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flimw 11 " 11 " 1 E 9 STUPENDOUS Bfl SAVINGS! s<. iSORHWb' Every Department Combines in HrSf/ S **’’ s * rty Celling Event! SCfct f ;/;R Come! Be There! ■••■•CWINTER BEHM e- - - ABOUT OUR SALE Although Prices are so Low, D.I.C. Quality remains the same! B |A fli 1 Extra Special Sale Specials I W FOR BRIGHT AND EARLY CUSTOMERS j ftlrajff|y THESE ARE A FEW OF THE REALLY OUTSTANDING BARGAINS AND YOU MUST SHOP EARLY. NO TELEPHONE ■ NffiSwk '* T/^ ?? OR MAIL ORDERS FOR THESE SUPER SPECIALS. QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED. ■ B IVlalrAe CufifukA/lu DAMASK CLOTHS—AII-over I LADIES’ PURE SILK HOSE — I 2 Only LACE ESS LENGTHS I A Very Fine Quality CURTAIN I MEN’S ENGLISH TWEED Makes Everybody I IaKCS everyDOay (ksjgns, coloured bor- Heav y service weight, and —With tiered skirt of four NET—In an attractive con OVERCOATS—DoubIe and I Cmilo Cwiila j C- <l4 I! 11 all colours. Old Price 7/6 frills; ankle length. 1 Deeji ventional design, cream Single-breasted. New styles. JlTllie Oflllie £q’ lze x sua v pair. Mid-light Blue and Navy. ground, with border of Gold Old Price £5/15/- to / ’ r- x u « • 1 9/Q * Old Price 35/-. and Blue, Blue and Gold, or £7/15/-. D.I.C SALE PRICES D.I.C SALE PRICES D.I.C. Sale Price, 1/6 each F,rst Hour Spec,a1 ’ 3/9 pa,r D.I.C. Sale Price, 5/- each Rose and Blue. Guaranteed I Super S ecial, 69 6 ■ , Fadeless. Usually 4/6. Sdl6 Conditions Country Customers IADIFS’ HARD-WFARINC Nobby Styles in FABRIC 01^ 5 ’i ART j r ILK Super Special: 1/- LADIES’ CREAM FLANNEL- Everything is as advertised, no goods LADIES HARD WEARING rrnvu l ? -All JI, , SCARVES—Check and Con- ETTE NIGHT GOWNS —-OS wil * tie sold or taken from the windows before CASHMERE HOSE—AII new , J Hl J D ZeS T/1 1 7 ventional designs, in shades GENT’S WIDE SILK STRIPED sizes Long sleeves trimmed the Sale commences When quantities are COUNTRY CUSTOMERS.—READ DETAILS «, U „. Old Price 3/6 p». Okl P "“ 3/1 ' “ of Blue. M.u™, Shell Pink ,.n 8 « of with emb"oidery Old Pri« V.Ur BELOW! BARGAINEE BY PICT IF YOU . ~,, ■ °i‘. l>n “J /6 L pal, '“ Old P '“ 3/6 “ 7/IL .'“™ S y-MSSi’ CANNOT CALL. SATISFACTION GUARAN- First Hour Special, 1/8 pair First Hour Special 1/- pair D.I.C. Sale Price: 6o each 4/6. Super Special, 1/6 Super Special, 2/11 I delivered FREE to City or Suburbs on the day I TEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. purchase. WORTH WHILE SAVINGS IN TOILET GOODS, FANCY GOODS & NEEDLEWORK M Drastic Price Reductions in Fancy Drapery n c •1 1. D J u I t J r 1„ ? „„L, 71 LADIES’ OVEBALLS DRESS- AND COSTUME NECKWEAR—Ladies’ Col- FUR COLLAR AND CUFF Double Edge and Square Card Paton & Baldwin S Star 3 only Waste Paper Bas- Special line Bead Neck- Iraced tream Linen L omy leateis, z.. w With long sleeves, and fas- BUCKLES AND CLASPS lars, etc. These are super- SETS—Lined and taped al- kNICKER ELASTIC—3yd. cards Brand Knitting Wool— kets—Barbola designs, [ aces> ; n | atest sty | es Cushion Fronts. Cross Pieces Foley Chmm I shades, sneh as 4-ply, IOZ. skeins, m all in Rose, Gold and Blue. Old Price stitch designs. Old Price Attractive designs. Old I Blue, Green, Navy, Tussore, shade, and in styles too '-trimmed Buttons, Beige Coney and Natural nee: scard5 card shades. Old Price 9d Old Price 22/6 each. n Price 52/0, jj/- set. ■ Brown and Rose. Old Price numerous to particularise. Tiace, etc. Various shapes Moufflon. Old Price 25/- - . skein DI C Sale Price D.I.C. Sale Price 9/11 2/6 each. D.I.C. Sale 4/11 each. .I.C. Sa e D.I.C. Sale Price, 22/6 I '/ Il —o.i.c. sale Price: old Price i/t> to 4/6. j sale pice, to 30/-.