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ARRIVALS. THURSDAY. JULY 23. NIL. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, JULY 23. NIL. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Invercargill, Wellington. to-day. I John. Havelock, to-day. Ki pa. Picton. to morrow. Calm, Wellington, .Monday. Arapawa, Onchunga. Monday. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Xckoa. Lyttelton, early. IN THE ROADSTEAD. Tekoa. (Johnston and Co.) OVERSEAS VESSELS DUE. DUE IN THE ROADSTEAD. j Ruapehu. Lyttelton. July 27. (HatrickJ and Co.) TO BERTH AT CASTE E< 1.1 Fl'. ■ Jiiddleham Castle, early. (.Smith, I Beauchamp and Co.) BY TELEGRAPH. Received July 23. 7.50 p.m. LONGOX. July 22. j Arr.ved—At Newport News, City of ( Bombay. Departure? From Panama, T lira-I kina: from Uuracea, Rotorua. .Per Tress Association.) CHRISTCHURCH. July 23. j Arrived Maori, 6.50 a.m.. from Wei liDgton; Kamo. 7 a.m.. from '; y©rt Melbourne, S a.m., tram Ion; Gale, 9.30 a.m.. from Westport. Sailed Maori, 8.35 p.m., for Wel - lington. AUCKLAND. Julv 23. i Arrived—. Min, 2 p.m.. from New | York. DUNEDIN, July 23. • Arrived- Ngakuta, 7.10 a.m., from' Oimaru. WELLINGTON. July 2:’.. I Arrived-F-Moke. 6.45 a.m., from, A- kland: .d - 1 ‘•' l ' • l ?’' 7.10 a.m.. and Ripa, 3.20 p.m., from j Lyttelton. Sailed —Wootton. 7 p.m.. ami Mara roa. 7.50 p.m.. for Lyttelton. Tv sail: I Ripa, 11 p.m.. for Picton. INWARD BOUND RfMITTAKA Left Liverrool on May Hofer Auckland. Wellington. LvttUton and Dun- , rwfin : due Wellington 3uly -F-. _. CANADIAN MILLER Vancouver on. June « for Sydney. Melbourne and Auckland,!, du* Auckland July. j TUGELA—Lerr Antwerp on May ior New Plymouth. Wellington. Lytiebon. Napier, And Auckland: due New Plymouth to-mor/ow | MIDDLEHAM CASTLE Left New Aork | ( .Tunc 1< for Auckland. Napier. AG-llinfcton. i Dunedin. Wanganui : due Auckand L .Ttllv 1 ’ : duo Wellington July j DORSET Left Liverpool on June 13 fm- ' Aucklerd. Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin and New Plymouth; due Auckland July 2«. j MIN l.ojt New Yer! on Jinn* 13 for Au< k- j Huu. N?»>ier. Wellington. Lyttelton .and Dun- j edin : due Wellington early. j XRAWA -!»pft Sr-utHampton on June 19 for ; Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland on ' Jtiiy -7. . ' ( TORT DUNEDIN Left London on June 2t> for Dunedin. Lyttelton and New Plymouthdue Dune-iin August 3. ; BENICIA l>eft Montreal on June 25 for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin and : due Auckland early August. WILL ASTON- I*eft San Francisco or. June , 2S for Napier. Lyttelton. Timaru. Dunedin, . ( Bluff .and Nev.- Plymouth ; due Napier July 2-’. | LEITRIM--Left l.i-.-rpool on June _’7 for,, Auckland, Napier. Wellington. Lyttelton. Dun- , edin and Blur. ; due Auckland Autri CANADIAN BRITISHER I x»ft ‘Montreal, on June -9 for Au<, Wellington. Lyttvl- , ton, Timaru and Dunedin : due Auckland Aug',!*t 6. • ROMEO Left N<-v. nr. on June mr Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, Duneiiin anil;, Bluff; due Auckland August 5. * , TURAKINA 1.-eti London on July 3 for ( Auc-iand and Wellington; due Auckland on KAURAKI- Lcf. San Francisco on July 2 for Avckiend. Wellington and Australia; due, Auck-tind July 25. I KENT Left Liverpool on July 11 for Auck- i land, Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin ; due ’ Auckland on August 2<>. i WEST ISLIP Lef< San Fr:m<isc<» on July 13 for Auckland. Wellington, and Australia;’ due Auckland August 6. HORORATA U-l’ London on July lb for ; Wellington. Lvttelton ami Port Chalmers; due | Wellington August 27. TAINL’I -Le;t IxMidon on July 17 for Wei- , lington and Auckland; die Wellington Aug-, Captain G. B. Morgan has been appointed ma.