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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Sir Joshua Husking and Lady Husking have been staying at Braeburn. They returned to Wellington yesterday. Mrs Newton Broad (Grey mouth) is the guest of Mrs .1. Stevenson. Miss Peat (Wanganui) is at present visiting Christchurch. Aliss Muriel Davis has left Wanganui to take up nursing in Auckland. Miss Pratt (Hawera) is the guest of her sister, Airs W. Stewart. At the last meeting of the Plunkct Society, the opportunity was taken to make a presentation to Mrs Crawford, the retiring hon. secretary, and Airs C. P. Brown, the retiring treasurer. After afternoon tea. Mrs Crawford was presented with a handsome cut-glass bowl, and Airs. C. P. Brown with ta cut glass jug. Aliss Berre (Wellington) intends holding a young people's dance on the occasion of the visit of the American Fleet to Wellington. Alidshipmen are to be the fortunate guests of honour. Aliss J. Anderson, who has been the guest of Miss Patterson, has returned to her home up the river. Mrs W. Stewart (Wicksteed St.) was hostess at a bridge party last Friday afternoon, in honour of her sister, Aliss Pratt. The Old Girls of the College intend holding their annual ball un August 7 in Harman's Hall. Mrs C. P. Brown has returned to Wanganui from Wellington. Mrs Duirs, Aliss Parkes and the Alisses Frazer, left Wanganui early in the month for a trip io the islands. Mrs Hughes-Johnson and Miss Audrey Hughes .Johnson returned to Wanganui from Wellington yesterday. Mrs. Runnerstrum was hostess at a supper party, on Wednesday evening. Airs Hassell entertained a few friends on Monday afternoon in honour of Mrs Roberts, who is visiting Wanganui. Airs Roberts (Auckland . who has just returned from a tour of Europe, is the guest of her sister. Airs N. < . I’ric '. : Airs Robertson, 4 ‘Loch Lomond,’ ’ gave a very jolly jazz evening last I week, the large diningroom being ar- ■ tistically decorated and arranged for dancing. The verandah was beautiful- | ly draped with coloured flags and hung with Chinese lanterns. Among the guests present were: Airs Robertson, black satin and jet trimming; Mrs. Stead (Wellington), grey marocain; Airs Lewis, tomato velvet: Aliss Robertson, handsome grown, black maize; Aliss Best, old gold eau de nil, large spangled buckle; Miss Wilson, scarlet crepc-de-chine; Miss Brett, pale pink satin; Aliss Best, vieux rose, radium lace; Miss Rowe, black velvet; Messrs Robertson (2), Stead. Lewis. Henderson, Cameron, Rowe, Thomas and Johnson. Air Barnard who, with Dr. Gyp, has come into prominence in connection with the discovery of the cause of cancer, is the head of a Jermyn street, London, firm of hatters. He spends b’s mornings behind the counter and his afternoons in scientific research. Mi Barnard is regarded as one of tin greatest authorities un ultra-micro •copy. ODDS AND ENDS The Editress remarks: A reception in honour of the admiral and officers uf the fleet will be given by the United States Consul-General and Airs Low rie at the New Ambassador, Wellington on August 12. That colds, and very bad colds, seem K be the fashion at present. Quite a ■umber of people are finding that goto bed, is the quickest way to cure the cold. Th«at in last week’s notes, the fact that the •‘A’’ Basket Ball team from the Avenue. School, were also successful in their match against St. Mary’s Con vent, as well as the “B” team, was inadvertently omitted. That at the conclusion of the concert given in aid uf the Swankm’ Fund, last Sunday evening, the per formers were given a cheering cup of tea, etc., by the ladies* committee. The thoughtful act was much appreciated. That a very kindly act on the part of her Excellency, Lady Alice Fergusson, was performed last .Saturday, whi n she took a lady, who had received injuries through stepping from a moving tramcar, to hospital, where she was attended till she was able to return to her home. Lady Alice, when driving home, noticed a number of people in the street, and. instead of “passing by on the other side,” made inquiries, and gave the kindly assistance above mentioned. The big bail which is being arranged for the entertainment of the visiting American Fleet by the Navy League and the Victoria League will be held in the Town Hall, Wellington. un Aug ust 13, and take the form of a powder and patches dance. The old fashioned dances, which tare such a favourite at these balls, will be repeated, and the stately minuet will be a feature of the evening. Miss Stella Murray, the oprano who left Christchurch fur England about five years ago, spent about three years in intensive study uf her art. and during the last two years has met with big successes in concert work in Lon don. Aliss Alurray is expected to arrive in New Zealand by the s.s. Port Dun edin on a concert tour on August 3 or 4. She will return to London in the middle of December. For the third time only since it> foundation has the American Society of Astronomers elected a woman mem ber. The latest io be thus admitted is Aliss Annie Cameron, of Harvard College Observatory, who is said to have discovered and catalogued more stars than any other astronomer. Another honour is that conferred upon Aladame Klbani, who has been made a Dame of the British Empire. Airs Kendal and Dame Nellie Melba attended the concert given to celebrate this event. A reception was also given on the occasion of Mrs Despard’s birthday. Miss Wilkinson. ALP., being chief speaker, having come after two days’ hard work at the House, including an all night sitting. Miss Wilkinson dwelt or. the future, however, rather than the past She stated that it was necessary to restate the feminist creed from time to time if the imagination of the younger generaliun was to be captured. That last week Lady Alice Ferguason, accompanied by Captain Wentworth, A.D.C., visited all the Free Kindergartens in Wellington. < ailing first at the Taranaki Street School, Her Ex