-D.LC. sale Price: . , , i n • i/c L C. 14/6 D.I.C. Sale Price. CD each 1/11 each. 1Q fi set 5d skein. each Price, 1/-each Pnce, 1/6 each. Set. | 0 1/11 18 b Bargajns f or Men GLOVES and HOSIERY I rscuinuQCPTinMQ ■ T Pl IT A CILF“IN PURE FUR FELT HATS-Up-to-dato in shape and BUYASMANYPAI RS AS Y 0 U C A N lAWUIUHU L U I I U H U ■T I W | ■ Irß ■ BB w shade. Full range of sizes. All standard makes. * jy f V 01d Priees > 35 /' t 0 55 /‘- DIO, 88116 Frlc6: 19/6 LADIES’ COLOURED CASHMERE HOSE—AII shades. Old Price Maki* DITSStIC S F I Vl'W fl I I I fl DRESS SHIRTS—Sizes 16 to 174 only. Tn P lain and 3/6. D.I.C. Salo Price, 1/11 pair .2/ 7 r«. , m■« |HU E O ETE faneyfronts. 0>^ 1166 4/n L AI >IES ’ ALL-WOOL HOSE-m b -t Reductions f L GENT’S FANCY ALL-WOOL CASHMERE SOX— SPECIAL VALUE IN FULL-FASHIONED LISLE HOSE—OId MH IIM TP V~ V BL. r* • t J Smart designs. Old Prices, 4/6 to 7/6. Price 4/11. D.I.C. Sale Price: 2/11 pair IWI It CIT T . IDC L/OWCSt >riCCS tor & OCC&aC DEC. Sale Pnce: 2/11 LADIES’ ART SILK HOSE—Good wearing. Old Price 4/6 pair. TWO DOZEN ONLY, TRIMMED MIL- \ x,— 4 DOZEN ONLY REAL IRISH POPLIN TIES—OId D.I.C. Sale Price: 2/11 LINERY—In shades Navy, Lido, Black, \ / rfa/xc m v Price 7/6. D.I.C. Sale Price: 4/11 H LADIES’ SILK AND WOOL HOSE—Ribbed elastic tops; new Brown, and Wine, in every possible \ / y -I’ I I)Wf I S’ " MEN’S WINTEBWEIGHT PYJAMAS—Neat stripes. I shades. Old Price 5/6 pair. D.I.C. Sale Price- 3/11. slia P e - Old Prices 25/9, 19/(i. _LL-Zizl__ Full range of sizes, S.M. to Ex O.S. Old Price 9/6. I HEAVY SERVICE WEIGHT HOSE—FuII-fashioned pure Silk re- DJ ' C ’ Sal ® PnCG: 5/~ \// ; D.I.C. Sale Pnce: 6/6 ■ liable stockings. Old Price 12/6 pair. D.I.C. Sale Price: 7/11 Small Selection of FRENCH AND FNG Z STRONG WHITE TOWELS Extra COLOURED TOWELS—Made for wear BOYS/JERSEYS— Navy, Fawn and Red. Old Pnce g LADIES’ ALL-WOOL OVER KNEE GAITERS—In Beavers, LISH MODEI.S—In Black Naw Wine thick Terry on very stout foundation. AND WASHING. Size 24in. x 48in. t 0 7 D.1.C. Sale Price: 3/11 t | Fawn, Brown and Grey. Old Prices 8/11, 9/11, and 12/6. and Brown. Old Prices, 4 gns. and 69/6. Size 24ip. x 48in. Old Price: 2/9 each Old Price 1/9 each. MEN’S NEGLIGE SHIRTS—High grade makes only. wßw D.I.C. Sale Prices: 4/11, 6/11 and 8/11 D.I.C. Sale Price: 9 A D.I.C. Sale Price: 1/11 each D.I.C. Sale Price; 1/O each Refined patterns and white grounds. Old Prices Ww LADIES’ BEST QUALITY 2-DOME NAPPA YHOVFS s/n o„,i Ju/- 'WfS 111 1/0 9/6 to 11/6. D.I.C. Sale Price: 5/11 9/11 pair.’ D.I.C. Price: 7/6 pair — QUIT IT HT Q 6 ONLY. LADIES’ NEW SEASON'S " VJI 11-J IL/ AkJ B B TWEED COATS—Smartly cut, well I VT? ■“————• n fl lined, trimmed Coney Fur Collar and n wk/ EXTRA HEAVY UNBLEACHED WHITE SHEETS—Heavy in weight, fc, j ft* 'WT g ' " ft ' ’ "'"'' Sale Price- in £ ; W SINGLE BED SHEETS-Unbeatable with a nice linen finish; wonderful BIG NECKLACES ARE & ■ .« . ’ '<>l FASHIONABLE CUCtftm«kl«C LSdICS ->£k Old Price 9/6 pair. D.I.C. Sale Pnce: g /J J pair. Wt* iASi tUlllCrft season’s production;'smart st.slc; fully nm Cat.