Lucas 3; special best male: A. J. Davey; best female: A. J. Davey; best bird: A. J. Davey. Rhode Island single combe Red cock: L. J. Fisher 1, E. A. Burgess 2, Mrs F. Scott 3; hen: G. W. Fetch 1, Mrs G. W. Scott 2, L. J. Fisher 3; cockerel: E. A. Burgess 1 and 3, L. J. Fisher 2; pullet: L. J. Fisher 1, T. B. Holdaway 2, G. W. Fetch 3; best male: special, L. J. Fisher; best female: L. J. Fisher; N.I. championship: L. J. Fisher. Best table bird, fowls alive: Miss G. Kidner 1; trios, breeding light: J. A. Cooper 1, W. Hogg 2; heavy, P. Mailman 1. Winter Show trophy: P. Mailman 1. Indian Runner duck, fawn: A. T. Coates 1; white, drake: Miss N. M. Ingrouille 1; duck: J. Fisher 1. Pekin drake: Master E. J. Hylton 1; duck: Master E. J. Hylton 1. Buff Orphington, duck: Mrs D. A. Howard 1. Khaki Campbell drake: E. E. McKinlay 1 and 2, Mrs 8. M. Gatfield 3; duck: Mrs 8. M. Gatfield 1, E. E. McKinlay 2 and 3. Black Pekin Bantams, Old English game cock: G. E. Jukes 1 and 3, Miss G. Loader 2; hen: G. E. Jukes 1, J. Ruscoe 2; cockerel: G. E. Jukes 1,2 and 3; pullet: G. E. Jukes 1,2 and 3. MODERN GAME. Black breasted Red cock: G. Windebanks 1; hen: G. Greener 1, E. Verner 2, G. Windebanks 3; cockerel: G. Greener 1; pullet: G. Greener 1, G. Windebanks 2. Duckwing hen: G. Windebanks 1; cockerel: G. Greener 1, G. Windebanks 2 and 3; pullet: G. Greener 1 and 2; Pile cock: E. Vernor 1; hen: H. Eva 1, E. Vernor 2; special, best male bantam: G. Greener; special best female: H. Eva. Rose combe cock: E. Vernor 1, T. R. Luff 2, J. Patterson 3; hen: E. Vernor 1, G. Greener 2; cockerel: G. Greener 1, E. Vernor 2 and 3; special: G. Greener; pullet: G. Greener 1 and ; 2, E. Vernor 3. Seabright, golden or silver pullet: G. Greener 1; special: E. Vernor; Buff Pekin cock: H. J. Kirkwood 1. Miss M. Lamb 2, H. A. Otto 3; hen: H. J. Kirkwood 1 and 2, Master E. J. Hylton 3; cockerel: H. J. Kirkwood 1 pullet: H. J. Kirkwood 1 and 2, H. A. Otto 3.

Pekin A.O.V. cock: W. J. Kronk 1, G. Greener 2; hen: W. J. Kronk 1 ami 2; cockerel: G. Greener 1 and special; pullet G, Greener 1 and 2, and special. A.O.V. bantam hen: Airs F. Scott; Winter Show trophy, best bird in fancy clas: G. Greener. CHILDREN’S POULTRY. North Island championship, black Pekin: G. Greener, bantams, Pekin, any colour: John Hogg 1 and 3; Ban tarns A.0.V.: Master P. Walsh. PIGEONS. NORTH ISLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS Homer Section Blue, adults (cock), E. A. Carveil 1, 11. M. Holdsworth 2, J. J. .James 3; (hen), J. J. James 1, E. A. Hylton 2. J. Patterson 3; under 12 months (cock), H. Mitchell 1, W. 8. Strother 2; (hen), W. S. Strother 1, N. C. Bar stow 2; blue or black chequer, adults (cock), E. A. Hylton .1, A. Collings 2, J. Patterson 3; special to C. Curtis and Sons; best blue bird, J. J. James; (hen), C. Curtis and Sons 1, A. Collings 2, W. J. Eeaton 3; under 12 months (eock), J. Cook 1, J. J. James 3; special, hen. down 500 miles, E. A.

