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WANGANUI JOCKEY CLUB 1 NEXT YEAR’S CLASSICS GUINEAS AND JACKSON STAKES It is pleasing to note that the majority of the leading owners in New Zealand have been generous in their support of the Wanganui Jockey Club’- [ classic events, the Jackson Stakes and the Wanganui Guineas, entries for which events closed last Friday. Tn the Jackson Stakes, which will be run at. the 1932 autumn meeting, next February, Air G. I). Greenwood, Mr W. R Kcmball and Airs W. i). Graham have each nominated four candidates, while Sir Charles Clifford, Mr T. A. Duncan. Air R. J. Murphy, Air G. F. Aloore an 1 Air R. T. Reid have each engaged three. Among the well-known performers engaged are Karapoti, Autopay, Cadland, Laughing Prince, Fiji, Pomp, Hunting Cry, Lady Quex, Tentcrden, Chnabue, Gesture, Supremacy, Knollmcre and Ln Poupce. Judging by the number of yearlings engaged for the Wanganui Guineas, to be run at the spring meeting next year, there is every prospect of this popular classic attracting a field representative of three-year-olds. Of course, a better idea will be obtained during the 193132 season, which will find those nominated racing as two-year-olds. Air F. Bristol has five nominated, while Air T. A. Duncan has six and Air AV. R. Kemball has nominated seven. Sir Charles Clifford has entered four, while Air G. AT. Currie has his trio of yearlings nominated. The following is the list of nominations for the respective events, the present ages of those entered for the Jackson Stakes being given in parentheses except in the case of yearlings:— The Jackson Stakes. (Of £400; six furlongs). (To be run at the autumn meeting, 1932) J. Avenell’s br.g. Santoft by Acre— Pleasure. N. E. Aitken and H. F. AVood’s br.f. Maypay by Paper AToney—Trebelli 11. b. Autopay (3), bv Paper Money—Trebelli 11.. AV. H. Ballinger’s filly by Paper Aloney—Dame Winkle. F. Bristol’s filly by Grand Knight— Haupai; filly by Grand Knight—Bent. Alfred Coubrough’s b.g. Instalment, by Paper AToney—Fleeting. Sir Charles Clifford’s b.f. Fleeting Glance by Day Comet —Wild Hind; ch. c. Rocket by Day Comet—Top Score; b.f. Good Sight by Winning Hit—Equip merit. E. H. Cucksey’s br.e Barascopo (2) by Weathervane—Tortrix; b.f. Princess Bede (2), by Catmint—Lady Bede. G. AL Currie’s br.g. Pomp (3), by Absurd—Pomyris. AV. AIcA. Dunean’s ch.g. Farmer, by Pornbal—Jewel of Asia. T. A. Duncan’s eh.ii. Laughing Prince (6), by Quantoek —Alartian Princess; b.g. Cadland (4), by Acre—Beilina; b.g. Fiji (2), by Nigger Minstrel—lsabel. W. H. Dwyer’s br.f. by Chief Ruler— Lady Elgentine. J. Donald’s br.f. by Dignity—Queen AVarblor. H. E. Edmunds’ b.c. Inflation, by Paper AToney—Fleeting. ATrs C. E. Elgar’s b.g. Tenterden (3), by Chief Ruler—Rosselate. W. G. Emeny’s br.m. Lady Quex (5). Lord Quex —AVhite Clover. J. Fryer’s ch.f. by Tea Tray—lmpediment. C. L. Ferguson’s ch.g. by Hunting Song—Sarty. James Fredric’s br.f. by Limond— Sen sprite. T. Fraser’s br.h. Hunting Cry (4), by Hunting Song—Natalie. G. D h Greenwood’s b.c. Chile, by Limond—Water AVings; br.f. Pacify, by Limond—Makepeace; b.f. Delice, bv Tea Tray—La Paix; ch.f. Importance, by Agrion—Egotism. R. Grace’s br.g. View Halloo (2), by Hunting Song—lla 1 igan. ATrs W. D. Graham’s b.g. Eastertime (2), by Illumination—Gamboling; b.f. Glow Light, by Silverado—Limelight; ch.f. Kaimiro, by Tea Tray—Rebekah; blk. f. Aferryway, by Arausio—Merry Jest. E. A. Greenside’s br.g. Blue Boy, by Gainscourt—Polonaise; AV. S. Glenn’s ch.g. by Chief Ruler —Fillctte; Alias A. E. Huggard’s ch.g. Gay Colour, by Lord Quex —Painted Screen. J. Hoe’s b.f. Lady Vane (2), by Weat he rvan e—Pa na ma. W. Jury’s b.f. Korokio (2), by Redfern (imp.)