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..A Page for Women..

Social News ♦. Fashion ♦. General Topics

Items of interest, social or personal, should be sent to the Editress, c/o “ Chronicle. ” The sender’r signature is necessary, and news intended for Saturday’s paper must reach the office by Wednesday evening; for Tuesday, by noon, Monday. SOCIAL AND PER SOIN AL. Mrs N. Fulton, St. John’s Hill, leaves for New Plymouth, to-day. and will attend the Croquet Tournament there next week. Mrs Brabant, winner of the Wanr n ui Ladies’ Open Croquet Championship. left for Auckland on Monday afternoon, accompanied by Mr Brabant. Mrs Fleming is the guest of her daughter, Mrs Hutton. St. John’s Hill. Airs H. Hamilton, of Wellington has been visiting the Eangitikei and TYirantiki districts. Afiss Hewetson has returned to Wanganui. after spending a holiday in Palmerston North. Miss Beryl Cleland returned to Wanganui this week. Nurse Cartwright is at present taking Nurse Wilson’s plarc while she is away on sick leave. Mrs Cmik is visiting Wanganui for the races. Mrs Norman Gibbons, of Wellington, is visitijjg Wanganui for the races, ami staying at Hotel Braeburn. Miss Greta Runnerstrum left Wanganui for Wellington yesterday. She will enter training college at the capital city. Miss Bruce, of Taihape. is visiting Wanganui for the races and is the guest of her mother, Airs Bruce. M:>s Z. Grahbm, Hamilton, is visiting Wanganui for the races. Mr an-1 Mrs Ramsey. Wellington, passed through Wanganui on Wednesday on their way to Mount Kginont. Lady Marjorie Dalrymple, of England. is at present in residence at Woodford House, Havelock North, acting as principal of the college during lhe absence of th e present headmistress, Miss M. Holland, who is abroad. The many friends of Airs C. J. Rae (neo Miss Hilda Sigley) will be interested to hear that she and her husband intend leaving Auckland to take up their residence in Sydney. Tho Hon. Sir Thomas Alackenzie. accompanied by his daughter. Afrs A. V. McDonald, left England for Now Zeahand on January 2S by the Tamaroa. Miss Helen Cut field, Auckland, is visiting Wanganui.

Mrs TA. McA. Duncan, Ruanui, is visiting Wanganui for the races, and is staying at Foster’s Hotel. Dr and .Mrs Johnson, who have been the guests of Mrs Jefcoate, “Rockwood,” leave for Auckland to-day. Mrs Lewis Keeling arrived on Wednesday from Auckland and is the guest of Airs Neumann, Wanganui East. Airs G. G. Lacy, Auckland, who has i Been visiting Wanganui and the dis-j trict. returned to the northern city during the week. Afiss Molly Hall was hostess recently at a kitchen tea. given in honour of Miss Alary Gourlay, who is to be married shortly. Airs Cowper. Melbourne, who hias been visiting Wangtanui, entertained a number of friends at Foster’s Hotel prior to her departure. Afrs Cowper was dressed in a handsome frock of Indian red. embroidered in gold, with hat to match. The reception room was beautifully decorated with hydrangeas and gladiolii. Among those present were: —Mrs Peel. Mrs A. E. Cowper, Mrs F. Cowper (IXinnevirke), Mrs W. A. D’Arcy, Mrs A. H. E. Wall. Mrs C. 1.. Duigan. Mrs Jrmes Watt, Afrs TizarJ. Airs J. Anderson, Airs Kennedy Wellington), Airs H. D. Robertson, Mrs It. Stevenson. Mrs Coghill, Afrs Hay-Campbell, Airs H. Christie senr., Mr: D. Alason. Airs Beauchamp, Airs Litharr, Alisses Cowper, Cohen, P. Wail. Brewer, Brettargh. Mason, and A very enjoyable surprise party was taken to Air and Afrs F. B. Parkes’ residence on Monday night by Miss Joan McMillan. Among those present were: —Aliases ?*. AfcDougall, Al. McDonald, A. Turner. M. Simpson, V. Craig, A. Field, Jean Campbell, Frances Baggett. Ray Craig. Alolly Beach: Messrs C. Beach. Dickie. P. Stewart. Carruthers. E. Tomkies, Plcfesnnts, Dabinett. T. Simpson, and H. Gibson. A picnic was held on Thursday last at tie Jubilee Home for entertainment of the women inmates. Among those | present were:—Rev. J. Paterson and ■ Mrs Paterson. Rev. and Airs Weller and I family. Rev. and Afrs Welsh and. family. Airs Gilmour and Mrs White ably I presided. Sandwiches were given by ■ Afrs Allan Robinson. A crowded house greeted “Is Eat l So?” on Tuesday night, tit the Opera I House. Among those present were:--! Mesdames H. I). Bates, O’Neill, 7Grace, D. Wilson, A. Wilson. A. •. Hatrick, W. Petit, A. Kitchen, j Miss Willis, Afiss Anderson. Mr ‘ and Airs G. AL Currie, Air and Mrs J. Beard. Mr and Airs Nancarrow. Mr and Afrs C. Glenn, Mrs Lloyd Hammond.