Carvell; (hen), R. Patterson 1, W. 8. Strother 2, C. Curtis and Sons 3; Red chequer, adult (cock), C. Willacy 1, H. Harvey 2, C. C. Willis 3; (hen), A. Collings 1, W. Willacy 2, C. C. Willis 3; under 12 months (cock), R. Patter son 1, E. A. Hylton 2, L. Rosemergy 3; (hen), J. Patterson I, A. W. Croskery

2; special, best bird, C. Willacy; sil ver, mealy or Dunn, adult (cock), H Harvey 1, L. Rosemergy 2, W. J. Wil kins 3; (hen), Howard Harvey 1, E. A. Hylton 2; under 12 months (cock), E A. Carvell 1, Jas. Patterson 2, E. A Hylton 3; (hen), E. A. Hylton .1; special, best bird, Howard Harvey; pied adult (cock), E. A. Carvell 1, C. Cur tis and Sons 2, J. Dow 3; (hen), Howard Harvey 1, P. J. Mailman 2, H. Mitchell and A. W. Croskery 3; under 12 months (cock), J. Cook 1, L. Rosemergy 2, N. C. Barstow 3; (hen), C Curtis and Sons 1, N. C. Barstow 2 C. Kirkland 3; special, best bird, H. Harvey; any other colour adult (cock) J. Dow 1, C. Kirkland 2, E. J. Hylton 3; (hen), W. J. Wilkins 1 and 2, E. J. Hylton 3; under 12 months (cock), C. Curtis and Sons 1. W. S. Strother 2, H. Mitchell 3; (hen), J. Patterson 1. W. S. Strother 2; flown 50 miles or over, under 12 months (cock), J. Patterson 1 and 2, C. Curtis and Sons 3; best A.0.L., J. Dow, special; (hen), C. Curtis and Sons 1 and special, J. Pat terson 2 and 3; 80 miles or over, adult (cock), J. Patterson 1, W. 8. Strother 2. H. 8. Clark 3; (hen), J. Dow 1, L. McKinnon 2, E. A. Carvell 3; under 12 months (cock), J. Patterson 1, JDow 2, J. Patterson 3; (hen), J. Patterson 1, H. M. Holdsworth 2, A. E. Marshall 3; 200 miles or over, adult (cock), S. Curtis and Sons 1, J. Patterson 2, N. C. Barstow 3; (hen), Howard Harvey 1, C. Curtis and Sons 2, W. 8. Strother 3; under 12 months, yearling class, 250 miles or over (cock), E. A. Carvell 1, C. Willacy 2, N. C. Barstow 3; (hen), E. A. Carvell 1, N. C. Barstow 2, J. Patterson 3; special in cock and hen, E. A. Carvell 1; adult class, 300 miles (cock), C. Curtis and Sons 1, C. Craig 2, 11. R. Caldwell 3; (hen), H. Harvey 1, H. A. Hylton 2, C. Craig 3; 400 adult (cock), C. C. Willis 1, Howard Harvey 2, A. 8Davis 3; special, C. C. Willis; (hen), N. C. Barstow 1, W. S. Strother 2, C. C. Willis 3; special, N. C. Barstow; 500 (cock), J. Patterson 1, W. 8. Strother 2, C. Craig 3; special for 500 (cock). J. Patterson; (hen), E. A. Carvell 1, A. E. Marshall 2, J. J. James 3; most likely racer, under 12 months (cock), E. A. Carvell 1, J. Patterson 2, P. J. Mailman 3; (hen), J. Patterson 1, E. A. Carvell 2, E. A. Marshall 3; pairs class best stock purposes, C. Craig 1, J. Patterson 2, E. A. Carvell 3 pair birds cock and hen, junior, A. Collings 1, B. Dow 2, M. R. Kirkness 3; flying race, north, Manune, J. Edmonds 1, E. A_ Carvell 2, L. Edmonds 3; South, Paekakariki, A. Watson 1, E. A. Carvell 2, A. Hope 3; most points special, J. Edmonds; best bird, Dunard Shield, H. Harvey.