-*ter of the Kaiwarra. relieving Captam i R. A. Williamson for holiday. Mr. J. H. Miller ha joined the Katoa as ! < hief officer, and Mr. A. F. Inman has been I granted holidays. Mr. R. D. Brebner ha- joined ‘he Kairanga a- second officer, vice Mr. A. McKenzie, who 1 came :-shore for orders. Mr. R. C. Ingram has been appointed second officer of the Wiugatui. relieving Mr. D. W. Williams for holiday. Mr. J. Ritchie has been appointed chief officer of the Waihemo. Mr. H. S. Collier has been appointed chief* officer of the Wainui, relieving Mr. J. Ixjon- '■ ard tor holidays. Mr. D. McPherson has joined the Kauri ext . a officer. Mr. J. A. Mclntosh has relieved Mr. H. , Bacon as wireless operator of the Kauri. Mr. M. MsFadgen, chief steward of the ■ Tahiti, left the ves.*l :it Wellington on Tues-I THE PORT DUNEDIN. The Commonwealth and Dominion I.ine's new motor shio. Port Duned’n the firs of I the kind in this particular fleet .ill arrive i off Wanganui on August 2". The vessel is on i h'*- maiden voyage and will load 24.»«hi m- ( cases of meat, together with a <|iiant.iiy of I wool and general cargo. Smith, B- n i han p and Co. are the local agent.-. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Niagara. R.M.S., at Auckland, leaves there : on August 4 for Vancouver, \ia Suva and ’ Honolulu: due Vancouver August 21. Makura. R.M.S.. -ailed from .San Fran- , cisco on July 15 for Wellington. via Pa-| neete and Rarotonga; due Wellington August i 3. I Aorangi. R.M.S.. I«*ft Sydn. y July 2 , for Vancouver, via Auckland. Suva and Honolulu: arrived Auckland July <> : sailed from ' Auckland July 7 for Vancouver; due Vancouver to-day. Tahiti, R.M.S.. sailed from Sv-lncy on July 16 for San Franc«s«-n 'in Wellington 1 Rarotonga and Papeete; sailed from Welling- ; ton July 21 : diw Francisco August 7.

<4 Be armed against the elements.’* — Harty. The chill in the night nir emphasises the need for protection ng.xinst colds, roughs, throat and rhest maladies. Money cannot buy a uiore reliable specific than Baxter’s Lung Preserver—famous for over 58 years es a remedy for all winter ailments. The first dose gives instant relief. ‘‘Baxter's” is also a grand tonic. You can obtain a generous-sized bottle of Baxter’s Lung Preserver from finv chemist or store for 2s 6<i; family size 4s 6d. But be sure you g< i. “Bax ter’s”!

LOCAL AGENTS’ ADVICE. Messrs C. F. Millward and Co. advise: — THE STORM. i The Storm is now due at Wanganui on ; i Saturday from southern ports via Wellington, j i After discharge she sails for Wellington. Lyt- | i lelton, Oamaru, Timaru, Dunedin and Bluff, i THE RIPA. The Ripa loads at Picton to-day. Wellington Saturday, and is due at Wanganui Mon- | ’ THE BREEZE. The Breeze loads at Oamaru to-day. Weli lington Saturday, and is due at XVangahui | j on Wednesday, 29th inst. THE CALM. The Calm loads at Lyttelton to-day. Wellington Saturday, and is due at Wanganui on ' Monday. THE GALE. The Gale loads a: Lyttelton to-day. Timaru i Saturday, thence Wellington, Picton and WanTHE CANADIAN CHALLENGER. i The Canadian Challenger loads at Welling-, t ton this week for Canada and U.S.A. Messrs S. Holm and Co. advise: — THE HOLMDALE. The Holmdale loads in Dunedin < n Monday, ' Oamaru and Timaru Tuesday, Lyttelton We i- • 1 nesday. Wellington Thursday, and is due here about Friday. THE JOHN. The John is due here to-day from Havelock I v. ith timber, and sail- to-morrow direct for ■ j Lyttelton. THE PROGRESS. I'he Progr?