ENGAGEMENTS. The engagement is announced of Alice. Helen, daughter of Afr and Mrs H. Holmes Afillcr, Pahiatua, to John Grey, son of Mrs and the late Mr N. E. C. Tyler, Makuri, formerly of Masterton. The engagement is announced of; Jessie, second daughter of Afr and Mrs Alec Alexander, of New Plymouth, to Leslie Melville, eldest son of Afr and Mrs C. H. Burnett, Gonville, Wanganui. The engagement is announced of Edna, only daughter of Afrs Waters and the late Air T. B. Waters, to Robert Edward, eldest son of Air and Mrs Marsh, of Hawera. The engagement is announced of Leslie John, eldest son of Mr and Mrs L. J. Ell, of Johnsonville, to Mavis Magdelen. youngest daughter of Mr and Afrs J. S. Crichton, of Masterton. WEDDING. MacFARLANE—HIGGLE. A quiet wedding was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Church, Wellington, on l Wednesday, January 26, when Eva Kathleen, eldest daughter of Afrs Higgie and the late Mr James Higgie, of Okoia, Wanganui, was married to John Kenneth Macfarlane. of “The Sisters,” Parnassus, North Canterbury. The Rev. AfcNcur, of Wanganui, performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Afr Jan Higgie, wore a dainty frock of beige georgette and a smart hat of brown crinoline straw with a feather mount. She carried a beautiful bouquet of roses. Tho bridesmaid, Afiss Af. Jackson, Wanganui, wore a pretty frock of pale apricot georgette, and taffeta, with a hat of Eankok straw of the same tone. She also carried a bouquet of rose?. Air. A. Afaefarlane, brother of the bridegroom, acted as' best man. A reception was afterwards held at the Hotel Cecil. Afrs Higgle, mother of the bride, wore a handsome frock of black silk poplin, with touches of Honiton lace and white georgette, and a becoming straw hat of bois de rose. Mrs Edward Vaughan, sister of the bride, worn a very dainty frock of maize voile, with tenches of val lace and embroidery. Afrs A. Afaefarlane (Rangiora)

wore a navy blue coat frock and navy • ■-•t. Afiss Katherine Macfarlane, cousin of the bridegroom, wore a pretty frock of white voile and white hat. Others present were Afiss B. Higgie (Wadcstown), Afiss Patterson (Dannevirke), Afiss Seeley (Lower Hutt), and Afcssrs J. Macfarlane and E. Vaughan.

ODDS AND ENDS. The president of the Wanganui Croquet Club, Mrs C. H. £. Rhodes, gave th c club members a pleasant surprise, on Wednesday afternoon, when she handed thc sum of £2O Ils 6d to thc treasurer, the proceeds from the luncheon and tea rooms held at the recent tournament. Afrs Rhodes thanked the members for their generous help in providing home-made cakes, and other goods, without which she could not have made such a liargc sum. The visiting players said they had not attended such an enjoyable tournament before, and declared they would be back next yehr, when the North Island championships will be held in this city. Dorothy Maginness, of Christchurch, and formerly a pupil of the Wanganui Girls’ College has received notice from the Victoria College that she has been awarded tho Lissie Rdthbonc Scholarship for thc Wellington university district. This is noteworthy as last year’s award (the first since the institution of this scholarship, which is open to all girls’ secondary schools in the Wellington district) also went to a pupil of the local Girls’ College. The scholarship is for thc highest marks obtained in English and History in the Junior University Entrance Examination, and is for three years. It has an annual value of £5O.

