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THE CHAIN STORE ARRIVES It is with much pleasure that we Announce the Opening of a Branch Store at 106 Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. To the trade locally we are well known, but to the public of Wanganui, perhaps, we are not. Therefore we would like to say a few words about ourselves. We, that is E. C. RUSSFLL & Co. Ltd. originally started about seven years ago in a small shop in Vivian Street, Wellington. By selling for cash and The writer, on a pleasure trip to the River City, realised the possibilities of this town for a business of our selling cheap, we made rapid strides, enabling us in a short space of time to run a chain of Stores in the Wei- kin(L With ° Ur enOrm ° US turn ° Ver ™ are l ° b “ y ” h " ge qUa " titieS ’ “J ““7 ““ at the price that the average grocer pays for his goods. We sell for cash only and do not deliver, ror lington District, having branches at Vivian Street, Kelburn, Kilbimie, Thorndon, Miramar, Petone, Aiicetown, . ~ .. rDrr th DAiiuvAn country customers, however, we are prepared to pack and deliver rKtt 1U K/ailhlau. and Lower Hutt. We then established a wholesale depot at 13 Blair Street to supply the restaurant, hotel, Below we print a few of our prices a perusa ] of eacll item being sufficien t to convince you that we cut every and shipping trade, etc jj ne By reducing the cost of living in Wanganui we are doing the public a service, and we confidently appeal to you to be with us in the fight to keep down the cost of living. FLOUR— Best Quality SOAPS—TOILET CEREALS, Etc. JAMS AND MARMALADE Candles, English, per lb ...... 9< Essences, Langdale's, loz. -1/4 lb’. .. . ... I NOTE.—We have a special line of Palmolive Co.’s Rise, per lb —. 34 Gold Leaf, lib. tins —.. ~ 7Xd Essences, Langdale's, 2oz. 1/8 12 lbs. _/9 Bath. Soap ... . . 5 cakes 1, - Bago, per lb. ..... 3d Gold Leaf, 21b. tins ..... •••••• 1/- Essences, C. & 8., loz ...... 1/4 25 lbs., Loose 4/11 Palmolive, per cake 64 Tapioca 3d “K" or “Oak" from 9<l Epsom Salts, per dozen 6( 2-> lbs., Calico Bags 3 Olva till Pearl Barley ..... 3d “K" or “Oak," 21b. tins l/> Epsom Salts, per box 2/b 50 lbs., Calico Bags 10/3 Castilever 7ld Split Peas 1 44 Gib. tins, assorted . 3/9 Gelatine, IJoz 6< 100 lbs., Calico Bags . . .. .. 19/9 Pear’s .. .. 9d Split Peas 31bs for lid “K" or “Oak" Marmalade, lib. tins 10d Gelatine, 4oz. ..... 1/' 200 lbs.. Sacks 38.6 Me Li nt on’s 1/ - Haricot Beans 3d <‘K" or “Oak’’ Marmalade, 21b. tins ..... 1/6 Gelatine, loosee, per lb 4 - Barilla, bars 9d Lima Beans 6d Golf Leaf Marmalade, 61b. tins 4/- Ginger, Preserved, per lb. 1/3 SUGAR Cashmere Bouquet 04 Lentils 3LI Little Chip Marmalade, jars 1 4 Honey, Walworth’s, pots . 10< Cashmere Bouquet, large 1/4 Ground Rice 54 Robertson’s Gold and Silver, jars .1/6 Honey, Walworth's, large ...... —• 1/6 1A Auckland Brown Windsor 7 for J./- Boiling Peas, per lb ..... 3LI Chivers' Marmalade, jars 14. Hops, 41b. packets 10’ j> er jb. gtj Brown Windsor, per box 7/6 “K" Green Peas : 9d Keiller’s Marmalade, 11b. tins 1. - Hops, lib. packets ..... —l/6 ]lj S Holvol 8d Jellies, Veribest .. 