Fancy Pigeons. Fancy, Pigmy, Pouter, Cropper, adult, cock: Mrs M. Allpress 1,2 and 3; hen: Mrs M. Allpress 1 and 2. Magpie, adult, black, cock: Mrs A. D, Taylor 1, J. D. Hearn 2; hen: J. D. Hearn 1, W. J. Wilkins 2. Red or yellow, adult, cock: Mrs A. D. Taylor 1, J. D. Hearn 2, Mrs A. D. Taylor 3; hen: Mrs A. D. Taylor 1 and 2. Under 12 months, cock; W. J. Kronk I. English owls, cock: Melville Bros. 1 and 2; hen: Melville Bros 1. African owls, adult, cock: W. J. Kronk 1; hen: W. J. Kronk 1; under 12 months, cock: W. J. Kronk 1; hen: W. J. Kronk 1. Turbits, cock: Melville Bros. 1. Jacobins, cock: W. J. Kronk 1; hen: W. J. Kronk 1. Fan tails, white, cocki W. J. Kronk 2; hen: W. J. Kronk I, McFie 2 and 3. Fantails, any other colour: W. J. Kronk 1. Nuns, cock: W. J. Kronk 1; hen: W. J. Kronk 1. Tumblers, long-faced, clean, adult, cock: Mrs F. Scott 1 and 3, W. J. Kronk 2; hen: W. J. Kronk 1, W. Wilkins 2; under 12 months, cock: W. J. Kronk 1. Tumblers, muffled, cock: W. J. Kronk 1 and N.I. championship. Tumblers, bold-headed, adult, hen: Mrs F. Scott 1; under 12 months, hen: W. J. Kronk 1. Any other pigeon, cock: Melville Bros. 1,2 and 3. Winter Show trophy, best bird in colour class: Howard Harvey. N.I. championship, homer, colour class: J. Dow. N.I. championship, homer, colour class, female: Howard Harvey. CANARIES.

NORWICH, P.H., N.C.F. Clear Yellow—Cock: Mrs 8. Devenport 1, W. J. Kronk 2; hen: Mrs 8. Dievenport 1, W. J. Kronk 2. Clear Buff —Cock: W. J. Kronk 1, Mrs S. De venport 2; hen: Mrs 8. Devenport 1. Ticked, or variegated yellow—Cock: W. J. Kronk 1; hen: Mrs S. Devenport 1, W. J. Kronk 2. Ticked, or variegated buff —Cock: Mrs 8. De venport 1; hen: W. J. Kronk 1, Mrs S. De venport 2. Ticked or variegated yellow-cinnamon: Hen; Mrs 8. De venport 1. ’Ticked, or variegated buff-crested: Cock: H. Dustin J. Unflighted. Clear Yellow—Cock: W. J. Kronk 1; hen: Mrs 8. Devenport 1, W. J. Kronk 2. Clear Buff—Cock: Mrs 8. De venport 1. Ticked, or variegated yellow—cock: Mrs 8. Devenport 1, N. Kirk 2. Ticked, or variegated buff—cock: Miss D. Anderson 1; hen: Miss D. Anderson 1. Novice Class. Clear Yellow—Cock: Miss A. Higgitt 1. Clear Buff—Cock: A. Patterson 1, M. Sherman 2. Ticked or variegated yellow—Cock: A. Patterson 1. Ticked or variegated buff—cock: Miss A. Higgitt I, A. Patterson 2; hen: Miss A. Higgitt 1. YORKSHIRE, N.C.F. Clear Yellow—Cock: T. Anderson J; hen: T. Anderson 1. Clear Buff—Cock: F. Higgitt 1, T. Anderson 2, C. S. Ward Unflighted. Clear Yellow— Cock: F. Higgitt 1; Clear Buff—Hen: F. Higgitt 1, C. S. Ward 2. Ticked or variegated yellowCock: C. 8. Ward 1 and 2; hen: F. Hig gitt 1 and 2. Yorkshire—Novice. Clear Yellow— Cock: L. Beynon 1. Mrs J. Mclntyre 3; hen: M. Dustin 2. Clear Buff—Cock: A. J. Loader 1, Mrs J. Mclntyre 2. Children’s Class. Clear Buff—Cock: Mabel Mcßrcartv 1. MULES. Goldfinch Mule—Light: Hen, Mrs S. Devenport 1. Dark: Cock, Mrs S. Dev enport 1, W. Holt 2, Mrs Buller 3. Any other variety—Best Goldfinch: Cock, A. Hope 1 and 3, Mrs T. Long 2; hen: A. Hope.