>s L due here on Tuesday from • Messrs Johnston and Co. advise: — THE INVERCARGILI . The Invercargill vas delayed in Welling’>»n vesU-Tday by rain, and is now’ expected to . in an appearance to-day from that port, i THE ARA PAW A. • I The Arapawn is due at this port on Mon- | i dav from Onehunga. ; ’ THE TEKOA. ! Loading operations on the Tekoa were sus- ; j pended yesterday on account of the rain, and j ' the v* ss**l' - departure for Lyttelton has been ' j postponed until to-morrow. THE KOSMOS. ; M. s.-.r; A. Hatrick and Co. Ltd., have rc-I j .advice that the Kosmos is at the pros- | ••nt iinie loading in 2®-w York for Wanganui, j and i.- due to -ail from there on August 1. j ! KI APEHIT FOR U.S.A. AND ENGLAND- , , l'u“ a’ New Plymouth yesterday from Lyt- , , ‘eltor.. the steamer Ruapehu will continue her . , loading for U.S.A, and West of England j :nd< agency of the Federal S.N. | Company. She leaves New Plymouth early j ' ■ »r Wringan-ii. thence Wellington (July 2.S to. I August li. Naj ier. Gisborne, and Auckland, i i !•> complete Pwling. and is scheduled to clear , i the las’-mentiop.rd j .>ri on August 10 for New 1 ! Yori , Boston, and West of England ports. ! THE MtDDI.EHAM CASTLE. The >team< ■ Middie'iam Castle was to leave j Auckland for Napier and Wellington to con‘.•‘•je her discharge of New York cargo. She' due at Wellington on Monday next and 1 • late’ in t.'ie week for Lyttelton. Dun-, l ..r. and W anganui to complete discharge ; I MATATUA'S ITINERARY. Now ompleting her discharge of Liverpool | cargo at Port Chalmers, the steamer Matatua ■ leaves to-xlay for loading at Oamaru. thence ! Timaru. Port Chalmers. Lyttelton and We!- , lington. She is due at Wellington on Aug- i u : 11 and sails finally from that port on | August L'n f< )t London, via Monte Video and ; T-ne rille. KIA ORA SAILED. j t The Kia Ora left Wellington on Wednesday I I tor Bluff, where she completes loading and I j .-.ail' finally on July 28 for London, via Monte I ' \ i<ieo and Teneriffe. j WAI MAN A FROM LONDON. j I The .-ieamer Wairnana arrived at Napier ! xc -erday from .Auckland to continue her dis- | ; charge <>f London cargo. She later proceed; | i<> Dunedin, thence Bluff, to complete dis- j • iiarge and t<» load for U.S.A, and London, j afterward- filling up at. Lyttelton, Wellington ' i August II to August P'), Napier, Waikokopu, I i Gisborne, and Auckland. She is expected It, ' I clear Auckland finally on September 4 for ! ’ London, via New York and Boston. NEWCASTLE COAL TRADE. The Kaitoke leaves Wellington to-morrow I fo, Newcastle to load for New Zealand. The Kaiwarra was to clear Auckland on ■ Wednesday evening for Newcastle, to load for ; The Koromiko sails from Newcastle to-mor- I rov for New Plymouth. Nelson, and Picton. j The Waimarino. from Newcastle, is due at Bluff on Sunday. Th,- W'aitemata leaves Auckland to-morrou | for Newcastle, to load for Auckland again. | ISLAND STEAMERS. The Tofu:., en route from .Auckland, arrived at Su a a’ 3.3<» p.m. on AVednesday. and -ailed again ar 4 p.m. yesterday for Tonga, The Kurow, taking general cargo, is sche<l>il*wf, ... lea.<- Sydney on July 29 for Fiji and RIG REPAIR JOB. Again-* comjietition from Dutch, besides t,t : . ■ British ship-repairers, the contract for repairing the Ellerman’s Hall Line stecmer < ‘ v of Rangoon was secured bv Mes. rs W r il-i Lan. Gray and C Ltd. The job wa • exe-| cuted at ihr firm’< new dry dock at Gray-I thorpe. Seat or.