An outstanding feature of the recent croquet tournament was the consistently brilliant play of a Wanganui player. Airs Jarvie, who was a winner in the Doubles Handicap and was also runner-up in the Wanganui Open Championship, and the Ladies’ Championship. Many of the players at the recent croquet tournament were considerably worried by the thoughtless chatter of the spectators while shots were being pltayed, and also by people moving about. Any movement at a vital moment, might ruin a player’s chance of making a good shot. So many applications were made this year for entrance to the Collegiate School, that a qualifying examination was necessary.

Looking the picture of health Nirs Coates landed from the M'akura on Monday morning with her two eldest daughters, who had gone out with the Ministerial party to meet their mother, and were already laden with beads from Rarotongta. Airs Coates was wearing a smart little travelling frock of navy blue and white, the skirt of navy having a kilted front, with a jumper of navy and white check bound in the plain blue. Her sm'all navy hat had lines of. white. Among the ladies who assembled to meet her were Lady Pomare and Afiss Pomarc, Afiss Downie Stewart, Mrs and Afiss Bollard, Afrs R. A. Wright, Afrs C. H. Chapman, Afrs

and Afiss Hiawken, Airs F. Ward, and Afrs Malcolm Ross. Al any present at thc reception in the Harbour Board she<l appreciated the references to Afrs Coates made by the chairman, Air Cohen, in his speech. The death occurred bt Dcvonport recently of Afrs Ethyl Aland Madeline Collins, a musician well known in the theatrical world (says the Auckland “Star”). Born in England in 1877, the late Afrs Collins came to New Zealand 20 years ago, and settled in Christchurch. For eight and a-half years she was connected with the firm of J. C. Williamson, Ltd., having pliayed the bass ’cello in most of thc Williamson orchestras touring the Dominion during that time. She was one of th c most popular musicians in the Williamson firm, and her many friends throughout the Dominion will learn with deep regret of her passing. Thc late Afrs Collins is survived by one daughter, Afiss Alollic Collins.

A fur hitherto unknown to New Zealand has sprung into popularity at Home, the Duchess of York setting the fashion. This is Rebl Alaska Gold Seal of which Aladame Alcnare has been fortunate enough to secure a number and which she will be showing on her Dominion tour commencing at Invercargill next month.

ON THE LAWNS FROCKS SEEN AT THE RACES. Thursday, the opening day of thc Wanganui Jockey Club ’s Autumn Meeting was a day of extremely equable temperature, brought about by thc cool breeze. Dainty frocks —typical of modern summer attire —were worn by thc large number of women in attendance at the meeting. Of the varied colours seen on either hand, fuchsia seemed to predominiatc, t but it would be practically impossible to draw any definite conclusion as to what was the most popular hue. Among those present at Thursday’s races were:—Mrs Hay-(Aimpboll, maize figured morocain; Miss Kathleen Annstrong, cream pleated jumper suit; Mrs Keith Stevens, blue frock, black coat, blue and bl;ick h*at; Mrs Peel, black satin coat; Miss H. Birch, black cloth frock, scarlet hat; Miss Rogers, royal blue crcpe-dc-chißc jumper suit, piped in gold, blue felt hat; Mrs T. Blennerhassett, cinnhmon frock and hat; Mrs Brodie, pink jumper, black and white skirt banded in pink; Afiss N. Cowper, blue and white figured frock, black coat; Mrs Coles, black frock, hat and coat; Miss Coles, golden tian coat and hat; Afiss Burgess, rose pink frock, black, coat and hat; Miss McNaught, green bordered crepe-de-chine, gold hat; Miss A. Fantham, cream, black hat; Mrs Jack Harrison, rose pink frock, coat and hat; Mrs J. Alanning (Hawera), pale blue, and scarlet, black coat; Afiss Bailey (Feilding), black crepe-de-chine and satin coat frock; Afrs Dantham, figured white and purple georgette, black coat and hat; Afiss Itawe James, white georgette, white fur and old gold crinoline hat; Afiss R. D’Ath, white broche, white fur and hat; Miss Paul, black lace frock and hat; Airs Jack Foster, white and black bordered crepe-de-chine, beaded in white, white hat; Mrs Swanger, black bordered frock, grey figured coat; Airs Howard Paul, orange and white crepe-de-chine jumper suit; Mrs Hussey, cinnamon woven silk, old rose hat; Afiss Ola Patterson, pale green, big grey hat; Afrs Deem, pale heliotrope frock, pale pink crinoline hat; Miss Cooper, fawn and blue figured georgette, lawn straw hat; Afrs Patterson, purple and white crepe-de-chine, black chiffon coat and velvet hat; Mrs Spillane, black and white frock, black taffeta coat, black hat; Mrs J. Williams, black satin coat over fuchsia, black hat; Afiss Cullinane, black crepe-de-chine, black hat; Miss C. Hammond, navy-blue taffeta and cerise, black hat; Afiss K. Cullinane, rose crepe-de-chine, heliotrope coat, white hat; Mrs Brown (Kai Iwi), old rose bordered crepe-de-chine, black hat; Afiss Willis, lavender figured georgette banded in cinnamon, cinnamon hat; Mrs Missen, bottle green coat over fk>ral frock; Afiss E. Glasgow, pale green coat and hat; Mrs A. A. Walker, fuchsia satin, large hat to tone; Miss Neumann, white crepe-de-chine, floral panels, large red hat; Afrs B. C. Smith, black and white georgette, black hat; Airs Russell Stevenson, two tones cinnamon crepe-de-chine, black hat; l\lrs U. Williams, black morocain. tangerine plaid, black hat; Afrs Doig, black crepe-de-chine and georgette, white hat; Airs Jackson, black crepe-de-chine appliqued in green, black hat; Miss Af. Jackson, green and cinnamon figured ninon,