—Aleriden. W. J. King’s b.g. Royal Highness, by Royal Picture—Soyes Ferine. W. R. Kemball’s b.f. Posy, by Chief Ruler—Rosellate; ch.g. Rulanut, by Chief Ruler—Cocoanut; b.g. Actaeon (2), by Hunting Song—Crisis; br.f. Lady Pam (3), by Limond—Princess Pat. T. 11. Lowry’s ch.c. Aescului, by Night Raid—T'inihauga; ch.g. by Grandcourt —First Blow. AT. G. Louisson’s ch.f. Royal Baby (2) by Chief Ruler—Baby Doll. R. J. Alurphy’s ch.g. Early Cup, by Tea Tray—Bonny Dawn; ch.g. Oratorious, by Diacquenod—Oratress; b.f. Gesture (3), by Chief Ruler—Nottava. H. Alurphy’s br.g. Cimabue (6), by Leighton—Delight G. F. AToorc’s ch.f. by Limond—Lady Cavendish; b.g. Hilary, by Diacquenod —Phrosa; ch.g. Topthorn, by Hunting Song—Lady Bcntinck. A. J. McGovern’s b.g Supremacy (4), by Chief Ruler—Lucella. J. S. ATcLcod’s b.c. by Lord Quex — Tressida. * G. AV. New’s b.f. Sastrugi, by Lord Quex —Iceball. T. J. and P. A. O’Neill’s br.g. Parasol by Weathervane--Alargarethe. Frank Ormond’s b.g. Curie (2), by Arausio—Hymartv; b.f. by Arausio— Marty. L. G. Paul’s b.g. Arisus (3), by Thespian—Pennon. R. T. Reid’s ch.c. by Tea TrayEpitaph; br.g. High Comedy (3), bv Leighton—Comedienne; br.g. Royal Artist (2), by Leighton—Oddity. ATrs Rr T Reid’s ch.f. by Whirlwin 1 —Ci one. J. Reedy’s br.r. Black Songster (2). by Hunting Song—Black Lace. T. AV. Ratana’s ch.f. Labour Girl (3). by Bisogne—Campbird; ch.f. Ringapoto (2), by Ruapapa—Rauriki. V. Riddiford’s ch.g. Clangor, by Grand Knight—Anthem. H. AT. Speed and C. G. Russell’s b.c. Bold Baron, by Grand Knight -Civility. J. Somerton’s ch.c. March Alone, by March Along—Cathay. AT. 11. 'rims’ b.c. by Scherzo--Legal-ity; b.g. Karapoti (3), by General Latour—Kilbeggan. ,1. A. Todd’s b.g. Knollmcre (3), by

G randcourt —Orozino. C. F. Vallanco’s blk.g. by Hunting Song—Blue Mint. S. Woodill’s ch.c. All Humbug (2). >y Humbug—AU Cerise. Dr. Hunter Wills and ATr Millward’s b.f. La Poupee (2), by Tea Tray—Darn ing Doll. Dr. Hunter Wills’ ch.g. by Tea Tray —Star Queen ATrs S. L. Parsons’ b.c. A’pian (2j. by Thespian—Aspic. Wanganui Guineas. (A sweepstakes of £lO for starters, with £4OO added; one mile). (To be run at the spring meeting 1932) J. Avenell’s br.g. Santoft, by Acre— Pleasure. N. E. Aitken and H. F. AVood’s br.f. Alaypay, by Paper Money —Trebelli 11 AV. H. Ballinger’s filly by Paper Money—Damo AVinkie. F. Bristol’s filly by Grand Knight— Haupai; filly by Grand Knight—Bent: br.c. by Grand Knight—Rapture; b.c. by Chief Ruler—ATerry Twinkle; ch.c. by Tea Tray—Quadrilateral. AV. T. Bailey’s ch.g. Lack, by Lackham—Darktown. ATrs and Air. N. Blackmore’s b.c. by Night Raid—Afandanc. Janies Bull’s b.c. Copper King, by Nigger Alinstrel—Trade AVind. J. Al. Cameron’s br.g. by Grand Knight—-Very Hot; ch.g. by Hymestra —Egyptian Flower. Sir Charles Clifford’s ch.c. Rocket, bv Day Comet—Top Score; b.c. Drum Fire by Winning Hit—Scrimmage; b.f. Fleeting Glance, by Day Comet—Wild Hind; br.f. Streamline, by Ltay Comet — Sailor’s Hope. G. Al. Currie’s b.c. Linoleum, by Li inond—lnlaid; ch.f. Alidinctte, by Limond —Alotley; ch.f. Genesta, by Thespian—Daniaris. C. Chalmers’ b.f. Freeze, by Weathervane—Snow Waif. W. AIcA. Duncan’s ch.g. Farmer, by Ponibal —Jewel of Asia. T. A. Duncan’s b.g. by Nigger Alinstrel—Kinsem; b.g. by Nigger Alinstrel —Beilina; br.f. by Nigger AlinstrelEnthusiasm; ch.c. by Nassau —Lady Christina; br.f. by Robespierre—Ada Alerling; br.f. by Psychology—War Scare. D. AT. Dauglos’ ch.f. Gold Trail, by Chief Ruler —Pure Gold. W. F. Desha’s