6 for 1/t „,./“ u / = :: = /, / " *' MIED FRUITS SALT "JJ Z Z Z Z 2 ISiX « CIGARETTES AND TOBACCO Mit , sm „ £ =J —[ -z z z Zv» '' ■ ' , Sultanas, Three Crown !M Cerebos, Plain lid Macaroni, per packet 7Ji TC . Capstan ~ Currants, Australian, llireo Crown ... Cerebos, lodised 1/- Vermicelli, per packet 7J< ILA ' larence Prunes, per ’ ■/' Saxa, Plain Mill Highlander IHc A.nber T.p. _... peril. lellow and Greer,. - Prune.-, large fruit Sd ,-,|b. Bags 9d Mustard, Colman’s, i’s l/l Bell - P er ll '- .... Bates, per lb yd sSalf, 21bs - 3d Mustard, Colman. J’s - 2/1 Homa ..... per lb. 2,11 AimyCJub < Apricots, slabs, per lb .'d Salt, slbs 64 Mustard, Colman's, I’s —4Desert Gold peril... 2,10 Be heszke s 4 Apricots, best quality .1/- Mustard, Loose, per lb - —3Nelson Aloate's ...... per lb. 3/- Datk Hat clock, plugs ... Peaches, per lb «Jd DICriUTC Marmite, loz -94 c Silver Urn .. per lb. 2 6 l)ark Havelock, tins ] Z b Hunmaid Raisins <4d DloCUllo Marmite 2oz. - - 1/3 family Tea per lb. 22 Capstan Tobacco - .1/8 Marmite , 4oz - . —2Doctor’s china per lb. 3 6 Yankee Doodle .16 piQU Water Biseuics, packets 5d Marmite’, Boz. ‘ - 3/3 Roma China -....per lb. - beai .> Jobacco 1. I Cream Crackers, packets 6<l Marmite 16oz ... • 6/(iolden Eagle, plug 2/11 Sao Craekets ilb. packets <id Walnuts,’Now Zealand, per lb .... 1/8 COCOA AND COFFEE ■™. 2'5 >.o».kiv t, ilb. tins ...... .. .. 1/- Rice Wafers” 64 cjrvnq TTnlhrnnk’F J/9 (H | r n .. . Sockeye, lib. tins 2/2 Olives, Holbrook’s, large ...... 3/9 Bournvillo l's «.>/4 Der'-v rmr nlii' r I I Middlecut, Mb. tins <B4 toilet Rolls -• •• \an Houten’s (as Bournville). '' ' " 31 iddlccut, Jib. tins ...... 1/3 Plate Powder, genuine J 4 Itoyalty i’s - .10.1 MATCMFC (’hum, Mb. tins Cd POLISHES Pepper, 20z., K - - M Loose Cocoa per lb. 1/2 IVIA ICntu Chum, lib. tins lOd Pepper, 4oz. —.- - l/~ Coffee Essence, Young’s 1/2 Libby’s lied Alaska, large 1/8 Nugget Boot, 4 tins - .!/■ Pepper, loose, per lb. ...... - 3/S Coffee, .Symington’s, small Id Roll’s Plaids , <t.l SARDINES— j> acilie . . 7d Pickles, Crosse and Blackwell s 1.6 Coffee, Symington’s, large .1/11 Searchlight Slides 9.1 Small tins • 4 for 11.1 Mirror or Kiwi 8d Pickles, Brands’ ..... - 1/b . 'amp Coffee, large .1/11 1 b til,s C.O. Waxshine, size 9 2/- Pickled alnuts, C. and B Coffee, Ground per lb. 2/- Bell s ’lin>, per dozen 211 Mb. tins IU Polifloor, largest 2/- Hayward s Chow Chow 1/6 Coffee, Ground, 71b. tins ..... 12/9 l.nglisli Saletics ..... -7d Cross Pish 71.1 Radium, Floor, large lid Haytvard’s Chow, gallons (jars extra) 5/6 Strang’s Soluble, per tin 1/5 „ Herrings in Sauce, J’s (i.ld Johnson’s Prepared Wax I/- Bennett, tablets BREAKFAST FOODS Herrings m Sauce, l’s 1»d Johnson’s Prepared Wax, large ..._ L'ti Kennett, hquid .... ... lid SOAPS AND EXTRACTS _ T * ’ £ niT'n’r’n Kruskits ..... ' L'3 Velvet, per bar 7bl . /j ntnTrn BUTTER Sand Soap -....