-on-Tees. and. it i- understood, ■.r;. - employment to a large of workmen. I'hc vessel was extensivi ! damaged I and leu l uge steel plates recti’- rr r.- ving, I • venty -hell r lates fairing and i ir.g. and ' • '< ] '< >*••- fairing in place, tieo- . .-r wi'h a| greet d«»-,| of internal work. The shell plates I 'waJ, with weighed two and a quarter ton-! I LMRER CARRIERS SOLD. I’urnerly v -II known in the lumber trade 1 l«»twceu Sydney and Puget Sound, a number ] , -ailing es.-els have been sold in cunnec- | jtion with the fishing industry on the Pacific ’ I < uast. The four-masted schooner Fullerton, i • ' “G 4»-"has been purchased by Hans Mon-: -’ad. who has also bought the four-masted ; harqiiimine Lahaina, 991 tons. Both these v-r<se!s vil l-e conlverted into fishing barges. ; I he masted schooner Rosamond. 959 tons, | has been sold to the North American Fisher- | ies. of Seattle, for fi.'.u.i dollars. The f<,ur- . masted schooner Sophie Cluistensen, .'7O tons, , i= to be converted into a floating eennery. BRITISH SHIPS FROM GERMANY. I R'U'iy 'g to an inuuiry in the House of ( ' ‘jug . t.o h i ,mlw»r nf British si ips I : huih in German yard'-, sine Ip’u and their I ’ gross tonn.-ge. Sir Phillip Cunliffe-Lister said ’ •'•■ numl'f I'pcrted up to Mav !ti was seten. • with a gro-s tonnage of 1.i.5?..', while five ,y n an/.iy. their total tonnage • ’-Hig 11 T<.nc gross. In sildition. fivrbuilt in (lemony . :r: o ] .1). and orc j y tnnr . built in Dan- I ■ " in I l ' .’' i.-ive been ;r-nsferred to the Bri- j , tish flag on purchase from the German owners. I | TER SON AT,. V T. H. Miller •< ,n.-i ;hc Katoa nn Wed- I : • -••. • G- -• tr-. v.hJe Mr. R. Mu-.lov. I ! ■ ■ *r of the vessel, left, and Mr. G. Dickson Mr. R. I-red*-rick son h-*s ' . ned the Maori as * :->i-t.ant purser. Mr. G. Dickson. I WI THIN WIRELESS RANGE. Vic!Jan<i: Min. Hautaki. A'twa. H.MS j '.‘■u.edin. H M.S. Laburnum. H M.S. V.-ronicaJ 1 U ,o v r «- K - Wairnana. We •f. u „ la . M>d- . I .-hum f istic. Kaimannwn, Wbar.gape. I •<‘~ l -«i:i. Ka':<f»ui. P-olt ; Ventura. Kaikornf i . Will --ton. Tugcln. T.-fu;:, I I tifti’iitm Islands : Do-ct. Wellington: M-.ori, Mnraro.i. Ara. THh I ‘ ti - Canadian < halP-ngcr. KtKtoa. For; Melbourn". Kia Ora. Gnrna ’ lon ?Pe! l'\ Waiwera ’ Uhysa, Karon', j Awarua: ( orneru-, Karetu. P'-nmorvah, WaiI tomo. Kaitangata. Kaituna, Doonholm. WaiI ma rino. | INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. Maunganui. from Sydney, arrived at Anck- • 1 nd Jiiy 21 • sails from Auckland to-<lay •• for Sydney ; due Sydney July 28. Ulimnroa. from Auckland.' arrived at Syd--14 ’ departure for New Zealand now ,r,dr unite. • Mae.aki, from Wellington, arrived at Syd-<-ty July 21 : sails from Sydney to-day for i Auckland ; due Auckland July 28.

TIDLS AND SUN. — High water Sun. Sutitt, m. i >. m. r’*<* IC<. July 24 . 11.19 7.2;’. 4.49 J uly ’’n o. :: o.25 7 2 ' 4.-So July 26 . <»..<! I. .7 7 ’*0 4..71 July 07 1.2" 1. -19 7J9 4.-72 July 2R 7.19 4.53 7’liv 30 * 4. 1 4.-70 7.17 4.55 July 31 . 5.26 6. S 7.16 4.56

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXII, Issue 19366, 24 July 1925, Page 8

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SHIPPING Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXII, Issue 19366, 24 July 1925, Page 8

SHIPPING Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXII, Issue 19366, 24 July 1925, Page 8