« Old Price—Double Bed size, 15/6 pair Just opened, 150 New CkailncaJ furred pelts. Old Price £l9/10/. / D.I.C. Sal. Price. ?/ g ptur DJ . C . gale price; g/H palr DLO ’ SalC Plice: £5196 / Necklaces. A wonderful city have equal opportunity with city folk of pAP>P||p II HI C / n T V > Mtir A nim . .> , participating in these Bargains. The Mail LflKUlbrtllO \\ \ CvASI<S _ assortment, the most ex- Order Department of this Great Store is the WOOI 1 .tDIFS’ AL! WOOL c -7 N< r t / V „ r ▼▼ VCfIOILnJ , quisite colourings. Usu- most up-to-date in the Dominion. An efficient, vaX in gw Z s’,, 1.7 t BEST OUAI ITY PH row ciSF-t-A ally 5/ 6up to 1 2/6 each. satisfaction as though you were shopping in CtfIFHIOiJWC fiw Old Price L) ' 1 ci 1 I'' .1 h GL()I h’EI) BOKDI-.h’ I.D Super Sal p Special /fi person. Satisfaction Guaranteed or money re- C& s s nt r* t»ii>a /'ll S,lend.d wcislnng hne that wdl g.n- DAMASK CLOTHS -1,. all-over ouper oai, opedai, Postage Paid on all Drapery ;uid D.I.C. Side Pnce: g/ 1 J * w, ' • ’i'«, bmi h/h. Check design. Size 51iu. x 54in. each. Soft Goods to any address. Bartrainise bv n«K i.r i c L r n i D.I.C. Sale Pnce: 6 for o] d p rice 3/11 eapll p ost if you calinot in p ersolli write to-day. Delightful Fancy Knit in I astel SH J LAN n WOOL I’l 1.1.0 V I-L’S I .4 A SUPERIOR PILLOW CASE that I>- LC - Sale Price: 9 £ each All Orders executed in strict rotation. Send shades A verv finp <;nff wnnl stiades otb awn Beige and Bln.’ S|drn carries our recommendation for dur- L 0 ,^ nri yours in early! IF YOU HAVE NO LEDGER ' Ver > llne »oit Wool, DIC SaiePrice 1 ability and laundering; full size. Old pillow COTTON CALlCO—Strong MODEL AFTERNOON ACCOUNT SEND CASH WITH ORDER. splendid for House Wear Or for Usually 16/6. v. .u. &. le 4 ice. J ; g or,- -JftiJ' D.I.C. Sale Price: g|j i/'j i> r ie<' I/-' Di e SMe Price- 7 3D FROCKS FOR 21/ wear under a Costume Coal. FROCKS^ 2 ! Yes! Real Models and this Usually 9/1 I each. VERY SMART AND I'sEFUL TWEED -J TF A TOWITI Q season’s styles too. Stout ’BMMjfiMh X£ &f . . a Jtffl * * ■& tv £L/v«r women sizes only, in rich Sale Special; chase nnd shown for ho- first time, i-’nii quality Satin and Crepe- I/;/ Q',! /t'W "'"e”’ ~f sizi ” D 'i c’’saiepnce 7 -'' COLOURED BORDERED LINEN TEA SIT RlFi' ROLLER TOWELS—To gii c de-Chene. Regular Value A ’A nee. ]2 6 \ —■'jT' TOWELS—Very absorbent for quick hard wear; full size. Old Price 2/9 £6/6/- tn £’l ?/!?/- I ' I’lG SPKt I.\l, IN KAiNOOATS Splen \ /\ drying. Old Price 1/3 each. each. D.I.C. Sale Price: 1/11 each J . ‘ BHHB HKBB did qiialitv, in Bright Red, Green, Blue \ / e D.LO. reprice: lnxD each D.I.C. FAMOUS GOLDEN FLEECE Super Sale Pnce, 1 gn. gg| » Each O!d ■’n-T. A l U “ BLANKETS—Made from the pick of G®>gl .<O-*s" d.i.c. Price. Jg /_ l the clips; all full size. Old Price— .i/y, > V 1 ' <* ' V FXTRA HEAVY ALL PURE LINEN Single Bed size. 35/6 ’ ' Wffl ”9™ L AFTERNOON FROCKS --In U TEA TOWELS—A splendid house- D.I.C Sale Price- *>7 r w Satin. Morocatn, and Crepe-de-Chine; zy V hold line. Old Price 1/74 each. Z / b styles, all new goods. 011 D.I.C. sate Pri«, : 1/n e .h old Jf/g H. C. Hassall WANGANUI Manager 6 ’ -- 21 /- -J' -3 •

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 144, 20 June 1931, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 144, 20 June 1931, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 144, 20 June 1931, Page 7