- 5 for 1/A elvet, 3 bars 1/9 Arip ” ” " i '*’” PASTES Sauce, Lea and Perrin’s, small 1/6 Taniwha Suap t J/4 (/t ? i \ - Owing to unforseen circumstances, we have not yet Sauce, Lea and Perrin's, large 2/6 Sensation ~.... J/3 o^tm 0 * 1 !’ ‘”5lb S * V'G Peck’s Salmon and Shrimp, 240 z. ... 10L1 completed arrangements to run a brand of our own Starch, Colman’s, 11b. packets ....- .1/1 Silverine 7ld ** ’\ lta ’ '* ca Jto Peck’s Salmon and Shrimp, 3oz. ...... .1/- at a cut rate. In the meantime, w r e will sell the best A'inegar, Champion’s 1/6 Silverine, 3 bars - J/9 a ' Brands Assorted Pastes, small 9(1 brands procurable locally. We want your support ou Bacon, by tho side 101 c Silverine, large -.... J/3 a S I n Brands Assorted Pastes, large 1/- this line. Help us to help yourselves. Bacon, Shoulder Rashers —1Sunlight, new bars 9Jd a s „ Brands assortment includes: Game, Turkey, Bacon, Primest Cuts - .1/5 Sunlight, old pack 1/4 3C> i/o Ham and Chicken, etc. CIIKTADirC Wheat, 61bs. - - —1Household, per bar I'Jd V q /n Crosse and Blackwell's, assorted 84 uUfNI/KILtJ Brands' Gherkins 1/9 Household, per 561 b. box 14/3 °^ s “ ran “ Crosse and Blackwell's, large ]/- C. & B.'s Gherkins —.— 1/9 Lifebuoy, per packet 54 bemoiina Grosse and Blackwell's Anchovy 94 Ammonia, Scrubbs 2/- Brands' “Al" Sauce - 1/6 Lifebuoy, doublets 8d inn TniTriirr r Crosse and Blackwell’s, Anchovy, largo 1/2 Angelica, 3oz. -1/- Brands' Mint Sauce 1/4 Lux, small 3 for 94 MEAIS AND 1 UNGUES, Ek. . . Arrowroot, per ]b. -1/- Brands' Salad Dressing 1/6 Lux, large JOd PATENT MEDICINES Fir Asparagus—Libby's, small 1/- English Lobster 2/4 St. Mungo, small ............... ...... 7 for !/■ Gear’s Meat, per tin 1/6 r/litni IYiLxL/iVinUO, • Asparagus—Booth's, small ..._ .... ...... 1/2 Argo Oil, pints - .... .... 1/St. Mungo, large - 1/7 Gear’s Extract J/- . . . o/f> Asparagus—Del Monte, small ..... .1/2 Argo Oil, quarts 1/9 Hudson's -... 7 for 1 - Bovril, 2oz. 1/7 7° 7ij Asparagus—Libby's large 2/- H.M. Sauce - Hd Hudson’s, large _.... - - 1/7 Bovril, 4oz 2/10 a nne, small -. .... .1/8 Asparagus—Hillsdale, large 1/7 Instant Posture, small - ..... —2- ( AU’. Tongues, U»s '•> Ova jne medium __ 2,11 Bisto J - Instant Poatum, largo - .... 3/3 rpiIITQ TIN C.JI.I'. Tongues, jars 2/8 tn “’’ ;’-' b Blacklead, 11b. packets -1/3 Clever Mary - ...... 1/2 rKUlld 11R = ’ J Clements Tome 2/8 Blue, 11b. Bags J/3 Hvdroleino Soap ..... «d Lane’s Emulsion, small 2/4 Z ebo ' Ibl Shreddo small .... . 8d Pineapples, Prizewinner, large IUP[ HEINZ GOODS Lane’s Emulsion, largo 3/11 Brasso '' ' ” " ; lbl shreddo’ large - 1/1 Pineapples, Tizewinner, largo J'Jpl’s Emulsion, small ..... 2/6 Bon Ami, blocks BJ4 Windsor Salt .... 1/Pcaches, Californian 1/1 Poi-K and. Beans, small : i S "'. t J’ s Eml j[ s ’ oD > large 4/u Bon powder -I'ld Libby’s Pork and Beans, large Peaches, best qi ility /•> Pork and Beans, medium J, 2 ’. a r ’ ma “ Candied Peel, per lb 1/- Campbell’s Soups - 9d Apricots, Californian 1/3 Spaghetti, small 9 ' ‘ al, fig, large 2/6 Citron Peel, per lb —2- Includes —Chicken, Pea, Mulligatawny, Apricots, best quality ..... J/4 spaghetti, medium I 2 <’hx”, small 2/6 Caustic Soda, l’s 8d Ox Tail, Tomato, Asparagus, Celery, Mock Pears, small tins Peanut Butter, small l-i I lar £‘ f,/ - Caustic Soda, 2’s 1/4 Turtle, etc. Pehrs, Californian - Peanut Butter, medium I I m' I,l ’? 