targe crinoline hat to tone; Mrs Gias gow, white with chiffon overdress, big black hat; Mrs C. L. Duigan, floral georgette, black hat: Miss Harper, figured crcpc-de-chinc, black hat; Afiss Bayley, black satin, white ' lace; Afiss Calvcr, white bordered frock, black coat and hat; Mrs W. Stewart, navy taffeta, hat en suite; Afrs Nancarrow, old, rose crepe de chine jumper suit, oyster felt hat; Afiss Eva WebbJones, shaded embroidered amethyst crepe de chine; Afrs D. Gifford Afoore, rose pink embroidered voile; Afrs Jameson, navy morocain and sunset; Afrs Sandford (Feilding), navy morocain, touches of red; Afrs J. Potts, fawn and scarlet; Airs V. Bayley, floral georgette; Airs Lloyd, mulberry chenille, hat to tone; Afrs Simmons, cyclamen laec, shaded black frock: Mrs Glenn, mulberry; Afrs H. Russel), French blur, hat to tone; Afrs J. Bradley (Sandon), flame embroidered crepe de rhino, groen hat; Afrs G. Currie (Brunswick), navy satin charmeuse, mulberry hat; Miss Nicholas, orange crcpc de chine, hat tn tone; Afrs H. Christie, petunia fringed ■frock, hat to match; Afrs Maurice Ep.rle, coffee lace, fur, and hat to tone; Afiss Hatrick, apple green coat, grey fur; Airs Searle, navy and cerise crepe de chine, navy hat; Mrs Pearce, fuchsia crepe de chine, hat to match; Miss Glenn, pale rose pink accordian, black hat; Airs Herd, tangerine crepe-de-chine, navy-blue crinoline hat; Afrs Hope Gibbons, black frock, touches of mauve, black coat and hat; Afiss Gibbons, blue floral bordered crepe de chine; Mrs Aves, black pleated crepe de chine; Sirs A. H. E. Wall, pavy gathered coat, hat to tone; Miss P. Wall, blue ensemble suit, hat to match: Miss J. Cameron, rose pink georgette; Miss B. Cameron, palo green georgette; Mrs Rayncy Jackson, mulberry cloth frock, black hat; Miss Cohen, black georgette, black hat; Mrs Orton oyster crepe-de-chine, with overdress of black lace, black hat; Mrs 11. I). Bates, black frock and hat, white stole; Mrs Lomas, navy coat, floral frock, cinnamon hat; Mrs Merewether. save blue coat, and hat; Mrs D. Robbins, black satin, big black hat; Mrs Symes, green and grey silk jumper suit, black hat; Miss L. Bonnor (Mangawcka), navy blue crepe-de-chine, large navy hat; Mrs A. Boyes, black crepe-de-chine, white fur, wino hat; Miss L. Notman, palo blue broche, black hat; Miss Gaisford (Marton), tangerine figured frock, hat en suite; Miss I. Power, cinnamon georgette and lace, lavender hat; Mrs Nicholson (Ngamatapouri), jade taffeta, lavender crinoline hat; Misses B. and K. Zieslcr; Miss Olga King (Christchurch); Mrs T. Graham, black and oyster crepe-de-chine; Miss Strachan, bois-de-rose frock and hat; Miss AVood, floral blue and petunia ninon, hat to tone; Miss V. Scott bright cinnamon georgette applique in chenille, black hat; Mrs A. Duigan, bois-dc-rlose coat, lavender crinoline hat; Miss McKclvic (Bulls), rose figured georgette; Miss Blackett, brown figured crepe de chino; Mrs Pargotor, oyster grey coat frock, lavender hat; Miss Grace, green coat frock, black hat; Mrs Sutherland, airforce blue crepe-de-chine, black and blue hat; Mrs R. McNiven, rose jade embroidbroidcrcd jumper suit, crinoline hat to tone; Mrs W. L. Young, navy morocain, black hat; Mrs Zieslcr, dull red crepe-de-chine, hat. to tone; Miss Calver, palo fawn georgette, silver grey