ch.g. Joy Stick, by Cockpit—Addlepatc. W. H. Dwyer’s br.f. by Chief Ruler —Lady Elgentine. J. Donald’s br.f. by Dignity—Queen Warbler. H. E. Edmunds’ b.c. Inflation, by Paper Aloney—Fleeting. Airs C. E. Elgar’s ch.f. by Lord Quex —Charlady. J. Fryer’s ch.f. by Tea 'Tray—lmpediment. C. L. Ferguson s ch.g. by Hunting Song —Sarty. James Fredric’s b.f. by Limond—Seasprite. G. R. Graham’s b.f. by Hunting Song —Sarah Grand. Airs AV. D. Graham’s b.f. Glow Light, by Silverado—Limelight; ch.f. Kaimiro, by Tea Tray—Rebekah; blk f. Merryway, by Arausio—Alcrry Jest. E. A. Grenside’s br.g. Blue Boy, by Gainscourt —Polonaise. W. S. Glenn’s ch.g. by Chief Ruler— Fillette. Airs C. Haldane’s b.g. by Bold and Bad—Chelae. C. Haldane’s b.g. by Diaquenod—Rapide. Airs A. R. Hutchinson's blk.c. Slippery', by Hunting Song—Royal Moment. Ralph Holden’s br.c. by Tea Tray— Afterglow; b.f. Princess Bell, by Chief Ruler —Tinkler. C. Jones’ ch.c. Alinstrel Lad, by Nigger Alinstrel —Jeanne Laddu. W. J. King’s b.g. Royal Highness, by Royal Picture —Soyes Forme. W. R. Kemball’s ch.c. Gape Royal, by Cape Horn —Princess Pat; b.g. Gape Good Hope, by Capo Horn—Conflict; b.c. Golden Horn, by Cape Horn —Eurei la; br.g. Sir Ponibal, by Ponibal—Toil ing Tcssie; b.g. Gay Song, by Hunting Song —Gaimiut; b.f. Posy, by Chief Ruler—Rosellate; ch.c. Rulanut, by Chief Ruler —Cocoanut. T. H. Lowry’s ch.g. Aesculus, by Night Raid —Tinihanga; ch.g. by Grandcourt —First Blow. H. B. Lorigan’s br.g. by Cockpit— Alori. Airs A. F. Lawrie’s ch.c. by Colossus —Waikohu. R. J. Alurphy’s ch.g. Early Cup, by Tea Tray—Bouny Dawn; ch.g. Oratorious, by Diacquenod—Oratress. G. F. Moore’s ch.f, by Limond—Lady Cavendish; bflgfl Hilary, by Diacquenod —Phrosa; ch.g. Toptliorn, by Hunting Song —Lady Bentinck. J. S. ALcLcod’s b.c. by Lord Quex — Tressida. G. W. New’s b.f. Sastrugi, by Lord Quex —Iceball. 1 T. Newman’s ch.g. by Diacquenod— Lady IXesmond. T. J. and P. A. O’Neil’s br.g. Parasol, by Weathervane —Margarethe; b.g. Jonathan, by Thespian—Joanfax. F. Ormond’s b.f. by Arausio —Marty. L. G. Paul’s br.g. by Ponibal—Ad>myra, V. Riddiford’s ch.g. Clangor, by Grand Knight—Anthem; ch.c. Aleritor, by Limond —Merit; br.c. Alight, by Limond—Graciosa. R. T. Reid’s ch.c. by Tea Tray— Epitaph. ATrs R. T. Reid’s ch.f. by Whirlwind —Cione. H. Al. Speed and C. G. Russell’s b.c. Bold Baron, by Grand Knight—Civility. Smith Bros.’ ch.c. Gaine Carrington, by Hunting Song —Left. J, Somerton’s ch.c. March Alone, by Alarch Along—Cathay. Pohe Tito’s b.g. Tautoru, by Sandstar—Campbird. Al. H. Tims’ b.c. by Scherzo —Legality. J. A. Taylor’s b.c. by Pornbal—Veil; b.g. by Lord Quex —Ayah. H, Tupaea’s ch.f. by Hunting Song — Tigritiya; ch.g. Arausio —Gazlie. C. F. Vallanee’s blk.g. by Hunting Song—Blue Afint. Dr. Hunter Wills’ ch.f. by Tea Tray— Star Queen. bfiq. WEBSTER IN AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND TRAINER ARRIVES DOLEFUL PICTURE PAINTED Received June 16. 10.50 p.m. SYDNEY, June Ifl. The New Zealand trainer, A. D. Webster. with his wife and son and a string of six New Zealand racehorses, arrived to-day by the Ulimaroa, which had rather a rough trip. A. L). Webster related a doleful story regarding racing conditions in New Zealand and predicted a considerable reduction in the ranks of owners.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 141, 17 June 1931, Page 5

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THE TURF Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 141, 17 June 1931, Page 5

THE TURF Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 74, Issue 141, 17 June 1931, Page 5