1 u i n 7 ♦’.? d Cheese, per lb 1/1 Abraizo 7H Pears, Bartlett .... ...................... '• Peanut Butter, large 11l Hyrlocks Malted Milk, large >/s Clothes Pegs, 8 dozen J- C. & B.’s Cal vesfoot Jelly, jars ..... l/« Raspberries, “K" .... Tomato Ketchup 15 X*™ L 1 a*!” 8 3/1 ” Cornflour, B. & P., per lb J 6.1 Keiller’s Mincemeat, jars 2/8 Tomatoes, large - Tomato Soup, small It'd ) nisch i Cornflour, Globe, per lb.’ 64 Keiller’s Lemon Cheese, jars 1/8 Tomato Soup, medium 13. h’adox Bath Salts .1/9 Cornflour, Johnson’s, per lb 6d Thomson & Lewis’Pure Fruit Cordials per hot. 2/TREACLE AND SYRUPS Horse Rmlish, 2.z 1 5 £ ,( ? aa s Liniment . ...... .1/9 Cornflour, loose, per lb 4d Maizena, per lb 7|d Olives, small I'6 ‘^ lorton s ’ Custard Powder, Colman ’s -1 Old Dutch Cleanser 7d (.olden Syrup 21b. tins ..... 6i<l Olives, medium 2/3 ? nO . S rul^' . K ' a ‘ t: \ Custard Jowdcr, Foster Clark’s lbl O'Cedar Oil, small 1/4 Golden Syrup* 71b. tins I*9 Celery Salt, medium I'Jd ’ re J vs l ™ r Sats ..... ................. ..■» Custard Powder, Foster Clark’s, large J/4 O’Cedar Oil, large - 2/8 Treacle 21b. tins 6LI Celery Salt, large 1/3 Dinneford s Magnesia 1/4 Custard Powder, Epp’s - 3d Pepsodent, small J/5 Treacle, 71b. tins ..... - - Sandwich Relish - 1/9 We have a full range of Patents. ' Custard Powder, Bird’s —10 d large 2/4 TEA COMPETITION- — In Wellington we run a Tea Competition in connection with our Silver QUALITY. — It is only natural that you will be told that we cannot sell cheap and sell QUALITY Um Tea (2/6). We give a number of Cash Prizes, and in addition every competitor receives a prize. In GOODS. Our motto in Wellington is “Noted for Quality—Famed for Price,” and we live up to our motto, our opinion, our Tea Competition is the most liberal one in New Zealand. In fact, to the public it means a We sell only the Best Quality Goods, and WE WILL REFUND IN FULL the price of anything returned to us reduction of about 2d per lb. in the price, besides giving you the opportunity of having the Xmas Holidays not as good as we claim it to be. at our expense. We intend to run one entirely for the public of Wanganui and District with closing date just Our Prices are Right, and all that we need now is your custom. Why not give us a trial order? before Easter. You will like our 2, 6 Tea; if you do not, return the unused portion of the packet and have your money refunded in full. OUR ’PHONE NUMBER IS 297« J E. C. RUSSELL & Co. Ltd. Of Wellington and District and Now at 106 Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. (Next to Bristol)

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 71, Issue 260, 2 November 1928, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 71, Issue 260, 2 November 1928, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 71, Issue 260, 2 November 1928, Page 10