CANARIES, SPECIAL. Best Yorkshire—T. Anderson. Best Yorkshire—(Novice): L. Bey , non. Best Yorkshire—(Unflighted): F. , Higgitt. Best Male—Mrs S. Ltevonport. Best Finch—A. Hope. Best Norwich —Airs 8. Devenport. Best Unflighted Norwich—W. J. Kronk. Novice Norwich—Miss A. Higgitt. i HOME INDUSTRIES. Family cake: Mrs 8. Wiggins 1 and 2, Miss Manson 3. Madeira cake: Airs V. P. Robinson 2. Home-made bread: Miss Alanson 1 and 2, Miss V. Heron 3. . Girdle scones: Lillian Green 1, Airs P. H. Green 2. Oven scones: Mrs V. P. Robinson 1, Airs 8. Wiggins 2, Aliss Manson 3. Pikelets: Airs P. H. Green I, Miss Alanson 2, Mrs Cook 3. Bhortbread: Airs A. E. Humphreys 1, Aliss Al. Dickie 2 and 3. Rock cake or bun: Airs 8. Wiggins 1, Airs A. Humphreys 2 and 3 Cream puffs (shell only): AirA. E. Humphreys 1 and 3, Airs H. Wig gins 2. Sponge sandwich: Miss Alan son 1, Airs V. P. Robinson 2, Aliss Al. Dickie 3. Sponge sandwich, any filling: Airs C. Woods 2. Sauces, fruit jelly: Airs A. A. Thurston 1 and 2, Airs P. Doull 3. Jam: Mrs A. E. Humphreys . 1 and 2, Mrs R. Ale Kay 3. Bottled fruit: Airs A. E. Humphreys 1, Airs R. Cutelli 2 and 3. Best collection bottled fruit: Mrs A. E. Humphreys 2. Marmalade, home-made: Airs A. A. Thurston 1, Airs A. E. Humphreys 2 and 3. Chutney: Mrs A. E. Humphreys 1 and 2, Airs Bullock 3. Tomata sauce: Airs P. Doull 1, Mrs A. E. Humphries 2 and 3. Sauce A.0.V.: Airs R. McKay .1, Airs A. E. Humphreys 2 and ’ 3. Pickled onions, clear vinegar: Mrs A. E. Humphreys 1 and 2; dark, Mrs A. E. Humphreys 1 and 2. Pickles, mixed, clear: Airs A. E. Humphreys 1 and 2. Thick: Mrs A. E. Humphreys 1 and 2. Honey, Hoffman frames: R. H. Wilkie 2. Granulated: K. E. Bassett 1, R. H. Wilkie 2 and 3. Liquid: K. E. Basset- 1 R. H. Wilkie 2. School section to Standard Vl:—Scones: T. Taylor 1, B. Bailey 2, E. Robinson 3. Sponge sandwich: E. Robinson 1, T. Taylor 2, H. Wilson 3. Plain cake: E. Robinson I. T. Taylor 2. Sausage rolls: T. Taylor 1, E. Robinson 2. Jam tarts: T. Taylor 1, E. Robinson 2. Secondary School:—Jam tarts: IT Wiggins 1. Five pikelets: L. Cook 1, H. Woods 2, J. Harirs 3. Fruit cake: L. Cook 1, A. McMillan 2. Sponge sandwich: H. Woods 1, L. Cook 2, A. AfcMillan 3. Loaf yeast broad: L. Cook 1. D. Wiggins 2, J. Brown 3. Five pieces short bread: D. Wiggins 1, L. Cook 2.