coat, pale pink het; Mrs R. Ncwmai (Levin), lemon georgette frock; Mn P. O’Neill, black morocain froek black coat and hat; Mrs 8. Lind, black gcor* gette and lace; Mrs J. Bull senr. (Hunterville) black silk coat and hat; Mrs Lindsay Bull (Huntcrville), fawn georgette and golden hat; Mrs R. Hatrick, mauve jumper suit; Mrs J. Baddeley (Bulls'), pink crepc-de-chinc jumper suit; Mrs Crawford, black and white frock and black coat; Mrs Gillies. bois de rose frock and hat; Mrs J. Watkin (Sydney), black and white check and black hat; Mrs T. H. Lovegrove, biscuit, and cinnamon georgette; Mrs Carew (Auckland), fawn coat and hat; Mrs A. Hatrick, black georgette with fur; Mrs C. C. Smith, floral crepe do chine and black coat; Miss C. Hammond, navy taffeta and georgette suit, navy velour hat; Miss H. Marshall, floral crepe de chine; Mrs A. E. Cheal, mole morocain; Mrs F. Hill, biscuit georgette and lace; Miss 8. Wood, crushed mulberry georgette; Miss Montgomery, black figured ensemble suit; Mrs E. H. Whiteman (Kakatahi), brown figured georgette; Afrs S. Davis, cinnamon georgette and velvet; Mrs Gaisford (Marton), black georgette and filet lace, black hat; Afrs J. AfcDonald (Levin), bois do rose crepe de chine; Miss O’Neill, blue braided georgette, green hat.

INCONGRUITIES OF FASHION (By Countess E. de Armil). Has it ever struck you how incongruous is the way we dress? I have attended several smart weddings recently, and was impressed with the dignity and grace of the bride’s train, in opposition to thc frivolity and disgrace of tho very short skirt! They did not correspond; and I felt that if the bride’s character was composed with tho same tack of proportion as her bridal gown the bridegroom was to be pitied! Truly, dignity and impudence combined in one toilette. In contrast, there have been lately a few really picturesque brides, wearing charming costumes in which they looked as if they had stepped out of an old-fashioned picture, and in such bridal robes they appeared in harmony with thc solemn and stately surroundings of thc church. A definite fashion for a tall woman, as well as a short one, is an impos sible proposition. Every woman could be in thc fashion, but at thc same time moderate the existing commands of La Afodc, so as to suit her own particular style without any absurd exaggeration. Very tall women should not wear extremely short skirts. Very short skirts are not pretty on very short women either. A short skirt is really only becoming to a slim girl of medium height, and nearly every woman over thirty should at least hid© her knees.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 19771, 19 February 1927, Page 18 (Supplement)

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..A Page for Women.. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 19771, 19 February 1927, Page 18 (Supplement)

..A Page for Women.. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 19771, 19 February 1927, Page 18 (Supplement)