'•tdlency, who Is patroness of tin* Wcli lington Free Kindergarten Association, •afterwards visited Brooklyn, Berhampore, Wellington South, ami Newtown. i showing the keenest interest ami delighting the children by drawing on • their luaekboards, telling them stories 1 and joining in their games. Her Ex ! cellency, who is most interested in the I development and welfare of young ! girls, was delighted with the handwork and clay modelling of the students, and spoke of the value of kindergarten ; training to teacher, and child alike. She i expressed her deep sympathy with the j work, ideals and aims of the associa- ; lion, and promised to revisit the schools j with her daughter at an early date. ■ That if was to be expected that the Competitions entries would be fewer | ihan last year. The children have had Ho make up for so much lost time due I to the epidemic and consequently have | little leisure for extra subjects as danc- | ing, elocution, and singing. The allotI ing of the Henry Duigan Scholarship I also has played its part in lessening the ’ number uf entries. Last year, when I tin’ impression among the children was I that it would be aweided to a versatile “child," numbers of children entered [ for as many classes as possible, and dis- ; appointment was general when the coveted scholarship went to a grown-up. ' This year it is to be awarded for a i definite class, consequently children who I might have made an effort if the scholarship were at all attainable, have no particular incentive, hence the drop in the entries. People who have had no experience in Competitions work, cannot possibly realise the amount of laJbour and self-sacrifice necessary to produce good work. Another factor is, that fetv Wellington children have entered as their own Competitions are to be held at the same time. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Marjorie, eldest daughter of Air and Airs ■ Goring Johnston, of “ Oakhurst, ” Pa II merston North, to Lieut. Gerald V. (41a<lstonc, R.N.. son of Mr and Airs Gladstone, Llandaff, South Wales. I The engagement is announced of Netta. fifth daughter of Air and Mrs C. Sorensen, of Palmerston North, to Eric Arthur, second son of Air and Airs F. Al. Parr, of Auckland. WEDDINGS PUTT—ROBINSON A very pretty wedding took place I on Wednesday, July 8. at Christ I Church, the Rev. J. Hobbs being the 1 officiating minister, when Eileen Winifred. youngest daughter of Mr and j Mrs IL Robinson. Jngestre Street, was married to Gerald Ernest, eldest son of the late R. E. and Mrs Putt. Wanganui East, late of New Plymouth. The bibb*. who was given away by her father, wore a pretty frock of white b.uchc de chine, the cascade trimmed with a white ostrich feather and oriiuje blossoms. She wore a tulle cm- ■ broiderod veil and coronet of orange ' blossoms lout l.y a friend, and carried . beautiful bouquet of white flowers and maiden hair fern. She was attendI i d by two maids. Aliss Dorothy Robins. I who wore a pretty blue floral dress and ja large black picture hat. and Aliss , Marie Armstrong (niece of the bride), who wore a dress of pink satin crepe I .-‘.nd black picture hat. They also carj ried pretty bouquets, and wore gold ; armlets, the gifts of the bridegroom. Mr H. R. Robinson (brother of the i bride t carried out the duties of best , man. and Air Donald Pratt those of groomsman. The reception was held in ihe U.S.A. Hall. Air and Airs Putt left for New Plymouth, the bride wearing a pretty grey gabardine coat frock with small hat to match. She also wore a silver fox fur. the gift of 1 he bridegroom. The young couple were met at the station by a number of friends and were showered with streamers and confetti. J A Al ES—HICKFORD A very pretty wedding was celebrated on June 30th. at the residence of the bride’s parents. Victoria Avenue, Wanganui, when Ivy l4tyliis Hickford, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Hickford, was married to Henry J. James, eldest son of Mrs James of St. Hill Street, and the late Air James. The i eeremonv was performed bv Rev. T. I Cox. M.A. OTHER WEDDINGS. The marriage tuok place at the LuthI eran Church. Palmerston North, of Miss I Hilda \ oss, youngest daughter of Airs land the late Mr Alax Voss, of Karen*, I to Mr Murdo Macdonald, of Nelson. ■ youngest son of the late Air and Mrs '■ Donald Macdonald, of Stornaway. Scotj itjud. The Rev. Christensen officiated, i A very pretty wedding was solcmnI ised at Si. Barnabas Church, Stoke, Nel- ' son. on July S, by the Rev, J. A. Rogers, [the contracting parties being Mr Stanley Newport. of Eltham, and Miss Ivy i Pearl Walker, of Richmond. Nelson. A large congregation assembled on | Wednesday afternoon at the Pihama I Chur'di. Taranaki, to witness the double wedding of the daughters of Mr and : Mrs H. Pollock, when Jessie Eileen was united in the holy bonds of matrimony i to Edward Henry Keighley, and Ro- . s'., na Dolly) to Daniel Alearns Holmes. . The service was conducted I||V the Rev. H. A. Moore, and was fully choral. The church was prettily decorated for tin* ' occasion by the friends of the brides. Y.M.C.A. . ; The Y.M.C.A. Ladies’ Committee hel l i a most successful concert and sale ort . ' Thursday afternoon, when the splendid ' sum of £l4 was realised. The stall ■ . holders were:—Cake stall, Afesdames , ! Rowling. Mofi'att. Carpenter. Ellis; i | flower stall. Mes.dames Hair and In ‘igram; sweet stall. Mcsdames Runneri I strum, and Miss Murchie; afternoon i , tea, Mpsdames McDougall. .'dclvor, ; ' Strawbridge, Simpson ami Burling. • The music was very good indeed and > i much enjoyed. Mrs P. Lewis and Airs