AGRICULTURAL CLUBS Mangolds, prize winner Yellow Globe. Whenuakura: AL Burkhardt 1, L. Amon 2, C. Burkhardt 3. Maxwell and Waverley: H. G. Powell 1, A. Afiddleton 2, R. Barber 3. Westmere, Brunswick,’Kaitoke and Upokongaro: E. Dunbar 1, F. Dunbar 2. C. Brandon 3. Upper Tutaenui, Greatford and South Afakirikiri: N. Goodall 1, J. Emerson 2, C. Coleman 3. Carrots, Matchless, white: —Whenuakura: Af. Amon .1, J. Schwash 2, N. Hurley 3. Westmere, Waverley and Maxwell: F. Dunbar 1, E. Dunbar 2, R. Barber 3. Upper Tutaenui and Greatford* J. Warren 1, S. Lewis 2, J. Podjurskey 3. Swedes, Alasterpiece:—Whenuakura: H. Ham erton 1, W. Parsons 2, A. Reardon 3. KnPoke and Upokongaro: M. Pritchard 1, N. Allen 2, J. Bason 3. Raetihi: R. Bolderson 1, J. AfcDonald 2. Collection of grasses: 8. Jackson 1 C. Cox 2, C. Williams 3. Collection of weeds: J. Withers 1, C. Cox 2, P. Carwardine 3. Best agricultural school class chart: Wangaehu School 1, Greatford (B) 2, Upper Tutaenui (B) 3. Best agricultural notebook, Std. Ill: B. Edinger 1, D. McCarthy 2. Std. IV.: G. Afurrav 1, AL IDiekson 2, L. Sutcliff 3. Std. V.: E. Jefferson 1, E. Jones 2 T. Cooper 3. Std. VI.: E. Mason 1, S. Witlock 2, G. Brotherton 3.

NEEDLEWORK Juvenile Classes. Juvenile classes, plain sewing.—B. Waters 1, B. Winter 2, D. Tennant 3; d’oyley B. Winter 1 and 2, M. Jensen 3; table centre, B. King 1, B. Winter 2 J Harris 3; embroidered apron, J. Atkinson 1, J. Harris 2, B. Dennter 3; most useful article, J. Atkinson 1. FIELD ROOTS. Mangolds, three roots long red: N. Hughes (Maxwell) 1, A. Reardon (Maxwell-) 2, Murchison and Phillips (Rapanui) 3; three roots yellow globe: C. Baldwin (Wangaehu) 1, Fernio Bros. (No. 2 Line) 2, G. R- Jones (Okora) 3. Swede, three roots, purple top: G. R. Jones .1, Fernio Bros 2; three roots, green top: N. Hughes 1 and 2, Fernio Bros. 3. Turnips, three roots, any variety: N. Hughes 1, V. P. Robinson (No. 2 Line) 2, Fernio Bros. 3. Carrots, three roots Sinclair’s champion: N. Hughes 1 and 2, G. Prince (Westmere) 3; three roots matchless white: N. Hughes 1, S. Lewis 2, Fernie Bros. 3; three roots long red: N. Hughes 1 and 2; three roots guerande: Master Ray Boswell (Maxwell) 1, N. Hughes 2, A. Reardon 3. Best collection (field roots): N. Hughes 1 and 2. Field maize: N. Hughes 1 and -• Artichokes, 12 of field variety: Nelson Hughes 1 and 2. Cabbage, two heads field variety: N. Hughes 1. VEGETABLES Two heads drumhead, cabbage: N. Hughes 1; best collection cabbages: N Hughes 1 and 2; pickling cabbage: Mrs E. Carwardinc (Westmere) 1, Nelson Hughes 2; Savoy cabbage: M. Laird (Westmere) 1 and 2, E. Prince (Westmere) 3. Brussels sprouts: N. Hughes 1, Mrs Carwardine 2. Cauliflower, or brocoli: Nelson Hughes 1 and 2. Tur nips, any garden variety: Miss P. Carwardine 1, G. Prince 2, N. Hughes 3. Swede, any garden variety: George Prince 1, E. Prince. 2. Onions, pickling: George Prince 1 and 2, E. Prince 3; brown' Spanish: A. Reardon 1 and 2, N. Hughes 3; straw-coloured Spanish: N. Hughes 1, George Prince 2 ami 3; globe, golden or brown: Mrs E. Carwardine 1, George Prince 2, N. Hughes 3; any variety autumn sown: N. Hughes I, George Prince 2; odourless variety: N. Hughes 1 and 2; best collection of onions: N. Hughes 1 and 2, George Prince 3; best rope of onions: George, Prince 1 and 2. E. Prince 3. Eschalots, red: George

Prince 1 and 3, E. Prince 2; yellow: E. Prince 1 and 2, N. Hughes 3. Leeks: J. H. Brown (Whenuakura) 1, E. Prince 2, N. Hughes 3. Beet, three roots round: N. Hughes 1 and 2, Airs E. Carwardine 3; three roots long blood red: N. Hughes 1 and 2; silver beet: N. Hughes 1 and 2. Table carrots, stump variety: E. Prince 1, N. Hughes 2, G. Prince 3; intermediate red: N. Hughes 1, E, Prince 2, V. P. Robinson 3; long red: N. Hughes 1 and" 2, G. Prince 3. Parsnips: N. Hughes 1 and 2, E. Prince 3. Round preserving melon: N. Hughes 1. Vegetable marrow: N. Hughes 1, Murchison and Phillips 2; vegetable marrow (quality only): Mrs E. Carwardine 1, N. Hughes 2, Alurchison and Phillips 3. Squash, Hubbard’s (wasted or golden): N. Hughes 1, Mrs E. Carwardine 2; any other variety: N. Hughes 1. Pumpkins, Turks Cap (quality only): N. Hughes 1, E. Prince 2; any other variety (cattle excepted): E. Prince 1, N. Hughes 2. Best collection of vegetables, product of one garden: N. Hughes 1, Airs E. Carwardine 2. Potatoes Aberbrothock: N. Hughes 1 and 2; early kidney: N. Hughes 1 and 2, Airs E. Carwardine 3; Afaori chief: Nelson Hughes 1 and 2, Master Ray Boswell 3; Sutton’s supreme: N. Hughes 1 and 2, Ray Boswell 3; Sir J. G. Wilson: N. Hughes 1 and 2; Robin Adair: N. Hughes 1 and 2; any other variety: N. Hughes 1 and 2; best collection tubers: N. Hughes 1 and 2; best collection seed tubers: N. Hughes 1 and 2, Airs E. Carwardine 3. Hay, etc. Afeadow hay: Airs E. Carwardine 1; lucerne hay: L. AlcLeod (Okoia) 1, W. Jones (Okoia) 2, Airs E. Carwardine 3; ensilage: W. Jones 1, C. H. Walker (Makirikiri) 2, F. H. Davis (Rapanui) 3. FRUIT AND NUTS Dessert apples, sturmer pippins: Al. Gustine, (Upper Aramoho) 1; Jonathan: P. Af. Brown (Wanganui) 1; any other variety: P. Al. Brown; culinary apples, Ballarat seedling: Al. Gustine 1; any other variety: P. Al. Brown. Walnuts: Miss E. Bason (Makirikiri) 1 and 2, Mrs E. Carwardine 3.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 149, 26 June 1931, Page 5

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WANGANUI WINTER SHOW Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 149, 26 June 1931, Page 5

WANGANUI WINTER SHOW Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 149, 26 June 1931, Page 5