Burgess gave the duet, “I heard a A’oice’ ; ; Airs Peter Lewis, ‘‘Farewell to Summer”; Afrs Burgess, “Roumanian Love Song"; while Afr B. Dcrtn gave humorous sketches. Air McMillan thanked the ladies for their splendid effort and the performers for their kindness in giving so many items. DANCES. The Wanganui East Lawn Tennis and Croquet. Club held their third dance of the season in the R.S.A. Hall on Saturday, July 18. Among those present were: Airs A. E. Savage, blue and gold taffeta; Airs J. Watson, black morocain; Aliss Taylor, black crepe-dc-chine and fringe; Aliss Watson, burnt amber velvet: Miss Cleaver, pink silk, grey fur; Aliss Horsley, pink georgette; Miss Kendrick, black crepc-de-chine, red posies; Aliss Butler, lavender embroidered sal in: Aliss AL Hall, pink satin, lace overdress; Miss D. Dempsey, black georgette and scarlet; Aliss IL Jones, orange morocain; Aliss Hoy, pale blue satin: Aliss Parsonson, ink hue taffeta; Aliss Wilson, red satin; Miss Rowe, saxe blue satin. Alcssrs Anderson (3), Afasters, Walker, Dr. Davis. Messrs Ford, Thompson. Card no, Andrews, Ryan. Savage, Brown, Hackett, Knowles, Sneddon, White and Dempsey. DURIE HILL. The Durie Hill Anglican Church held the third of their series of euchre and dance parties on Thursday evening, the Durie A'ale parishioners being responsible for the success of the evening. Crowds from the city and outlying suburbs attended, despite the weather. Miss Gilbert sang “The Little Coon’s Prayer,’’ which was highly applauded; while Miss L. Alurchie accompanied her. Mrs Burgess sang “The Request,” and received an enthusiastic encore, and Air B. Dean gave sketches. Miss Feltham supplied the gay music for the dancing and Air Deam played an extra. Amongst those present were: Alesdames Higgie, Nicholson, Tannings, AVansborough, Burke, Alabas* ter. Air Gregor, Gilbert, Grindlcy, Glasgow, Felt ham, Poynter, Philpot. Hayden, Hedditch, Taylor, Cox. Allpress, Gannaway and Burtt: Alisses J. Higgie, AL Hodson. D. Alaxwell. A. Fantham. M. Taylor, P. Gannaway. Dunean (2), At. Silcock. Hoy (2), AL McCormick, Taylor (2). Allpress, Brown (2); Rev. Lye, Alcssrs Cox, Smith, Dean, Jannings, Powle, Grindlcy, Rowan, Owles, Alorgan, Erwin. Darby, Nicholson, Rusden, and many others. 0 - —:—- -

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXII, Issue 19367, 25 July 1925, Page 10

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WOMAN’S WORLD Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXII, Issue 19367, 25 July 1925, Page 10

WOMAN’S WORLD Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXII, Issue 19367, 25 July 1925, Page 10